local meta = FindMetaTable("Entity") if not meta then return end function meta:GetDefaultBarricadeHealth() local mass = 2 if self._OriginalMass then mass = self._OriginalMass else local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() then mass = phys:GetMass() end end return math.Clamp(mass * GAMEMODE.BarricadeHealthMassFactor + self:GetVolume() * GAMEMODE.BarricadeHealthVolumeFactor, GAMEMODE.BarricadeHealthMin, GAMEMODE.BarricadeHealthMax) end function meta:HitFence(data, phys) local pos = phys:GetPos() local vel = data.OurOldVelocity local endpos = data.HitPos + vel:GetNormalized() if util.TraceLine({start = pos, endpos = endpos, mask = MASK_SOLID, filter = self}).Hit and not util.TraceLine({start = pos, endpos = endpos, mask = MASK_SHOT, filter = self}).Hit then -- Essentially hit a fence or passable object. self:SetPos(data.HitPos) phys:SetPos(data.HitPos) phys:SetVelocityInstantaneous(vel) return true end return false end function meta:GhostAllPlayersInMe(timeout, allowrepeat) if not allowrepeat then if self.GhostedBefore then return end self.GhostedBefore = true end local ent = ents.Create("point_propnocollide") if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(self:GetPos()) ent:Spawn() if timeout then ent:SetTimeOut(CurTime() + timeout) end ent:SetTeam(TEAM_HUMAN) ent:SetProp(self) end end local function SortItems(a, b) if a.CleanupPriority == b.CleanupPriority then return a.Created < b.Created end return a.CleanupPriority < b.CleanupPriority end local function CheckItemCreated(self) if not self:IsValid() or self.PlacedInMap then return end local tab = {} for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_ammo")) do if not ent.PlacedInMap then table.insert(tab, ent) end end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_weapon")) do if not ent.PlacedInMap then table.insert(tab, ent) end end if #tab > GAMEMODE.MaxDroppedItems then table.sort(tab, SortItems) for i = 1, GAMEMODE.MaxDroppedItems do tab[i]:Remove() end end end function meta:ItemCreated() self.Created = self.Created or CurTime() timer.Simple(0, function() CheckItemCreated(self) end) end function meta:FireOutput(outpt, activator, caller, args) local intab = self[outpt] if intab then for key, tab in pairs(intab) do for __, subent in pairs(self:FindByNameHammer(tab.entityname, activator, caller)) do local delay = tonumber(tab.delay) if delay == nil or delay <= 0 then subent:Input(tab.input, activator, caller, tab.args) else local inp = tab.input local args = tab.args timer.Simple(delay, function() if subent:IsValid() then subent:Input(inp, activator, caller, args) end end) end end end end end function meta:AddOnOutput(key, value) self[key] = self[key] or {} local tab = string.Explode(",", value) table.insert(self[key], {entityname=tab[1], input=tab[2], args=tab[3], delay=tab[4], reps=tab[5]}) end function meta:FindByNameHammer(name, activator, caller) if name == "!self" then return {self} end if name == "!activator" then return {activator} end if name == "!caller" then return {caller} end return ents.FindByName(name) end function meta:IsNailed() if self:IsValid() and self.Nails then -- In case we're the world. for _, nail in pairs(self.Nails) do if nail and nail:IsValid() and (nail:GetAttachEntity() == self or nail:GetBaseEntity() == self) then return true end end end return false end function meta:IsNailedToWorld(hierarchy) if self:IsNailed() then for _, nail in pairs(self.Nails) do if nail:GetAttachEntity():IsWorld() then return true end end end if hierarchy then for _, ent in pairs(self:GetAllConstrainedEntities()) do if ent ~= self and ent:IsValid() and ent:IsNailedToWorld() then return true end end end return false end function meta:IsNailedToWorldHierarchy() return self:IsNailedToWorld(true) end function meta:GetNailFrozen() return self.m_NailFrozen end meta.IsNailFrozen = meta.GetNailFrozen function meta:SetNailFrozen(frozen) if frozen then local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() and phys:IsMoveable() then self.m_NailFrozen = true phys:EnableMotion(false) end elseif self:IsNailFrozen() then local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() then self.m_NailFrozen = false phys:EnableMotion(true) phys:Wake() end end end function constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntitiesOrdered(ent) local allcons = constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities(ent) local tab = {} if allcons then for k, v in pairs(allcons) do table.insert(tab, v) end end return tab end function meta:GetAllConstrainedEntities() local allcons = constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntitiesOrdered(self) if not allcons or #allcons == 0 then return {self} end return allcons end function meta:PackUp(pl) if not self.CanPackUp then return end local cur = pl:GetStatus("packup") if cur and cur:IsValid() then return end local status = pl:GiveStatus("packup") if status:IsValid() then status:SetPackUpEntity(self) status:SetEndTime(CurTime() + (self.PackUpTime or 4)) if self.GetObjectOwner then local owner = self:GetObjectOwner() if owner:IsValid() and owner:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and owner ~= pl and not gamemode.Call("PlayerIsAdmin", pl) then status:SetNotOwner(true) end end end end function meta:GetPropsInContraption() local allcons = constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities(self) if not allcons or #allcons == 0 then return 1 end return #allcons end function meta:HumanNearby() for _, pl in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN)) do local plpos = pl:GetPos() if pl:Alive() and self:NearestPoint(plpos):Distance(plpos) <= 512 then return true end end end function meta:ResetLastBarricadeAttacker(attacker, dmginfo) if attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then self.m_LastDamagedByZombie = CurTime() if self:HumanNearby() then local dmg = math.ceil(dmginfo:GetDamage()) attacker.BarricadeDamage = attacker.BarricadeDamage + dmg if attacker.LifeBarricadeDamage ~= nil then attacker:AddLifeBarricadeDamage(dmg) end if attacker:GetZombieClassTable().Name == "Crow" then attacker.CrowBarricadeDamage = attacker.CrowBarricadeDamage + dmg end end end end meta.OldSetPhysicsAttacker = meta.SetPhysicsAttacker function meta:SetPhysicsAttacker(ent) if self:GetClass() == "func_physbox" and ent:IsValid() then self.PBAttacker = ent self.NPBAttacker = CurTime() + 1 end self:OldSetPhysicsAttacker(ent) end local function randomsort(a, b) return a.rand < b.rand end local function randomize(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do v.rand = math.Rand(0, 1) end table.sort(t, randomsort) end -- Return true to override default behavior. function meta:DamageNails(attacker, inflictor, damage, dmginfo) if not self:IsNailed() or self.m_NailsDontAbsorb then return end if self:GetBarricadeHealth() <= 0 then return end if not gamemode.Call("CanDamageNail", self, attacker, inflictor, damage, dmginfo) then if dmginfo then dmginfo:SetDamage(0) dmginfo:SetDamageType(DMG_BULLET) end return true end if damage < 0 then if dmginfo then dmginfo:SetDamage(0) end return true end self:ResetLastBarricadeAttacker(attacker, dmginfo) local nails = self:GetLivingNails() if #nails <= 0 then return end self:SetBarricadeHealth(self:GetBarricadeHealth() - damage) for i, nail in ipairs(nails) do nail:OnDamaged(damage, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo) end if attacker:IsPlayer() then GAMEMODE:DamageFloater(attacker, self, dmginfo) end if dmginfo then dmginfo:SetDamage(0) end if self:GetBarricadeHealth() <= 0 then if self:GetModel() ~= "" and self:GetModel() ~= "models/error.mdl" then if self:GetName() == "" and self:GetVolume() < 100 then self:Fire("break", "", 0.01) self:Fire("kill", "", 0.05) else local ent = ents.Create("env_propbroken") if ent:IsValid() then ent:Spawn() ent:AttachTo(self) end end end for _, nail in pairs(nails) do self:RemoveNail(nail) end end return true end function meta:GetNails() local tab = {} if self.Nails then for _, nail in pairs(self.Nails) do if nail and nail:IsValid() then table.insert(tab, nail) end end end return tab end function meta:GetLivingNails() local tab = {} if self.Nails then for _, nail in pairs(self.Nails) do if nail and nail:IsValid() and nail:GetNailHealth() > 0 then table.insert(tab, nail) end end end return tab end function meta:GetFirstNail() if self.Nails then for i, nail in ipairs(self.Nails) do if nail and nail:IsValid() and not nail:GetAttachEntity():IsValid() then return nail end end for i, nail in ipairs(self.Nails) do if nail and nail:IsValid() then return nail end end end end local function GetNailOwner(nail, filter) for _, ent in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if ent ~= filter and ent.Nails then for __, n in pairs(ent.Nails) do if n == nail then return ent end end end end return game.GetWorld() end function meta:RemoveNail(nail, dontremoveentity, removedby) if not self:IsNailed() then return end if not nail then nail = self:GetFirstNail() end if not nail or not nail:IsValid() then return end local cons = nail:GetNailConstraint() local othernails = 0 for _, othernail in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_nail")) do if othernail ~= nail and othernail:GetNailConstraint():IsValid() and othernail:GetNailConstraint() == cons then othernails = othernails + 1 end end -- Only remove the constraint if it's the last nail. if othernails == 0 and cons:IsValid() then cons:Remove() end local ent2 = GetNailOwner(nail, self) for i, n in ipairs(self.Nails) do if n == nail then table.remove(self.Nails, i) break end end if ent2 and ent2.Nails then for i, n in ipairs(ent2.Nails) do if n == nail then table.remove(ent2.Nails, i) ent2:TemporaryBarricadeObject() break end end end self:TemporaryBarricadeObject() gamemode.Call("OnNailRemoved", nail, self, ent2, removedby) if not dontremoveentity then nail:Remove() nail.m_IsRemoving = true end return true end