GM.MapEditorPrefix = "zs" file.CreateDir(GM.MapEditorPrefix.."maps") concommand.Add("mapeditor_add", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end if not arguments[1] then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Hit then local ent = ents.Create(string.lower(arguments[1])) if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(tr.HitPos) ent:Spawn() table.insert(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities, ent) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_addonme", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end if not arguments[1] then return end local ent = ents.Create(string.lower(arguments[1])) if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(sender:EyePos()) ent:SetAngles(sender:GetAngles()) ent:Spawn() table.insert(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities, ent) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_remove", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then table.remove(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities, i) ent:Remove() end end GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() end end) local function ME_Pickup(pl, ent, uid) if pl:IsValid() and ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(util.TraceLine({start=pl:GetShootPos(),endpos=pl:GetShootPos() + pl:GetAimVector() * 3000, filter={pl, ent}}).HitPos) return end timer.Destroy(uid.."mapeditorpickup") GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() end concommand.Add("mapeditor_pickup", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then timer.CreateEx(sender:UniqueID().."mapeditorpickup", 0.25, 0, ME_Pickup, sender, ent, sender:UniqueID()) end end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_nudgeup", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then local amount = tonumber(arguments[1]) or 1 ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,amount)) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() return true end end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_nudgeforward", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then local amount = tonumber(arguments[1]) or 1 ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + ent:GetForward() * amount) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() return true end end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_nudgeright", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then local amount = tonumber(arguments[1]) or 1 ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + ent:GetRight() * amount) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() return true end end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_rotateup", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then local amount = tonumber(arguments[1]) or 1 local ang = ent:GetAngles() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), amount) ent:SetAngles(ang) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() return true end end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_rotateforward", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then local amount = tonumber(arguments[1]) or 1 local ang = ent:GetAngles() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), amount) ent:SetAngles(ang) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() return true end end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_rotateright", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end local tr = sender:GetEyeTrace() if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do if ent == tr.Entity then local amount = tonumber(arguments[1]) or 1 local ang = ent:GetAngles() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), amount) ent:SetAngles(ang) GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() return true end end end end) concommand.Add("mapeditor_drop", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end timer.Destroy(sender:UniqueID().."mapeditorpickup") GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile() end) function GM:LoadMapEditorFile() local mapname = game.GetMap() self.MapEditorEntities = {} local red if file.Exists(self.FolderName.."/gamemode/prepackagedmapprofiles/"..mapname..".lua", "LUA") then red = file.Read(self.FolderName.."/gamemode/prepackagedmapprofiles/"..mapname..".lua", "LUA") elseif file.Exists(self.MapEditorPrefix.."maps/"..mapname..".txt", "DATA") then red = file.Read(self.MapEditorPrefix.."maps/"..mapname..".txt", "DATA") end if red then if string.sub(red, 1, 3) == "SRL" then for _, enttab in pairs(Deserialize(red)) do local ent = ents.Create(string.lower(enttab.Class)) if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(enttab.Position) ent:SetAngles(enttab.Angles) if enttab.KeyValues then ent.KeyValues = ent.KeyValues or {} for key, value in pairs(enttab.KeyValues) do ent.KeyValues[key] = value end end ent:Spawn() table.insert(self.MapEditorEntities, ent) end end else for _, stuff in pairs(string.Explode(",", red)) do local expstuff = string.Explode(" ", stuff) local ent = ents.Create(string.lower(expstuff[1])) if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(Vector(tonumber(expstuff[2]), tonumber(expstuff[3]), tonumber(expstuff[4]))) for i=5, #expstuff do local kv = string.Explode("§", expstuff[i]) ent:SetKeyValue(kv[1], kv[2]) end ent:Spawn() table.insert(self.MapEditorEntities, ent) end end end end end function GM:SaveMapEditorFile() local sav = {} for _, ent in pairs(self.MapEditorEntities) do if ent:IsValid() then local enttab = {} enttab.Class = ent:GetClass() enttab.Position = ent:GetPos() enttab.Angles = ent:GetAngles() if ent.KeyValues then local keyvalues = {} for i, key in ipairs(ent.KeyValues) do keyvalues[key] = ent[key] end enttab.KeyValues = keyvalues end table.insert(sav, enttab) end end file.Write(self.MapEditorPrefix.."maps/"".txt", Serialize(sav)) end function Deserialize(sIn) SRL = nil if #sIn == 0 then return {} end if string.sub(sIn, 1, 4) ~= "SRL=" then sIn = "SRL="..sIn end RunString(sIn) return SRL end local allowedtypes = {} allowedtypes["string"] = true allowedtypes["number"] = true allowedtypes["table"] = true allowedtypes["Vector"] = true allowedtypes["Angle"] = true allowedtypes["boolean"] = true local function MakeTable(tab, done) local str = "" local done = done or {} local sequential = table.IsSequential(tab) for key, value in pairs(tab) do local keytype = type(key) local valuetype = type(value) if allowedtypes[keytype] and allowedtypes[valuetype] then if sequential then key = "" else if keytype == "number" or keytype == "boolean" then key ="["..tostring(key).."]=" else key = "["..string.format("%q", tostring(key)).."]=" end end if valuetype == "table" and not done[value] then done[value] = true if type(value._serialize) == "function" then str = str..key..value:_serialize().."," else str = str..key.."{"..MakeTable(value, done).."}," end else if valuetype == "string" then value = string.format("%q", value) elseif valuetype == "Vector" then value = "Vector("..value.x..","..value.y..","..value.z..")" elseif valuetype == "Angle" then value = "Angle("..value.pitch..","..value.yaw..","..value.roll..")" else value = tostring(value) end str = str .. key .. value .. "," end end end if string.sub(str, -1) == "," then return string.sub(str, 1, #str - 1) else return str end end function Serialize(tIn, bRaw) if #tIn == 0 then local empty = true for k in pairs(tIn) do empty = false break end if empty then return "" end end if bRaw then return "{"..MakeTable(tIn).."}" end return "SRL={"..MakeTable(tIn).."}" end