--[[ Zombie Survival by William "JetBoom" Moodhe williammoodhe@gmail.com -or- jetboom@noxiousnet.com http://www.noxiousnet.com/ Further credits displayed by pressing F1 in-game. This was my first ever gamemode. A lot of stuff is from years ago and some stuff is very recent. ]] -- CRAFTING AND ITEM IDEAS --[[ ITEMS nighkeez: you run a bit faster while wearing them. Also attaches white boot props to your feet. AWTH barrel: if it so much as bangs in to something then it blows up with a huge explosion (like fire bomb size). stabber: stubber with a knife in the barrel. A melee weapon with very low size but high reach. hot milk: puts you to sleep for a stupid amount of time and you regenerate health a little bit. gelbanana: green gel banana. using it gives you 8 health. body armor: nullifies one hit that does 20 or more damage and then immediately breaks. RECIPEES boot prop + boot prop = nighkeez nighkeez + bananas prop = clown shoes explosive barrel + explosive barrel = big explosive barrel oxygen canister + big explosive barrel = AWTH barrel stubber + knife = stabber milk + heat source = hot milk ammonia + bleach = mustard gas on the spot. spams yellow fumes everywhere and lethally poisons the user. bananas + microwave = gelbanana metal barrel + something = body armor --]] AddCSLuaFile("cl_init.lua") AddCSLuaFile("shared.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_translate.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_colors.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_serialization.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_globals.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_crafts.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_util.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_options.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_zombieclasses.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_animations.lua") AddCSLuaFile("sh_sigils.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_draw.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_util.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_options.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_scoreboard.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_targetid.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_postprocess.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_deathnotice.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_floatingscore.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_dermaskin.lua") AddCSLuaFile("cl_hint.lua") AddCSLuaFile("obj_vector_extend.lua") AddCSLuaFile("obj_player_extend.lua") AddCSLuaFile("obj_player_extend_cl.lua") AddCSLuaFile("obj_weapon_extend.lua") AddCSLuaFile("obj_entity_extend.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dgamestate.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dteamcounter.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dmodelpanelex.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dammocounter.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dpingmeter.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dteamheading.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dsidemenu.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dmodelkillicon.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dexroundedpanel.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dexroundedframe.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dexrotatedimage.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dexnotificationslist.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/dexchanginglabel.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/pmainmenu.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/poptions.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/phelp.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/pclassselect.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/pweapons.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/pendboard.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/pworth.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/ppointshop.lua") AddCSLuaFile("vgui/zshealtharea.lua") include("shared.lua") include("sv_options.lua") include("sv_crafts.lua") include("obj_entity_extend_sv.lua") include("obj_player_extend_sv.lua") include("mapeditor.lua") include("sv_playerspawnentities.lua") include("sv_profiling.lua") include("sv_sigils.lua") include("sv_zombieescape.lua") if file.Exists(GM.FolderName.."/gamemode/maps/"..game.GetMap()..".lua", "LUA") then include("maps/"..game.GetMap()..".lua") end function BroadcastLua(code) for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do pl:SendLua(code) end end player.GetByUniqueID = player.GetByUniqueID or function(uid) for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:UniqueID() == uid then return pl end end end function GM:WorldHint(hint, pos, ent, lifetime, filter) net.Start("zs_worldhint") net.WriteString(hint) net.WriteVector(pos or ent and ent:IsValid() and ent:GetPos() or vector_origin) net.WriteEntity(ent or NULL) net.WriteFloat(lifetime or 8) if filter then net.Send(filter) else net.Broadcast() end end function GM:CreateGibs(pos, headoffset) headoffset = headoffset or 0 local headpos = Vector(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + headoffset) for i = 1, 2 do local ent = ents.CreateLimited("prop_playergib") if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(headpos + VectorRand() * 5) ent:SetAngles(VectorRand():Angle()) ent:SetGibType(i) ent:Spawn() end end for i=1, 4 do local ent = ents.CreateLimited("prop_playergib") if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(pos + VectorRand() * 12) ent:SetAngles(VectorRand():Angle()) ent:SetGibType(math.random(3, #GAMEMODE.HumanGibs)) ent:Spawn() end end end function GM:TryHumanPickup(pl, entity) if self.ZombieEscape or pl.NoObjectPickup then return end if entity:IsValid() and not entity.m_NoPickup then local entclass = string.sub(entity:GetClass(), 1, 12) if (entclass == "prop_physics" or entclass == "func_physbox" or entity.HumanHoldable and entity:HumanHoldable(pl)) and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and not entity:IsNailed() and pl:Alive() and entity:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS and entity:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid() and entity:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass() <= CARRY_MAXIMUM_MASS and entity:GetPhysicsObject():IsMoveable() and entity:OBBMins():Length() + entity:OBBMaxs():Length() <= CARRY_MAXIMUM_VOLUME then local holder, status = entity:GetHolder() if not holder and not pl:IsHolding() and CurTime() >= (pl.NextHold or 0) and pl:GetShootPos():Distance(entity:NearestPoint(pl:GetShootPos())) <= 64 and pl:GetGroundEntity() ~= entity then local newstatus = ents.Create("status_human_holding") if newstatus:IsValid() then pl.NextHold = CurTime() + 0.25 pl.NextUnHold = CurTime() + 0.05 newstatus:SetPos(pl:GetShootPos()) newstatus:SetOwner(pl) newstatus:SetParent(pl) newstatus:SetObject(entity) newstatus:Spawn() end end end end end function GM:AddResources() resource.AddFile("resource/fonts/typenoksidi.ttf") resource.AddFile("resource/fonts/hidden.ttf") for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/zombiesurvival/*.vmt", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/zombiesurvival/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/zombiesurvival/killicons/*.vmt", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/zombiesurvival/killicons/"..filename) end resource.AddFile("materials/zombiesurvival/filmgrain/filmgrain.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/zombiesurvival/filmgrain/filmgrain.vtf") for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/*.ogg", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("sound/zombiesurvival/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/*.wav", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("sound/zombiesurvival/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/*.mp3", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("sound/zombiesurvival/"..filename) end local _____, dirs = file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/*", "GAME") for _, dirname in pairs(dirs) do for __, filename in pairs(file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/*.ogg", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/"..filename) end for __, filename in pairs(file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/*.wav", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/"..filename) end for __, filename in pairs(file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/*.mp3", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/"..filename) end end resource.AddFile("materials/refract_ring.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/redeem_v2.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/redeem_v2.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_axe.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_keyboard.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_sledgehammer.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_fryingpan.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_pot.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_plank.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_hammer.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_shovel.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_axe.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_keyboard.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_sledgehammer.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_fryingpan.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_pot.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_plank.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_hammer.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/killicon/zs_shovel.vmt") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_zombiearms.mdl") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_zombiearms/zombie_classic_sheet.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_zombiearms/zombie_classic_sheet.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_zombiearms/zombie_classic_sheet_normal.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_zombiearms/ghoulsheet.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_zombiearms/ghoulsheet.vtf") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_fza.mdl") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_pza.mdl") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_fza/fast_zombie_sheet.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_fza/fast_zombie_sheet.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_fza/fast_zombie_sheet_normal.vtf") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_annabelle.mdl") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/w_annabelle/gun.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/sledge.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/sledge.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/temptexture/handsmesh1.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/temptexture/handsmesh1.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/hammer2.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/hammer2.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/hammer.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/hammer.vmt") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/w_sledgehammer.mdl") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_sledgehammer/v_sledgehammer.mdl") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/w_hammer.mdl") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_hammer/v_hammer.mdl") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_aegiskit.mdl") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_hand/armtexture.vmt") resource.AddFile("models/wraith_zsv1.mdl") for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/models/wraith1/*.vmt", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/models/wraith1/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/models/wraith1/*.vtf", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/models/wraith1/"..filename) end resource.AddFile("models/weapons/v_supershorty/v_supershorty.mdl") resource.AddFile("models/weapons/w_supershorty.mdl") for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/weapons/v_supershorty/*.vmt", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/weapons/v_supershorty/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/weapons/v_supershorty/*.vtf", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/weapons/v_supershorty/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/weapons/w_supershorty/*.vmt", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/weapons/w_supershorty/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/weapons/w_supershorty/*.vtf", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/weapons/w_supershorty/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/weapons/survivor01_hands/*.vmt", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/weapons/survivor01_hands/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/weapons/survivor01_hands/*.vtf", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/weapons/survivor01_hands/"..filename) end for _, filename in pairs(file.Find("materials/models/weapons/v_pza/*.*", "GAME")) do resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_pza/"..string.lower(filename)) end resource.AddFile("models/player/fatty/fatty.mdl") resource.AddFile("materials/models/player/elis/fty/001.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/player/elis/fty/001.vtf") resource.AddFile("materials/models/player/elis/fty/001_normal.vtf") resource.AddFile("models/vinrax/player/doll_player.mdl") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/golf club/golf_hit-01.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/golf club/golf_hit-02.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/golf club/golf_hit-03.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/golf club/golf_hit-04.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/crowbar/crowbar_hit-1.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/crowbar/crowbar_hit-2.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/crowbar/crowbar_hit-3.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/crowbar/crowbar_hit-4.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/shovel/shovel_hit-01.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/shovel/shovel_hit-02.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/shovel/shovel_hit-03.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/shovel/shovel_hit-04.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/frying_pan/pan_hit-01.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/frying_pan/pan_hit-02.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/frying_pan/pan_hit-03.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/frying_pan/pan_hit-04.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/keyboard/keyboard_hit-01.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/keyboard/keyboard_hit-02.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/keyboard/keyboard_hit-03.ogg") resource.AddFile("sound/weapons/melee/keyboard/keyboard_hit-04.ogg") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray1.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray2.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray3.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray4.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray5.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray6.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray7.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/noxctf/sprite_bloodspray8.vmt") resource.AddFile("sound/"..tostring(self.LastHumanSound)) resource.AddFile("sound/"..tostring(self.AllLoseSound)) resource.AddFile("sound/"..tostring(self.HumanWinSound)) resource.AddFile("sound/"..tostring(self.DeathSound)) end function GM:Initialize() self:RegisterPlayerSpawnEntities() self:AddResources() self:PrecacheResources() self:AddCustomAmmo() self:AddNetworkStrings() self:LoadProfiler() self:SetPantsMode(self.PantsMode, true) self:SetClassicMode(self:IsClassicMode(), true) self:SetBabyMode(self:IsBabyMode(), true) self:SetRedeemBrains(self.DefaultRedeem) local mapname = string.lower(game.GetMap()) if string.find(mapname, "_obj_", 1, true) or string.find(mapname, "objective", 1, true) then self.ObjectiveMap = true end --[[if string.sub(mapname, 1, 3) == "zm_" then NOZOMBIEGASSES = true end]] game.ConsoleCommand("fire_dmgscale 1\n") game.ConsoleCommand("mp_flashlight 1\n") game.ConsoleCommand("sv_gravity 600\n") end function GM:AddNetworkStrings() util.AddNetworkString("zs_gamestate") util.AddNetworkString("zs_wavestart") util.AddNetworkString("zs_waveend") util.AddNetworkString("zs_lasthuman") util.AddNetworkString("zs_gamemodecall") util.AddNetworkString("zs_lasthumanpos") util.AddNetworkString("zs_endround") util.AddNetworkString("zs_centernotify") util.AddNetworkString("zs_topnotify") util.AddNetworkString("zs_zvols") util.AddNetworkString("zs_classunlock") util.AddNetworkString("zs_playerredeemed") util.AddNetworkString("zs_dohulls") util.AddNetworkString("zs_penalty") util.AddNetworkString("zs_nextresupplyuse") util.AddNetworkString("zs_lifestats") util.AddNetworkString("zs_lifestatsbd") util.AddNetworkString("zs_lifestatshd") util.AddNetworkString("zs_lifestatsbe") util.AddNetworkString("zs_boss_spawned") util.AddNetworkString("zs_commission") util.AddNetworkString("zs_healother") util.AddNetworkString("zs_repairobject") util.AddNetworkString("zs_worldhint") util.AddNetworkString("zs_honmention") util.AddNetworkString("zs_floatscore") util.AddNetworkString("zs_floatscore_vec") util.AddNetworkString("zs_zclass") util.AddNetworkString("zs_dmg") util.AddNetworkString("zs_dmg_prop") util.AddNetworkString("zs_legdamage") util.AddNetworkString("zs_crow_kill_crow") util.AddNetworkString("zs_pl_kill_pl") util.AddNetworkString("zs_pls_kill_pl") util.AddNetworkString("zs_pl_kill_self") util.AddNetworkString("zs_death") end function GM:IsClassicMode() return self.ClassicMode end function GM:IsBabyMode() return self.BabyMode end function GM:CenterNotifyAll(...) net.Start("zs_centernotify") net.WriteTable({...}) net.Broadcast() end GM.CenterNotify = GM.CenterNotifyAll function GM:TopNotifyAll(...) net.Start("zs_topnotify") net.WriteTable({...}) net.Broadcast() end GM.TopNotify = GM.TopNotifyAll function GM:ShowHelp(pl) pl:SendLua("GAMEMODE:ShowHelp()") end function GM:ShowTeam(pl) if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and not self.ZombieEscape then pl:SendLua(self:GetWave() > 0 and "GAMEMODE:OpenPointsShop()" or "MakepWorth()") end end function GM:ShowSpare1(pl) if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then if self:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() then pl:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(pl, "no_class_switch_in_this_mode")) else pl:SendLua("GAMEMODE:OpenClassSelect()") end else pl:SendLua("MakepWeapons()") end end function GM:ShowSpare2(pl) pl:SendLua("MakepOptions()") end function GM:SetupSpawnPoints() local ztab = ents.FindByClass("info_player_undead") ztab = table.Add(ztab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_zombie")) ztab = table.Add(ztab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_rebel")) local htab = ents.FindByClass("info_player_human") htab = table.Add(htab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_combine")) local mapname = string.lower(game.GetMap()) -- Terrorist spawns are usually in some kind of house or a main base in CS_ in order to guard the hosties. Put the humans there. if string.sub(mapname, 1, 3) == "cs_" or string.sub(mapname, 1, 3) == "zs_" then ztab = table.Add(ztab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_counterterrorist")) htab = table.Add(htab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_terrorist")) else -- Otherwise, this is probably a DE_, ZM_, or ZH_ map. In DE_ maps, the T's spawn away from the main part of the map and are zombies in zombie plugins so let's do the same. ztab = table.Add(ztab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_terrorist")) htab = table.Add(htab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_counterterrorist")) end -- Add all the old ZS spawns from GMod9. for _, oldspawn in pairs(ents.FindByClass("gmod_player_start")) do if oldspawn.BlueTeam then table.insert(htab, oldspawn) else table.insert(ztab, oldspawn) end end -- You shouldn't play a DM map since spawns are shared but whatever. Let's make sure that there aren't team spawns first. if #htab == 0 then htab = ents.FindByClass("info_player_start") htab = table.Add(htab, ents.FindByClass("info_player_deathmatch")) -- Zombie Master end if #ztab == 0 then ztab = ents.FindByClass("info_player_start") ztab = table.Add(ztab, ents.FindByClass("info_zombiespawn")) -- Zombie Master end team.SetSpawnPoint(TEAM_UNDEAD, ztab) team.SetSpawnPoint(TEAM_HUMAN, htab) self.RedeemSpawnPoints = ents.FindByClass("info_player_redeemed") self.BossSpawnPoints = table.Add(ents.FindByClass("info_player_zombie_boss"), ents.FindByClass("info_player_undead_boss")) end function GM:PlayerPointsAdded(pl, amount) end local weaponmodelstoweapon = {} weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props/cs_office/computer_keyboard.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_keyboard" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_c17/computer01_keyboard.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_keyboard" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_c17/metalpot001a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_pot" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_interiors/pot02a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_fryingpan" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_c17/metalpot002a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_fryingpan" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_junk/shovel01a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_shovel" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props/cs_militia/axe.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_axe" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_c17/tools_wrench01a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_hammer" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/weapons/w_knife_t.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_swissarmyknife" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/weapons/w_knife_ct.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_swissarmyknife" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/weapons/w_crowbar.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_crowbar" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/weapons/w_stunbaton.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_stunbaton" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_interiors/furniture_lamp01a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_lamp" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_junk/rock001a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_stone" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_oxygentank" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_canal/mattpipe.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_pipe" weaponmodelstoweapon["models/props_junk/meathook001a.mdl"] = "weapon_zs_hook" function GM:InitPostEntity() gamemode.Call("InitPostEntityMap") RunConsoleCommand("mapcyclefile", "mapcycle_zombiesurvival.txt") if string.find(string.lower(GetConVarString("hostname")), "hellsgamers", 1, true) then self.Think = function() end self.DoPlayerDeath = self.Think self.SetWave = self.Think timer.Simple(20, function() RunConsoleCommand("quit") end) ErrorNoHalt("You are literally not allowed to host this version. See license.txt") end end function GM:SetupProps() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_physics*")) do local mdl = ent:GetModel() if mdl then mdl = string.lower(mdl) if table.HasValue(self.BannedProps, mdl) then ent:Remove() elseif weaponmodelstoweapon[mdl] then local wep = ents.Create("prop_weapon") if wep:IsValid() then wep:SetPos(ent:GetPos()) wep:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles()) wep:SetWeaponType(weaponmodelstoweapon[mdl]) wep:SetShouldRemoveAmmo(false) wep:Spawn() ent:Remove() end elseif ent:GetMaxHealth() == 1 and ent:Health() == 0 and ent:GetKeyValues().damagefilter ~= "invul" and ent:GetName() == "" then local health = math.min(2500, math.ceil((ent:OBBMins():Length() + ent:OBBMaxs():Length()) * 10)) local hmul = self.PropHealthMultipliers[mdl] if hmul then health = health * hmul end ent.PropHealth = health ent.TotalHealth = health else ent:SetHealth(math.ceil(ent:Health() * 3)) ent:SetMaxHealth(ent:Health()) end end end end function GM:RemoveUnusedEntities() -- Causes a lot of needless lag. util.RemoveAll("prop_ragdoll") -- Remove NPCs because first of all this game is PvP and NPCs can cause crashes. util.RemoveAll("npc_maker") util.RemoveAll("npc_template_maker") util.RemoveAll("npc_zombie") util.RemoveAll("npc_zombie_torso") util.RemoveAll("npc_fastzombie") util.RemoveAll("npc_headcrab") util.RemoveAll("npc_headcrab_fast") util.RemoveAll("npc_headcrab_black") util.RemoveAll("npc_poisonzombie") -- Such a headache. Just remove them all. util.RemoveAll("item_ammo_crate") -- Shouldn't exist. util.RemoveAll("item_suitcharger") end function GM:ReplaceMapWeapons() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("weapon_*")) do local wepclass = ent:GetClass() if wepclass ~= "weapon_map_base" then if string.sub(wepclass, 1, 10) == "weapon_zs_" then local wep = ents.Create("prop_weapon") if wep:IsValid() then wep:SetPos(ent:GetPos()) wep:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles()) wep:SetWeaponType(ent:GetClass()) wep:SetShouldRemoveAmmo(false) wep:Spawn() wep.IsPreplaced = true end end ent:Remove() end end end local ammoreplacements = { ["item_ammo_357"] = "357", ["item_ammo_357_large"] = "357", ["item_ammo_pistol"] = "pistol", ["item_ammo_pistol_large"] = "pistol", ["item_ammo_buckshot"] = "buckshot", ["item_ammo_ar2"] = "ar2", ["item_ammo_ar2_large"] = "ar2", ["item_ammo_ar2_altfire"] = "pulse", ["item_ammo_crossbow"] = "xbowbolt", ["item_ammo_smg1"] = "smg1", ["item_ammo_smg1_large"] = "smg1", ["item_box_buckshot"] = "buckshot" } function GM:ReplaceMapAmmo() for classname, ammotype in pairs(ammoreplacements) do for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass(classname)) do local newent = ents.Create("prop_ammo") if newent:IsValid() then newent:SetAmmoType(ammotype) newent.PlacedInMap = true newent:SetPos(ent:GetPos()) newent:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles()) newent:Spawn() newent:SetAmmo(self.AmmoCache[ammotype] or 1) end ent:Remove() end end util.RemoveAll("item_item_crate") end function GM:ReplaceMapBatteries() util.RemoveAll("item_battery") end function GM:CreateZombieGas() if NOZOMBIEGASSES then return end local humanspawns = team.GetValidSpawnPoint(TEAM_HUMAN) local zombiespawns = team.GetValidSpawnPoint(TEAM_UNDEAD) for _, zombie_spawn in pairs(zombiespawns) do local gasses = ents.FindByClass("zombiegasses") if 4 < #gasses then return end if #gasses > 0 and math.random(5) ~= 1 then continue end local spawnpos = zombie_spawn:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 24) local near = false if not self.ZombieEscape then for __, human_spawn in pairs(humanspawns) do if human_spawn:IsValid() and human_spawn:GetPos():Distance(spawnpos) < 500 then near = true break end end end if not near then for __, gas in pairs(gasses) do if gas:GetPos():Distance(spawnpos) < 350 then near = true break end end end if not near then local ent = ents.Create("zombiegasses") if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(spawnpos) ent:Spawn() end end end end function GM:CheckDynamicSpawnHR(ent) if ent and ent:IsValid() and ent:IsPlayer() and ent:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then ent.DynamicSpawnedOn = ent.DynamicSpawnedOn + 1 end end local playermins = Vector(-17, -17, 0) local playermaxs = Vector(17, 17, 4) local LastSpawnPoints = {} function GM:PlayerSelectSpawn(pl) local spawninplayer = false local teamid = pl:Team() local tab local epicenter if pl.m_PreRedeem and teamid == TEAM_HUMAN and #self.RedeemSpawnPoints >= 1 then tab = self.RedeemSpawnPoints elseif teamid == TEAM_UNDEAD then if pl:GetZombieClassTable().Boss and (not pl.DeathClass or self.ZombieClasses[pl.DeathClass].Boss) and #self.BossSpawnPoints >= 1 then tab = self.BossSpawnPoints elseif self.DynamicSpawning --[[and CurTime() >= self:GetWaveStart() + 1]] then -- If we're a bit in the wave then we can spawn on top of heavily dense groups with no humans looking at us. if self:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() then -- If they're near a human, use position where they died. for _, h in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN)) do if h:GetPos():Distance(epicenter or pl:GetPos()) < 1024 then epicenter = pl.KilledPos break end end -- Not near a human when they died, so use best dynamic spawn based on human epicenter. if not epicenter then local best = self:GetBestDynamicSpawn(pl) if IsValid(best) then return best end end tab = table.Copy(team.GetValidSpawnPoint(TEAM_UNDEAD)) local dynamicspawns = self:GetDynamicSpawns(pl) if #dynamicspawns > 0 then spawninplayer = true table.Add(tab, dynamicspawns) end else local dyn = pl.ForceDynamicSpawn if dyn then pl.ForceDynamicSpawn = nil if self:DynamicSpawnIsValid(dyn) then self:CheckDynamicSpawnHR(dyn) if dyn:GetClass() == "prop_creepernest" then local owner = dyn.Owner if owner and owner:IsValid() and owner:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then owner.NestSpawns = owner.NestSpawns + 1 end end return dyn end epicenter = dyn:GetPos() -- Ok, at least skew our epicenter to what they tried to spawn at. tab = table.Copy(team.GetValidSpawnPoint(TEAM_UNDEAD)) local dynamicspawns = self:GetDynamicSpawns(pl) if #dynamicspawns > 0 then spawninplayer = true table.Add(tab, dynamicspawns) end else tab = table.Copy(team.GetValidSpawnPoint(TEAM_UNDEAD)) local dynamicspawns = self:GetDynamicSpawns(pl) if #dynamicspawns > 0 then spawninplayer = true table.Add(tab, dynamicspawns) end end end end end if not tab or #tab == 0 then tab = team.GetValidSpawnPoint(teamid) or {} end -- Now we have a table of our potential spawn points, including dynamic spawns (other players). -- We validate if the spawn is blocked, disabled, or otherwise not suitable below. local count = #tab if count > 0 then local potential = {} for _, spawn in pairs(tab) do if spawn:IsValid() and not spawn.Disabled and (spawn:IsPlayer() or spawn ~= LastSpawnPoints[teamid] or #tab == 1) and spawn:IsInWorld() then local blocked local spawnpos = spawn:GetPos() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInBox(spawnpos + playermins, spawnpos + playermaxs)) do if IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and not spawninplayer or string.sub(ent:GetClass(), 1, 5) == "prop_" then blocked = true break end end if not blocked then potential[#potential + 1] = spawn end end end -- Now our final spawn list. Pick the one that's closest to the humans if we're a zombie. Otherwise use a random spawn. if #potential > 0 then local spawn = teamid == TEAM_UNDEAD and self:GetClosestSpawnPoint(potential, epicenter or self:GetTeamEpicentre(TEAM_HUMAN)) or table.Random(potential) if spawn then LastSpawnPoints[teamid] = spawn self:CheckDynamicSpawnHR(spawn) pl.SpawnedOnSpawnPoint = true return spawn end end end pl.SpawnedOnSpawnPoint = true -- Fallback. return LastSpawnPoints[teamid] or #tab > 0 and table.Random(tab) or pl end local function BossZombieSort(a, b) local ascore = a.BarricadeDamage * 0.2 + a.DamageDealt[TEAM_UNDEAD] local bscore = b.BarricadeDamage * 0.2 + b.DamageDealt[TEAM_UNDEAD] if ascore == bscore then return a:Deaths() < b:Deaths() end return ascore > bscore end function GM:SpawnBossZombie(bossplayer, silent) if not bossplayer then local livingbosses = 0 local zombies = {} for _, ent in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do if ent:GetZombieClassTable().Boss and ent:Alive() then livingbosses = livingbosses + 1 if livingbosses >= 3 then return end else table.insert(zombies, ent) end end table.sort(zombies, BossZombieSort) bossplayer = zombies[1] end if not bossplayer then return end local bossindex = bossplayer:GetBossZombieIndex() if bossindex == -1 then return end self.LastBossZombieSpawned = self:GetWave() local curclass = bossplayer.DeathClass or bossplayer:GetZombieClass() bossplayer:KillSilent() bossplayer:SetZombieClass(bossindex) bossplayer:DoHulls(bossindex, TEAM_UNDEAD) bossplayer.DeathClass = nil bossplayer:UnSpectateAndSpawn() bossplayer.DeathClass = curclass if not silent then net.Start("zs_boss_spawned") net.WriteEntity(bossplayer) net.WriteUInt(bossindex, 8) net.Broadcast() end end function GM:SendZombieVolunteers(pl, nonemptyonly) if nonemptyonly and #self.ZombieVolunteers == 0 then return end net.Start("zs_zvols") net.WriteUInt(#self.ZombieVolunteers, 8) for _, p in ipairs(self.ZombieVolunteers) do net.WriteEntity(p) end if pl then net.Send(pl) else net.Broadcast() end end local NextTick = 0 function GM:Think() local time = CurTime() local wave = self:GetWave() if not self.RoundEnded then if self:GetWaveActive() then if self:GetWaveEnd() <= time and self:GetWaveEnd() ~= -1 then gamemode.Call("SetWaveActive", false) end elseif self:GetWaveStart() ~= -1 then if self:GetWaveStart() <= time then gamemode.Call("SetWaveActive", true) elseif self.BossZombies and not self.PantsMode and not self:IsClassicMode() and not self.ZombieEscape and self.LastBossZombieSpawned ~= wave and wave > 0 and self:GetWaveStart() - 10 <= time and not self.RoundEnded and (self.BossZombiePlayersRequired <= 0 or #player.GetAll() >= self.BossZombiePlayersRequired) then self:SpawnBossZombie() end end end local humans = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) for _, pl in pairs(humans) do if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then if pl:GetBarricadeGhosting() then pl:BarricadeGhostingThink() end if pl.m_PointQueue >= 1 and time >= pl.m_LastDamageDealt + 3 then pl:PointCashOut((pl.m_LastDamageDealtPosition or pl:GetPos()) + Vector(0, 0, 32), FM_NONE) end end end if wave == 0 then self:CalculateZombieVolunteers() end if NextTick <= time then NextTick = time + 1 local doafk = not self:GetWaveActive() and wave == 0 local dopoison = self:GetEscapeStage() == ESCAPESTAGE_DEATH for _, pl in pairs(humans) do if pl:Alive() then if doafk then local plpos = pl:GetPos() if pl.LastAFKPosition and (pl.LastAFKPosition.x ~= plpos.x or pl.LastAFKPosition.y ~= plpos.y) then pl.LastNotAFK = CurTime() end pl.LastAFKPosition = plpos end if pl:WaterLevel() >= 3 and not (pl.status_drown and pl.status_drown:IsValid()) then pl:GiveStatus("drown") else pl:PreventSkyCade() end if self:GetWave() >= 1 and time >= pl.BonusDamageCheck + 60 then pl.BonusDamageCheck = time pl:AddPoints(2) pl:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "minute_points_added", 2) end if pl.BuffRegenerative and time >= pl.NextRegenerate and pl:Health() < pl:GetMaxHealth() / 2 then pl.NextRegenerate = time + 5 pl:SetHealth(pl:Health() + 1) end if dopoison then pl:TakeSpecialDamage(5, DMG_POISON) end end end end end -- We calculate the volunteers. If the list changed then broadcast the new list. function GM:CalculateZombieVolunteers() local volunteers = {} local allplayers = player.GetAll() self:SortZombieSpawnDistances(allplayers) for i = 1, self:GetDesiredStartingZombies() do volunteers[i] = allplayers[i] end local mismatch = false if #volunteers ~= #self.ZombieVolunteers then mismatch = true else for i=1, #volunteers do if volunteers[i] ~= self.ZombieVolunteers[i] then mismatch = true break end end end if mismatch then self.ZombieVolunteers = volunteers self:SendZombieVolunteers() end end function GM:LastBite(victim, attacker) LAST_BITE = attacker end function GM:CalculateInfliction(victim, attacker) if self.RoundEnded or self:GetWave() == 0 then return self.CappedInfliction end local players = 0 local zombies = 0 local humans = 0 local wonhumans = 0 local hum for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if not pl.Disconnecting then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then zombies = zombies + 1 elseif pl:HasWon() then wonhumans = wonhumans + 1 else humans = humans + 1 hum = pl end end end players = humans + zombies if players == 0 then return self.CappedInfliction end local infliction = math.max(zombies / players, self.CappedInfliction) self.CappedInfliction = infliction if humans == 1 and 2 < zombies then gamemode.Call("LastHuman", hum) elseif 1 <= infliction then infliction = 1 if wonhumans >= 1 then gamemode.Call("EndRound", TEAM_HUMAN) else gamemode.Call("EndRound", TEAM_UNDEAD) if attacker and attacker:IsValid() and attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and attacker ~= victim then gamemode.Call("LastBite", victim, attacker) end end end if not self:IsClassicMode() and not self.ZombieEscape and not self:IsBabyMode() and not self.PantsMode then for k, v in ipairs(self.ZombieClasses) do if v.Infliction and infliction >= v.Infliction and not self:IsClassUnlocked(v.Name) then v.Unlocked = true if not self.PantsMode and not self:IsClassicMode() and not self:IsBabyMode() and not self.ZombieEscape then if not v.Locked then for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do pl:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientFormat(pl, "infliction_reached", v.Infliction * 100)) pl:CenterNotify(translate.ClientFormat(pl, "x_unlocked", translate.ClientGet(pl, v.TranslationName))) end end end end end end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_infliction")) do if ent.Infliction <= infliction then ent:Input("oninflictionreached", NULL, NULL, infliction) end end return infliction end timer.Create("CalculateInfliction", 2, 0, function() gamemode.Call("CalculateInfliction") end) function GM:OnNPCKilled(ent, attacker, inflictor) end function GM:LastHuman(pl) if not LASTHUMAN then net.Start("zs_lasthuman") net.WriteEntity(pl or NULL) net.Broadcast() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_infliction")) do ent:Input("onlasthuman", pl, pl, pl and pl:IsValid() and pl:EntIndex() or -1) end LASTHUMAN = true end self.TheLastHuman = pl end function GM:PlayerHealedTeamMember(pl, other, health, wep) if self:GetWave() == 0 then return end pl.HealedThisRound = pl.HealedThisRound + health pl.CarryOverHealth = (pl.CarryOverHealth or 0) + health local hpperpoint = self.MedkitPointsPerHealth if hpperpoint <= 0 then return end local points = math.floor(pl.CarryOverHealth / hpperpoint) if 1 <= points then pl:AddPoints(points) pl.CarryOverHealth = pl.CarryOverHealth - points * hpperpoint net.Start("zs_healother") net.WriteEntity(other) net.WriteUInt(points, 16) net.Send(pl) end end function GM:ObjectPackedUp(pack, packer, owner) end function GM:PlayerRepairedObject(pl, other, health, wep) if self:GetWave() == 0 then return end pl.RepairedThisRound = pl.RepairedThisRound + health pl.CarryOverRepair = (pl.CarryOverRepair or 0) + health local hpperpoint = self.RepairPointsPerHealth if hpperpoint <= 0 then return end local points = math.floor(pl.CarryOverRepair / hpperpoint) if 1 <= points then pl:AddPoints(points) pl.CarryOverRepair = pl.CarryOverRepair - points * hpperpoint net.Start("zs_repairobject") net.WriteEntity(other) net.WriteUInt(points, 16) net.Send(pl) end end function GM:CacheHonorableMentions() if self.CachedHMs then return end self.CachedHMs = {} for i, hm in ipairs(self.HonorableMentions) do if hm.GetPlayer then local pl, magnitude = hm.GetPlayer(self) if pl then self.CachedHMs[i] = {pl, i, magnitude or 0} end end end gamemode.Call("PostDoHonorableMentions") end function GM:DoHonorableMentions(filter) self:CacheHonorableMentions() for i, tab in pairs(self.CachedHMs) do net.Start("zs_honmention") net.WriteEntity(tab[1]) net.WriteUInt(tab[2], 8) net.WriteInt(tab[3], 32) if filter then net.Send(filter) else net.Broadcast() end end end function GM:PostDoHonorableMentions() end function GM:PostEndRound(winner) end -- You can override or hook and return false in case you have your own map change system. local function RealMap(map) return string.match(map, "(.+)%.bsp") end function GM:LoadNextMap() -- Just in case. timer.Simple(10, game.LoadNextMap) timer.Simple(15, function() RunConsoleCommand("changelevel", game.GetMap()) end) if file.Exists(GetConVarString("mapcyclefile"), "GAME") then game.LoadNextMap() else local maps = file.Find("maps/zs_*.bsp", "GAME") maps = table.Add(maps, file.Find("maps/ze_*.bsp", "GAME")) maps = table.Add(maps, file.Find("maps/zm_*.bsp", "GAME")) table.sort(maps) if #maps > 0 then local currentmap = game.GetMap() for i, map in ipairs(maps) do local lowermap = string.lower(map) local realmap = RealMap(lowermap) if realmap == currentmap then if maps[i + 1] then local nextmap = RealMap(maps[i + 1]) if nextmap then RunConsoleCommand("changelevel", nextmap) end else local nextmap = RealMap(maps[1]) if nextmap then RunConsoleCommand("changelevel", nextmap) end end break end end end end end function GM:PreRestartRound() for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do pl:StripWeapons() pl:Spectate(OBS_MODE_ROAMING) pl:GodDisable() end end GM.CurrentRound = 1 function GM:RestartRound() self.CurrentRound = self.CurrentRound + 1 self:RestartLua() self:RestartGame() net.Start("zs_gamemodecall") net.WriteString("RestartRound") net.Broadcast() end GM.DynamicSpawning = true GM.CappedInfliction = 0 GM.StartingZombie = {} GM.CheckedOut = {} GM.PreviouslyDied = {} GM.StoredUndeadFrags = {} function GM:RestartLua() self.CachedHMs = nil self.TheLastHuman = nil self.LastBossZombieSpawned = nil self.UseSigils = nil -- logic_pickups self.MaxWeaponPickups = nil self.MaxAmmoPickups = nil self.MaxFlashlightPickups = nil self.WeaponRequiredForAmmo = nil for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do pl.AmmoPickups = nil pl.WeaponPickups = nil end self.OverrideEndSlomo = nil if type(GetGlobalBool("endcamera", 1)) ~= "number" then SetGlobalBool("endcamera", nil) end if GetGlobalString("winmusic", "-") ~= "-" then SetGlobalString("winmusic", nil) end if GetGlobalString("losemusic", "-") ~= "-" then SetGlobalString("losemusic", nil) end if type(GetGlobalVector("endcamerapos", 1)) ~= "number" then SetGlobalVector("endcamerapos", nil) end self.CappedInfliction = 0 self.StartingZombie = {} self.CheckedOut = {} self.PreviouslyDied = {} self.StoredUndeadFrags = {} ROUNDWINNER = nil LAST_BITE = nil LASTHUMAN = nil hook.Remove("PlayerShouldTakeDamage", "EndRoundShouldTakeDamage") hook.Remove("PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice", "EndRoundCanHearPlayersVoice") self:RevertZombieClasses() end -- I don't know. local function CheckBroken() for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:Alive() and (pl:Health() <= 0 or pl:GetObserverMode() ~= OBS_MODE_NONE or pl:OBBMaxs().x ~= 16) then pl:SetObserverMode(OBS_MODE_NONE) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() end end end function GM:DoRestartGame() self.RoundEnded = nil for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_weapon")) do ent:Remove() end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_ammo")) do ent:Remove() end self:SetUseSigils(false) self:SetEscapeStage(ESCAPESTAGE_NONE) self:SetWave(0) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then self:SetWaveStart(CurTime() + 30) else self:SetWaveStart(CurTime() + self.WaveZeroLength) end self:SetWaveEnd(self:GetWaveStart() + self:GetWaveOneLength()) self:SetWaveActive(false) SetGlobalInt("numwaves", -2) timer.Create("CheckBroken", 10, 1, CheckBroken) game.CleanUpMap(false, self.CleanupFilter) gamemode.Call("InitPostEntityMap") for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() pl:GodDisable() gamemode.Call("PlayerInitialSpawnRound", pl) gamemode.Call("PlayerReadyRound", pl) end end function GM:RestartGame() for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do pl:StripWeapons() pl:StripAmmo() pl:SetFrags(0) pl:SetDeaths(0) pl:SetPoints(0) pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_HUMAN) pl:DoHulls() pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass) pl.DeathClass = nil end self:SetWave(0) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then self:SetWaveStart(CurTime() + 30) else self:SetWaveStart(CurTime() + self.WaveZeroLength) end self:SetWaveEnd(self:GetWaveStart() + self:GetWaveOneLength()) self:SetWaveActive(false) SetGlobalInt("numwaves", -2) if GetGlobalString("hudoverride"..TEAM_UNDEAD, "") ~= "" then SetGlobalString("hudoverride"..TEAM_UNDEAD, "") end if GetGlobalString("hudoverride"..TEAM_HUMAN, "") ~= "" then SetGlobalString("hudoverride"..TEAM_HUMAN, "") end timer.Simple(0.25, function() GAMEMODE:DoRestartGame() end) end function GM:InitPostEntityMap(fromze) pcall(gamemode.Call, "LoadMapEditorFile") gamemode.Call("SetupSpawnPoints") gamemode.Call("RemoveUnusedEntities") if not fromze then gamemode.Call("ReplaceMapWeapons") gamemode.Call("ReplaceMapAmmo") gamemode.Call("ReplaceMapBatteries") end gamemode.Call("CreateZombieGas") gamemode.Call("SetupProps") for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_ammo")) do ent.PlacedInMap = true end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_weapon")) do ent.PlacedInMap = true end if self.ObjectiveMap then self:SetDynamicSpawning(false) self.BossZombies = false end --[[if not game.IsDedicated() then gamemode.Call("CreateSigils") end]] end local function EndRoundPlayerShouldTakeDamage(pl, attacker) return pl:Team() ~= TEAM_HUMAN or not attacker:IsPlayer() end local function EndRoundPlayerCanSuicide(pl) return pl:Team() ~= TEAM_HUMAN end local function EndRoundSetupPlayerVisibility(pl) if GAMEMODE.LastHumanPosition and GAMEMODE.RoundEnded then AddOriginToPVS(GAMEMODE.LastHumanPosition) else hook.Remove("SetupPlayerVisibility", "EndRoundSetupPlayerVisibility") end end function GM:EndRound(winner) if self.RoundEnded then return end self.RoundEnded = true self.RoundEndedTime = CurTime() ROUNDWINNER = winner if self.OverrideEndSlomo == nil or self.OverrideEndSlomo then game.SetTimeScale(0.25) timer.Simple(2, function() game.SetTimeScale(1) end) end hook.Add("PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice", "EndRoundCanHearPlayersVoice", function() return true end) if self.OverrideEndCamera == nil or self.OverrideEndCamera then hook.Add("SetupPlayerVisibility", "EndRoundSetupPlayerVisibility", EndRoundSetupPlayerVisibility) end if self:ShouldRestartRound() then timer.Simple(self.EndGameTime - 3, function() gamemode.Call("PreRestartRound") end) timer.Simple(self.EndGameTime, function() gamemode.Call("RestartRound") end) else timer.Simple(self.EndGameTime, function() gamemode.Call("LoadNextMap") end) end -- Get rid of some lag. util.RemoveAll("prop_ammo") util.RemoveAll("prop_weapon") timer.Simple(5, function() gamemode.Call("DoHonorableMentions") end) if winner == TEAM_HUMAN then self.LastHumanPosition = nil hook.Add("PlayerShouldTakeDamage", "EndRoundShouldTakeDamage", EndRoundPlayerShouldTakeDamage) elseif winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then hook.Add("PlayerShouldTakeDamage", "EndRoundShouldTakeDamage", EndRoundPlayerCanSuicide) end net.Start("zs_endround") net.WriteUInt(winner or -1, 8) net.WriteString(game.GetMapNext()) net.Broadcast() if winner == TEAM_HUMAN then for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_winlose")) do ent:Input("onwin") end else for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_winlose")) do ent:Input("onlose") end end gamemode.Call("PostEndRound", winner) self:SetWaveStart(CurTime() + 9999) end function GM:PlayerReady(pl) gamemode.Call("PlayerReadyRound", pl) end function GM:PlayerReadyRound(pl) if not pl:IsValid() then return end self:FullGameUpdate(pl) pl:UpdateAllZombieClasses() local classid = pl:GetZombieClass() pl:SetZombieClass(classid, true, pl) if self.OverrideStartingWorth then pl:SendLua("GAMEMODE.StartingWorth="..tostring(self.StartingWorth)) end if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then -- This is just so they get updated on what class they are and have their hulls set up right. pl:DoHulls(classid, TEAM_UNDEAD) elseif self:GetWave() <= 0 and self.StartingWorth > 0 and not self.StartingLoadout and not self.ZombieEscape then pl:SendLua("MakepWorth()") else gamemode.Call("GiveDefaultOrRandomEquipment", pl) end if self.RoundEnded then pl:SendLua("gamemode.Call(\"EndRound\", "..tostring(ROUNDWINNER)..", \""..game.GetMapNext().."\")") gamemode.Call("DoHonorableMentions", pl) end if pl:GetInfo("zs_noredeem") == "1" then pl.NoRedeeming = true end if self:GetWave() == 0 then self:SendZombieVolunteers(pl, true) end if self:IsClassicMode() then pl:SendLua("SetGlobalBool(\"classicmode\", true)") elseif self:IsBabyMode() then pl:SendLua("SetGlobalBool(\"babymode\", true)") end end function GM:FullGameUpdate(pl) net.Start("zs_gamestate") net.WriteInt(self:GetWave(), 16) net.WriteFloat(self:GetWaveStart()) net.WriteFloat(self:GetWaveEnd()) if pl then net.Send(pl) else net.Broadcast() end end concommand.Add("initpostentity", function(sender, command, arguments) if not sender.DidInitPostEntity then sender.DidInitPostEntity = true gamemode.Call("PlayerReady", sender) end end) local playerheight = Vector(0, 0, 72) local playermins = Vector(-17, -17, 0) local playermaxs = Vector(17, 17, 4) local function groupsort(a, b) return #a > #b end function GM:AttemptHumanDynamicSpawn(pl) if pl:IsValid() and pl:IsPlayer() and pl:Alive() and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and self.DynamicSpawning then local groups = self:GetTeamRallyGroups(TEAM_HUMAN) table.sort(groups, groupsort) for i=1, #groups do local group = groups[i] local allplayers = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) for _, otherpl in pairs(group) do if otherpl ~= pl then local pos = otherpl:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 1) if otherpl:Alive() and otherpl:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_WALK and not util.TraceHull({start = pos, endpos = pos + playerheight, mins = playermins, maxs = playermaxs, mask = MASK_SOLID, filter = allplayers}).Hit then local nearzombie = false for __, ent in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do if ent:Alive() and ent:GetPos():Distance(pos) <= 256 then nearzombie = true end end if not nearzombie then pl:SetPos(otherpl:GetPos()) return true end end end end end end return false end function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(pl) gamemode.Call("PlayerInitialSpawnRound", pl) end function GM:PlayerInitialSpawnRound(pl) pl:SprintDisable() if pl:KeyDown(IN_WALK) then pl:ConCommand("-walk") end pl:SetCanWalk(false) pl:SetCanZoom(false) pl:SetNoCollideWithTeammates(true) pl:SetCustomCollisionCheck(true) pl.ZombiesKilled = 0 pl.ZombiesKilledAssists = 0 pl.BrainsEaten = 0 pl.ResupplyBoxUsedByOthers = 0 pl.WaveJoined = self:GetWave() pl.CrowKills = 0 pl.CrowVsCrowKills = 0 pl.CrowBarricadeDamage = 0 pl.BarricadeDamage = 0 pl.DynamicSpawnedOn = 0 pl.NextPainSound = 0 pl.BonusDamageCheck = 0 pl.LegDamage = 0 pl.DamageDealt = {} pl.DamageDealt[TEAM_UNDEAD] = 0 pl.DamageDealt[TEAM_HUMAN] = 0 pl.LifeBarricadeDamage = 0 pl.LifeHumanDamage = 0 pl.LifeBrainsEaten = 0 pl.m_PointQueue = 0 pl.m_LastDamageDealt = 0 pl.HealedThisRound = 0 pl.CarryOverHealth = 0 pl.RepairedThisRound = 0 pl.CarryOverRepair = 0 pl.PointsCommission = 0 pl.CarryOverCommision = 0 pl.NextRegenerate = 0 pl.NestsDestroyed = 0 pl.NestSpawns = 0 local nosend = not pl.DidInitPostEntity pl.HumanSpeedAdder = nil pl.HumanSpeedAdder = nil pl.HumanRepairMultiplier = nil pl.HumanHealMultiplier = nil pl.BuffResistant = nil pl.BuffRegenerative = nil pl.BuffMuscular = nil pl.IsWeak = nil pl.HumanSpeedAdder = nil pl:SetPalsy(false, nosend) pl:SetHemophilia(false, nosend) pl:SetUnlucky(false) pl.Clumsy = nil pl.NoGhosting = nil pl.NoObjectPickup = nil pl.DamageVulnerability = nil local uniqueid = pl:UniqueID() if table.HasValue(self.FanList, uniqueid) then pl.DamageVulnerability = (pl.DamageVulnerability or 1) + 10 pl:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "thanks_for_being_a_fan_of_zs") end if self.PreviouslyDied[uniqueid] then -- They already died and reconnected. pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_UNDEAD) elseif LASTHUMAN then -- Joined during last human. pl.SpawnedTime = CurTime() pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_UNDEAD) elseif self:GetWave() <= 0 then -- Joined during ready phase. pl.SpawnedTime = CurTime() pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_HUMAN) elseif self:GetNumberOfWaves() == -1 or self.NoNewHumansWave <= self:GetWave() or team.NumPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD) == 0 and 1 <= team.NumPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) then -- Joined during game, no zombies, some humans or joined past the deadline. pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_UNDEAD) self.PreviouslyDied[uniqueid] = CurTime() else -- Joined past the ready phase but before the deadline. pl.SpawnedTime = CurTime() pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_HUMAN) if self.DynamicSpawning then timer.Simple(0, function() GAMEMODE:AttemptHumanDynamicSpawn(pl) end) end end if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and not self:GetWaveActive() and self.ZombieClasses["Crow"] then pl:SetZombieClass(self.ZombieClasses["Crow"].Index) pl.DeathClass = self.DefaultZombieClass else pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass) end if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and self.StoredUndeadFrags[uniqueid] then pl:SetFrags(self.StoredUndeadFrags[uniqueid]) self.StoredUndeadFrags[uniqueid] = nil end end function GM:GetDynamicSpawning() return self.DynamicSpawning end function GM:PlayerRedeemed(pl, silent, noequip) pl:RemoveStatus("overridemodel", false, true) pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_HUMAN) if not noequip then pl.m_PreRedeem = true end pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() pl.m_PreRedeem = nil pl:DoHulls() local frags = pl:Frags() if frags < 0 then pl:SetFrags(frags * 5) else pl:SetFrags(0) end pl:SetDeaths(0) pl.DeathClass = nil pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass) pl.SpawnedTime = CurTime() if not silent then net.Start("zs_playerredeemed") net.WriteEntity(pl) net.WriteString(pl:Name()) net.Broadcast() end end function GM:PlayerDisconnected(pl) pl.Disconnecting = true local uid = pl:UniqueID() self.PreviouslyDied[uid] = CurTime() if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then pl:DropAll() elseif pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then self.StoredUndeadFrags[uid] = pl:Frags() end if pl:Health() > 0 then local lastattacker = pl:GetLastAttacker() if IsValid(lastattacker) then pl:TakeDamage(1000, lastattacker, lastattacker) PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "disconnect_killed", pl:Name(), lastattacker:Name()) end end gamemode.Call("CalculateInfliction") end -- Reevaluates a prop and its constraint system (or all props if no arguments) to determine if they should be frozen or not from nails. function GM:EvaluatePropFreeze(ent, neighbors) if not ent then for _, e in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if e and e:IsValid() then self:EvaluatePropFreeze(e) end end return end if ent:IsNailedToWorldHierarchy() then ent:SetNailFrozen(true) elseif ent:GetNailFrozen() then ent:SetNailFrozen(false) end neighbors = neighbors or {} table.insert(neighbors, ent) for _, nail in pairs(ent:GetNails()) do if nail:IsValid() then local baseent = nail:GetBaseEntity() local attachent = nail:GetAttachEntity() if baseent:IsValid() and not baseent:IsWorld() and not table.HasValue(neighbors, baseent) then self:EvaluatePropFreeze(baseent, neighbors) end if attachent:IsValid() and not attachent:IsWorld() and not table.HasValue(neighbors, attachent) then self:EvaluatePropFreeze(attachent, neighbors) end end end end -- A nail takes some damage. isdead is true if the damage is enough to remove the nail. The nail is invalid after this function call if it dies. function GM:OnNailDamaged(ent, attacker, inflictor, damage, dmginfo) end -- A nail is removed between two entities. The nail is no longer considered valid right after this function and is not in the entities' Nails tables. remover may not be nil if it was removed with the hammer's unnail ability. local function evalfreeze(ent) if ent and ent:IsValid() then gamemode.Call("EvaluatePropFreeze", ent) end end function GM:OnNailRemoved(nail, ent1, ent2, remover) if ent1 and ent1:IsValid() and not ent1:IsWorld() then timer.Simple(0, function() evalfreeze(ent1) end) timer.Simple(0.2, function() evalfreeze(ent1) end) end if ent2 and ent2:IsValid() and not ent2:IsWorld() then timer.Simple(0, function() evalfreeze(ent2) end) timer.Simple(0.2, function() evalfreeze(ent2) end) end if remover and remover:IsValid() and remover:IsPlayer() then local deployer = nail:GetDeployer() if deployer:IsValid() and deployer ~= remover and deployer:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "nail_removed_by", remover:Name(), deployer:Name()) end end end -- A nail is created between two entities. function GM:OnNailCreated(ent1, ent2, nail) if ent1 and ent1:IsValid() and not ent1:IsWorld() then timer.Simple(0, function() evalfreeze(ent1) end) end if ent2 and ent2:IsValid() and not ent2:IsWorld() then timer.Simple(0, function() evalfreeze(ent2) end) end end function GM:RemoveDuplicateAmmo(pl) local AmmoCounts = {} local WepAmmos = {} for _, wep in pairs(pl:GetWeapons()) do if wep.Primary then local ammotype = wep:ValidPrimaryAmmo() if ammotype and wep.Primary.DefaultClip > 0 then AmmoCounts[ammotype] = (AmmoCounts[ammotype] or 0) + 1 WepAmmos[wep] = wep.Primary.DefaultClip - wep.Primary.ClipSize end local ammotype2 = wep:ValidSecondaryAmmo() if ammotype2 and wep.Secondary.DefaultClip > 0 then AmmoCounts[ammotype2] = (AmmoCounts[ammotype2] or 0) + 1 WepAmmos[wep] = wep.Secondary.DefaultClip - wep.Secondary.ClipSize end end end for ammotype, count in pairs(AmmoCounts) do if count > 1 then local highest = 0 local highestwep for wep, extraammo in pairs(WepAmmos) do if wep.Primary.Ammo == ammotype then highest = math.max(highest, extraammo) highestwep = wep end end if highestwep then for wep, extraammo in pairs(WepAmmos) do if wep ~= highestwep and wep.Primary.Ammo == ammotype then pl:RemoveAmmo(extraammo, ammotype) end end end end end end local function TimedOut(pl) if pl:IsValid() and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() and not GAMEMODE.CheckedOut[pl:UniqueID()] then gamemode.Call("GiveRandomEquipment", pl) end end function GM:GiveDefaultOrRandomEquipment(pl) if not self.CheckedOut[pl:UniqueID()] and not self.ZombieEscape then if self.StartingLoadout then self:GiveStartingLoadout(pl) else pl:SendLua("GAMEMODE:RequestedDefaultCart()") if self.StartingWorth > 0 then timer.Simple(4, function() TimedOut(pl) end) end end end end function GM:GiveStartingLoadout(pl) for item, amount in pairs(self.StartingLoadout) do for i=1, amount do pl:Give(item) end end end function GM:GiveRandomEquipment(pl) if self.CheckedOut[pl:UniqueID()] or self.ZombieEscape then return end self.CheckedOut[pl:UniqueID()] = true if self.StartingLoadout then self:GiveStartingLoadout(pl) elseif GAMEMODE.OverrideStartingWorth then pl:Give("weapon_zs_swissarmyknife") elseif #self.StartLoadouts >= 1 then for _, id in pairs(self.StartLoadouts[math.random(#self.StartLoadouts)]) do local tab = FindStartingItem(id) if tab then if tab.Callback then tab.Callback(pl) elseif tab.SWEP then pl:StripWeapon(tab.SWEP) pl:Give(tab.SWEP) end end end end end function GM:PlayerCanCheckout(pl) return pl:IsValid() and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() and not self.CheckedOut[pl:UniqueID()] and not self.StartingLoadout and not self.ZombieEscape and self.StartingWorth > 0 and self:GetWave() < 2 end concommand.Add("zs_pointsshopbuy", function(sender, command, arguments) if not (sender:IsValid() and sender:IsConnected()) or #arguments == 0 then return end if sender:GetUnlucky() then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(sender, "banned_for_life_warning")) sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") return end if not sender:NearArsenalCrate() then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(sender, "need_to_be_near_arsenal_crate")) sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") return end if not gamemode.Call("PlayerCanPurchase", sender) then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(sender, "cant_purchase_right_now")) sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") return end local itemtab local id = arguments[1] local num = tonumber(id) if num then itemtab = GAMEMODE.Items[num] else for i, tab in pairs(GAMEMODE.Items) do if tab.Signature == id then itemtab = tab break end end end if not itemtab or not itemtab.PointShop then return end local points = sender:GetPoints() local cost = itemtab.Worth if not GAMEMODE:GetWaveActive() then cost = cost * GAMEMODE.ArsenalCrateMultiplier end if GAMEMODE:IsClassicMode() and itemtab.NoClassicMode then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientFormat(sender, "cant_use_x_in_classic", itemtab.Name)) sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") return end if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape and itemtab.NoZombieEscape then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientFormat(sender, "cant_use_x_in_zombie_escape", itemtab.Name)) sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") return end cost = math.ceil(cost) if points < cost then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(sender, "dont_have_enough_points")) sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") return end if itemtab.Callback then itemtab.Callback(sender) elseif itemtab.SWEP then if sender:HasWeapon(itemtab.SWEP) then local stored = weapons.GetStored(itemtab.SWEP) if stored and stored.AmmoIfHas then sender:GiveAmmo(stored.Primary.DefaultClip, stored.Primary.Ammo) else local wep = ents.Create("prop_weapon") if wep:IsValid() then wep:SetPos(sender:GetShootPos()) wep:SetAngles(sender:GetAngles()) wep:SetWeaponType(itemtab.SWEP) wep:SetShouldRemoveAmmo(true) wep:Spawn() end end else local wep = sender:Give(itemtab.SWEP) if wep and wep:IsValid() and wep.EmptyWhenPurchased and wep:GetOwner():IsValid() then if wep.Primary then local primary = wep:ValidPrimaryAmmo() if primary then sender:RemoveAmmo(math.max(0, wep.Primary.DefaultClip - wep.Primary.ClipSize), primary) end end if wep.Secondary then local secondary = wep:ValidSecondaryAmmo() if secondary then sender:RemoveAmmo(math.max(0, wep.Secondary.DefaultClip - wep.Secondary.ClipSize), secondary) end end end end else return end sender:TakePoints(cost) sender:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "purchased_x_for_y_points", itemtab.Name, cost) sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"ambient/levels/labs/coinslot1.wav\")") local nearest = sender:NearestArsenalCrateOwnedByOther() if nearest then local owner = nearest:GetObjectOwner() if owner:IsValid() then local nonfloorcommission = cost * 0.07 local commission = math.floor(nonfloorcommission) if commission > 0 then owner.PointsCommission = owner.PointsCommission + cost owner:AddPoints(commission) net.Start("zs_commission") net.WriteEntity(nearest) net.WriteEntity(sender) net.WriteUInt(commission, 16) net.Send(owner) end local leftover = nonfloorcommission - commission if leftover > 0 then owner.CarryOverCommision = owner.CarryOverCommision + leftover if owner.CarryOverCommision >= 1 then local carried = math.floor(owner.CarryOverCommision) owner.CarryOverCommision = owner.CarryOverCommision - carried owner:AddPoints(carried) net.Start("zs_commission") net.WriteEntity(nearest) net.WriteEntity(sender) net.WriteUInt(carried, 16) net.Send(owner) end end end end end) concommand.Add("worthrandom", function(sender, command, arguments) if sender:IsValid() and sender:IsConnected() and gamemode.Call("PlayerCanCheckout", sender) then gamemode.Call("GiveRandomEquipment", sender) end end) concommand.Add("worthcheckout", function(sender, command, arguments) if not (sender:IsValid() and sender:IsConnected()) or #arguments == 0 then return end if not gamemode.Call("PlayerCanCheckout", sender) then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(sender, "cant_use_worth_anymore")) return end local cost = 0 local hasalready = {} for _, id in pairs(arguments) do local tab = FindStartingItem(id) if tab and not hasalready[id] then cost = cost + tab.Worth hasalready[id] = true end end if cost > GAMEMODE.StartingWorth then return end local hasalready = {} for _, id in pairs(arguments) do local tab = FindStartingItem(id) if tab and not hasalready[id] then if tab.NoClassicMode and GAMEMODE:IsClassicMode() then sender:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, translate.ClientFormat(sender, "cant_use_x_in_classic_mode", tab.Name)) elseif tab.Callback then tab.Callback(sender) hasalready[id] = true elseif tab.SWEP then sender:StripWeapon(tab.SWEP) -- "Fixes" players giving each other empty weapons to make it so they get no ammo from the Worth menu purchase. sender:Give(tab.SWEP) hasalready[id] = true end end end if table.Count(hasalready) > 0 then GAMEMODE.CheckedOut[sender:UniqueID()] = true end gamemode.Call("RemoveDuplicateAmmo", sender) end) function GM:PlayerDeathThink(pl) if self.RoundEnded or pl.Revive or self:GetWave() == 0 then return end if pl:GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE then local target = pl:GetObserverTarget() if not target or not target:IsValid() or target:IsPlayer() and (not target:Alive() or target:Team() ~= pl:Team()) then pl:StripWeapons() pl:Spectate(OBS_MODE_ROAMING) pl:SpectateEntity(NULL) end end if pl:Team() ~= TEAM_UNDEAD then pl.StartCrowing = nil pl.StartSpectating = nil return end if pl.NextSpawnTime and pl.NextSpawnTime <= CurTime() then -- Force spawn. pl.NextSpawnTime = nil pl:RefreshDynamicSpawnPoint() pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() elseif pl:GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_NONE then -- Not in spectator yet. if self:GetWaveActive() then -- During wave. if not pl.StartSpectating or CurTime() >= pl.StartSpectating then pl.StartSpectating = nil pl:StripWeapons() local best = self:GetBestDynamicSpawn(pl) if best then pl:Spectate(OBS_MODE_CHASE) pl:SpectateEntity(best) else pl:Spectate(OBS_MODE_ROAMING) pl:SpectateEntity(NULL) end end elseif not pl.StartCrowing or CurTime() >= pl.StartCrowing then -- Not during wave. Turn in to a crow. If we die as a crow then we get turned to spectator anyway. pl:ChangeToCrow() end else -- In spectator. if pl:KeyDown(IN_RELOAD) then if self:GetWaveActive() then pl.ForceDynamicSpawn = nil local prev = self.DynamicSpawning self.DynamicSpawning = false pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() self.DynamicSpawning = prev else pl:ChangeToCrow() end elseif pl:KeyDown(IN_WALK) then pl:TrySpawnAsGoreChild() elseif pl:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then if self:GetWaveActive() then pl:RefreshDynamicSpawnPoint() pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() else pl:ChangeToCrow() end elseif pl:KeyPressed(IN_ATTACK2) then pl.SpectatedPlayerKey = (pl.SpectatedPlayerKey or 0) + 1 local livingzombies = {} for _, v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_creepernest")) do if v:GetNestBuilt() then table.insert(livingzombies, v) end end for _, v in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_ZOMBIE)) do if v:Alive() then table.insert(livingzombies, v) end end --[[for _, v in pairs(team.GetSpawnPointGrouped(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do table.insert(livingzombies, v) end]] pl:StripWeapons() if pl.SpectatedPlayerKey > #livingzombies then pl.SpectatedPlayerKey = 1 end local specplayer = livingzombies[pl.SpectatedPlayerKey] if specplayer then pl:Spectate(OBS_MODE_CHASE) pl:SpectateEntity(specplayer) end elseif pl:KeyPressed(IN_JUMP) then pl:Spectate(OBS_MODE_ROAMING) pl:SpectateEntity(NULL) pl.SpectatedPlayerKey = nil end end end function GM:ShouldAntiGrief(ent, attacker, dmginfo, health) return ent.m_AntiGrief and self.GriefMinimumHealth <= health and attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and not dmginfo:IsExplosionDamage() end function GM:PropBreak(attacker, ent) gamemode.Call("PropBroken", ent, attacker) end function GM:PropBroken(ent, attacker) end function GM:NestDestroyed(ent, attacker) end function GM:EntityTakeDamage(ent, dmginfo) local attacker, inflictor = dmginfo:GetAttacker(), dmginfo:GetInflictor() if attacker == inflictor and attacker:IsProjectile() and dmginfo:GetDamageType() == DMG_CRUSH then -- Fixes projectiles doing physics-based damage. dmginfo:SetDamage(0) dmginfo:ScaleDamage(0) return end if ent._BARRICADEBROKEN and not (attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD) then dmginfo:SetDamage(dmginfo:GetDamage() * 3) end if ent.GetObjectHealth and not (attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN) then ent.m_LastDamaged = CurTime() end if ent.ProcessDamage and ent:ProcessDamage(dmginfo) then return end attacker, inflictor = dmginfo:GetAttacker(), dmginfo:GetInflictor() -- Don't allow blowing up props during wave 0. if self:GetWave() <= 0 and string.sub(ent:GetClass(), 1, 12) == "prop_physics" and inflictor.NoPropDamageDuringWave0 then dmginfo:SetDamage(0) dmginfo:SetDamageType(DMG_BULLET) return end -- We need to stop explosive chains team killing. if inflictor:IsValid() then local dmgtype = dmginfo:GetDamageType() if dmgtype == DMG_BLAST or dmgtype == DMG_BURN or dmgtype == DMG_SLOWBURN then if ent:IsPlayer() then if inflictor.LastExplosionTeam == ent:Team() and inflictor.LastExplosionAttacker ~= ent and inflictor.LastExplosionTime and CurTime() < inflictor.LastExplosionTime + 10 then -- Player damaged by physics object explosion / fire. dmginfo:SetDamage(0) dmginfo:ScaleDamage(0) return end elseif inflictor ~= ent and string.sub(ent:GetClass(), 1, 12) == "prop_physics" and string.sub(inflictor:GetClass(), 1, 12) == "prop_physics" then -- Physics object damaged by physics object explosion / fire. ent.LastExplosionAttacker = inflictor.LastExplosionAttacker ent.LastExplosionTeam = inflictor.LastExplosionTeam ent.LastExplosionTime = CurTime() end elseif inflictor:IsPlayer() and string.sub(ent:GetClass(), 1, 12) == "prop_physics" then -- Physics object damaged by player. if inflictor:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then local phys = ent:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() and phys:HasGameFlag(FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD) and inflictor:GetCarry() ~= ent or ent._LastDropped and CurTime() < ent._LastDropped + 3 and ent._LastDroppedBy ~= inflictor then -- Human player damaged a physics object while it was being carried or recently carried. They weren't the carrier. dmginfo:SetDamage(0) dmginfo:ScaleDamage(0) return end end ent.LastExplosionAttacker = inflictor ent.LastExplosionTeam = inflictor:Team() ent.LastExplosionTime = CurTime() end end -- Prop is nailed. Forward damage to the nails. if ent:DamageNails(attacker, inflictor, dmginfo:GetDamage(), dmginfo) then return end local dispatchdamagedisplay = false local entclass = ent:GetClass() if ent:IsPlayer() then dispatchdamagedisplay = true elseif ent.PropHealth then -- A prop that was invulnerable and converted to vulnerable. if self.NoPropDamageFromHumanMelee and attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and inflictor.IsMelee then dmginfo:SetDamage(0) return end if gamemode.Call("ShouldAntiGrief", ent, attacker, dmginfo, ent.PropHealth) then attacker:AntiGrief(dmginfo) if dmginfo:GetDamage() <= 0 then return end end ent.PropHealth = ent.PropHealth - dmginfo:GetDamage() dispatchdamagedisplay = true if ent.PropHealth <= 0 then local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(ent:GetPos()) util.Effect("Explosion", effectdata, true, true) ent:Fire("break") gamemode.Call("PropBroken", ent, attacker) else local brit = math.Clamp(ent.PropHealth / ent.TotalHealth, 0, 1) local col = ent:GetColor() col.r = 255 col.g = 255 * brit col.b = 255 * brit ent:SetColor(col) end elseif entclass == "func_door_rotating" then if ent:GetKeyValues().damagefilter == "invul" or ent.Broken then return end if not ent.Heal then local br = ent:BoundingRadius() if br > 80 then return end -- Don't break these kinds of doors that are bigger than this. local health = br * 35 ent.Heal = health ent.TotalHeal = health end if gamemode.Call("ShouldAntiGrief", ent, attacker, dmginfo, ent.TotalHeal) then attacker:AntiGrief(dmginfo) if dmginfo:GetDamage() <= 0 then return end end if dmginfo:GetDamage() >= 20 and attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then ent:EmitSound(math.random(2) == 1 and "npc/zombie/zombie_pound_door.wav" or "ambient/materials/door_hit1.wav") end ent.Heal = ent.Heal - dmginfo:GetDamage() local brit = math.Clamp(ent.Heal / ent.TotalHeal, 0, 1) local col = ent:GetColor() col.r = 255 col.g = 255 * brit col.b = 255 * brit ent:SetColor(col) dispatchdamagedisplay = true if ent.Heal <= 0 then ent.Broken = true ent:EmitSound("Breakable.Metal") ent:Fire("unlock", "", 0) ent:Fire("open", "", 0.01) -- Trigger any area portals. ent:Fire("break", "", 0.1) ent:Fire("kill", "", 0.15) end elseif entclass == "prop_door_rotating" then if ent:GetKeyValues().damagefilter == "invul" or ent:HasSpawnFlags(2048) or ent.Broken then return end ent.Heal = ent.Heal or ent:BoundingRadius() * 35 ent.TotalHeal = ent.TotalHeal or ent.Heal if gamemode.Call("ShouldAntiGrief", ent, attacker, dmginfo, ent.TotalHeal) then attacker:AntiGrief(dmginfo) if dmginfo:GetDamage() <= 0 then return end end if dmginfo:GetDamage() >= 20 and attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then ent:EmitSound(math.random(2) == 1 and "npc/zombie/zombie_pound_door.wav" or "ambient/materials/door_hit1.wav") end ent.Heal = ent.Heal - dmginfo:GetDamage() local brit = math.Clamp(ent.Heal / ent.TotalHeal, 0, 1) local col = ent:GetColor() col.r = 255 col.g = 255 * brit col.b = 255 * brit ent:SetColor(col) dispatchdamagedisplay = true if ent.Heal <= 0 then ent.Broken = true ent:EmitSound("Breakable.Metal") ent:Fire("unlock", "", 0) ent:Fire("open", "", 0.01) -- Trigger any area portals. ent:Fire("break", "", 0.1) ent:Fire("kill", "", 0.15) local physprop = ents.Create("prop_physics") if physprop:IsValid() then physprop:SetPos(ent:GetPos()) physprop:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles()) physprop:SetSkin(ent:GetSkin() or 0) physprop:SetMaterial(ent:GetMaterial()) physprop:SetModel(ent:GetModel()) physprop:Spawn() physprop:SetPhysicsAttacker(attacker) if attacker:IsValid() then local phys = physprop:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() then phys:SetVelocityInstantaneous((physprop:NearestPoint(attacker:EyePos()) - attacker:EyePos()):GetNormalized() * math.Clamp(dmginfo:GetDamage() * 3, 40, 300)) end end if physprop:GetMaxHealth() == 1 and physprop:Health() == 0 then local health = math.ceil((physprop:OBBMins():Length() + physprop:OBBMaxs():Length()) * 2) if health < 2000 then physprop.PropHealth = health physprop.TotalHealth = health end end end end elseif string.sub(entclass, 1, 12) == "func_physbox" then local holder, status = ent:GetHolder() if holder then status:Remove() end if ent:GetKeyValues().damagefilter == "invul" then return end ent.Heal = ent.Heal or ent:BoundingRadius() * 35 ent.TotalHeal = ent.TotalHeal or ent.Heal if gamemode.Call("ShouldAntiGrief", ent, attacker, dmginfo, ent.TotalHeal) then attacker:AntiGrief(dmginfo) if dmginfo:GetDamage() <= 0 then return end end ent.Heal = ent.Heal - dmginfo:GetDamage() local brit = math.Clamp(ent.Heal / ent.TotalHeal, 0, 1) local col = ent:GetColor() col.r = 255 col.g = 255 * brit col.b = 255 * brit ent:SetColor(col) dispatchdamagedisplay = true if ent.Heal <= 0 then local foundaxis = false local entname = ent:GetName() local allaxis = ents.FindByClass("phys_hinge") for _, axis in pairs(allaxis) do local keyvalues = axis:GetKeyValues() if keyvalues.attach1 == entname or keyvalues.attach2 == entname then foundaxis = true axis:Remove() ent.Heal = ent.Heal + 120 end end if not foundaxis then ent:Fire("break", "", 0) end end elseif entclass == "func_breakable" then if ent:GetKeyValues().damagefilter == "invul" then return end if gamemode.Call("ShouldAntiGrief", ent, attacker, dmginfo, ent:GetMaxHealth()) then attacker:AntiGrief(dmginfo, true) if dmginfo:GetDamage() <= 0 then return end end if ent:Health() == 0 and ent:GetMaxHealth() == 1 then return end local brit = math.Clamp(ent:Health() / ent:GetMaxHealth(), 0, 1) local col = ent:GetColor() col.r = 255 col.g = 255 * brit col.b = 255 * brit ent:SetColor(col) dispatchdamagedisplay = true elseif ent:IsBarricadeProp() and attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then dispatchdamagedisplay = true end if dmginfo:GetDamage() > 0 or ent:IsPlayer() and ent:GetZombieClassTable().Name == "Shade" then local holder, status = ent:GetHolder() if holder then status:Remove() end if attacker:IsPlayer() and dispatchdamagedisplay then self:DamageFloater(attacker, ent, dmginfo) end end end function GM:DamageFloater(attacker, victim, dmginfo) local dmgpos = dmginfo:GetDamagePosition() if dmgpos == vector_origin then dmgpos = victim:NearestPoint(attacker:EyePos()) end net.Start(victim:IsPlayer() and "zs_dmg" or "zs_dmg_prop") if INFDAMAGEFLOATER then INFDAMAGEFLOATER = nil net.WriteUInt(9999, 16) else net.WriteUInt(math.ceil(dmginfo:GetDamage()), 16) end net.WriteVector(dmgpos) net.Send(attacker) end function GM:SetRandomToZombie() local plays = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) local pl = plays[math.random(#plays)] if not pl then return end pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_UNDEAD) pl:SetFrags(0) pl:SetDeaths(0) self.StartingZombie[pl:UniqueID()] = true self.PreviouslyDied[pl:UniqueID()] = CurTime() pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() return pl end function GM:OnPlayerChangedTeam(pl, oldteam, newteam) if newteam == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:SetPoints(0) pl.DamagedBy = {} pl:SetBarricadeGhosting(false) self.CheckedOut[pl:UniqueID()] = true elseif newteam == TEAM_HUMAN then self.PreviouslyDied[pl:UniqueID()] = nil end pl.m_PointQueue = 0 timer.Simple(0, function() gamemode.Call("CalculateInfliction") end) end function GM:SetPantsMode(mode) if self.ZombieEscape then return end self.PantsMode = mode and self.ZombieClasses["Zombie Legs"] ~= nil and not self:IsClassicMode() and not self:IsBabyMode() if self.PantsMode then local index = self.ZombieClasses["Zombie Legs"].Index self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass = self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass or self.DefaultZombieClass self.DefaultZombieClass = index for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do local classname = pl:GetZombieClassTable().Name if classname ~= "Zombie Legs" and classname ~= "Crow" then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:KillSilent() pl:SetZombieClass(index) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() else pl:SetZombieClass(index) end end pl.DeathClass = index end else self.DefaultZombieClass = self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass or self.DefaultZombieClass for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:GetZombieClassTable().Name == "Zombie Legs" then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:KillSilent() pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass or 1) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() else pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass or 1) end end end end end function GM:SetClassicMode(mode) if self.ZombieEscape then return end self.ClassicMode = mode and self.ZombieClasses["Classic Zombie"] ~= nil and not self.PantsMode and not self:IsBabyMode() SetGlobalBool("classicmode", self.ClassicMode) if self:IsClassicMode() then util.RemoveAll("prop_nail") local index = self.ZombieClasses["Classic Zombie"].Index self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass = self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass or self.DefaultZombieClass self.DefaultZombieClass = index for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do local classname = pl:GetZombieClassTable().Name if classname ~= "Classic Zombie" and classname ~= "Crow" then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:KillSilent() pl:SetZombieClass(index) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() else pl:SetZombieClass(index) end end pl.DeathClass = index end else self.DefaultZombieClass = self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass or self.DefaultZombieClass for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:GetZombieClassTable().Name == "Classic Zombie" then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:KillSilent() pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass or 1) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() else pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass or 1) end end end end end function GM:SetBabyMode(mode) if self.ZombieEscape then return end self.BabyMode = mode and self.ZombieClasses["Gore Child"] ~= nil and not self.PantsMode and not self:IsClassicMode() SetGlobalBool("babymode", self.BabyMode) if self:IsBabyMode() then local index = self.ZombieClasses["Gore Child"].Index self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass = self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass or self.DefaultZombieClass self.DefaultZombieClass = index for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do local classname = pl:GetZombieClassTable().Name if classname ~= "Gore Child" and classname ~= "Giga Gore Child" and classname ~= "Crow" then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:KillSilent() pl:SetZombieClass(index) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() else pl:SetZombieClass(index) end end pl.DeathClass = index end else self.DefaultZombieClass = self.PreOverrideDefaultZombieClass or self.DefaultZombieClass for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:GetZombieClassTable().Name == "Gore Child" then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:KillSilent() pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass or 1) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() else pl:SetZombieClass(self.DefaultZombieClass or 1) end end end end end function GM:SetClosestsToZombie() local allplayers = player.GetAll() local numplayers = #allplayers if numplayers <= 1 then return end local desiredzombies = self:GetDesiredStartingZombies() self:SortZombieSpawnDistances(allplayers) local zombies = {} for _, pl in pairs(allplayers) do if pl:Team() ~= TEAM_HUMAN or not pl:Alive() then table.insert(zombies, pl) end end -- Need to place some people back on the human team. if #zombies > desiredzombies then local toswap = #zombies - desiredzombies for _, pl in pairs(zombies) do if pl.DiedDuringWave0 and pl:GetInfo("zs_alwaysvolunteer") ~= "1" then pl:SetTeam(TEAM_HUMAN) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() toswap = toswap - 1 if toswap <= 0 then break end end end end for i = 1, desiredzombies do local pl = allplayers[i] if pl:Team() ~= TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_UNDEAD) self.PreviouslyDied[pl:UniqueID()] = CurTime() end pl:SetFrags(0) pl:SetDeaths(0) self.StartingZombie[pl:UniqueID()] = true pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() end for _, pl in pairs(allplayers) do if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl._ZombieSpawnDistance <= 128 then pl:SetPos(self:PlayerSelectSpawn(pl):GetPos()) end end end function GM:AllowPlayerPickup(pl, ent) return false end function GM:PlayerShouldTakeDamage(pl, attacker) if attacker.PBAttacker and attacker.PBAttacker:IsValid() and CurTime() < attacker.NPBAttacker then -- Protection against prop_physbox team killing. physboxes don't respond to SetPhysicsAttacker() attacker = attacker.PBAttacker end if attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker ~= pl and not attacker.AllowTeamDamage and not pl.AllowTeamDamage and attacker:Team() == pl:Team() then return false end return true end function GM:PlayerHurt(victim, attacker, healthremaining, damage) if 0 < healthremaining then victim:PlayPainSound() end if victim:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then victim.BonusDamageCheck = CurTime() if healthremaining < 75 and 1 <= healthremaining then victim:ResetSpeed(nil, healthremaining) end end if attacker:IsValid() then if attacker:IsPlayer() then victim:SetLastAttacker(attacker) local myteam = attacker:Team() local otherteam = victim:Team() if myteam ~= otherteam then damage = math.min(damage, victim.m_PreHurtHealth) victim.m_PreHurtHealth = healthremaining attacker.DamageDealt[myteam] = attacker.DamageDealt[myteam] + damage if myteam == TEAM_UNDEAD then attacker:AddLifeHumanDamage(damage) elseif otherteam == TEAM_UNDEAD then victim.DamagedBy[attacker] = (victim.DamagedBy[attacker] or 0) + damage if (not victim.m_LastWaveStartSpawn or CurTime() >= victim.m_LastWaveStartSpawn + 3) and (healthremaining <= 0 or not victim.m_LastGasHeal or CurTime() >= victim.m_LastGasHeal + 2) then attacker.m_PointQueue = attacker.m_PointQueue + damage / victim:GetMaxHealth() * (victim:GetZombieClassTable().Points or 0) end attacker.m_LastDamageDealtPosition = victim:GetPos() attacker.m_LastDamageDealt = CurTime() end end elseif attacker:GetClass() == "trigger_hurt" then victim.LastHitWithTriggerHurt = CurTime() end end end -- Don't change speed instantly to stop people from shooting and then running away with a faster weapon. function GM:WeaponDeployed(pl, wep) local timername = tostring(pl).."speedchange" timer.Destroy(timername) local speed = pl:ResetSpeed(true) -- Determine what speed we SHOULD get without actually setting it. if speed < pl:GetMaxSpeed() then pl:SetSpeed(speed) elseif pl:GetMaxSpeed() < speed then timer.CreateEx(timername, 0.333, 1, ValidFunction, pl, "SetHumanSpeed", speed) end end function GM:KeyPress(pl, key) if key == IN_USE then if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() then if pl:IsCarrying() then pl.status_human_holding:RemoveNextFrame() else self:TryHumanPickup(pl, pl:TraceLine(64).Entity) end end elseif key == IN_SPEED then if pl:Alive() then if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then pl:DispatchAltUse() elseif pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:CallZombieFunction("AltUse") end end elseif key == IN_ZOOM then if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() and pl:IsOnGround() and not self.ZombieEscape then --and pl:GetGroundEntity():IsWorld() then pl:SetBarricadeGhosting(true) end end end function GM:GetNearestSpawn(pos, teamid) local nearest = NULL local nearestdist = math.huge for _, ent in pairs(team.GetValidSpawnPoint(teamid)) do if ent.Disabled then continue end local dist = ent:GetPos():Distance(pos) if dist < nearestdist then nearestdist = dist nearest = ent end end return nearest end function GM:EntityWouldBlockSpawn(ent) local spawnpoint = self:GetNearestSpawn(ent:GetPos(), TEAM_UNDEAD) if spawnpoint:IsValid() then local spawnpos = spawnpoint:GetPos() if spawnpos:Distance(ent:NearestPoint(spawnpos)) <= 40 then return true end end return false end function GM:GetNearestSpawnDistance(pos, teamid) local nearest = self:GetNearestSpawn(pos, teamid) if nearest:IsValid() then return nearest:GetPos():Distance(pos) end return -1 end function GM:PlayerUse(pl, ent) if not pl:Alive() or pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and pl:GetZombieClassTable().NoUse or pl:GetBarricadeGhosting() then return false end if pl:IsHolding() and pl:GetHolding() ~= ent then return false end local entclass = ent:GetClass() if entclass == "prop_door_rotating" then if CurTime() < (ent.m_AntiDoorSpam or 0) then -- Prop doors can be glitched shut by mashing the use button. return false end ent.m_AntiDoorSpam = CurTime() + 0.85 elseif entclass == "item_healthcharger" then if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then return false end elseif pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and not pl:IsCarrying() and pl:KeyPressed(IN_USE) then self:TryHumanPickup(pl, ent) end return true end function GM:PlayerDeath(pl, inflictor, attacker) end function GM:PlayerDeathSound() return true end local function SortDist(a, b) return a._temp < b._temp end function GM:CanPlayerSuicide(pl) if self.RoundEnded or pl:HasWon() then return false end if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then if self:GetWave() <= self.NoSuicideWave then pl:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "give_time_before_suicide") return false end -- If a person is going to suicide with no last attacker, give the kill to the closest zombie. if not IsValid(pl:GetLastAttacker()) then local plpos = pl:EyePos() local tosort = {} for _, zom in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do if zom:Alive() then local dist = zom:GetPos():Distance(plpos) if dist <= 512 then zom._temp = dist table.insert(tosort, zom) end end end table.sort(tosort, SortDist) if tosort[1] then pl:SetLastAttacker(tosort[1]) end end elseif pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then local ret = pl:CallZombieFunction("CanPlayerSuicide") if ret == false then return false end end return pl:GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_NONE and pl:Alive() and (not pl.SpawnNoSuicide or pl.SpawnNoSuicide < CurTime()) end function GM:DefaultRevive(pl) local status = pl:GiveStatus("revive") if status and status:IsValid() then status:SetReviveTime(CurTime() + 2) end end function GM:HumanKilledZombie(pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, headshot, suicide) if (pl:GetZombieClassTable().Points or 0) == 0 or self.RoundEnded then return end -- Simply distributes based on damage but also do some stuff for assists. local totaldamage = 0 for otherpl, dmg in pairs(pl.DamagedBy) do if otherpl:IsValid() and otherpl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then totaldamage = totaldamage + dmg end end local mostassistdamage = 0 local halftotaldamage = totaldamage / 2 local mostdamager for otherpl, dmg in pairs(pl.DamagedBy) do if otherpl ~= attacker and otherpl:IsValid() and otherpl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and dmg > mostassistdamage and dmg >= halftotaldamage then mostassistdamage = dmg mostdamager = otherpl end end attacker.ZombiesKilled = attacker.ZombiesKilled + 1 if mostdamager then attacker:PointCashOut(pl, FM_LOCALKILLOTHERASSIST) mostdamager:PointCashOut(pl, FM_LOCALASSISTOTHERKILL) mostdamager.ZombiesKilledAssists = mostdamager.ZombiesKilledAssists + 1 else attacker:PointCashOut(pl, FM_NONE) end gamemode.Call("PostHumanKilledZombie", pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, mostdamager, mostassistdamage, headshot) return mostdamager end function GM:PostHumanKilledZombie(pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, assistpl, assistamount, headshot) end function GM:ZombieKilledHuman(pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, headshot, suicide) if self.RoundEnded then return end local plpos = pl:GetPos() local dist = 99999 for _, ent in pairs(team.GetValidSpawnPoint(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do dist = math.min(math.ceil(ent:GetPos():Distance(plpos)), dist) end pl.ZombieSpawnDeathDistance = dist attacker:AddBrains(1) attacker:AddLifeBrainsEaten(1) if not pl.Gibbed and not suicide then local status = pl:GiveStatus("revive_slump_human") if status then status:SetReviveTime(CurTime() + 4) status:SetZombieInitializeTime(CurTime() + 2) end local classtab = self.ZombieEscape and self.ZombieClasses["Super Zombie"] or self:IsClassicMode() and self.ZombieClasses["Classic Zombie"] or self:IsBabyMode() and GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses["Gore Child"] or GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses["Fresh Dead"] if classtab then pl:SetZombieClass(classtab.Index) end end gamemode.Call("PostZombieKilledHuman", pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, headshot, suicide) return attacker:Frags() end function GM:PostZombieKilledHuman(pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, headshot, suicide) end local function DelayedChangeToZombie(pl) if pl:IsValid() then if pl.ChangeTeamFrags then pl:SetFrags(pl.ChangeTeamFrags) pl.ChangeTeamFrags = 0 end pl:ChangeTeam(TEAM_UNDEAD) end end function GM:DoPlayerDeath(pl, attacker, dmginfo) pl:RemoveStatus("confusion", false, true) pl:RemoveStatus("ghoultouch", false, true) local inflictor = dmginfo:GetInflictor() local plteam = pl:Team() local ct = CurTime() local suicide = attacker == pl or attacker:IsWorld() pl:Freeze(false) local headshot = pl:LastHitGroup() == HITGROUP_HEAD and pl.m_LastHeadShot and CurTime() <= pl.m_LastHeadShot + 0.1 if suicide then attacker = pl:GetLastAttacker() or attacker end pl:SetLastAttacker() if inflictor == NULL then inflictor = attacker end if inflictor == attacker and attacker:IsPlayer() then local wep = attacker:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() then inflictor = wep end end if headshot then local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(dmginfo:GetDamagePosition()) local force = dmginfo:GetDamageForce() effectdata:SetMagnitude(force:Length() * 3) effectdata:SetNormal(force:GetNormalized()) effectdata:SetEntity(pl) util.Effect("headshot", effectdata, true, true) end if not pl:CallZombieFunction("OnKilled", attacker, inflictor, suicide, headshot, dmginfo) then if pl:Health() <= -70 and not pl.NoGibs and not self.ZombieEscape then pl:Gib(dmginfo) elseif not pl.KnockedDown then pl:CreateRagdoll() end end pl:RemoveStatus("overridemodel", false, true) local revive local assistpl if plteam == TEAM_UNDEAD then local classtable = pl:GetZombieClassTable() pl:PlayZombieDeathSound() if not classtable.NoDeaths then pl:AddDeaths(1) end if self:GetWaveActive() then pl.StartSpectating = ct + 2 else pl.StartCrowing = ct + 3 end if attacker:IsValid() and attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker ~= pl then if classtable.Revives and not pl.Gibbed and not headshot then if classtable.ReviveCallback then revive = classtable:ReviveCallback(pl, attacker, dmginfo) elseif math.random(1, 4) ~= 1 then self:DefaultRevive(pl) revive = true end end if not revive and attacker:Team() ~= TEAM_UNDEAD then assistpl = gamemode.Call("HumanKilledZombie", pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, headshot, suicide) end end if not revive and (pl.LifeBarricadeDamage ~= 0 or pl.LifeHumanDamage ~= 0 or pl.LifeBrainsEaten ~= 0) then net.Start("zs_lifestats") net.WriteUInt(math.ceil(pl.LifeBarricadeDamage or 0), 24) net.WriteUInt(math.ceil(pl.LifeHumanDamage or 0), 24) net.WriteUInt(pl.LifeBrainsEaten or 0, 16) net.Send(pl) end pl:CallZombieFunction("PostOnKilled", attacker, inflictor, suicide, headshot, dmginfo) else pl.NextSpawnTime = ct + 4 pl:PlayDeathSound() if attacker:IsPlayer() and attacker ~= pl then gamemode.Call("ZombieKilledHuman", pl, attacker, inflictor, dmginfo, headshot, suicide) end pl:DropAll() timer.Simple(0, function() DelayedChangeToZombie(pl) end) -- We don't want people shooting barrels near teammates. self.PreviouslyDied[pl:UniqueID()] = CurTime() if self:GetWave() == 0 then pl.DiedDuringWave0 = true end local frags = pl:Frags() if frags < 0 then pl.ChangeTeamFrags = math.ceil(frags / 5) else pl.ChangeTeamFrags = 0 end if pl.SpawnedTime then pl.SurvivalTime = math.max(ct - pl.SpawnedTime, pl.SurvivalTime or 0) pl.SpawnedTime = nil end if team.NumPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) <= 1 then self.LastHumanPosition = pl:WorldSpaceCenter() net.Start("zs_lasthumanpos") net.WriteVector(self.LastHumanPosition) net.Broadcast() end local hands = pl:GetHands() if IsValid(hands) then hands:Remove() end end if revive or pl:CallZombieFunction("NoDeathMessage", attacker, dmginfo) then return end if attacker == pl then net.Start("zs_pl_kill_self") net.WriteEntity(pl) net.WriteUInt(plteam, 16) net.Broadcast() elseif attacker:IsPlayer() then if assistpl then net.Start("zs_pls_kill_pl") net.WriteEntity(pl) net.WriteEntity(attacker) net.WriteEntity(assistpl) net.WriteString(inflictor:GetClass()) net.WriteUInt(plteam, 16) net.WriteUInt(attacker:Team(), 16) -- Assuming assistants are always on the same team. net.WriteBit(headshot) net.Broadcast() gamemode.Call("PlayerKilledByPlayer", pl, assistpl, inflictor, headshot, dmginfo, true) else net.Start("zs_pl_kill_pl") net.WriteEntity(pl) net.WriteEntity(attacker) net.WriteString(inflictor:GetClass()) net.WriteUInt(plteam, 16) net.WriteUInt(attacker:Team(), 16) net.WriteBit(headshot) net.Broadcast() end gamemode.Call("PlayerKilledByPlayer", pl, attacker, inflictor, headshot, dmginfo) else net.Start("zs_death") net.WriteEntity(pl) net.WriteString(inflictor:GetClass()) net.WriteString(attacker:GetClass()) net.WriteUInt(plteam, 16) net.Broadcast() end end function GM:PlayerKilledByPlayer(pl, attacker, inflictor, headshot, dmginfo) end function GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon(pl, ent) if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then return ent:GetClass() == pl:GetZombieClassTable().SWEP end return not ent.ZombieOnly and ent:GetClass() ~= "weapon_stunstick" end function GM:PlayerFootstep(pl, vPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter) end function GM:PlayerStepSoundTime(pl, iType, bWalking) local fStepTime = 350 if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_NORMAL or iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT then local fMaxSpeed = pl:GetMaxSpeed() if fMaxSpeed <= 100 then fStepTime = 400 elseif fMaxSpeed <= 300 then fStepTime = 350 else fStepTime = 250 end elseif iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_ON_LADDER then fStepTime = 450 elseif iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_KNEE then fStepTime = 600 end if pl:Crouching() then fStepTime = fStepTime + 50 end return fStepTime end concommand.Add("zsdropweapon", function(sender, command, arguments) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end if not (sender:IsValid() and sender:Alive() and sender:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN) or CurTime() < (sender.NextWeaponDrop or 0) or GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end sender.NextWeaponDrop = CurTime() + 0.15 local currentwep = sender:GetActiveWeapon() if currentwep and currentwep:IsValid() then local ent = sender:DropWeaponByType(currentwep:GetClass()) if ent and ent:IsValid() then local shootpos = sender:GetShootPos() local aimvec = sender:GetAimVector() ent:SetPos(util.TraceHull({start = shootpos, endpos = shootpos + aimvec * 32, mask = MASK_SOLID, filter = sender, mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2), maxs = Vector(2, 2, 2)}).HitPos) ent:SetAngles(sender:GetAngles()) end end end) concommand.Add("zsemptyclip", function(sender, command, arguments) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end if not (sender:IsValid() and sender:Alive() and sender:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN) then return end sender.NextEmptyClip = sender.NextEmptyClip or 0 if sender.NextEmptyClip <= CurTime() then sender.NextEmptyClip = CurTime() + 0.1 local wep = sender:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and not wep.NoMagazine then local primary = wep:ValidPrimaryAmmo() if primary and 0 < wep:Clip1() then sender:GiveAmmo(wep:Clip1(), primary, true) wep:SetClip1(0) end local secondary = wep:ValidSecondaryAmmo() if secondary and 0 < wep:Clip2() then sender:GiveAmmo(wep:Clip2(), secondary, true) wep:SetClip2(0) end end end end) concommand.Add("zsgiveammo", function(sender, command, arguments) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end if not sender:IsValid() or not sender:Alive() or sender:Team() ~= TEAM_HUMAN then return end local ammotype = arguments[1] if not ammotype or #ammotype == 0 or not GAMEMODE.AmmoCache[ammotype] then return end local count = sender:GetAmmoCount(ammotype) if count <= 0 then sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") sender:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "no_spare_ammo_to_give") return end local ent local dent = Entity(tonumbersafe(arguments[2] or 0) or 0) if GAMEMODE:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(sender, dent) then ent = dent end if not ent then ent = sender:MeleeTrace(48, 2).Entity end if ent and ent:IsValid() and ent:IsPlayer() and ent:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and ent:Alive() then local desiredgive = math.min(count, GAMEMODE.AmmoCache[ammotype]) if desiredgive >= 1 then sender:RemoveAmmo(desiredgive, ammotype) ent:GiveAmmo(desiredgive, ammotype) if CurTime() >= (sender.NextGiveAmmoSound or 0) then sender.NextGiveAmmoSound = CurTime() + 1 sender:PlayGiveAmmoSound() end sender:RestartGesture(ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_ITEM_GIVE) return end else sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") sender:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "no_person_in_range") end end) concommand.Add("zsgiveweapon", function(sender, command, arguments) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end if not (sender:IsValid() and sender:Alive() and sender:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN) or GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end local currentwep = sender:GetActiveWeapon() if currentwep and currentwep:IsValid() then local ent local dent = Entity(tonumbersafe(arguments[2] or 0) or 0) if GAMEMODE:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(sender, dent) then ent = dent end if not ent then ent = sender:MeleeTrace(48, 2).Entity end if ent and ent:IsValid() and ent:IsPlayer() and ent:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and ent:Alive() then if not ent:HasWeapon(currentwep:GetClass()) then sender:GiveWeaponByType(currentwep, ent, false) else sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") sender:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "person_has_weapon") end else sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") sender:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "no_person_in_range") end end end) concommand.Add("zsgiveweaponclip", function(sender, command, arguments) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end if not (sender:IsValid() and sender:Alive() and sender:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN) then return end local currentwep = sender:GetActiveWeapon() if currentwep and currentwep:IsValid() then local ent local dent = Entity(tonumbersafe(arguments[2] or 0) or 0) if GAMEMODE:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(sender, dent) then ent = dent end if not ent then ent = sender:MeleeTrace(48, 2).Entity end if ent and ent:IsValid() and ent:IsPlayer() and ent:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and ent:Alive() then if not ent:HasWeapon(currentwep:GetClass()) then sender:GiveWeaponByType(currentwep, ent, true) else sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") sender:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "person_has_weapon") end else sender:SendLua("surface.PlaySound(\"buttons/button10.wav\")") sender:PrintTranslatedMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "no_person_in_range") end end end) concommand.Add("zsdropammo", function(sender, command, arguments) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end if not sender:IsValid() or not sender:Alive() or sender:Team() ~= TEAM_HUMAN or CurTime() < (sender.NextDropClip or 0) then return end sender.NextDropClip = CurTime() + 0.2 local wep = sender:GetActiveWeapon() if not wep:IsValid() then return end local ammotype = arguments[1] or wep:GetPrimaryAmmoTypeString() if GAMEMODE.AmmoNames[ammotype] and GAMEMODE.AmmoCache[ammotype] then local ent = sender:DropAmmoByType(ammotype, GAMEMODE.AmmoCache[ammotype] * 2) if ent and ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(sender:EyePos() + sender:GetAimVector() * 8) ent:SetAngles(sender:GetAngles()) local phys = ent:GetPhysicsObject() if phys:IsValid() then phys:Wake() phys:SetVelocityInstantaneous(sender:GetVelocity() * 0.85) end end end end) local VoiceSetTranslate = {} VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/alyx.mdl"] = "alyx" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/barney.mdl"] = "barney" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/breen.mdl"] = "male" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/combine_soldier.mdl"] = "combine" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/combine_soldier_prisonguard.mdl"] = "combine" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/combine_super_soldier.mdl"] = "combine" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/eli.mdl"] = "male" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/gman_high.mdl"] = "male" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/kleiner.mdl"] = "male" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/monk.mdl"] = "monk" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/mossman.mdl"] = "female" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/odessa.mdl"] = "male" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/police.mdl"] = "combine" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/brsp.mdl"] = "female" VoiceSetTranslate["models/player/moe_glados_p.mdl"] = "female" VoiceSetTranslate["models/grim.mdl"] = "combine" VoiceSetTranslate["models/jason278-players/gabe_3.mdl"] = "monk" function GM:PlayerSpawn(pl) pl:StripWeapons() pl:RemoveStatus("confusion", false, true) if pl:GetMaterial() ~= "" then pl:SetMaterial("") end pl:UnSpectate() pl.StartCrowing = nil pl.StartSpectating = nil pl.NextSpawnTime = nil pl.Gibbed = nil pl.SpawnNoSuicide = CurTime() + 1 pl.SpawnedTime = CurTime() pl:ShouldDropWeapon(false) pl:SetLegDamage(0) pl:SetLastAttacker() if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:RemoveStatus("overridemodel", false, true) if not pl.Revived then pl.DamagedBy = {} end pl.LifeBarricadeDamage = 0 pl.LifeHumanDamage = 0 pl.LifeBrainsEaten = 0 if self:GetEscapeSequence() and self:GetEscapeStage() >= ESCAPESTAGE_BOSS then local bossindex = pl:GetBossZombieIndex() if bossindex ~= -1 then pl:SetZombieClass(bossindex) end elseif pl.DeathClass and self:GetWaveActive() then pl:SetZombieClass(pl.DeathClass) pl.DeathClass = nil end local classtab = pl:GetZombieClassTable() pl:DoHulls(pl:GetZombieClass(), TEAM_UNDEAD) if classtab.Model then pl:SetModel(classtab.Model) elseif classtab.UsePlayerModel then local desiredname = pl:GetInfo("cl_playermodel") if #desiredname == 0 then pl:SelectRandomPlayerModel() else pl:SetModel(player_manager.TranslatePlayerModel(desiredname)) end elseif classtab.UsePreviousModel then local curmodel = string.lower(pl:GetModel()) if table.HasValue(self.RestrictedModels, curmodel) or string.sub(curmodel, 1, 14) ~= "models/player/" then pl:SelectRandomPlayerModel() end elseif classtab.UseRandomModel then pl:SelectRandomPlayerModel() else pl:SetModel("models/player/zombie_classic.mdl") end local numundead = team.NumPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD) if self.OutnumberedHealthBonus <= numundead or classtab.Boss then pl:SetHealth(classtab.Health) else pl:SetHealth(classtab.Health * 1.5) end if classtab.SWEP then pl:Give(classtab.SWEP) end pl:SetNoTarget(true) pl:SetMaxHealth(1) pl:ResetSpeed() pl:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed(classtab.CrouchedWalkSpeed or 0.70) if not pl.Revived or not self:GetWaveActive() or CurTime() > self:GetWaveEnd() then pl.StartCrowing = 0 end if pl.ForceSpawnAngles then pl:SetEyeAngles(pl.ForceSpawnAngles) pl.ForceSpawnAngles = nil end if pl.SpawnedOnSpawnPoint and not pl.DidntSpawnOnSpawnPoint and not pl.Revived and not pl:GetZombieClassTable().NeverAlive then pl:GiveStatus("zombiespawnbuff", 3) end pl.DidntSpawnOnSpawnPoint = nil pl.SpawnedOnSpawnPoint = nil pl:CallZombieFunction("OnSpawned") else pl.m_PointQueue = 0 pl.PackedItems = {} local desiredname = pl:GetInfo("cl_playermodel") local modelname = player_manager.TranslatePlayerModel(#desiredname == 0 and self.RandomPlayerModels[math.random(#self.RandomPlayerModels)] or desiredname) local lowermodelname = string.lower(modelname) if table.HasValue(self.RestrictedModels, lowermodelname) then modelname = "models/player/alyx.mdl" lowermodelname = modelname end pl:SetModel(modelname) -- Cache the voice set. if VoiceSetTranslate[lowermodelname] then pl.VoiceSet = VoiceSetTranslate[lowermodelname] elseif string.find(lowermodelname, "female", 1, true) then pl.VoiceSet = "female" else pl.VoiceSet = "male" end pl.HumanSpeedAdder = nil pl.BonusDamageCheck = CurTime() pl:ResetSpeed() pl:SetJumpPower(DEFAULT_JUMP_POWER) pl:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed(0.65) pl:SetNoTarget(false) pl:SetMaxHealth(100) if self.ZombieEscape then pl:Give("weapon_zs_zeknife") pl:Give("weapon_zs_zegrenade") pl:Give(table.Random(self.ZombieEscapeWeapons)) else pl:Give("weapon_zs_fists") if self.StartingLoadout then self:GiveStartingLoadout(pl) elseif pl.m_PreRedeem then if self.RedeemLoadout then for _, class in pairs(self.RedeemLoadout) do pl:Give(class) end else pl:Give("weapon_zs_redeemers") pl:Give("weapon_zs_swissarmyknife") end end end local oldhands = pl:GetHands() if IsValid(oldhands) then oldhands:Remove() end local hands = ents.Create("zs_hands") if hands:IsValid() then hands:DoSetup(pl) hands:Spawn() end end pl:DoMuscularBones() pl:DoNoodleArmBones() local pcol = Vector(pl:GetInfo("cl_playercolor")) pcol.x = math.Clamp(pcol.x, 0, 2.5) pcol.y = math.Clamp(pcol.y, 0, 2.5) pcol.z = math.Clamp(pcol.z, 0, 2.5) pl:SetPlayerColor(pcol) local wcol = Vector(pl:GetInfo("cl_weaponcolor")) wcol.x = math.Clamp(wcol.x, 0, 2.5) wcol.y = math.Clamp(wcol.y, 0, 2.5) wcol.z = math.Clamp(wcol.z, 0, 2.5) pl:SetWeaponColor(wcol) pl.m_PreHurtHealth = pl:Health() end function GM:SetWave(wave) local previouslylocked = {} local UnlockedClasses = {} for i, classtab in ipairs(GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses) do if not gamemode.Call("IsClassUnlocked", classid) then previouslylocked[i] = true end end SetGlobalInt("wave", wave) for classid in pairs(previouslylocked) do if gamemode.Call("IsClassUnlocked", classid) then local classtab = self.ZombieClasses[classid] if not classtab.UnlockedNotify then classtab.UnlockedNotify = true table.insert(UnlockedClasses, classid) end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_classunlock")) do local classname = GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[classid].Name if ent.Class == string.lower(classname) then ent:Input("onclassunlocked", ent, ent, classname) end end end end if #UnlockedClasses > 0 then for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do local classnames = {} for __, classid in pairs(UnlockedClasses) do table.insert(classnames, translate.ClientGet(pl, self.ZombieClasses[classid].TranslationName)) end net.Start("zs_classunlock") net.WriteString(string.AndSeparate(classnames)) net.Send(pl) end end end GM.NextEscapeDamage = 0 function GM:WaveStateChanged(newstate) if newstate then if self:GetWave() == 0 then self:SetClosestsToZombie() local humans = {} for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() then table.insert(humans, pl) end end if #humans >= 1 then for _, pl in pairs(humans) do gamemode.Call("GiveDefaultOrRandomEquipment", pl) pl.BonusDamageCheck = CurTime() end end -- We should spawn a crate in a random spawn point if no one has any. if not self.ZombieEscape and #ents.FindByClass("prop_arsenalcrate") == 0 then local have = false for _, pl in pairs(humans) do if pl:HasWeapon("weapon_zs_arsenalcrate") then have = true break end end if not have and #humans >= 1 then local spawn = self:PlayerSelectSpawn(humans[math.random(#humans)]) if spawn and spawn:IsValid() then local ent = ents.Create("prop_arsenalcrate") if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(spawn:GetPos()) ent:Spawn() ent:DropToFloor() ent:SetCollisionGroup(COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS_TRIGGER) -- Just so no one gets stuck in it. ent.NoTakeOwnership = true end end end end end local prevwave = self:GetWave() if self:GetUseSigils() and prevwave >= self:GetNumberOfWaves() then return end gamemode.Call("SetWave", prevwave + 1) gamemode.Call("SetWaveStart", CurTime()) if self.ZombieEscape then gamemode.Call("SetWaveEnd", -1) SetGlobalInt("numwaves", -1) else gamemode.Call("SetWaveEnd", self:GetWaveStart() + self:GetWaveOneLength() + (self:GetWave() - 1) * (GetGlobalBool("classicmode") and self.TimeAddedPerWaveClassic or self.TimeAddedPerWave)) end net.Start("zs_wavestart") net.WriteInt(self:GetWave(), 16) net.WriteFloat(self:GetWaveEnd()) net.Broadcast() for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl.m_LastWaveStartSpawn = CurTime() if pl:GetZombieClassTable().Name == "Crow" then pl:SetZombieClass(pl.DeathClass or 1) pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() elseif not pl:Alive() and not pl.Revive then pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() end end end local curwave = self:GetWave() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_waves")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwavestart", ent, ent, curwave) end end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_wavestart")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwavestart", ent, ent, curwave) end end elseif self:GetWave() >= self:GetNumberOfWaves() then -- Last wave is over if self:GetUseSigils() then if self:GetEscapeStage() == ESCAPESTAGE_BOSS then self:SetEscapeStage(ESCAPESTAGE_DEATH) PrintMessage(3, "Escape sequence death fog stage") gamemode.Call("SetWaveEnd", -1) elseif self:GetEscapeStage() == ESCAPESTAGE_ESCAPE then self:SetEscapeStage(ESCAPESTAGE_BOSS) -- 2 minutes to get out with everyone spawning as bosses. gamemode.Call("SetWaveEnd", CurTime() + 120) PrintMessage(3, "Escape sequence boss stage") -- Start spawning boss zombies. elseif self:GetEscapeStage() == ESCAPESTAGE_NONE then -- If we're using sigils, remove them all and spawn the doors. for _, sigil in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_obj_sigil")) do local ent = ents.Create("prop_obj_exit") if ent:IsValid() then ent:SetPos(sigil.NodePos or sigil:GetPos()) ent:SetAngles(sigil:GetAngles()) ent:Spawn() end sigil:Destroy() end --[[net.Start("zs_waveend") net.WriteInt(self:GetWave(), 16) net.WriteFloat(CurTime()) net.Broadcast()]] PrintMessage(3, "Escape sequence started") -- 2 minutes to escape. gamemode.Call("SetWaveActive", true) gamemode.Call("SetWaveEnd", CurTime() + 120) self:SetEscapeStage(ESCAPESTAGE_ESCAPE) local curwave = self:GetWave() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_waves")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwaveend", ent, ent, curwave) end end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_waveend")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwaveend", ent, ent, curwave) end end end else -- If not using sigils then humans all win. gamemode.Call("EndRound", TEAM_HUMAN) local curwave = self:GetWave() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_waves")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwaveend", ent, ent, curwave) end end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_waveend")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwaveend", ent, ent, curwave) end end end else gamemode.Call("SetWaveStart", CurTime() + (GetGlobalBool("classicmode") and self.WaveIntermissionLengthClassic or self.WaveIntermissionLength)) net.Start("zs_waveend") net.WriteInt(self:GetWave(), 16) net.WriteFloat(self:GetWaveStart()) net.Broadcast() for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() then if self.EndWaveHealthBonus > 0 then pl:SetHealth(math.min(pl:GetMaxHealth(), pl:Health() + self.EndWaveHealthBonus)) end elseif pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and not pl:Alive() and not pl.Revive then local curclass = pl.DeathClass or pl:GetZombieClass() local crowindex = GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses["Crow"].Index pl:SetZombieClass(crowindex) pl:DoHulls(crowindex, TEAM_UNDEAD) pl.DeathClass = nil pl:UnSpectateAndSpawn() pl.DeathClass = curclass end pl.SkipCrow = nil end local curwave = self:GetWave() for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_waves")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwaveend", ent, ent, curwave) end end for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("logic_waveend")) do if ent.Wave == curwave or ent.Wave == -1 then ent:Input("onwaveend", ent, ent, curwave) end end end gamemode.Call("OnWaveStateChanged") end function GM:PlayerSwitchFlashlight(pl, newstate) if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then if pl:Alive() then pl:SendLua("gamemode.Call(\"ToggleZombieVision\")") end return false end return true end function GM:PlayerStepSoundTime(pl, iType, bWalking) return 350 end concommand.Add("zs_class", function(sender, command, arguments) if sender:Team() ~= TEAM_UNDEAD or sender.Revive or GAMEMODE.PantsMode or GAMEMODE:IsClassicMode() or GAMEMODE:IsBabyMode() or GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then return end local classname = arguments[1] local suicide = arguments[2] == "1" local classtab = GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[classname] if not classtab or classtab.Hidden and not (classtab.CanUse and classtab:CanUse(sender)) then return end if not gamemode.Call("IsClassUnlocked", classname) then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientFormat(sender, "class_not_unlocked_will_be_unlocked_x", classtab.Wave)) elseif sender:GetZombieClassTable().Name == classname and not sender.DeathClass then sender:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientFormat(sender, "you_are_already_a_x", translate.ClientGet(sender, classtab.TranslationName))) else sender.DeathClass = classtab.Index sender:CenterNotify(translate.ClientFormat(sender, "you_will_spawn_as_a_x", translate.ClientGet(sender, classtab.TranslationName))) if suicide and sender:Alive() and not sender:GetZombieClassTable().Boss and gamemode.Call("CanPlayerSuicide", sender) then sender:Kill() end end end)