include("shared.lua") SWEP.PrintName = "'Aegis' Barricade Kit" SWEP.Description = "A ready-to-go, all-in-one board deployer.\nIt automatically deploys the board and then firmly attaches it to almost any surface.\nUse PRIMARY FIRE to deploy boards.\nUse SECONADRY FIRE and RELOAD to rotate the board.\nA ghost of the board shows you if placement is valid or not." SWEP.DrawCrosshair = false SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 70 SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false SWEP.Slot = 4 SWEP.SlotPos = 0 function SWEP:DrawHUD() if GetConVarNumber("crosshair") ~= 1 then return end self:DrawCrosshairDot() end function SWEP:Deploy() self.IdleAnimation = CurTime() + self:SequenceDuration() return true end function SWEP:GetViewModelPosition(pos, ang) return pos, ang end function SWEP:DrawWeaponSelection(...) return self:BaseDrawWeaponSelection(...) end function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() end function SWEP:Think() if self.Owner:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) then self:RotateGhost(FrameTime() * 60) end if self.Owner:KeyDown(IN_RELOAD) then self:RotateGhost(FrameTime() * -60) end end local nextclick = 0 local kityaw = CreateClientConVar("zs_barricadekityaw", 90, false, true) function SWEP:RotateGhost(amount) if nextclick <= RealTime() then surface.PlaySound("npc/headcrab_poison/ph_step4.wav") nextclick = RealTime() + 0.3 end RunConsoleCommand("zs_barricadekityaw", math.NormalizeAngle(kityaw:GetFloat() + amount)) end