include('glon.lua') surface.CreateFont("12ptFont", {font = "Arial", size = 12, width = 500, antialias = true, additive = false}) surface.CreateFont("24ptFont", {font = "Arial", size = 24, width = 500, antialias = true, additive = false}) SWEP.useThirdPerson = false SWEP.thirdPersonAngle = Angle(0,-90,0) SWEP.thirdPersonDis = 100 SWEP.mlast_x = ScrW()/2 SWEP.mlast_y = ScrH()/2 local playerBones = { "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4", "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Toe0", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Shoulder", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Elbow", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1", "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_LH", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Toe0", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Shoulder", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Elbow" } SWEP.v_models = {} SWEP.v_panelCache = {} SWEP.v_modelListing = nil SWEP.v_bonemods = {} SWEP.v_modelbonebox = nil SWEP.w_models = {} SWEP.w_panelCache = {} SWEP.w_modelListing = nil SWEP.world_model = nil SWEP.cur_wmodel = nil SWEP.browser_callback = nil SWEP.modelbrowser = nil SWEP.modelbrowser_list = nil SWEP.matbrowser = nil SWEP.matbrowser_list = nil SWEP.tpsfocusbone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" SWEP.save_data = {} local save_data_template = { ViewModel = SWEP.ViewModel, CurWorldModel = SWEP.CurWorldModel, w_models = {}, v_models = {}, v_bonemods = {}, ViewModelFOV = SWEP.ViewModelFOV, HoldType = SWEP.HoldType, ViewModelFlip = SWEP.ViewModelFlip, IronSightsEnabled = true, IronSightsPos = SWEP.IronSightsPos, IronSightsAng = SWEP.IronSightsAng, ShowViewModel = true, ShowWorldModel = true } SWEP.ir_drag = { x = { true, "-x", 25 }, y = { false, "y", 25 }, z = { true, "y", 25 }, pitch = { false, "y", 10 }, yaw = { false, "x", 10 }, roll = { false, "y", 10 } } SWEP.Frame = nil SWEP.cur_drag_mode = "x / z" SWEP.basecode = "FAILED TO READ BASE CODE" function SWEP:ClientInit() SCKDebug("Client init start") if (IsValid(self:GetOwner())) then -- init view model bone mods local vm = self:GetOwner():GetViewModel() if IsValid(vm) then self:ResetBonePositions(vm) end end local basecodepath = "lua/weapons/swep_construction_kit/base_code.lua" self.basecode = file.Read(basecodepath, "GAME") SCKDebug("Loaded base code") end function SimplePanel( parent ) local p = vgui.Create("DPanel", parent) p.Paint = function() end return p end function PrintVec( vec ) local px, py, pz = math.floor(vec.x*1000)/1000,math.floor(vec.y*1000)/1000,math.floor(vec.z*1000)/1000 return "Vector("..px..", "", "..pz..")" end function PrintAngle( angle ) local pp, py, pr = math.floor(angle.p*1000)/1000,math.floor(angle.y*1000)/1000,math.floor(angle.r*1000)/1000 return "Angle("..pp..", "", "")" end function PrintColor( col ) return "Color("..col.r..", "..col.g..", "..col.b..", "..col.a..")" end -- Populates a DChoiceList with all the bones of the specified entity -- returns if it has a first option function PopulateBoneList( choicelist, ent ) if (!IsValid(choicelist)) then return false end if (!IsValid(ent)) then return end SCKDebug("Populating bone list for entity "..tostring(ent)) if (ent == LocalPlayer()) then -- if the local player is in third person, his bone lookup is all messed up so -- we just use the predefined playerBones table for k, v in pairs(playerBones) do choicelist:AddChoice(v) end return true else local hasfirstoption for i = 0, ent:GetBoneCount() - 1 do local name = ent:GetBoneName(i) if (ent:LookupBone(name)) then -- filter out invalid bones choicelist:AddChoice(name) if (!firstoption) then hasfirstoption = true end end end return hasfirstoption end end function SWEP:CreateWeaponWorldModel() local model = self.CurWorldModel SCKDebug("Creating weapon world model") if ((!self.world_model or (IsValid(self.world_model) and self.cur_wmodel != model)) and string.find(model, ".mdl") and file.Exists(model,"GAME") ) then if IsValid(self.world_model) then self.world_model:Remove() end self.world_model = ClientsideModel(model, RENDERGROUP_TRANSLUCENT) if (IsValid(self.world_model)) then self.world_model:SetParent(self:GetOwner()) self.world_model:SetNoDraw(true) self.cur_wmodel = model if (self.world_model:LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" )) then self.world_model:AddEffects(EF_BONEMERGE) end else self.world_model = nil self.cur_wmodel = nil end end end function SWEP:CreateModels( tab ) --if true then return end -- Create the clientside models here because Garry says we can't do it in the render hook for k, v in pairs( tab ) do if (v.type == "Model" and v.model and v.model != "" and (!IsValid(v.modelEnt) or v.createdModel != v.model) and string.find(v.model, ".mdl") and file.Exists(v.model,"GAME") ) then SCKDebug("Creating new ClientSideModel "..v.model) v.modelEnt = ClientsideModel(v.model, RENDERGROUP_TRANSLUCENT) if (IsValid(v.modelEnt)) then v.modelEnt:SetPos(self:GetPos()) v.modelEnt:SetAngles(self:GetAngles()) v.modelEnt:SetParent(self) v.modelEnt:SetNoDraw(true) v.createdModel = v.model else v.modelEnt = nil end elseif (v.type == "Sprite" and v.sprite and v.sprite != "" and (!v.spriteMaterial or v.createdSprite != v.sprite) and file.Exists("materials/"..v.sprite..".vmt", "GAME")) then SCKDebug("Creating new sprite "..v.sprite) local name = v.sprite.."-" local params = { ["$basetexture"] = v.sprite } -- make sure we create a unique name based on the selected options local tocheck = { "nocull", "additive", "vertexalpha", "vertexcolor", "ignorez" } for i, j in pairs( tocheck ) do if (v[j]) then params["$"..j] = 1 name = name.."1" else name = name.."0" end end v.createdSprite = v.sprite v.spriteMaterial = CreateMaterial(name,"UnlitGeneric",params) end end end function SWEP:Think() self:CreateModels( self.v_models ) self:CreateModels( self.w_models ) -- Some hacky shit to get 3rd person view compatible with -- other addons that override CalcView self:CalcViewHookManagement() --[[*********************** Camera fiddling ***********************]] self.useThirdPerson = self:GetThirdPerson() local mx, my = gui.MousePos() local diffx, diffy = (mx - self.mlast_x), (my - self.mlast_y) if (input.IsMouseDown(MOUSE_RIGHT) and !(diffx > 40 or diffy > 40) and self.Frame and self.Frame:IsVisible()) then -- right mouse press without sudden jumps if (self.useThirdPerson) then if (input.IsKeyDown(KEY_E)) then self.thirdPersonDis = math.Clamp( self.thirdPersonDis + diffy, 10, 500 ) else self.thirdPersonAngle = self.thirdPersonAngle + Angle( diffy/2, diffx/2, 0 ) end else -- ironsight adjustment for k, v in pairs( self.ir_drag ) do if (v[1]) then local temp = GetConVar( "_sp_ironsight_"..k ):GetFloat() if (v[2] == "x") then local add = -(diffx/v[3]) if (self.ViewModelFlip) then add = add*-1 end RunConsoleCommand( "_sp_ironsight_"..k, temp + add ) elseif (v[2] == "-x") then local add = diffx/v[3] if (self.ViewModelFlip) then add = add*-1 end RunConsoleCommand( "_sp_ironsight_"..k, temp + add ) elseif (v[2] == "y") then RunConsoleCommand( "_sp_ironsight_"..k, temp - diffy/v[3] ) end end end end end self.mlast_x, self.mlast_y = mx, my end function SWEP:RemoveModels() SCKDebug("Removing models") for k, v in pairs( self.v_models ) do if (IsValid( v.modelEnt )) then v.modelEnt:Remove() end end for k, v in pairs( self.w_models ) do if (IsValid( v.modelEnt )) then v.modelEnt:Remove() end end self.v_models = {} self.w_models = {} if (IsValid(self.world_model)) then self.world_model:Remove() self.world_model = nil self.cur_wmodel = nil end end function SWEP:GetBoneOrientation( basetab, name, ent, bone_override, buildup ) local bone, pos, ang local tab = basetab[name] if (tab.rel and tab.rel != "") then local v = basetab[tab.rel] if (!v) then return end if (!buildup) then buildup = {} end table.insert(buildup, name) if (table.HasValue(buildup, tab.rel)) then return end -- Technically, if there exists an element with the same name as a bone -- you can get in an infinite loop. Let's just hope nobody's that stupid. pos, ang = self:GetBoneOrientation( basetab, tab.rel, ent, nil, buildup ) if (!pos) then return end pos = pos + ang:Forward() * v.pos.x + ang:Right() * v.pos.y + ang:Up() * v.pos.z if (v.angle) then ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), v.angle.y) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), v.angle.p) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), v.angle.r) end else bone = ent:LookupBone(bone_override or tab.bone) if (!bone) then return end pos, ang = Vector(0,0,0), Angle(0,0,0) local m = ent:GetBoneMatrix(bone) if (m) then pos, ang = m:GetTranslation(), m:GetAngles() end if (IsValid(self:GetOwner()) and self:GetOwner():IsPlayer() and ent == self:GetOwner():GetViewModel() and self.ViewModelFlip) then ang.r = -ang.r -- Fixes mirrored models end end return pos, ang end local allbones local hasGarryFixedBoneScalingYet = false function SWEP:UpdateBonePositions(vm) if self.v_bonemods then if (!vm:GetBoneCount()) then return end -- !! WORKAROUND !! -- -- We need to check all model names :/ local loopthrough = self.v_bonemods if (!hasGarryFixedBoneScalingYet) then allbones = {} for i=0, vm:GetBoneCount() do local bonename = vm:GetBoneName(i) if (self.v_bonemods[bonename]) then allbones[bonename] = self.v_bonemods[bonename] else allbones[bonename] = { scale = Vector(1,1,1), pos = Vector(0,0,0), angle = Angle(0,0,0) } end end loopthrough = allbones end -- !! ----------- !! -- for k, v in pairs( loopthrough ) do local bone = vm:LookupBone(k) if (!bone) then continue end -- !! WORKAROUND !! -- local s = Vector(v.scale.x,v.scale.y,v.scale.z) local p = Vector(v.pos.x,v.pos.y,v.pos.z) local ms = Vector(1,1,1) if (!hasGarryFixedBoneScalingYet) then local cur = vm:GetBoneParent(bone) while(cur >= 0) do local pscale = loopthrough[vm:GetBoneName(cur)].scale ms = ms * pscale cur = vm:GetBoneParent(cur) end end --local bpos = vm:GetBonePosition(bone) --local par = vm:GetBoneParent(bone) s = s * ms --SCKDebug("Bone ("..bone..") "..vm:GetBoneName(bone).." rel to p ("..par.."): "..tostring(bpos - (vm:GetBonePosition(vm:GetBoneParent(bone)) or bpos))) --local relp = bpos - (vm:GetBonePosition(vm:GetBoneParent(bone)) or bpos) --p = relp * ms - relp --SCKDebug("Bone ("..bone..") scale = "..tostring(ms).." | newpos = "..tostring(p)) -- !! ----------- !! -- if vm:GetManipulateBoneScale(bone) != s then vm:ManipulateBoneScale( bone, s ) end if vm:GetManipulateBoneAngles(bone) != v.angle then vm:ManipulateBoneAngles( bone, v.angle ) end if vm:GetManipulateBonePosition(bone) != p then vm:ManipulateBonePosition( bone, p ) end end else self:ResetBonePositions(vm) end end function SWEP:ResetBonePositions(vm) if (!vm:GetBoneCount()) then return end for i=0, vm:GetBoneCount() do vm:ManipulateBoneScale( i, Vector(1, 1, 1) ) vm:ManipulateBoneAngles( i, Angle(0, 0, 0) ) vm:ManipulateBonePosition( i, Vector(0, 0, 0) ) end end --[[******************************* All viewmodel drawing magic ********************************]] SWEP.vRenderOrder = nil function SWEP:ViewModelDrawn() --if true then return end --SCKDebugRepeat( "SWEP:VMD", "Drawing viewmodel!" ) local vm = self:GetOwner():GetViewModel() if !IsValid(vm) then return end self:UpdateBonePositions(vm) --[[if vm.BuildBonePositions ~= self.BuildViewModelBones then vm.BuildBonePositions = self.BuildViewModelBones end]] if (!self.vRenderOrder) then -- we build a render order because sprites need to be drawn after models self.vRenderOrder = {} for k, v in pairs( self.v_models ) do if (v.type == "Model") then table.insert(self.vRenderOrder, 1, k) elseif (v.type == "Sprite" or v.type == "Quad") then table.insert(self.vRenderOrder, k) end end end for k, name in ipairs( self.vRenderOrder ) do local v = self.v_models[name] if (!v) then self.vRenderOrder = nil break end local model = v.modelEnt local sprite = v.spriteMaterial if (!v.bone) then continue end local pos, ang = self:GetBoneOrientation( self.v_models, name, vm ) if (!pos) then continue end if (v.type == "Model" and IsValid(model)) then model:SetPos(pos + ang:Forward() * v.pos.x + ang:Right() * v.pos.y + ang:Up() * v.pos.z ) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), v.angle.y) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), v.angle.p) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), v.angle.r) model:SetAngles(ang) --model:SetModelScale(v.size) local matrix = Matrix() matrix:Scale(v.size) model:EnableMatrix( "RenderMultiply", matrix ) if (v.material == "") then model:SetMaterial("") elseif (model:GetMaterial() != v.material) then model:SetMaterial( v.material ) end if ( != model:GetSkin()) then model:SetSkin( end for k, v in pairs( v.bodygroup ) do if (model:GetBodygroup(k) != v) then model:SetBodygroup(k, v) end end -- Ain't working :/ --[[halo.Render({ Ents = {model}, Color = Color(255,0,0,200), BlurX = 2, BlurY = 2, DrawPasses = 1, Additive = true, IgnoreZ = true })]] if (v.surpresslightning) then render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) end render.SetColorModulation(v.color.r/255, v.color.g/255, v.color.b/255) render.SetBlend(v.color.a/255) model:DrawModel() render.SetBlend(1) render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) if (v.surpresslightning) then render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) end elseif (v.type == "Sprite" and sprite) then local drawpos = pos + ang:Forward() * v.pos.x + ang:Right() * v.pos.y + ang:Up() * v.pos.z render.SetMaterial(sprite) render.DrawSprite(drawpos, v.size.x, v.size.y, v.color) elseif (v.type == "Quad") then local drawpos = pos + ang:Forward() * v.pos.x + ang:Right() * v.pos.y + ang:Up() * v.pos.z ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), v.angle.y) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), v.angle.p) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), v.angle.r) cam.Start3D2D(drawpos, ang, v.size) draw.RoundedBox( 0, -20, -20, 40, 40, Color(200,0,0,100) ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 100 ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( -20, -20, 40, 40 ) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("12pt arial","12ptFont",0, -12, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("40x40 box","12ptFont",0, 2, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 255, 0, 230 ) surface.DrawLine( 0, 0, 0, 8 ) surface.DrawLine( 0, 0, 8, 0 ) cam.End3D2D() end end end --[[******************************* All worldmodel drawing science ********************************]] SWEP.wRenderOrder = nil function SWEP:DrawWorldModel() --if true then return end --SCKDebugRepeat( "SWEP:WMD", "Drawing worldmodel!" ) local wm = self.world_model if !IsValid(wm) then return end if (!self.wRenderOrder) then self.wRenderOrder = {} for k, v in pairs( self.w_models ) do if (v.type == "Model") then table.insert(self.wRenderOrder, 1, k) elseif (v.type == "Sprite" or v.type == "Quad") then table.insert(self.wRenderOrder, k) end end end local bone_ent if (IsValid(self:GetOwner())) then self:SetColor(Color(255,255,255,255)) self:SetRenderMode(0) wm:SetNoDraw(true) if (self:GetOwner():GetActiveWeapon() != self.Weapon) then return end wm:SetParent(self:GetOwner()) if (self.ShowWorldModel) then wm:DrawModel() end bone_ent = self:GetOwner() else -- this only happens if the weapon is dropped, which shouldn't happen normally. self:SetColor(Color(255,0,0,0)) self:SetRenderMode(1) wm:SetNoDraw(false) -- else DrawWorldModel stops being called for some reason wm:SetParent(self) --wm:SetPos(opos) --wm:SetAngles(oang) if (self.ShowWorldModel) then wm:DrawModel() end -- the reason that we don't always use this bone is because it lags 1 frame behind the player's right hand bone when held bone_ent = wm end --[[ BASE CODE FOR NEW SWEPS ]] --[[self:DrawModel() if (IsValid(self:GetOwner())) then bone_ent = self:GetOwner() else -- when the weapon is dropped bone_ent = self end]] for k, name in pairs( self.wRenderOrder ) do local v = self.w_models[name] if (!v) then self.wRenderOrder = nil break end local pos, ang if (v.bone) then pos, ang = self:GetBoneOrientation( self.w_models, name, bone_ent ) else pos, ang = self:GetBoneOrientation( self.w_models, name, bone_ent, "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" ) end if (!pos) then continue end local model = v.modelEnt local sprite = v.spriteMaterial if (v.type == "Model" and IsValid(model)) then model:SetPos(pos + ang:Forward() * v.pos.x + ang:Right() * v.pos.y + ang:Up() * v.pos.z ) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), v.angle.y) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), v.angle.p) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), v.angle.r) model:SetAngles(ang) --model:SetModelScale(v.size) local matrix = Matrix() matrix:Scale(v.size) model:EnableMatrix( "RenderMultiply", matrix ) if (v.material == "") then model:SetMaterial("") elseif (model:GetMaterial() != v.material) then model:SetMaterial( v.material ) end if ( != model:GetSkin()) then model:SetSkin( end for k, v in pairs( v.bodygroup ) do if (model:GetBodygroup(k) != v) then model:SetBodygroup(k, v) end end if (v.surpresslightning) then render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) end render.SetColorModulation(v.color.r/255, v.color.g/255, v.color.b/255) render.SetBlend(v.color.a/255) model:DrawModel() render.SetBlend(1) render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) if (v.surpresslightning) then render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) end elseif (v.type == "Sprite" and sprite) then local drawpos = pos + ang:Forward() * v.pos.x + ang:Right() * v.pos.y + ang:Up() * v.pos.z render.SetMaterial(sprite) render.DrawSprite(drawpos, v.size.x, v.size.y, v.color) elseif (v.type == "Quad") then local drawpos = pos + ang:Forward() * v.pos.x + ang:Right() * v.pos.y + ang:Up() * v.pos.z ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), v.angle.y) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), v.angle.p) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), v.angle.r) cam.Start3D2D(drawpos, ang, v.size) draw.RoundedBox( 0, -20, -20, 40, 40, Color(200,0,0,100) ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 100 ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( -20, -20, 40, 40 ) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("12pt arial","12ptFont",0, -12, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("40x40 box","12ptFont",0, 2, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 255, 0, 230 ) surface.DrawLine( 0, 0, 0, 8 ) surface.DrawLine( 0, 0, 8, 0 ) cam.End3D2D() end end end function SWEP:Holster() self.useThirdPerson = false local vm = self:GetOwner():GetViewModel() if IsValid(vm) then self:ResetBonePositions(vm) end return true end local function DrawDot( x, y ) surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 100, 255) surface.DrawRect(x - 2, y - 2, 4, 4) surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255) surface.DrawRect(x - 1, y - 1, 2, 2) end SWEP.FirstTimeOpen = true function SWEP:DrawHUD() DrawDot( ScrW()/2, ScrH()/2 ) DrawDot( ScrW()/2 + 10, ScrH()/2 ) DrawDot( ScrW()/2 - 10, ScrH()/2 ) DrawDot( ScrW()/2, ScrH()/2 + 10 ) DrawDot( ScrW()/2, ScrH()/2 - 10 ) if (self.Frame and self.Frame:IsVisible()) then self.FirstTimeOpen = false local text = "" if (self.useThirdPerson) then text = "Hold right mouse and drag to rotate. Additionally hold E key to zoom." else text = "Hold right mouse and drag to adjust ironsights (mode: "..self.cur_drag_mode..")" end draw.SimpleTextOutlined(text, "default", ScrW()/2, ScrH()/4, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, Color(20,20,20,255)) elseif (self.FirstTimeOpen) then draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Press right mouse to open menu", "default", ScrW()/2, ScrH()/4, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, Color(20,20,20,255)) end end --[[***** Create model browser ****]] -- callback = function( selected_model ) function SWEP:OpenBrowser( current, browse_type, callback ) local wep = self wep.browser_callback = callback wep.Frame:SetVisible( false ) if (browse_type == "model" and wep.modelbrowser) then wep.modelbrowser:SetVisible(true) wep.modelbrowser:MakePopup() wep.modelbrowser_list.OnRowSelected(nil,nil,current) return elseif (browse_type == "material" and wep.matbrowser) then wep.matbrowser:SetVisible(true) wep.matbrowser:MakePopup() wep.matbrowser_list.OnRowSelected(nil,nil,current) return end local browser = vgui.Create("DFrame") browser:SetSize( 480, ScrH()*0.8 ) browser:SetPos( 50, 50 ) browser:SetDraggable( true ) browser:ShowCloseButton( false ) browser:SetSizable( true ) browser:SetDeleteOnClose( false ) if (browse_type == "model") then browser:SetTitle( "Model browser" ) wep.modelbrowser = browser elseif (browse_type == "material") then browser:SetTitle( "Material browser" ) wep.matbrowser = browser end local tree = vgui.Create( "DTree", browser ) --tree:SetPos( 5, 30 ) --tree:SetSize( browser:GetWide() - 10, browser:GetTall()-355 ) tree:SetTall(300) tree:DockPadding(5,5,5,5) tree:Dock(TOP) local nodelist = {} local filecache = {} local checked = {} local modlist = vgui.Create("DListView", browser) modlist:SetMultiSelect(false) modlist:SetDrawBackground(true) if (browse_type == "model") then modlist:AddColumn("Model") elseif (browse_type == "material") then modlist:AddColumn("Material") end modlist:DockPadding(5,5,5,0) modlist:Dock(FILL) local bpanel = vgui.Create("DPanel", browser) bpanel:SetTall(200) bpanel:SetDrawBackground(false) bpanel:DockMargin(5,5,5,5) bpanel:Dock(BOTTOM) local modzoom = 30 local modview if (browse_type == "model") then modview = vgui.Create("DModelPanel", bpanel) modview:SetModel("") modview:SetCamPos( Vector(modzoom,modzoom,modzoom/2) ) modview:SetLookAt( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) elseif (browse_type == "material") then modview = vgui.Create("DImage", bpanel) --modview:SetImage("") end modview:SetSize(200, 200) modview:Dock(LEFT) local rpanel = vgui.Create("DPanel", bpanel) rpanel:SetDrawBackground(false) rpanel:DockPadding(5,0,0,0) rpanel:Dock(FILL) local mdlabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", rpanel) mdlabel:SetText( current ) mdlabel:SizeToContents() mdlabel:Dock(TOP) if (browse_type == "model") then local zoomslider = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider", rpanel) zoomslider:SetText( "Zoom" ) zoomslider:SetMin( 8 ) zoomslider:SetMax( 256 ) zoomslider:SetDecimals( 0 ) zoomslider:SetValue( modzoom ) zoomslider.Wang.ConVarChanged = function( panel, value ) local modzoom = tonumber(value) modview:SetCamPos( Vector(modzoom,modzoom,modzoom/2) ) modview:SetLookAt( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) end zoomslider:Dock(FILL) end local selected = "" modlist.OnRowSelected = function( panel, line, override ) if (type(override) != "string") then override = nil end -- for some reason the list itself throws a panel at it in the callback local path = override or modlist:GetLine(line):GetValue(1) if (browse_type == "model") then modview:SetModel(path) elseif (browse_type == "material") then if (path:sub( 1, 10 ) == "materials/") then path = path:sub( 11 ) -- removes the "materials/" part end path = path:gsub( "%.vmt", "" ) if (file.Exists( "materials/"..path..".vmt", "GAME" )) then modview:SetImage(path) end end mdlabel:SetText(path) selected = path end -- set the default modlist.OnRowSelected(nil,nil,current) if (browse_type == "model") then wep.modelbrowser_list = modlist elseif (browse_type == "material") then wep.matbrowser_list = modlist end local cancelbtn = vgui.Create("DButton", rpanel) cancelbtn:SetTall(20) cancelbtn:SetText("cancel") cancelbtn.DoClick = function() if (wep.Frame) then wep.Frame:SetVisible(true) end browser:Close() end cancelbtn:Dock(BOTTOM) local choosebtn = vgui.Create("DButton", rpanel) choosebtn:SetTall(20) if (browse_type == "model") then choosebtn:SetText("DO WANT THIS MODEL") elseif (browse_type == "material") then choosebtn:SetText("DO WANT THIS MATERIAL") end choosebtn.DoClick = function() if (wep.browser_callback) then pcall(wep.browser_callback, selected) end if (wep.Frame) then wep.Frame:SetVisible(true) end browser:Close() end choosebtn:DockMargin(0,0,0,5) choosebtn:Dock(BOTTOM) local LoadDirectories local AddNode = function( base, dir, tree_override ) local newpath = base.."/"..dir local basenode = nodelist[base] if (tree_override) then newpath = dir basenode = tree_override end if (!basenode) then print("No base node for \""..tostring(base).."\", \""..tostring(dir).."\", "..tostring(tree_override)) end nodelist[newpath] = basenode:AddNode( dir ) nodelist[newpath].DoClick = function() LoadDirectories( newpath ) modlist:Clear() modlist:SetVisible(true) if (filecache[newpath]) then for k, f in pairs(filecache[newpath]) do modlist:AddLine(f) end else filecache[newpath] = {} local files, folders if (newpath:sub(1,9) == "materials") then files, folders = file.Find(newpath.."/*.vmt", "GAME") else files, folders = file.Find(newpath.."/*.mdl", "GAME") end table.sort(files) for k, f in pairs(files) do local newfilepath = newpath.."/"..f modlist:AddLine(newfilepath) table.insert(filecache[newpath], newfilepath) end end end end if (browse_type == "model") then AddNode( "", "models", tree ) elseif (browse_type == "material") then AddNode( "", "materials", tree ) end LoadDirectories = function( v ) if (table.HasValue(checked,v)) then return end local files files, newdirs = file.Find(v.."/*", "GAME") table.insert(checked, v) table.sort(newdirs) for _, dir in pairs(newdirs) do AddNode( v, dir ) end end if (browse_type == "model") then LoadDirectories( "models" ) elseif (browse_type == "material") then LoadDirectories( "materials" ) end browser:SetVisible( true ) browser:MakePopup() end --[[************************** Menu **************************]] local function CreateMenu( preset ) local wep = GetSCKSWEP( LocalPlayer() ) if !IsValid(wep) then return nil end wep.save_data = table.Copy(save_data_template) if (preset) then -- use the preset for k, v in pairs( preset ) do wep.save_data[k] = v end end -- Now for the actual menu: local f = vgui.Create("DFrame") f:SetSize( 480, ScrH()*0.8 ) f:SetPos( 50, 50 ) f:SetTitle( "SWEP Construction Kit" ) f:SetDraggable( true ) f:ShowCloseButton( true ) f:SetSizable( true ) f:SetDeleteOnClose( false ) local tpanel= vgui.Create( "DPanel", f ) tpanel:SetDrawBackground(false) tpanel:SetTall(20) tpanel:DockMargin(0,0,0,5) tpanel:Dock(TOP) local tpsbonelist = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", tpanel ) tpsbonelist:SetWide(150) tpsbonelist:SetTooltip("Bone to focus third person view on") tpsbonelist.OnSelect = function( p, index, value ) wep.tpsfocusbone = value end tpsbonelist:SetText( wep.tpsfocusbone ) tpsbonelist:DockMargin(5,0,0,0) tpsbonelist:Dock(RIGHT) local tlabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", tpanel ) tlabel:SetText( "Focus:" ) tlabel:SizeToContents() tlabel:SetTall(20) tlabel:DockMargin(10,0,0,0) tlabel:Dock(RIGHT) PopulateBoneList( tpsbonelist, LocalPlayer() ) local tbtn = vgui.Create( "DButton", tpanel ) tbtn:SetText( "Toggle thirdperson" ) tbtn.DoClick = function() RunConsoleCommand("swepck_togglethirdperson") end tbtn:Dock(FILL) local tab = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet", f ) wep.ptool = vgui.Create("DPanel", tab) wep.ptool.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(70,70,70,255) surface.DrawRect(0,0,wep.ptool:GetWide(),wep.ptool:GetTall()) end wep.pweapon = vgui.Create("DPanel", tab) wep.pweapon.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(70,70,70,255) surface.DrawRect(0,0,wep.pweapon:GetWide(),wep.pweapon:GetTall()) end wep.pironsight = vgui.Create("DPanel", tab) wep.pironsight.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(70,70,70,255) surface.DrawRect(0,0,wep.pironsight:GetWide(),wep.pironsight:GetTall()) end wep.pmodels = vgui.Create("DPanel", tab) wep.pmodels.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(70,70,70,255) surface.DrawRect(0,0,wep.pmodels:GetWide(),wep.pmodels:GetTall()) end wep.pwmodels = vgui.Create("DPanel", tab) wep.pwmodels.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(70,70,70,255) surface.DrawRect(0,0,wep.pwmodels:GetWide(),wep.pwmodels:GetTall()) end tab:AddSheet( "Tool", wep.ptool, nil, false, false, "Modify tool settings" ) tab:AddSheet( "Weapon", wep.pweapon, nil, false, false, "Modify weapon settings" ) tab:AddSheet( "Ironsights", wep.pironsight, nil, false, false, "Modify ironsights" ) tab:AddSheet( "View Models", wep.pmodels, nil, false, false, "Modify view models" ) tab:AddSheet( "World Models", wep.pwmodels, nil, false, false, "Modify world models" ) wep.ptool:DockPadding(5, 5, 5, 5) wep.pweapon:DockPadding(5, 5, 5, 5) wep.pironsight:DockPadding(5, 5, 5, 5) wep.pmodels:DockPadding(5, 5, 5, 5) wep.pwmodels:DockPadding(5, 5, 5, 5) tab:Dock(FILL) --[[**************** Tool page ****************]] include("weapons/"..wep:GetClass().."/menu/tool.lua") --[[**************** Weapon page ****************]] include("weapons/"..wep:GetClass().."/menu/weapon.lua") --[[******************** Ironsights page ********************]] include("weapons/"..wep:GetClass().."/menu/ironsights.lua") --[[*************************************** View models and World models page ***************************************]] include("weapons/"..wep:GetClass().."/menu/models.lua") -- finally, return the frame! return f end function SWEP:OpenMenu( preset ) if (!self.Frame) then self.Frame = CreateMenu( preset ) end if (IsValid(self.Frame)) then self.Frame:SetVisible(true) self.Frame:MakePopup() else self.Frame = nil end end function SWEP:OnRemove() self:CleanMenu() end function SWEP:OnDropWeapon() self.useThirdPerson = false self.LastOwner = nil if (!self.Frame) then return end self.Frame:Close() end function SWEP:CleanMenu() self:RemoveModels() if (!self.Frame) then return end self.v_modelListing = nil self.w_modelListing = nil self.v_panelCache = {} self.w_panelCache = {} self.Frame:Remove() self.Frame = nil end function SWEP:HUDShouldDraw( el ) return el != "CHudAmmo" and el != "CHudSecondaryAmmo" end --[[************************** Third person view **************************]] function TPCalcView(pl, pos, angles, fov) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if (!IsValid(wep) or !wep.IsSCK or !wep.useThirdPerson) then wep.useThirdPerson = false return end local look_pos = pos local rhand_bone = pl:LookupBone(wep.tpsfocusbone) if (rhand_bone) then look_pos = pl:GetBonePosition( rhand_bone ) end local view = {} view.origin = look_pos + ((pl:GetAngles()+wep.thirdPersonAngle):Forward()*wep.thirdPersonDis) view.angles = (look_pos - view.origin):Angle() view.fov = fov return view end oldCVHooks = {} hooksCleared = false local function CVHookReset() --print("Hook reset") hook.Remove( "CalcView", "TPCalcView" ) for k, v in pairs( oldCVHooks ) do hook.Add("CalcView", k, v) end oldCVHooks = {} hooksCleared = false end function SWEP:CalcViewHookManagement() if (!hooksCleared) then local CVHooks = hook.GetTable()["CalcView"] if CVHooks then for k, v in pairs( CVHooks ) do oldCVHooks[k] = v hook.Remove( "CalcView", k ) end end hook.Add("CalcView", "TPCalcView", TPCalcView) hooksCleared = true else timer.Create("CVHookReset", 2, 1, CVHookReset) end end hook.Add("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "ThirdPerson", function(pl) local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if (wep.useThirdPerson) then return true end end)