local meta = FindMetaTable("Player") function meta:FloatingScore(victim, effectname, frags, flags) if MySelf == self then gamemode.Call("FloatingScore", victim, effectname, frags, flags) end end function meta:FixModelAngles(velocity) local eye = self:EyeAngles() self:SetLocalAngles(eye) self:SetRenderAngles(eye) self:SetPoseParameter("move_yaw", math.NormalizeAngle(velocity:Angle().yaw - eye.y)) end function meta:RemoveAllStatus(bSilent, bInstant) end function meta:RemoveStatus(sType, bSilent, bInstant, sExclude) end function meta:HasWon() return self:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and self:GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING end function meta:GetStatus(sType) local ent = self["status_"..sType] if ent and ent:GetOwner() == self then return ent end end function meta:GiveStatus(sType, fDie) end function meta:KnockDown(time) end local ViewHullMins = Vector(-8, -8, -8) local ViewHullMaxs = Vector(8, 8, 8) function meta:GetThirdPersonCameraPos(origin, angles) local allplayers = player.GetAll() local tr = util.TraceHull({start = origin, endpos = origin + angles:Forward() * -math.max(36, self:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and self:GetZombieClassTable().CameraDistance or self:BoundingRadius()), mask = MASK_SHOT, filter = allplayers, mins = ViewHullMins, maxs = ViewHullMaxs}) return tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 3 end function meta:IsFriend() return self.m_IsFriend end timer.Create("checkfriend", 5, 0, function() -- This probably isn't the fastest function in the world so I cache it. for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do pl.m_IsFriend = pl:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" end end) if not meta.SetGroundEntity then function meta:SetGroundEntity(ent) end end if not meta.Kill then function meta:Kill() end end if not meta.HasWeapon then function meta:HasWeapon(class) for _, wep in pairs(self:GetWeapons()) do if wep:GetClass() == class then return true end end return false end end function meta:SetMaxHealth(num) self:SetDTInt(0, math.ceil(num)) end meta.OldGetMaxHealth = FindMetaTable("Entity").GetMaxHealth function meta:GetMaxHealth() return self:GetDTInt(0) end function meta:DoHulls(classid, teamid) teamid = teamid or self:Team() classid = classid or self:GetZombieClass() if teamid == TEAM_UNDEAD then self:SetIK(false) local classtab = GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[classid] if classtab then if classtab.ModelScale then self:SetModelScale(classtab.ModelScale, 0) elseif self:GetModelScale() ~= DEFAULT_MODELSCALE then self:SetModelScale(DEFAULT_MODELSCALE, 0) end if not classtab.Hull or not classtab.HullDuck then self:ResetHull() end if classtab.ViewOffset then self:SetViewOffset(classtab.ViewOffset) elseif self:GetViewOffset() ~= DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET then self:SetViewOffset(DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET) end if classtab.ViewOffsetDucked then self:SetViewOffsetDucked(classtab.ViewOffsetDucked) elseif self:GetViewOffsetDucked() ~= DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET_DUCKED then self:SetViewOffsetDucked(DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET_DUCKED) end if classtab.HullDuck then self:SetHullDuck(classtab.HullDuck[1], classtab.HullDuck[2]) end if classtab.Hull then self:SetHull(classtab.Hull[1], classtab.Hull[2]) end if classtab.StepSize then self:SetStepSize(classtab.StepSize) elseif self:GetStepSize() ~= DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE then self:SetStepSize(DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE) end if classtab.JumpPower then self:SetJumpPower(classtab.JumpPower) elseif self:GetJumpPower() ~= DEFAULT_JUMP_POWER then self:SetJumpPower(DEFAULT_JUMP_POWER) end if classtab.Gravity then self:SetGravity(classtab.Gravity) elseif self:GetGravity() ~= 1 then self:SetGravity(1) end if classtab.ClientsideModelScale then self.ClientsideModelScale = Vector(1, 1, 1) * classtab.ClientsideModelScale local m = Matrix() m:Scale(self.ClientsideModelScale) self:EnableMatrix("RenderMultiply", m) end self.NoCollideAll = classtab.NoCollideAll or (classtab.ModelScale or 1) ~= DEFAULT_MODELSCALE --self.NoCollideInside = classtab.NoCollideInside or (classtab.ModelScale or 1) ~= DEFAULT_MODELSCALE self.AllowTeamDamage = classtab.AllowTeamDamage self.NeverAlive = classtab.NeverAlive self.KnockbackScale = classtab.KnockbackScale local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() then phys:SetMass(classtab.Mass or DEFAULT_MASS) end end else self:SetIK(true) self:SetModelScale(DEFAULT_MODELSCALE, 0) self:ResetHull() self:SetViewOffset(DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET) self:SetViewOffsetDucked(DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET_DUCKED) self:SetStepSize(DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE) self:SetJumpPower(DEFAULT_JUMP_POWER) self:SetGravity(1) if self.ClientsideModelScale then self.ClientsideModelScale = nil self:DisableMatrix("RenderMultiply") end self.NoCollideAll = nil --self.NoCollideInside = nil self.AllowTeamDamage = nil self.NeverAlive = nil self.KnockbackScale = nil local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() then phys:SetMass(DEFAULT_MASS) end end end function meta:GivePenalty(amount) surface.PlaySound("ambient/alarms/klaxon1.wav") end function meta:SetZombieClass(cl) self:CallZombieFunction0("SwitchedAway") local classtab = GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[cl] if classtab then self.Class = classtab.Index or cl self:CallZombieFunction0("SwitchedTo") end end function meta:GetRateOfPalsy(ft, frightened, health, threshold, gunsway) local healthth = health <= threshold and (((threshold - health) / threshold) * 7) or 0 return ft * ( (frightened and 14 or healthth) * (MySelf.AimShakeMul or 1) + (gunsway and (4 * (MySelf.AimSpreadMul or 1)) or 0) ) end GM.CachedResupplyAmmoType = "scrap" timer.Create("CacheResupplyAmmoType", 0.3333, 0, function() if not GAMEMODE or not MySelf or not MySelf.GetResupplyAmmoType then return end GAMEMODE.CachedResupplyAmmoType = MySelf:GetResupplyAmmoType() end) net.Receive("zs_penalty", function(length) local penalty = net.ReadUInt(16) MySelf:GivePenalty(penalty) end) net.Receive("zs_dohulls", function(length) local ent = net.ReadEntity() local classid = net.ReadUInt(8) local is_zombie = net.ReadBool() if ent:IsValid() then ent:DoHulls(classid, is_zombie and TEAM_UNDEAD or TEAM_HUMAN) end end) net.Receive("zs_zclass", function(length) local ent = net.ReadEntity() local id = net.ReadUInt(8) if ent:IsValidPlayer() then ent:SetZombieClass(id) end end) net.Receive("zs_floatscore", function(length) local victim = net.ReadEntity() local effectname = net.ReadString() local frags = net.ReadInt(24) local flags = net.ReadUInt(8) if victim and victim:IsValid() then MySelf:FloatingScore(victim, effectname, frags, flags) end end) net.Receive("zs_floatscore_vec", function(length) local pos = net.ReadVector() local effectname = net.ReadString() local frags = net.ReadInt(24) local flags = net.ReadUInt(8) MySelf:FloatingScore(pos, effectname, frags, flags) end)