AddCSLuaFile() local weapon_meta = FindMetaTable([[Weapon]]) weapon_meta.EngineSendWeaponAnim = weapon_meta.EngineSendWeaponAnim or weapon_meta.SendWeaponAnim function weapon_meta:SendWeaponAnim(anim) if self.IsSilenced then if anim == ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK then anim = ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK_SILENCED elseif anim == ACT_VM_RELOAD then anim = ACT_VM_RELOAD_SILENCED elseif anim == ACT_VM_DRYFIRE then anim = ACT_VM_DRYFIRE_SILENCED elseif anim == ACT_VM_IDLE then anim = ACT_VM_IDLE_SILENCED elseif anim == ACT_VM_DRAW then anim = ACT_VM_DRAW_SILENCED end end return self:EngineSendWeaponAnim(anim) end hook.Add("Initialize", "ZESM Init SH", function() GAMEMODE.ZombieEscapeWeapons = {"weapon_zs_zedeagle"} local deagle = weapons.GetStored("weapon_zs_zedeagle") if deagle then deagle.PrintName = "'SOCOM' Mark 23" deagle.IsSilenced = true deagle.ViewModel = "models/weapons/cstrike/c_pist_usp.mdl" deagle.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_pist_usp_silencer.mdl" deagle.IronSightsPos = Vector(-5.9, 12, 2.3) deagle.HUD3DBone = "v_weapon.USP_Slide" deagle.Primary.Sound = Sound("Weapon_USP.SilencedShot") deagle.Primary.ClipSize = 12 deagle.Primary.Damage = 195 deagle.Primary.Delay = 0.18 function deagle:Deploy() self:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_DRAW) return self.BaseClass.Deploy(self) end end GAMEMODE.RandomPlayerModels = { "male11", "male16", "male18", } GAMEMODE.PlayerSpawnO = GAMEMODE.PlayerSpawnO or GAMEMODE.PlayerSpawn or function()end function GAMEMODE:PlayerSpawn(p) GAMEMODE:PlayerSpawnO(p) if p:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then p:SelectRandomPlayerModel() else p:SetModel("models/player/arctic.mdl") end end GAMEMODE.WaveZeroLength = 0 end) if SERVER then local function boundcheck(a1, a2, b1, b2) if a1 > a2 then local swap = a1 a1 = a2 a2 = swap end if b1 > b2 then local swap = b1 b1 = b2 b2 = swap end if a2 < b1 then return false end if b2 < a1 then return false end return true end local function intersect_boxes(amin, amax, bmin, bmax) return boundcheck(amin.x, amax.x, bmin.x, bmax.x) and boundcheck(amin.y, amax.y, bmin.y, bmax.y) and boundcheck(amin.z, amax.z, bmin.z, bmax.z) end local psyfirstpos, psylastpos, spawnfirstpos, spawnlastpos local hurt_spawntop = {Vector(-1652, -12925, 2019), Vector(-1636, -13288, 2093)} local hurt_spawnmid = {Vector(-2148, -12924, 671), Vector(-1600, -13500, 726)} local hurt_spawnbotfloor = {Vector(-2243, -12739, -360), Vector(-1594, -13397, -239)} local hurt_spawnbotedge = {Vector(-2171, -13349, -56), Vector(-1631, -13374, 307)} local hurt_psyuptop = {Vector(-470, 752, 2484), Vector(-687, 528, 2507)} local hurt_psyupdoor = {Vector(-448, 538, 2420), Vector(-683, 585, 2328)} local hurt_psydownfloor = {Vector(-686, 510, 1838), Vector(-459, 759, 1817)} local hurt_psydowndoor = {Vector(-450, 527, 1870), Vector(-702, 558, 1957)} local function dynhurts() local t = {} local spawnelev = ents.GetMapCreatedEntity(1328) if IsValid(spawnelev) then local spawnpos = spawnelev:GetPos() if not spawnfirstpos then spawnfirstpos = spawnpos end if spawnpos == spawnlastpos and spawnfirstpos ~= spawnpos then if spawnpos.z > 800 then t[#t+1] = hurt_spawntop elseif spawnpos.z > 650 then t[#t+1] = hurt_spawnmid else if spawnpos.z < 0 then t[#t+1] = hurt_spawnbotfloor end t[#t+1] = hurt_spawnbotedge end end spawnlastpos = spawnpos end local psyelev = ents.GetMapCreatedEntity(1263) if IsValid(psyelev) then local psypos = psyelev:GetPos() if not psyfirstpos then psyfirstpos = psypos end if psypos == psylastpos and psyfirstpos ~= psypos then if psypos.z > 2200 then t[#t+1] = hurt_psyuptop t[#t+1] = hurt_psyupdoor else t[#t+1] = hurt_psydownfloor t[#t+1] = hurt_psydowndoor end end psylastpos = psypos end return t end timer.Create("ZESM Killer", 0.75, 0, function() local allhurts = dynhurts() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:Alive() then if v:GetPos().z < -5400 then v:Kill() end for _, t in pairs(allhurts) do local a, b = v:WorldSpaceAABB() if intersect_boxes(a, b, t[1], t[2]) then v:TakeSpecialDamage(math.ceil(v:GetMaxHealth()/5), DMG_CRUSH) end end end end end) local zonedefault = {Vector(), Vector(), Vector(-2236, -14527, -49), "Space"} local zones = { -- min, max, spawn, name zonedefault, {Vector(-6173, -4094, -4177), Vector(-1627, 4918, 60), Vector(-3832, 3769, -3703), "METAL GEAR"}, {Vector(-6074, 4325, -3822), Vector(-2375, 10834, 1473), Vector(-2761, 10230, 608), "Killevators"}, {Vector(-4850, 10248, 351), Vector(-544, 13098, 1615), Vector(-1266, 12319, 1095), "Spacewalk"}, {Vector(-2430, 11897, 1560), Vector(4212, 16203, 2778), Vector(3370, 12979, 1719), "Warehouses"}, {Vector(654, 10363, 1660), Vector(2219, 12232, 9120), Vector(1414, 11466, 8256), "Tower 2"}, {Vector(480, 8465, 1564), Vector(2650, 10419, 9116), Vector(1597, 8558, 1904), "Tower 1"}, {Vector(-1525, 2717, 1640), Vector(2706, 8769, 2723), Vector(1477, 3124, 1712), "Maze"}, {Vector(-1531, 1714, 1714), Vector(-36, 3218, 2165), Vector(-893, 1865, 1774), "Psycho"}, {Vector(-1653, -1033, 1683), Vector(814, 1864, 2070), Vector(-86, 821, 1774), "Prison"}, {Vector(-1538, -1962, 2069), Vector(862, 1469, 2880), Vector(-121, -1015, 2231), "Elevator Room"}, {Vector(-977, -5671, 2040), Vector(1450, -1609, 3102), Vector(-150, -4825, 2100), "Snow"}, {Vector(-2310, -7805, 1920), Vector(1986, -5327, 3066), Vector(-1545, -6457, 2356), "Storage Room"}, {Vector(-3460, -13467, 1960), Vector(2737, -7519, 3743), Vector(-2792, -10632, 2103), "Hind"}, {Vector(-2988, -15962, -729), Vector(-905, -12809, 2795), Vector(-2236, -14527, -49), "Spawn"}, zonedefault } for k, t in ipairs(zones) do t.min = t[1] t.max = t[2] t.spawnpos = t[3] = t[4] = k = {} t.prev = zones[k+1] or zonedefault end local function plyzone(p) for k, z in ipairs(zones) do if p:GetPos():WithinAABox(z.min, z.max) then return z end end return zonedefault end timer.Create("ZESM Zoning", 0.2, 0, function() for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do local oldzone = p.ZESM_Zone local zone = plyzone(p) if oldzone ~= zone then p.ZESM_Zone = zone if not oldzone or < then p.ZESM_LatestZone = zone if not GAMEMODE.ZESM_LatestZone or < then GAMEMODE.ZESM_LatestZone = zone end end end end local lzonep = GAMEMODE.ZESM_LatestZone and GAMEMODE.ZESM_LatestZone.prev or zonedefault for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if lzonep ~= zonedefault and < then p:SetPos(lzonep.spawnpos) end end end) end