SWEP.Base = "weapon_zs_zombie" SWEP.PrintName = "Wraith" SWEP.MeleeDelay = 0.8 SWEP.MeleeReach = 48 SWEP.MeleeSize = 4.5 SWEP.MeleeDamage = 43 SWEP.MeleeDamageType = DMG_SLASH SWEP.MeleeAnimationDelay = 0.25 SWEP.AlertDelay = 6 SWEP.Primary.Delay = 1.8 SWEP.ViewModel = Model("models/weapons/v_pza.mdl") SWEP.WorldModel = "" function SWEP:StopMoaningSound() end function SWEP:StartMoaningSound() self:GetOwner():EmitSound("zombiesurvival/wraithdeath"..math.random(4)..".ogg") end function SWEP:PlayHitSound() self:EmitSound("ambient/machines/slicer"..math.random(4)..".wav", 75, 80, nil, CHAN_AUTO) end function SWEP:PlayMissSound() self:EmitSound("npc/zombie/claw_miss"..math.random(2)..".wav", 75, 80, nil, CHAN_AUTO) end function SWEP:PlayAttackSound() self:EmitSound("npc/antlion/distract1.wav") end local function viewpunch(ent, power) if ent:IsValid() and ent:Alive() then ent:ViewPunch(Angle(math.Rand(0.75, 1) * (math.random(0, 1) == 0 and 1 or -1), math.Rand(0.75, 1) * (math.random(0, 1) == 0 and 1 or -1), math.Rand(0.75, 1) * (math.random(0, 1) == 0 and 1 or -1)) * power) end end function SWEP:DoAlert() local owner = self:GetOwner() owner:EmitSound("npc/stalker/go_alert2a.wav", 90) owner:ViewPunch(Angle(-20, 0, math.Rand(-10, 10))) owner:DoReloadEvent() owner:LagCompensation(true) local mouthpos = owner:EyePos() + owner:GetUp() * -3 local screampos = mouthpos + owner:GetAimVector() * 16 for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(screampos, 92)) do if ent and ent:IsValidHuman() then local entearpos = ent:EyePos() local dist = screampos:Distance(entearpos) if dist <= 92 and TrueVisible(entearpos, screampos) then local power = (92 / dist - 1) * 2 viewpunch(ent, power) for i=1, 5 do timer.Simple(0.15 * i, function() viewpunch(ent, power - i * 0.125) end) end end end end owner:LagCompensation(false) end util.PrecacheSound("npc/antlion/distract1.wav") util.PrecacheSound("ambient/machines/slicer1.wav") util.PrecacheSound("ambient/machines/slicer2.wav") util.PrecacheSound("ambient/machines/slicer3.wav") util.PrecacheSound("ambient/machines/slicer4.wav") util.PrecacheSound("npc/zombie/claw_miss1.wav") util.PrecacheSound("npc/zombie/claw_miss2.wav")