CLASS.Name = "Fast Zombie" CLASS.TranslationName = "class_fast_zombie" CLASS.Description = "description_fast_zombie" CLASS.Help = "controls_fast_zombie" CLASS.Model = Model("models/player/zombie_fast.mdl") --Model("models/Zombie/Fast.mdl") CLASS.Wave = 1 / 2 CLASS.Revives = true CLASS.Infliction = 0.5 -- We auto-unlock this class if 50% of humans are dead regardless of what wave it is. CLASS.Health = 125 CLASS.Speed = 250 CLASS.SWEP = "weapon_zs_fastzombie" CLASS.Points = 4 CLASS.Hull = {Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 58)} CLASS.HullDuck = {Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 32)} CLASS.ViewOffset = Vector(0, 0, 50) CLASS.ViewOffsetDucked = Vector(0, 0, 24) CLASS.PainSounds = {"NPC_FastZombie.Pain"} CLASS.DeathSounds = {"npc/fast_zombie/leap1.wav"} --{"NPC_FastZombie.Die"} CLASS.VoicePitch = 0.75 CLASS.NoFallDamage = true CLASS.NoFallSlowdown = true function CLASS:Move(pl, mv) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep.Move and wep:Move(mv) then return true end if mv:GetForwardSpeed() <= 0 then mv:SetMaxSpeed(math.min(mv:GetMaxSpeed(), 90)) mv:SetMaxClientSpeed(math.min(mv:GetMaxClientSpeed(), 90)) end end local mathrandom = math.random local StepLeftSounds = { "npc/fast_zombie/foot1.wav", "npc/fast_zombie/foot2.wav" } local StepRightSounds = { "npc/fast_zombie/foot3.wav", "npc/fast_zombie/foot4.wav" } function CLASS:PlayerFootstep(pl, vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter) if iFoot == 0 then pl:EmitSound(StepLeftSounds[mathrandom(#StepLeftSounds)], 70) else pl:EmitSound(StepRightSounds[mathrandom(#StepRightSounds)], 70) end return true end --[[function CLASS:PlayerFootstep(pl, vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter) if iFoot == 0 then pl:EmitSound("NPC_FastZombie.GallopLeft") else pl:EmitSound("NPC_FastZombie.GallopRight") end return true end]] function CLASS:PlayerStepSoundTime(pl, iType, bWalking) if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_NORMAL or iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT then return 450 - pl:GetVelocity():Length() elseif iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_ON_LADDER then return 400 elseif iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_KNEE then return 550 end return 250 end function CLASS:CalcMainActivity(pl, velocity) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if not wep:IsValid() or not wep.GetClimbing then return end if wep:GetClimbing() then pl.CalcIdeal = ACT_ZOMBIE_CLIMB_UP return true elseif wep:GetPounceTime() > 0 then pl.CalcIdeal = ACT_ZOMBIE_LEAP_START return true end local speed = velocity:Length2D() if not pl:OnGround() or pl:WaterLevel() >= 3 then pl.CalcIdeal = ACT_ZOMBIE_LEAPING elseif speed <= 0.5 and wep:IsRoaring() then pl.CalcSeqOverride = pl:LookupSequence("menu_zombie_01") elseif speed > 16 and wep:GetSwinging() then pl.CalcIdeal = ACT_HL2MP_RUN_ZOMBIE else pl.CalcIdeal = ACT_HL2MP_RUN_ZOMBIE_FAST end return true end function CLASS:UpdateAnimation(pl, velocity, maxseqgroundspeed) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if not wep:IsValid() or not wep.GetClimbing then return end if wep:GetSwinging() then if not pl.PlayingFZSwing then pl.PlayingFZSwing = true pl:AnimRestartGesture(GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD, ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_RANGE_FRENZY) end elseif pl.PlayingFZSwing then pl.PlayingFZSwing = false pl:AnimResetGestureSlot(GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD) --pl:AnimRestartGesture(GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD, ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_RANGE_FRENZY, true) end if wep:GetClimbing() then local vel = pl:GetVelocity() local speed = vel:Length() if speed > 8 then pl:SetPlaybackRate(math.Clamp(speed / 160, 0, 1) * (vel.z < 0 and -1 or 1)) else pl:SetPlaybackRate(0) end return true end if wep:GetPounceTime() > 0 then pl:SetPlaybackRate(0.25) if not pl.m_PrevFrameCycle then pl.m_PrevFrameCycle = true pl:SetCycle(0) end return true elseif pl.m_PrevFrameCycle then pl.m_PrevFrameCycle = nil end local speed = velocity:Length2D() if not pl:OnGround() or pl:WaterLevel() >= 3 then pl:SetPlaybackRate(1) if pl:GetCycle() >= 1 then pl:SetCycle(pl:GetCycle() - 1) end return true end if speed <= 0.5 and wep:IsRoaring() then pl:SetPlaybackRate(0) pl:SetCycle(math.Clamp(1 - (wep:GetRoarEndTime() - CurTime()) / wep.RoarTime, 0, 1) * 0.9) return true end end function CLASS:DoAnimationEvent(pl, event, data) if event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY then return ACT_INVALID end end if SERVER then function CLASS:ReviveCallback(pl, attacker, dmginfo) if not pl.Revive and not dmginfo:GetInflictor().IsMelee and dmginfo:GetDamageType() ~= DMG_BLAST and dmginfo:GetDamageType() ~= DMG_BURN and (pl:LastHitGroup() == HITGROUP_LEFTLEG or pl:LastHitGroup() == HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG) and math.random(3) == 1 then local classtable = GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses["Fast Zombie Legs"] if classtable then pl:RemoveStatus("overridemodel", false, true) local deathclass = pl.DeathClass or pl:GetZombieClass() pl:SetZombieClass(classtable.Index) pl:DoHulls(classtable.Index, TEAM_UNDEAD) pl.DeathClass = deathclass pl:EmitSound("physics/flesh/flesh_bloody_break.wav", 100, 75) pl:Gib() pl.Gibbed = nil timer.Simple(0, function() if IsValid(pl) then pl:SecondWind() end end) return true end end return false end end if SERVER then return end CLASS.Icon = "zombiesurvival/killicons/fastzombie" function CLASS:CreateMove(pl, cmd) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.IsPouncing then if wep.m_ViewAngles and wep:IsPouncing() then local maxdiff = FrameTime() * 20 local mindiff = -maxdiff local originalangles = wep.m_ViewAngles local viewangles = cmd:GetViewAngles() local diff = math.AngleDifference(viewangles.yaw, originalangles.yaw) if diff > maxdiff or diff < mindiff then viewangles.yaw = math.NormalizeAngle(originalangles.yaw + math.Clamp(diff, mindiff, maxdiff)) end wep.m_ViewAngles = viewangles cmd:SetViewAngles(viewangles) --[[elseif wep:IsClimbing() then local buttons = cmd:GetButtons() if, IN_DUCK) ~= 0 then cmd:SetButtons(buttons - IN_DUCK) end]] end end end