local trace = {mask = MASK_SHOT, mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2), maxs = Vector(2, 2, 2), filter = {}} local entitylist = {} local colTemp = Color(255, 255, 255) function GM:DrawTargetID(ent, fade) fade = fade or 1 local ts = ent:GetPos():ToScreen() local x, y = ts.x, math.Clamp(ts.y, 0, ScrH() * 0.95) colTemp.a = fade * 255 util.ColorCopy(COLOR_FRIENDLY, colTemp) local name = ent:Name() draw.SimpleTextBlur(name, "ZSHUDFontSmaller", x, y, colTemp, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) y = y + draw.GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmaller") + 4 local healthfraction = math.max(ent:Health() / (ent:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and ent:GetMaxZombieHealth() or ent:GetMaxHealth()), 0) if healthfraction ~= 1 then util.ColorCopy(0.75 <= healthfraction and COLOR_HEALTHY or 0.5 <= healthfraction and COLOR_SCRATCHED or 0.25 <= healthfraction and COLOR_HURT or COLOR_CRITICAL, colTemp) local healthdisplay = math.ceil(healthfraction * 100).."%" draw.SimpleTextBlur(healthdisplay, "ZSHUDFont", x, y, colTemp, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) y = y + draw.GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFont") + 4 end util.ColorCopy(color_white, colTemp) if ent:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then local classtab = ent:GetZombieClassTable() local classname = classtab.TranslationName and translate.Get(classtab.TranslationName) or classtab.Name if classname then draw.SimpleTextBlur(classname, "ZSHUDFontTiny", x, y, colTemp, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end else local holding = ent:GetHolding() if holding:IsValid() then local mdl = holding:GetModel() local name = string.match(mdl, ".*/(.+)%.mdl") or "object" draw.SimpleTextBlur("Carrying ["..name.."]", "ZSHUDFontTiny", x, y, colTemp, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) else local wep = ent:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() then draw.SimpleTextBlur(wep:GetPrintName(), "ZSHUDFontTiny", x, y, colTemp, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end end function GM:HUDDrawTargetID(teamid) local start = EyePos() trace.start = start trace.endpos = start + EyeAngles():Forward() * 2048 trace.filter[1] = MySelf trace.filter[2] = MySelf:GetObserverTarget() local entity = util.TraceHull(trace).Entity if entity:IsValid() and entity:IsPlayer() and entity:Team() == teamid then entitylist[entity] = CurTime() end for ent, time in pairs(entitylist) do if ent:IsValid() and not (ent:IsPlayer() and ent:Team() ~= teamid) and CurTime() < time + 2 then self:DrawTargetID(ent, 1 - math.Clamp((CurTime() - time) / 2, 0, 1)) else entitylist[ent] = nil end end end