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2023-12-02 10:57:23 +08:00
### setting
- `Allow Implicit Grant` a way to return token directly to client, you can google it
- `Enforce State Validation` `state` must be provided
- `Require Exact Redirect URI` url in `redirect_uri` should be exactly the same as the one of client
- `Access Token Lifetime`
### create a client
#### instructions
- `Name` name of client
- `Description` description of client
- `Icon` icon of client, optional
- `Homepage` homepage of client, optional
- `Redirect URI` redirect uri of client, required, multiple uri should be separated by space (not recommended)
- `Scopes` optional (don't fill it if you don't know)
- `Grant Types` optional (don't fill it if you don't know)
- `Client ID` and `Client Secret` used for client authentication, generated automatically, don't share it with others
### set scope for your resources ( is default scope)
most people only need `` scope, if you need more, you can add it here (maybe you need to know something about OAuth scope first)
#### instructions
- `Scope ID` unique identifier of scope, used for distinguish, you can refer to `Github` scope
- `Resource Path` resource path of scope
- `Request Method` request method of resource path, usually `GET`
- `Default` if checked, this scope will be added even if it's not in `scope` parameter
- `Name` name of scope, used for display
- `Description` description of scope, used for display, you can use `{user}` `{client_name}` variable to represent user and client name
- `Icon` support `FontAwesome` icon and normal image
### uri
#### authorize
| param | description | required | default | example |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| client_id | client id | yes | none | 123456 |
| response_type | grant type | yes | none | code or token |
| redirect_uri | redirect uri | yes | client redirect uri | |
| scope | scope | no | none | |
| state | state | no | none | 123456 |
#### token
| param | description | required | default | example |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| client_id | client id | yes | none | 123456 |
| client_secret | client secret | yes | none | 123456 |
| grant_type | grant type | yes | none | authorization_code or refresh_token |
| code | authorization code | required when grant type is authorization_code | none | 123456 |
| refresh_token | refresh token | required when grant type is refresh_token | none | 123456 |
| redirect_uri | redirect uri | required when grant type is authorization_code | client redirect uri | |
Payload: client_id=123456&client_secret=123456&grant_type=authorization_code&code=123456&redirect_uri=
### resource
| param | description | required | default | example |
| --- |--------------|-----|---------| --- |
| access_token | access token | yes | none | 123456 |
### example
### do it as normal OAuth client
### get access token after authorized
### using token to access resources (get or header)