TEAM_ZOMBIE = 3 TEAM_ZOMBIES = TEAM_ZOMBIE TEAM_UNDEAD = TEAM_ZOMBIE TEAM_SURVIVOR = 4 TEAM_SURVIVORS = TEAM_SURVIVOR TEAM_HUMAN = TEAM_SURVIVOR TEAM_HUMANS = TEAM_SURVIVOR DISMEMBER_HEAD = 1 DISMEMBER_LEFTARM = 2 DISMEMBER_RIGHTARM = 4 DISMEMBER_LEFTLEG = 8 DISMEMBER_RIGHTLEG = 16 HM_MOSTZOMBIESKILLED = 1 HM_MOSTDAMAGETOUNDEAD = 2 HM_MOSTHEADSHOTS = 3 HM_DEFENCEDMG = 4 HM_MOSTHELPFUL = 5 HM_LASTHUMAN = 6 HM_OUTLANDER = 7 HM_GOODDOCTOR = 8 HM_HANDYMAN = 9 HM_STRENGTHDMG = 10 HM_MOSTBRAINSEATEN = 11 HM_MOSTDAMAGETOHUMANS = 12 HM_LASTBITE = 13 HM_USEFULTOOPPOSITE = 14 HM_STUPID = 15 HM_SALESMAN = 16 HM_WAREHOUSE = 17 HM_BARRICADEDESTROYER = 18 HM_PACIFIST = 19 HM_SCARECROW = 20 HM_NESTDESTROYER = 21 HM_NESTMASTER = 22 DT_PLAYER_INT_REMORTLEVEL = 5 DT_PLAYER_INT_XP = 6 DT_PLAYER_INT_BLOODARMOR = 7 DT_PLAYER_INT_VOICESET = 8 DT_PLAYER_BOOL_BARRICADEEXPERT = 6 DT_PLAYER_BOOL_NECRO = 7 DT_PLAYER_BOOL_FRAIL = 8 DT_PLAYER_FLOAT_WIDELOAD = 5 DT_PLAYER_FLOAT_PHANTOMHEALTH = 6 VOICESET_MALE = 0 VOICESET_FEMALE = 1 VOICESET_COMBINE = 2 VOICESET_BARNEY = 3 VOICESET_ALYX = 4 VOICESET_MONK = 5 VOICELINE_PAIN_LIGHT = 0 VOICELINE_PAIN_MED = 1 VOICELINE_PAIN_HEAVY = 2 VOICELINE_DEATH = 3 VOICELINE_EYEPAIN = 4 VOICELINE_GIVEAMMO = 5 DT_WEAPON_BASE_FLOAT_NEXTRELOAD = 0 DT_WEAPON_BASE_FLOAT_RELOADSTART = 1 DT_WEAPON_BASE_FLOAT_RELOADEND = 2 FM_NONE = 0 FM_LOCALKILLOTHERASSIST = 1 FM_LOCALASSISTOTHERKILL = 2 DIR_FORWARD = 0 DIR_RIGHT = 1 DIR_BACK = 2 DIR_LEFT = 3 SLOWTYPE_PULSE = 1 SLOWTYPE_COLD = 2 SLOWTYPE_FLAME = 3 -- Made because these are constantly swapped in different gmod updates for some bizzare reason. TEXT_ALIGN_TOP_REAL = 3 TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM_REAL = 4 DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET = Vector(0, 0, 64) DEFAULT_VIEW_OFFSET_DUCKED = Vector(0, 0, 32) -- 28 is the default but 32 lines up to where the gun is on the model -- default land speed = 269.5 274 DEFAULT_JUMP_POWER = 185 --284 DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE = 18 DEFAULT_MASS = 80 DEFAULT_MODELSCALE = 1 -- Humans can not carry OR drag anything heavier than this (in kg.) CARRY_MAXIMUM_MASS = 300 -- Humans can not carry anything with a volume more than this (OBBMins():Length() + OBBMaxs():Length()). CARRY_MAXIMUM_VOLUME = 150 -- Objects with more mass than this will be dragged instead of carried. CARRY_DRAG_MASS = 145 -- Anything bigger than this is dragged regardless of mass. CARRY_DRAG_VOLUME = 120 -- Humans are slowed by this amount per kg carried... CARRY_SPEEDLOSS_PERKG = 1.3 -- but can never be slower than this. CARRY_SPEEDLOSS_MINSPEED = 88 GM.MaxLegDamage = 3 GM.MaxArmDamage = 3 GM.UtilityKey = IN_SPEED GM.MenuKey = IN_WALK -- I would use the spawn menu but it has no IN_ key assignment. GM.ArsenalCrateCommission = 0.04 GM.BaseDeploySpeed = 1 -- Put this back to 1 to increase the value of it GM.ExtraHealthPerExtraNail = 75 GM.MaxNails = 4 -- Moved from options to globals because the game is now balanced around it being static. The gamemode will BREAK if this is not 6!! GM.NumberOfWaves = 6 GM.PulsePointsMultiplier = 1.25 -- The amount of damage you need to inflict to a zombie type to get a point GM.HumanoidZombiePointRatio = 45 GM.PoisonZombiePointRatio = 60 -- Has an enormous head hitbox GM.HeadcrabZombiePointRatio = 30 GM.NoHeadboxZombiePointRatio = 38 GM.TorsoZombiePointRatio = 42 GM.LegsZombiePointRatio = 37.5 GM.SkeletonPointRatio = GM.HumanoidZombiePointRatio/3 SPEED_NORMAL = 225 SPEED_SLOWEST = SPEED_NORMAL - 20 SPEED_SLOWER = SPEED_NORMAL - 14 SPEED_SLOW = SPEED_NORMAL - 7 SPEED_FAST = SPEED_NORMAL + 7 SPEED_FASTER = SPEED_NORMAL + 14 SPEED_FASTEST = SPEED_NORMAL + 20 SPEED_ZOMBIEESCAPE_SLOWEST = 220 SPEED_ZOMBIEESCAPE_SLOWER = 230 SPEED_ZOMBIEESCAPE_SLOW = 240 SPEED_ZOMBIEESCAPE_NORMAL = 250 SPEED_ZOMBIEESCAPE_ZOMBIE = 280 ZE_KNOCKBACKSCALE = 0.1 MASK_HOVER = bit.bor(CONTENTS_SOLID, CONTENTS_WATER, CONTENTS_SLIME, CONTENTS_GRATE, CONTENTS_WINDOW, CONTENTS_HITBOX) GM.BarricadeHealthMin = 50 GM.BarricadeHealthMax = 1100 * 0.85 GM.BarricadeHealthMassFactor = 3 * 0.85 GM.BarricadeHealthVolumeFactor = 4 * 0.85 GM.BarricadeRepairCapacity = 1.25 GM.BossZombiePlayersRequired = 8 GM.HumanGibs = { Model("models/gibs/HGIBS.mdl"), Model("models/gibs/HGIBS_spine.mdl"), Model("models/gibs/HGIBS_rib.mdl"), Model("models/gibs/HGIBS_scapula.mdl"), Model("models/gibs/antlion_gib_medium_2.mdl"), Model("models/gibs/Antlion_gib_Large_1.mdl"), Model("models/gibs/Strider_Gib4.mdl") } GM.BannedProps = { } GM.PropHealthMultipliers = { } GM.CleanupFilter = { "zs_hands", "zsbotnb" } GM.AmmoNames = {} GM.AmmoNames["ar2"] = "Assault Rifle" GM.AmmoNames["pistol"] = "Pistol" GM.AmmoNames["smg1"] = "SMG" GM.AmmoNames["357"] = "Rifle" GM.AmmoNames["xbowbolt"] = "Bolts" GM.AmmoNames["buckshot"] = "Buckshot" GM.AmmoNames["sniperround"] = "Boards" GM.AmmoNames["grenade"] = "Grenades" GM.AmmoNames["thumper"] = "Turrets" GM.AmmoNames["battery"] = "Medical Supplies" GM.AmmoNames["gaussenergy"] = "Nails" GM.AmmoNames["airboatgun"] = "Arsenal Crates" GM.AmmoNames["striderminigun"] = "Beacons" GM.AmmoNames["helicoptergun"] = "Resupply Boxes" GM.AmmoNames["slam"] = "Force Field Emitters" GM.AmmoNames["spotlamp"] = "Spot Lamps" GM.AmmoNames["stone"] = "Stones" GM.AmmoNames["flashbomb"] = "Flash Bombs" GM.AmmoNames["betty"] = "Proximity Mines" GM.AmmoNames["molotov"] = "Molotovs" GM.AmmoNames["manhack"] = "Manhacks" GM.AmmoNames["manhack_saw"] = "Sawblade Manhacks" GM.AmmoNames["drone"] = "Drones" GM.AmmoNames["sigilfragment"] = "Sigil Fragments" GM.AmmoNames["corruptedfragment"] = "Corrupted Fragments" GM.AmmoNames["mediccloudbomb"] = "Medic Cloud Bombs" GM.AmmoNames["nanitecloudbomb"] = "Nanite Cloud Bombs" GM.AmmoNames["foodwatermelon"] = "Watermelons" GM.AmmoNames["foodorange"] = "Oranges" GM.AmmoNames["foodbanana"] = "Bananas" GM.AmmoNames["foodsoda"] = "Soda Cans" GM.AmmoNames["foodmilk"] = "Milk Cartons" GM.AmmoNames["foodtakeout"] = "Chinese Takeouts" GM.AmmoNames["foodwater"] = "Water Bottles" GM.AmmoNames["pulse"] = "Pulse Shots" GM.AmmoNames["impactmine"] = "Explosives" GM.AmmoNames["chemical"] = "Chemicals" GM.AmmoNames["repairfield"] = "Repair Fields" GM.AmmoNames["zapper"] = "Zappers" GM.AmmoNames["zapper_arc"] = "Arc Zappers" GM.AmmoNames["remantler"] = "Remantlers" GM.AmmoNames["turret_buckshot"] = "Blast Turrets" GM.AmmoNames["turret_assault"] = "Assault Turrets" GM.AmmoNames["scrap"] = "Scrap" GM.AmmoTranslations = {} GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_physcannon"] = "pistol" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_ar2"] = "ar2" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_shotgun"] = "buckshot" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_smg1"] = "smg1" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_pistol"] = "pistol" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_357"] = "357" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_slam"] = "pistol" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_crowbar"] = "pistol" GM.AmmoTranslations["weapon_stunstick"] = "pistol" GM.AmmoModels = {} GM.AmmoModels["pistol"] = "models/Items/BoxSRounds.mdl" -- Pistols GM.AmmoModels["smg1"] = "models/Items/BoxMRounds.mdl" -- SMGs GM.AmmoModels["ar2"] = "models/Items/357ammobox.mdl" -- Assault rifles GM.AmmoModels["battery"] = "models/healthvial.mdl" -- Medical Kit charge GM.AmmoModels["buckshot"] = "models/Items/BoxBuckshot.mdl" -- Buckshot GM.AmmoModels["357"] = "models/props_lab/box01a.mdl" -- Slugs GM.AmmoModels["xbowbolt"] = "models/Items/CrossbowRounds.mdl" -- Bolts GM.AmmoModels["gaussenergy"] = "models/props_junk/cardboard_box004a.mdl" -- Nails GM.AmmoModels["grenade"] = "models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl" -- Grenades GM.AmmoModels["thumper"] = "models/Combine_turrets/Floor_turret.mdl" -- Gun turrets GM.AmmoModels["airboatgun"] = "models/Items/item_item_crate.mdl" -- Arsenal crates GM.AmmoModels["striderminigun"] = "models/props_combine/combine_mine01.mdl" -- Message beacons GM.AmmoModels["helicoptergun"] = "models/Items/ammocrate_ar2.mdl" -- Resupply boxes GM.AmmoModels["slam"] = "models/props_lab/lab_flourescentlight002b.mdl" -- Force Field Emitters GM.AmmoModels["spotlamp"] = "models/props_combine/combine_light001a.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["stone"] = "models/props_junk/rock001a.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["pulse"] = "models/Items/combine_rifle_ammo01.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["impactmine"] = "models/weapons/w_missile_closed.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["chemical"] = "models/weapons/w_missile_closed.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["repairfield"] = "models/props/de_nuke/smokestack01.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["zapper"] = "models/props_c17/utilityconnecter006c.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["zapper_arc"] = "models/props_c17/utilityconnecter006c.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["turret_buckshot"] = "models/Combine_turrets/Floor_turret.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["turret_assault"] = "models/Combine_turrets/Floor_turret.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["remantler"] = "models/props_lab/powerbox01a.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["scrap"] = "models/props_junk/vent001_chunk5.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["sniperround"] = "models/props_debris/wood_board02a.mdl" GM.AmmoModels["camera"] = "models/props_combine/combine_mine01.mdl" GM.AmmoIcons = {} GM.AmmoIcons["pistol"] = "ammo_pistol" GM.AmmoIcons["smg1"] = "ammo_smg" GM.AmmoIcons["ar2"] = "ammo_assault" GM.AmmoIcons["battery"] = "ammo_medpower" GM.AmmoIcons["buckshot"] = "ammo_shotgun" GM.AmmoIcons["357"] = "ammo_rifle" GM.AmmoIcons["xbowbolt"] = "ammo_bolts" GM.AmmoIcons["gaussenergy"] = "ammo_nail" GM.AmmoIcons["pulse"] = "ammo_pulse" GM.AmmoIcons["impactmine"] = "ammo_explosive" GM.AmmoIcons["chemical"] = "ammo_chemical" GM.AmmoIcons["scrap"] = "ammo_scrap" GM.ResistableStatuses = { "sickness", "dimvision", "enfeeble", "slow", "frightened", "frost" } GM.ScrapVals = { --6, 16, 32, 58, 92, 138 6, 16, 30, 46, 70, 106 } GM.ScrapValsTrinkets = { 5, 10, 16, 23, 32, 56 } GM.DismantleMultipliers = { 1, 2, 4, 7 } -- Handled in languages file. GM.ValidBeaconMessages = { "message_beacon_1", "message_beacon_2", "message_beacon_3", "message_beacon_4", "message_beacon_5", "message_beacon_6", "message_beacon_7", "message_beacon_8", "message_beacon_9", "message_beacon_10", "message_beacon_11", "message_beacon_12", "message_beacon_13", "message_beacon_14", "message_beacon_15", "message_beacon_16", "message_beacon_17", "message_beacon_18", "message_beacon_19", "message_beacon_20", "message_beacon_21", "message_beacon_22", "message_beacon_23", "message_beacon_24", "message_beacon_25" } GM.FanList = { "1418945843", "1595085577", "3311458935", "3023059541", "2000875318", "778584317", "6086255", "2867054481" }