function player.GetAllActive() local t = {} for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if not pl:IsSpectator() then t[#t + 1] = pl end end return t end function player.GetAllSpectators() local t = {} for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:IsSpectator() then t[#t + 1] = pl end end return t end function FindStartingItem(id) if not id then return end local t local num = tonumber(id) if num then t = GAMEMODE.Items[num] else for i, tab in pairs(GAMEMODE.Items) do if tab.Signature == id then t = tab break end end end if t and t.WorthShop then return t end end function FindItem(id) if not id then return end local t local num = tonumber(id) if num then t = GAMEMODE.Items[num] else for i, tab in pairs(GAMEMODE.Items) do if tab.Signature == id then t = tab break end end end return t end function TrueVisible(posa, posb, filter) local filt = ents.FindByClass("projectile_*") filt = table.Add(filt, player.GetAll()) if filter then filt[#filt + 1] = filter end return not util.TraceLine({start = posa, endpos = posb, filter = filt, mask = MASK_SHOT}).Hit end function TrueVisibleFilters(posa, posb, ...) local filt = ents.FindByClass("projectile_*") filt = table.Add(filt, player.GetAll()) if ... ~= nil then for k, v in pairs({...}) do filt[#filt + 1] = v end end return not util.TraceLine({start = posa, endpos = posb, filter = filt, mask = MASK_SHOT}).Hit end MASK_SHOT_OPAQUE = bit.bor(MASK_SHOT, CONTENTS_OPAQUE) -- Literally if photon particles can reach point b from point a. function LightVisible(posa, posb, ...) local filter = {} if ... ~= nil then for k, v in pairs({...}) do filter[#filter + 1] = v end end return not util.TraceLine({start = posa, endpos = posb, mask = MASK_SHOT_OPAQUE, filter = filter}).Hit end function WorldVisible(posa, posb) return not util.TraceLine({start = posa, endpos = posb, mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY}).Hit end function ValidFunction(ent, funcname, ...) if ent and ent:IsValid() and ent[funcname] then return ent[funcname](ent, ...) end end function CosineInterpolation(y1, y2, mu) local mu2 = (1 - math.cos(mu * math.pi)) / 2 return y1 * (1 - mu2) + y2 * mu2 end function string.AndSeparate(list) local length = #list if length <= 0 then return "" end if length == 1 then return list[1] end if length == 2 then return list[1].." and "..list[2] end return table.concat(list, ", ", 1, length - 1)..", and "..list[length] end function util.SkewedDistance(a, b, skew) if a.z > b.z then return math.sqrt((b.x - a.x) ^ 2 + (b.y - a.y) ^ 2 + ((a.z - b.z) * skew) ^ 2) end return a:Distance(b) end function util.Blood(pos, amount, dir, force, noprediction) local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(pos) effectdata:SetMagnitude(amount) effectdata:SetNormal(dir) effectdata:SetScale(math.max(128, force)) util.Effect("bloodstream", effectdata, nil, noprediction) end -- I had to make this since the default function checks visibility vs. the entitiy's center and not the nearest position. function util.BlastDamageEx(inflictor, attacker, epicenter, radius, damage, damagetype) local filter = inflictor for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(epicenter, radius)) do if ent and ent:IsValid() then local nearest = ent:NearestPoint(epicenter) if TrueVisibleFilters(epicenter, nearest, inflictor, ent) then ent:TakeSpecialDamage(((radius - nearest:Distance(epicenter)) / radius) * damage, damagetype, attacker, inflictor, nearest) end end end end function util.BlastDamage2(inflictor, attacker, epicenter, radius, damage) util.BlastDamageEx(inflictor, attacker, epicenter, radius, damage, DMG_BLAST) end function util.FindValidInSphere(pos, radius) local ret = {} for _, ent in pairs(util.FindInSphere(pos, radius)) do if ent and ent:IsValid() then ret[#ret + 1] = ent end end return ret end function util.PoisonBlastDamage(inflictor, attacker, epicenter, radius, damage, noreduce) local filter = inflictor for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(epicenter, radius)) do if ent and ent:IsValid() then local nearest = ent:NearestPoint(epicenter) if TrueVisibleFilters(epicenter, nearest, inflictor, ent) then ent:PoisonDamage(((radius - nearest:Distance(epicenter)) / radius) * damage, attacker, inflictor, nil, noreduce) end end end end function util.ToMinutesSeconds(seconds) local minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60) seconds = seconds - minutes * 60 return string.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, math.floor(seconds)) end function util.ToMinutesSecondsMilliseconds(seconds) local minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60) seconds = seconds - minutes * 60 local milliseconds = math.floor(seconds % 1 * 100) return string.format("%02d:%02d.%02d", minutes, math.floor(seconds), milliseconds) end function util.RemoveAll(class) for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass(class)) do ent:Remove() end end local function TooNear(spawn, tab, dist) local spawnpos = spawn:GetPos() for _, ent in pairs(tab) do if ent:GetPos():Distance(spawnpos) <= dist then return true end end return false end function team.GetSpawnPointGrouped(teamid, dist) dist = dist or 200 local tab = {} local spawns = team.GetSpawnPoint(teamid) for _, spawn in pairs(spawns) do if not TooNear(spawn, tab, dist) then table.insert(tab, spawn) end end return tab end function AccessorFuncDT(tab, membername, type, id) local emeta = FindMetaTable("Entity") local setter = emeta["SetDT"..type] local getter = emeta["GetDT"..type] tab["Set"..membername] = function(me, val) setter(me, id, val) end tab["Get"..membername] = function(me) return getter(me, id) end end function team.GetValidSpawnPoint(teamid) local t = {} local spawns = team.GetSpawnPoint(teamid) if spawns then for _, ent in pairs(spawns) do if ent:IsValid() then t[#t + 1] = ent end end end return t end function timer.SimpleEx(delay, action, ...) if ... == nil then timer.Simple(delay, action) else local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k = ... timer.Simple(delay, function() action(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) end) end end function timer.CreateEx(timername, delay, repeats, action, ...) if ... == nil then timer.Create(timername, delay, repeats, action) else local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k = ... timer.Create(timername, delay, repeats, function() action(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) end) end end function ents.CreateLimited(class, limit) if #ents.FindByClass(class) >= (limit or 200) then return NULL end return ents.Create(class) end function tonumbersafe(a) local n = tonumber(a) if n then if n == 0 or n < 0 or n > 0 then return n end -- NaN! return 0 end return nil end