CLASS.Base = "boss_shade" CLASS.Name = "Frost Shade" CLASS.TranslationName = "class_frostshade" CLASS.Description = "description_frostshade" CLASS.Help = "controls_frostshade" CLASS.Boss = true CLASS.Health = 1500 CLASS.Speed = 170 CLASS.Points = 30 CLASS.SWEP = "weapon_zs_frostshade" CLASS.ResistFrost = true CLASS.Model = Model("models/player/zombie_fast.mdl") local math_cos = math.cos local math_abs = math.abs local math_Clamp = math.Clamp local CurTime = CurTime function CLASS:ScalePlayerDamage(pl, hitgroup, dmginfo) if not dmginfo:IsBulletDamage() then return true end if hitgroup == HITGROUP_LEFTLEG or hitgroup == HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG or hitgroup == HITGROUP_GEAR or hitgroup == HITGROUP_GENERIC then dmginfo:SetDamage(0) dmginfo:ScaleDamage(0) end return true end function CLASS:IgnoreLegDamage(pl, dmginfo) return true end function CLASS:OnKilled(pl, attacker, inflictor, suicide, headshot, dmginfo, assister) if SERVER then local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(pl:WorldSpaceCenter()) effectdata:SetNormal(pl:GetUp()) effectdata:SetEntity(pl) util.Effect("death_shade", effectdata, nil, true) end return true end if SERVER then function CLASS:OnSpawned(pl) pl:CreateAmbience("frostshadeambience") pl:SetRenderMode(RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA) end function CLASS:ProcessDamage(pl, dmginfo) if SERVER then local inflictor = dmginfo:GetInflictor() if inflictor:IsValid() and (inflictor:IsPhysicsModel() or inflictor.IsPhysbox) then return end local status = pl.status_frostshadeambience if status and status:IsValid() then status:SetLastDamaged(CurTime()) end end end function CLASS:ShadeShield(pl) local shadeshield = pl.ShadeShield local curtime = CurTime() if pl.NextShield and curtime <= pl.NextShield then return end if shadeshield and shadeshield:IsValid() then if curtime >= shadeshield:GetStateEndTime() then shadeshield:SetState(1) shadeshield:SetStateEndTime(curtime + 0.5) end elseif pl:IsOnGround() and not pl:IsPlayingTaunt() then local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and curtime > wep:GetNextPrimaryFire() and curtime > wep:GetNextSecondaryFire() then local status = pl:GiveStatus("frostshadeshield") if status and status:IsValid() then status:SetStateEndTime(curtime + 0.5) for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("env_frostshadecontrol")) do if ent:IsValid() and ent:GetOwner() == pl then ent:Remove() return end end end end end end function CLASS:AltUse(pl) self:ShadeShield(pl) end end if not CLIENT then return end CLASS.Icon = "zombiesurvival/killicons/shadev2" CLASS.IconColor = Color(0, 190, 255) local nodraw = false local matWhite = Material("models/debug/debugwhite") local matRefract = Material("models/spawn_effect") function CLASS:PreRenderEffects(pl) if render.SupportsVertexShaders_2_0() then local normal = pl:GetUp() render.EnableClipping(true) render.PushCustomClipPlane(normal, normal:Dot(pl:GetPos() + normal * 16)) end if nodraw then return end local red = 0 local status = pl.status_frostshadeambience if status and status:IsValid() then red = 1 - math_Clamp((CurTime() - status:GetLastDamaged()) * 3, 0, 1) ^ 3 end render.SetColorModulation(red, 0.7 * (1 - red), 1 - red) render.SetBlend(0.5 + math_abs(math_cos(CurTime())) ^ 2 * 0.1) render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) render.ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) end function CLASS:PostRenderEffects(pl) if render.SupportsVertexShaders_2_0() then render.PopCustomClipPlane() render.EnableClipping(false) end if nodraw then return end render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) render.SetBlend(1) render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) render.ModelMaterialOverride() if render.SupportsPixelShaders_2_0() then render.UpdateRefractTexture() matRefract:SetFloat("$refractamount", 0.01) render.ModelMaterialOverride(matRefract) nodraw = true pl:DrawModel() nodraw = false render.ModelMaterialOverride(0) end end function CLASS:PrePlayerDraw(pl) pl:RemoveAllDecals() self:PreRenderEffects(pl) end function CLASS:PostPlayerDraw(pl) self:PostRenderEffects(pl) end