INC_SERVER() function SWEP:Reload() if CurTime() < self:GetNextPrimaryFire() then return end local owner = self:GetOwner() if owner:GetBarricadeGhosting() then return end local tr = owner:CompensatedMeleeTrace(self.MeleeRange, self.MeleeSize) local trent = tr.Entity if not trent:IsValid() or not trent:IsNailed() then return end local ent local dist for _, e in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_nail")) do if not e.m_PryingOut and e:GetParent() == trent then local edist = e:GetActualPos():DistToSqr(tr.HitPos) if not dist or edist < dist then ent = e dist = edist end end end if not ent or not gamemode.Call("CanRemoveNail", owner, ent) then return end local nailowner = ent:GetOwner() if nailowner:IsValid() and nailowner:IsPlayer() and nailowner ~= owner and nailowner:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and not gamemode.Call("CanRemoveOthersNail", owner, nailowner, ent) then return end self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + (#trent.Nails > 2 and 0.5 or 1)) ent.m_PryingOut = true -- Prevents infinite loops self:SendWeaponAnim(self.Alternate and ACT_VM_HITCENTER or ACT_VM_MISSCENTER) self.Alternate = not self.Alternate owner:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_MELEE) owner:EmitSound("weapons/melee/crowbar/crowbar_hit-"..math.random(4)..".ogg") ent:GetParent():RemoveNail(ent, nil, self:GetOwner()) ent:GetParent():SetPhysicsAttacker(self:GetOwner()) if nailowner and nailowner:IsValid() and nailowner:IsPlayer() and nailowner ~= owner and nailowner:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then if gamemode.Call("PlayerShouldTakeNailRemovalPenalty", owner, ent, nailowner, trent) then owner:GivePenalty(30) owner:ReflectDamage(20) end if nailowner:NearestPoint(tr.HitPos):DistToSqr(tr.HitPos) <= 589824 and (nailowner:HasWeapon("weapon_zs_hammer") or nailowner:HasWeapon("weapon_zs_electrohammer")) then --768^2 nailowner:GiveAmmo(1, self.Primary.Ammo) else owner:GiveAmmo(1, self.Primary.Ammo) end else owner:GiveAmmo(1, self.Primary.Ammo) end end function SWEP:OnMeleeHit(hitent, hitflesh, tr) if not hitent:IsValid() then return end local owner = self:GetOwner() if hitent.HitByHammer and hitent:HitByHammer(self, owner, tr) then return end if hitent:IsNailed() then if owner:IsSkillActive(SKILL_BARRICADEEXPERT) then hitent.ReinforceEnd = CurTime() + 2 hitent.ReinforceApplier = owner end local healstrength = self.HealStrength * GAMEMODE.NailHealthPerRepair * (owner.RepairRateMul or 1) local oldhealth = hitent:GetBarricadeHealth() if oldhealth <= 0 or oldhealth >= hitent:GetMaxBarricadeHealth() or hitent:GetBarricadeRepairs() <= 0.01 then return end hitent:SetBarricadeHealth(math.min(hitent:GetMaxBarricadeHealth(), hitent:GetBarricadeHealth() + math.min(hitent:GetBarricadeRepairs(), healstrength))) local healed = hitent:GetBarricadeHealth() - oldhealth hitent:SetBarricadeRepairs(math.max(hitent:GetBarricadeRepairs() - healed, 0)) self:PlayRepairSound(hitent) gamemode.Call("PlayerRepairedObject", owner, hitent, healed, self) local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(tr.HitPos) effectdata:SetNormal(tr.HitNormal) effectdata:SetMagnitude(1) util.Effect("nailrepaired", effectdata, true, true) return true end end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() if self:GetPrimaryAmmoCount() <= 0 or CurTime() < self:GetNextPrimaryFire() or self:GetOwner():GetBarricadeGhosting() then return end local owner = self:GetOwner() if GAMEMODE:IsClassicMode() then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "cant_do_that_in_classic_mode") return end local tr = owner:CompensatedMeleeTrace(64, self.MeleeSize, nil, nil, nil, true) local trent = tr.Entity if not trent:IsValid() or not util.IsValidPhysicsObject(trent, tr.PhysicsBone) or tr.Fraction == 0 or trent:GetMoveType() ~= MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS and not trent:GetNailFrozen() or trent.NoNails or trent:IsProjectile() or trent:IsNailed() and (#trent.Nails >= 8 or trent:GetPropsInContraption() >= GAMEMODE.MaxPropsInBarricade) or trent:GetMaxHealth() == 1 and trent:Health() == 0 and not trent.TotalHealth or trent.PreHoldCollisionGroup and (trent.PreHoldCollisionGroup == COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS or trent.PreHoldCollisionGroup == COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS_TRIGGER or trent.PreHoldCollisionGroup == COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS) or not trent:IsNailed() and not trent:GetPhysicsObject():IsMoveable() then return end if not gamemode.Call("CanPlaceNail", owner, tr) then return end local count = 0 for _, nail in pairs(trent:GetNails()) do if nail:GetDeployer() == owner then count = count + 1 if count >= GAMEMODE.MaxNails then return end end end if tr.MatType == MAT_GRATE or tr.MatType == MAT_CLIP then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "impossible") return end if tr.MatType == MAT_GLASS then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "trying_to_put_nails_in_glass") return end for _, nail in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_nail")) do if nail:GetParent() == trent and nail:GetActualPos():DistToSqr(tr.HitPos) <= 81 then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "too_close_to_another_nail") return end end if trent:GetBarricadeHealth() <= 0 and trent:GetMaxBarricadeHealth() > 0 then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "object_too_damaged_to_be_used") return end -- Specical case for nailing things a drone is towing local ropeconstraint = constraint.FindConstraint(trent, "Rope") if ropeconstraint then if ropeconstraint.Ent1 and ropeconstraint.Ent1:IsValid() and ropeconstraint.Ent1:GetClass() == "prop_drone" then return end if ropeconstraint.Ent2 and ropeconstraint.Ent2:IsValid() and ropeconstraint.Ent2:GetClass() == "prop_drone" then return end end local aimvec = owner:GetAimVector() local trtwo = util.TraceLine({start = tr.HitPos, endpos = tr.HitPos + aimvec * 24, filter = table.Add({owner, trent}, GAMEMODE.CachedInvisibleEntities), mask = MASK_SOLID}) if trtwo.HitSky then return end local ent = trtwo.Entity if trtwo.HitWorld or ent:IsValid() and util.IsValidPhysicsObject(ent, trtwo.PhysicsBone) and (ent:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS or ent:GetNailFrozen()) and not ent.NoNails and not (not ent:IsNailed() and not ent:GetPhysicsObject():IsMoveable()) and not (ent:GetMaxHealth() == 1 and ent:Health() == 0 and not ent.TotalHealth) then if trtwo.MatType == MAT_GRATE or trtwo.MatType == MAT_CLIP then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "impossible") return end if trtwo.MatType == MAT_GLASS then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "trying_to_put_nails_in_glass") return end if ent and ent:IsValid() and (ent:IsProjectile() or ent.NoNails or ent:IsNailed() and (#ent.Nails >= 8 or ent:GetPropsInContraption() >= GAMEMODE.MaxPropsInBarricade)) then return end if ent:GetBarricadeHealth() <= 0 and ent:GetMaxBarricadeHealth() > 0 then owner:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "object_too_damaged_to_be_used") return end if GAMEMODE:EntityWouldBlockSpawn(ent) then return end local cons = constraint.Weld(trent, ent, tr.PhysicsBone, trtwo.PhysicsBone, 0, true) if cons ~= nil then for _, oldcons in pairs(constraint.FindConstraints(trent, "Weld")) do if oldcons.Ent1 == ent or oldcons.Ent2 == ent then cons = oldcons.Constraint break end end end if not cons then return end self:SendWeaponAnim(self.Alternate and ACT_VM_HITCENTER or ACT_VM_MISSCENTER) self.Alternate = not self.Alternate owner:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_MELEE) self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + 1) self:TakePrimaryAmmo(1) local nail = ents.Create("prop_nail") if nail:IsValid() then nail:SetActualOffset(tr.HitPos, trent) nail:SetPos(tr.HitPos - aimvec * 8) nail:SetAngles(aimvec:Angle()) nail:AttachTo(trent, ent, tr.PhysicsBone, trtwo.PhysicsBone) nail:Spawn() nail:SetDeployer(owner) cons:DeleteOnRemove(nail) gamemode.Call("OnNailCreated", trent, ent, nail) nail:EmitSound(string.format("weapons/melee/crowbar/crowbar_hit-%d.ogg", math.random(4))) end end end