AddCSLuaFile() SWEP.PrintName = "'Gale Storm' SMG" SWEP.Description = "Hold right click to use the Storm firing mode: fire rate is reduced to 60% but two bullets are fired at once." SWEP.Slot = 2 SWEP.SlotPos = 0 if CLIENT then SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 50 SWEP.HUD3DBone = "v_weapon.mac10_bolt" SWEP.HUD3DPos = Vector(-1.75, 1, 0) SWEP.HUD3DAng = Angle(0, 0, 0) SWEP.HUD3DScale = 0.015 SWEP.VElements = { ["top2"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_c17/playground_teetertoter_stan.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4", rel = "top", pos = Vector(0, -1.201, -0.602), angle = Angle(180, 0, 0), size = Vector(0.057, 0.611, 0.068), color = Color(170, 170, 160, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_combine/metal_combinebridge001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["barrel"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_c17/TrapPropeller_Engine.mdl", bone = "v_weapon.mac10_parent", rel = "", pos = Vector(-0.064, -3.751, -0.304), angle = Angle(180, -90, 0), size = Vector(0.177, 0.079, 0.342), color = Color(170, 170, 160, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_combine/metal_combinebridge001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["top"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_combine/combine_train02b.mdl", bone = "v_weapon.mac10_parent", rel = "", pos = Vector(-0.178, -5.091, -1.982), angle = Angle(180, 0, 90), size = Vector(0.021, 0.009, 0.009), color = Color(170, 170, 160, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_combine/metal_combinebridge001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["laser+"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/hunter/blocks/cube075x1x025.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4", rel = "top2", pos = Vector(0, 0, 0.843), angle = Angle(90, 90, 0), size = Vector(0.023, 0.037, 0.021), color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/weapons/v_smg1/texture5", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["laser"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/hunter/blocks/cube075x1x025.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4", rel = "top2", pos = Vector(0, 0, 0.577), angle = Angle(-90, 90, 0), size = Vector(0.023, 0.037, 0.021), color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/weapons/v_smg1/texture5", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} } } SWEP.WElements = { ["top2"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_c17/playground_teetertoter_stan.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "barrel", pos = Vector(1.906, 0.238, 3.084), angle = Angle(0, 90, 90), size = Vector(0.057, 0.611, 0.068), color = Color(170, 170, 160, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_combine/metal_combinebridge001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["barrel"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_c17/TrapPropeller_Engine.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "", pos = Vector(5.876, 1.121, -3.771), angle = Angle(-91.623, -4.99, 0), size = Vector(0.177, 0.101, 0.418), color = Color(170, 170, 160, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_combine/metal_combinebridge001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["top"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_combine/combine_train02b.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "barrel", pos = Vector(1.287, 0.241, 2.313), angle = Angle(0, -90, 90), size = Vector(0.021, 0.009, 0.009), color = Color(170, 170, 160, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_combine/metal_combinebridge001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["laser+"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/hunter/blocks/cube075x1x025.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "top2", pos = Vector(0, 0, 0.843), angle = Angle(90, 90, 0), size = Vector(0.023, 0.037, 0.021), color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/weapons/v_smg1/texture5", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }, ["laser"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/hunter/blocks/cube075x1x025.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "top2", pos = Vector(0, 0, 0.577), angle = Angle(-90, 90, 0), size = Vector(0.023, 0.037, 0.021), color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/weapons/v_smg1/texture5", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} } } end sound.Add( { name = "Weapon_Gale.Single", channel = CHAN_WEAPON, volume = 1.0, soundlevel = 100, pitch = {120, 125}, sound = "weapons/p90/p90-1.wav" }) SWEP.Base = "weapon_zs_base" SWEP.HoldType = "pistol" SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/cstrike/c_smg_mac10.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_smg_mac10.mdl" SWEP.ShowViewModel = true SWEP.ShowWorldModel = true SWEP.UseHands = true SWEP.Primary.Sound = Sound("Weapon_Gale.Single") SWEP.Primary.Damage = 8.5 SWEP.Primary.NumShots = 2 SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.12 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 40 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "smg1" GAMEMODE:SetupDefaultClip(SWEP.Primary) SWEP.ConeMax = 6.3 SWEP.ConeMin = 3.5 SWEP.ReloadSpeed = 0.95 SWEP.Primary.Gesture = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_SMG1 SWEP.ReloadGesture = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_SMG1 SWEP.WalkSpeed = SPEED_NORMAL SWEP.Tier = 2 SWEP.IronSightsPos = Vector(-7, 15, 0) SWEP.IronSightsAng = Vector(3, -3, -10) GAMEMODE:AttachWeaponModifier(SWEP, WEAPON_MODIFIER_MAX_SPREAD, -0.7, 1) GAMEMODE:AttachWeaponModifier(SWEP, WEAPON_MODIFIER_MIN_SPREAD, -0.4, 1) GAMEMODE:AttachWeaponModifier(SWEP, WEAPON_MODIFIER_FIRE_DELAY, -0.01, 1) GAMEMODE:AddNewRemantleBranch(SWEP, 1, "'Whirlwind' Shower Rifle", "Uses rifle ammo, shoots slower, but more damage and more accuracy", function(wept) wept.Primary.Delay = wept.Primary.Delay * 4 wept.Primary.Damage = wept.Primary.Damage * 4 wept.Primary.Ammo = "357" wept.Primary.ClipSize = 12 wept.Recoil = 1 wept.ConeMin = wept.ConeMin * 0.6 wept.ConeMax = wept.ConeMax * 0.5 wept.EmitFireSound = function(self) self:EmitSound("weapons/p90/p90-1.wav", 70, 105, 0.65, CHAN_AUTO) self:EmitSound("weapons/sg552/sg552-1.wav", 70, 235, 0.65, CHAN_AUTO) end end) function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() if not self:CanPrimaryAttack() then return end local ironsights = self:GetIronsights() self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + self:GetFireDelay() * (ironsights and 1.2 or 1)) self:EmitFireSound() self:TakeAmmo() self:ShootBullets(self.Primary.Damage * (ironsights and 0.7255 or 1), self.Primary.NumShots * (ironsights and 1.5 or 1), self:GetCone()) self.IdleAnimation = CurTime() + self:SequenceDuration() end function SWEP:SetIronsights(b) if self:GetIronsights() ~= b then if b then self:EmitSound("npc/scanner/scanner_scan4.wav", 40) else self:EmitSound("npc/scanner/scanner_scan2.wav", 40) end end self.BaseClass.SetIronsights(self, b) end function SWEP:CanPrimaryAttack() if self:GetIronsights() and self:Clip1() == 1 then self:SetIronsights(false) end return self.BaseClass.CanPrimaryAttack(self) end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() if self:GetNextSecondaryFire() <= CurTime() and not self:GetOwner():IsHolding() and self:GetReloadFinish() == 0 then self:SetIronsights(true) end end util.PrecacheSound("npc/scanner/scanner_scan4.wav") util.PrecacheSound("npc/scanner/scanner_scan2.wav")