CLASS.Name = "Flesh Creeper" CLASS.TranslationName = "class_flesh_creeper" CLASS.Description = "description_flesh_creeper" CLASS.Help = "controls_flesh_creeper" CLASS.Wave = 0 CLASS.Hidden = true CLASS.Unlocked = true CLASS.Health = 100 CLASS.SWEP = "weapon_zs_fleshcreeper" CLASS.Model = Model("models/antlion.mdl") CLASS.Speed = 175 CLASS.JumpPower = 220 CLASS.Points = 4 CLASS.VoicePitch = 0.55 CLASS.PainSounds = {Sound("npc/barnacle/barnacle_pull1.wav"), Sound("npc/barnacle/barnacle_pull2.wav"), Sound("npc/barnacle/barnacle_pull3.wav"), Sound("npc/barnacle/barnacle_pull4.wav")} CLASS.DeathSounds = {Sound("npc/barnacle/barnacle_die1.wav"), Sound("npc/barnacle/barnacle_die2.wav")} CLASS.ModelScale = 0.65 --[[CLASS.ModelScale = 0.6324555 CLASS.ClientsideModelScale = 0.4 / CLASS.ModelScale]] CLASS.Hull = {Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 48)} CLASS.HullDuck = {Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 48)} CLASS.Hull[1].x = -16 CLASS.Hull[2].x = 16 CLASS.Hull[1].y = -16 CLASS.Hull[2].y = 16 CLASS.HullDuck[1].x = -16 CLASS.HullDuck[2].x = 16 CLASS.HullDuck[1].y = -16 CLASS.HullDuck[2].y = 16 CLASS.ViewOffset = Vector(0, 0, 40) CLASS.ViewOffsetDucked = Vector(0, 0, 10) function CLASS:CanUse(pl) return GAMEMODE:GetDynamicSpawning() and not GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape end function CLASS:Move(pl, mv) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.IsInAttackAnim and (wep:IsInAttackAnim() or wep:GetHoldingRightClick()) then mv:SetMaxSpeed(0) mv:SetMaxClientSpeed(0) return true end if mv:GetForwardSpeed() <= 0 then mv:SetMaxSpeed(mv:GetMaxSpeed() * 0.45) mv:SetMaxClientSpeed(mv:GetMaxClientSpeed() * 0.45) end end function CLASS:CalcMainActivity(pl, velocity) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.IsInAttackAnim then if wep:IsInAttackAnim() then pl.CalcSeqOverride = 14 return true elseif wep:GetHoldingRightClick() then pl.CalcSeqOverride = 21 return true end end if velocity:Length2D() > 0.5 then --[[if pl:Crouching() and pl:OnGround() then pl.CalcSeqOverride = 17 else]] pl.CalcSeqOverride = 4 --[[end elseif pl:Crouching() and pl:OnGround() then pl.CalcSeqOverride = 40]] else pl.CalcSeqOverride = 2 end return true end function CLASS:UpdateAnimation(pl, velocity, maxseqgroundspeed) pl:FixModelAngles(velocity) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.IsInAttackAnim then if wep:IsInAttackAnim() then pl:SetPlaybackRate(0) pl:SetCycle((1 - (wep:GetAttackAnimTime() - CurTime()) / wep.Primary.Delay)) return true elseif wep:GetHoldingRightClick() then pl:SetPlaybackRate(0) local delta = CurTime() - wep:GetRightClickStart() if delta > 1 then --pl:SetCycle(0.333 + (delta * 3 % 1) * 0.2) pl:SetCycle(0.5 + math.sin(delta * 12) * 0.05) else --pl:SetCycle(delta / 3) pl:SetCycle(delta / 2) end return true end end if velocity:Length2D() >= 16 then GAMEMODE.BaseClass.UpdateAnimation(GAMEMODE.BaseClass, pl, velocity, maxseqgroundspeed) --[[local dir = Vector() dir:Set(velocity) dir.z = 0 dir:Normalize() local aimdir = pl:GetAimVector() aimdir.z = 0 aimdir:Normalize() if dir:Dot(aimdir) >= 0.5 then pl:SetPlaybackRate(pl:GetPlaybackRate() / self.ModelScale / 2) else]] pl:SetPlaybackRate(pl:GetPlaybackRate() / self.ModelScale) --end --[[if pl:Crouching() then pl:SetPoseParameter("move_yaw", 0) end]] return true end --[[if pl:Crouching() then pl:SetCycle(0.5 + math.sin(CurTime() * 2) * 0.025) pl:SetPlaybackRate(0) return true end]] return true end function CLASS:DoAnimationEvent(pl, event, data) if event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY then return ACT_INVALID end end function CLASS:CreateMove(pl, cmd) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.IsSwinging and wep:IsSwinging() and, IN_JUMP) ~= 0 then cmd:SetButtons(cmd:GetButtons() - IN_JUMP) end end local FootSounds = { "npc/zombie/foot1.wav", "npc/zombie/foot2.wav", "npc/zombie/foot3.wav" } local mathrandom = math.random function CLASS:PlayerFootstep(pl, vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter) pl:EmitSound(FootSounds[mathrandom(#FootSounds)], 65, math.random(105, 115)) return true end if SERVER then function CLASS:OnKilled(pl, attacker, inflictor, suicide, headshot, dmginfo) local ent = pl:FakeDeath(pl:LookupSequence("Flip1"), self.ModelScale, math.Rand(0.45, 0.5)) if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetMaterial("models/flesh") end return true end end if not CLIENT then return end --CLASS.Icon = "zombiesurvival/killicons/flesh_creeper" local matFlesh = Material("models/flesh") function CLASS:PrePlayerDraw(pl) render.ModelMaterialOverride(matFlesh) end function CLASS:PostPlayerDraw(pl) render.ModelMaterialOverride() end function CLASS:ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() return true end