AddCSLuaFile() if CLIENT then SWEP.PrintName = "Mechanic's Wrench" SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 55 SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false SWEP.ShowViewModel = false SWEP.ShowWorldModel = false SWEP.VElements = { ["base"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_c17/tools_wrench01a.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "", pos = Vector(2, 2, 0), angle = Angle(190, 0, 90), size = Vector(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_c17/metalladder001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} } } SWEP.WElements = { ["base"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/props_c17/tools_wrench01a.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "", pos = Vector(2, 1, 0), angle = Angle(190, 90, 90), size = Vector(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/props_c17/metalladder001", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} } } SWEP.Description = "This tool can be used to repair deployables as long as they were not damaged recently." end SWEP.Base = "weapon_zs_basemelee" SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/c_crowbar.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/props_c17/tools_wrench01a.mdl" SWEP.ModelScale = 1.5 SWEP.UseHands = true SWEP.HoldType = "melee" SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.8 SWEP.MeleeDamage = 28 SWEP.MeleeRange = 50 SWEP.MeleeSize = 0.875 SWEP.HitGesture = ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_MELEE SWEP.MissGesture = SWEP.HitGesture SWEP.SwingTime = 0.19 SWEP.SwingRotation = Angle(30, -30, -30) SWEP.SwingOffset = Vector(0, -30, 0) SWEP.SwingHoldType = "grenade" SWEP.HealStrength = 13 function SWEP:PlayHitSound() self:EmitSound("weapons/melee/crowbar/crowbar_hit-"..math.random(4)..".ogg", 75, math.random(120, 125)) end function SWEP:PlayRepairSound(hitent) hitent:EmitSound("npc/dog/dog_servo"..math.random(7, 8)..".wav", 70, math.random(100, 105)) end if CLIENT then return end function SWEP:OnMeleeHit(hitent, hitflesh, tr) if not hitent:IsValid() then return end if hitent.HitByWrench and hitent:HitByWrench(self, self.Owner, tr) then return end if hitent.GetObjectHealth then local oldhealth = hitent:GetObjectHealth() if oldhealth <= 0 or oldhealth >= hitent:GetMaxObjectHealth() or hitent.m_LastDamaged and CurTime() < hitent.m_LastDamaged + 4 then return end local healstrength = (self.Owner.HumanRepairMultiplier or 1) * self.HealStrength * (hitent.WrenchRepairMultiplier or 1) hitent:SetObjectHealth(math.min(hitent:GetMaxObjectHealth(), hitent:GetObjectHealth() + healstrength)) local healed = hitent:GetObjectHealth() - oldhealth self:PlayRepairSound(hitent) gamemode.Call("PlayerRepairedObject", self.Owner, hitent, healed / 2, self) local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(tr.HitPos) effectdata:SetNormal(tr.HitNormal) effectdata:SetMagnitude(1) util.Effect("nailrepaired", effectdata, true, true) return true end end