include("shared.lua") SWEP.PrintName = "Junk Pack" SWEP.Description = "It's simply a pack of wooden junk kept together with some duct tape.\nVery useful for making barricades when no materials are around.\nNeeds something like a hammer and nails to keep the things in place." SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 45 SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false SWEP.Slot = 4 SWEP.SlotPos = 0 function SWEP:Deploy() self.IdleAnimation = CurTime() + self:SequenceDuration() return true end function SWEP:DrawWorldModel() local owner = self.Owner if owner:IsValid() and self:GetReplicatedAmmo() > 0 then local id = owner:LookupAttachment("anim_attachment_RH") if id and id > 0 then local attch = owner:GetAttachment(id) if attch then cam.Start3D(EyePos() + (owner:GetPos() - attch.Pos + Vector(0, 0, 24)), EyeAngles()) self:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end end end end SWEP.DrawWorldModelTranslucent = SWEP.DrawWorldModel function SWEP:Initialize() self:SetDeploySpeed(1.1) end function SWEP:GetViewModelPosition(pos, ang) if self:GetPrimaryAmmoCount() <= 0 then return pos + ang:Forward() * -256, ang end return pos, ang end function SWEP:DrawWeaponSelection(...) return self:BaseDrawWeaponSelection(...) end