include("shared.lua") SWEP.PrintName = "Resupply Box" SWEP.Description = "Allows survivors to get ammunition for their current weapon. Each person can only use the box once every so often.\nPress PRIMARY ATTACK to deploy the box.\nPress SECONDARY ATTACK and RELOAD to rotate the box." SWEP.DrawCrosshair = false SWEP.Slot = 4 SWEP.SlotPos = 0 function SWEP:DrawHUD() if GetConVarNumber("crosshair") ~= 1 then return end self:DrawCrosshairDot() end function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() end function SWEP:DrawWeaponSelection(...) return self:BaseDrawWeaponSelection(...) end function SWEP:Think() if self.Owner:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) then self:RotateGhost(FrameTime() * 60) end if self.Owner:KeyDown(IN_RELOAD) then self:RotateGhost(FrameTime() * -60) end end function SWEP:Deploy() gamemode.Call("WeaponDeployed", self.Owner, self) return true end local nextclick = 0 function SWEP:RotateGhost(amount) if nextclick <= RealTime() then surface.PlaySound("npc/headcrab_poison/ph_step4.wav") nextclick = RealTime() + 0.3 end RunConsoleCommand("_zs_ghostrotation", math.NormalizeAngle(GetConVarNumber("_zs_ghostrotation") + amount)) end