-- Sometimes persistent ones don't get created. local dummy = CreateClientConVar("_zs_dummyconvar", 1, false, false) local oldCreateClientConVar = CreateClientConVar function CreateClientConVar(...) return oldCreateClientConVar(...) or dummy end include("shared.lua") include("cl_draw.lua") include("cl_util.lua") include("cl_options.lua") include("obj_player_extend_cl.lua") include("cl_scoreboard.lua") include("cl_targetid.lua") include("cl_postprocess.lua") include("vgui/dgamestate.lua") include("vgui/dteamcounter.lua") include("vgui/dmodelpanelex.lua") include("vgui/dammocounter.lua") include("vgui/dteamheading.lua") include("vgui/dexroundedpanel.lua") include("vgui/dexroundedframe.lua") include("vgui/dexrotatedimage.lua") include("vgui/dexnotificationslist.lua") include("vgui/dexchanginglabel.lua") include("vgui/pmainmenu.lua") include("vgui/poptions.lua") include("vgui/phelp.lua") include("vgui/pclassselect.lua") include("vgui/pweapons.lua") include("vgui/pendboard.lua") include("vgui/pworth.lua") include("vgui/ppointshop.lua") include("vgui/dpingmeter.lua") include("vgui/dsidemenu.lua") include("vgui/zshealtharea.lua") include("cl_dermaskin.lua") include("cl_deathnotice.lua") include("cl_floatingscore.lua") include("cl_hint.lua") include("cl_zombieescape.lua") w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() MySelf = MySelf or NULL hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "GetLocal", function() MySelf = LocalPlayer() GAMEMODE.HookGetLocal = GAMEMODE.HookGetLocal or (function(g) end) gamemode.Call("HookGetLocal", MySelf) RunConsoleCommand("initpostentity") end) -- Remove when model decal crash is fixed. function util.Decal() end -- Save on global lookup time. local render = render local surface = surface local draw = draw local cam = cam local player = player local ents = ents local util = util local math = math local string = string local bit = bit local gamemode = gamemode local hook = hook local Vector = Vector local VectorRand = VectorRand local Angle = Angle local AngleRand = AngleRand local Entity = Entity local Color = Color local FrameTime = FrameTime local RealTime = RealTime local CurTime = CurTime local SysTime = SysTime local EyePos = EyePos local EyeAngles = EyeAngles local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local tostring = tostring local tonumber = tonumber local type = type local ScrW = ScrW local ScrH = ScrH local TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER local TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT = TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT local TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT = TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT local TEXT_ALIGN_TOP = TEXT_ALIGN_TOP local TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM local TEAM_HUMAN = TEAM_HUMAN local TEAM_UNDEAD = TEAM_UNDEAD local translate = translate local COLOR_PURPLE = COLOR_PURPLE local COLOR_GRAY = COLOR_GRAY local COLOR_RED = COLOR_RED local COLOR_DARKRED = COLOR_DARKRED local COLOR_DARKGREEN = COLOR_DARKGREEN local COLOR_GREEN = COLOR_GREEN local COLOR_WHITE = COLOR_WHITE local surface_SetFont = surface.SetFont local surface_SetTexture = surface.SetTexture local surface_SetMaterial = surface.SetMaterial local surface_SetDrawColor = surface.SetDrawColor local surface_DrawRect = surface.DrawRect local surface_DrawOutlinedRect = surface.DrawOutlinedRect local surface_DrawTexturedRect = surface.DrawTexturedRect local surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated = surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated local surface_DrawTexturedRectUV = surface.DrawTexturedRectUV local surface_PlaySound = surface.PlaySound local draw_SimpleText = draw.SimpleText local draw_SimpleTextBlurry = draw.SimpleTextBlurry local draw_SimpleTextBlur = draw.SimpleTextBlur local draw_GetFontHeight = draw.GetFontHeight local MedicalAuraDistance = 400 GM.LifeStatsBrainsEaten = 0 GM.LifeStatsHumanDamage = 0 GM.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage = 0 GM.InputMouseX = 0 GM.InputMouseY = 0 GM.LastTimeDead = 0 GM.LastTimeAlive = 0 GM.HeartBeatTime = 0 GM.FOVLerp = 1 GM.HurtEffect = 0 GM.PrevHealth = 0 GM.SuppressArsenalTime = 0 GM.ZombieThirdPerson = false GM.Beats = {} GM.DeathFog = 0 GM.FogStart = 0 GM.FogEnd = 8000 GM.FogRed = 30 GM.FogGreen = 30 GM.FogBlue = 30 function GM:ClickedPlayerButton(pl, button) end function GM:ClickedEndBoardPlayerButton(pl, button) end function GM:CenterNotify(...) if self.CenterNotificationHUD and self.CenterNotificationHUD:Valid() then return self.CenterNotificationHUD:AddNotification(...) end end function GM:TopNotify(...) if self.TopNotificationHUD and self.TopNotificationHUD:Valid() then return self.TopNotificationHUD:AddNotification(...) end end function GM:_InputMouseApply(cmd, x, y, ang) self.InputMouseX = x self.InputMouseY = y if MySelf:KeyDown(IN_WALK) and MySelf:IsHolding() then RunConsoleCommand("_zs_rotateang", self.InputMouseX, self.InputMouseY) return true end end function GM:_GUIMousePressed(mc) if self.HumanMenuPanel and self.HumanMenuPanel:Valid() and self.HumanMenuPanel:IsVisible() and MySelf:KeyDown(self.MenuKey) then local dir = gui.ScreenToVector(gui.MousePos()) local ent = util.TraceLine({start = MySelf:EyePos(), endpos = MySelf:EyePos() + dir * self.CraftingRange, filter = MySelf, mask = MASK_SOLID}).Entity if ent:IsValid() and not ent:IsPlayer() and (ent:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NONE or ent:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS) and ent:GetSolid() == SOLID_VPHYSICS then if mc == MOUSE_LEFT then if ent == self.CraftingEntity then self.CraftingEntity = nil else self.CraftingEntity = ent end elseif mc == MOUSE_RIGHT and self.CraftingEntity and self.CraftingEntity:IsValid() then RunConsoleCommand("_zs_craftcombine", self.CraftingEntity:EntIndex(), ent:EntIndex()) self.CraftingEntity = nil end end end end function GM:TryHumanPickup(pl, entity) end function GM:AddExtraOptions(list, window) end function GM:SpawnMenuEnabled() return false end function GM:SpawnMenuOpen() return false end function GM:ContextMenuOpen() return false end function GM:HUDWeaponPickedUp(wep) end function GM:_HUDWeaponPickedUp(wep) if MySelf:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and not wep.NoPickupNotification then self:Rewarded(wep:GetClass()) end end function GM:HUDItemPickedUp(itemname) end function GM:HUDAmmoPickedUp(itemname, amount) end function GM:InitPostEntity() if not self.HealthHUD then self.HealthHUD = vgui.Create("ZSHealthArea") end self:LocalPlayerFound() self:EvaluateFilmMode() timer.Simple(2, function() GAMEMODE:GetFogData() end) end function GM:SetupWorldFog() if self.DeathFog == 0 then return end local power = self.DeathFog local rpower = 1 - self.DeathFog local fogstart = self.FogStart * rpower local fogend = self.FogEnd * rpower + 150 * power local fogr = self.FogRed * rpower local fogg = self.FogGreen * rpower + 40 * power local fogb = self.FogBlue * rpower render.FogMode(1) render.FogStart(fogstart) render.FogEnd(fogend) render.FogColor(fogr, fogg, fogb) render.FogMaxDensity(1) return true end function GM:SetupSkyboxFog(skyboxscale) if self.DeathFog == 0 then return end local power = self.DeathFog local rpower = 1 - self.DeathFog local fogstart = self.FogStart * rpower local fogend = self.FogEnd * rpower + 150 * power local fogr = self.FogRed * rpower local fogg = self.FogGreen * rpower + 40 * power local fogb = self.FogBlue * rpower local fogdensity = 1 - power * 0.1 render.FogMode(1) render.FogStart(fogstart * skyboxscale) render.FogEnd(fogend * skyboxscale) render.FogColor(fogr, fogg, fogb) render.FogMaxDensity(1) return true end function GM:PreDrawSkyBox() self.DrawingInSky = true end local matSky = CreateMaterial("SkyOverride", "UnlitGeneric", {["$basetexture"] = "color/white", ["$vertexcolor"] = 1, ["$vertexalpha"] = 1, ["$model"] = 1}) local colSky = Color(0, 30, 0) function GM:PostDrawSkyBox() self.DrawingInSky = false if self.DeathFog == 0 then return end colSky.a = self.DeathFog * 230 cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) render.SetMaterial(matSky) render.DrawQuadEasy(Vector(0, 0, 10240), Vector(0, 0, -1), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render.DrawQuadEasy(Vector(0, 10240, 0), Vector(0, -1, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render.DrawQuadEasy(Vector(0, -10240, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render.DrawQuadEasy(Vector(10240, 0, 0), Vector(-1, 0, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render.DrawQuadEasy(Vector(-10240, 0, 0), Vector(1, 0, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) cam.End3D() end function GM:GetFogData() local fogstart, fogend = render.GetFogDistances() local fogr, fogg, fogb = render.GetFogColor() self.FogStart = fogstart self.FogEnd = fogend self.FogRed = fogr self.FogGreen = fogg self.FogBlue = fogb end local matAura = Material("models/debug/debugwhite") local skip = false function GM.PostPlayerDrawMedical(pl) if not skip and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl ~= LocalPlayer() then local eyepos = EyePos() local dist = pl:NearestPoint(eyepos):Distance(eyepos) if dist < MedicalAuraDistance then local green = pl:Health() / pl:GetMaxHealth() pl.SkipDrawHooks = true skip = true render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) render.ModelMaterialOverride(matAura) render.SetBlend((1 - (dist / MedicalAuraDistance)) * 0.1 * (1 + math.abs(math.sin((CurTime() + pl:EntIndex()) * 4)) * 0.05)) render.SetColorModulation(1 - green, green, 0) pl:DrawModel() render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) render.SetBlend(1) render.ModelMaterialOverride() render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) skip = false pl.SkipDrawHooks = false end end end function GM:OnReloaded() self.BaseClass.OnReloaded(self) self:LocalPlayerFound() end -- The whole point of this is so we don't need to check if the local player is valid 1000 times a second. function GM:LocalPlayerFound() self.Think = self._Think self.HUDShouldDraw = self._HUDShouldDraw self.CachedFearPower = self._CachedFearPower self.CalcView = self._CalcView self.ShouldDrawLocalPlayer = self._ShouldDrawLocalPlayer self.PostDrawOpaqueRenderables = self._PostDrawOpaqueRenderables self.PostDrawTranslucentRenderables = self._PostDrawTranslucentRenderables self.HUDPaint = self._HUDPaint self.HUDPaintBackground = self._HUDPaintBackground self.CreateMove = self._CreateMove self.PrePlayerDraw = self._PrePlayerDraw self.PostPlayerDraw = self._PostPlayerDraw self.InputMouseApply = self._InputMouseApply self.GUIMousePressed = self._GUIMousePressed self.HUDWeaponPickedUp = self._HUDWeaponPickedUp if render.GetDXLevel() >= 80 then self.RenderScreenspaceEffects = self._RenderScreenspaceEffects end end local currentpower = 0 local spawngreen = 0 local matFearMeter = Material("zombiesurvival/fearometer") local matNeedle = Material("zombiesurvival/fearometerneedle") local matEyeGlow = Material("Sprites/light_glow02_add_noz") function GM:DrawFearMeter(power, screenscale) if currentpower < power then currentpower = math.min(power, currentpower + FrameTime() * (math.tan(currentpower) * 2 + 0.05)) elseif power < currentpower then currentpower = math.max(power, currentpower - FrameTime() * (math.tan(currentpower) * 2 + 0.05)) end local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local wid, hei = 192 * screenscale, 192 * screenscale local mx, my = w * 0.5 - wid * 0.5, h - hei surface_SetMaterial(matFearMeter) surface_SetDrawColor(140, 140, 140, 240) surface_DrawTexturedRect(mx, my, wid, hei) if currentpower >= 0.75 then local pulse = CurTime() % 3 - 1 if pulse > 0 then pulse = pulse ^ 2 local pulsesize = pulse * screenscale * 28 surface_SetDrawColor(140, 140, 140, 120 - pulse * 120) surface_DrawTexturedRect(mx - pulsesize, my - pulsesize, wid + pulsesize * 2, hei + pulsesize * 2) end end surface_SetMaterial(matNeedle) surface_SetDrawColor(160, 160, 160, 225) local rot = math.Clamp((0.5 - currentpower) + math.sin(RealTime() * 10) * 0.01, -0.5, 0.5) * 300 surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(w * 0.5 - math.max(0, rot * wid * -0.0001), h - hei * 0.5 - math.abs(rot) * hei * 0.00015, wid, hei, rot) if MySelf:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then if self:GetDynamicSpawning() and self:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() then local obs = MySelf:GetObserverTarget() spawngreen = math.Approach(spawngreen, self:DynamicSpawnIsValid(obs and obs:IsValid() and obs:IsPlayer() and obs:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and obs or MySelf) and 1 or 0, FrameTime() * 4) local sy = my + hei * 0.6953 local size = wid * 0.085 surface_SetMaterial(matEyeGlow) surface_SetDrawColor(220 * (1 - spawngreen), 220 * spawngreen, 0, 240) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(mx + wid * 0.459, sy, size, size, 0) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(mx + wid * 0.525, sy, size, size, 0) end if currentpower > 0 and not self.ZombieEscape then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Format("resist_x", math.ceil(self:GetDamageResistance(currentpower) * 100)), "ZSDamageResistance", w * 0.5, my + hei * 0.75, Color(currentpower * 200, 200 - currentpower * 200, 0, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end function GM:GetDynamicSpawning() return not GetGlobalBool("DynamicSpawningDisabled", false) end function GM:TrackLastDeath() if MySelf:Alive() then self.LastTimeAlive = CurTime() else self.LastTimeDead = CurTime() end end function GM:IsClassicMode() return GetGlobalBool("classicmode", false) end function GM:IsBabyMode() return GetGlobalBool("babymode", false) end function GM:PostRender() if self.m_ZombieVision and MySelf:IsValid() and MySelf:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then local eyepos = EyePos() local eyedir = EyeAngles():Forward() local tr = util.TraceLine({start = eyepos, endpos = eyepos + eyedir * 128, mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY}) local dlight = DynamicLight(MySelf:EntIndex()) if dlight then dlight.Pos = tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 2 dlight.r = 10 dlight.g = 255 dlight.b = 80 dlight.Brightness = 3 dlight.Size = 300 dlight.Decay = 900 dlight.DieTime = CurTime() + 1 end end end local lastwarntim = -1 local NextGas = 0 function GM:_Think() if self:GetEscapeStage() == ESCAPESTAGE_DEATH then self.DeathFog = math.min(self.DeathFog + FrameTime() / 5, 1) if CurTime() >= NextGas then NextGas = CurTime() + 0.01 local eyepos = EyePos() local emitter = ParticleEmitter(eyepos) for i=1, 3 do local randdir = VectorRand() randdir.z = math.abs(randdir.z) randdir:Normalize() local emitpos = eyepos + randdir * math.Rand(0, 1200) local particle = emitter:Add("particles/smokey", emitpos) particle:SetVelocity(randdir * math.Rand(8, 256)) particle:SetAirResistance(16) particle:SetDieTime(math.Rand(2.2, 3.5)) particle:SetStartAlpha(math.Rand(70, 90)) particle:SetEndAlpha(0) particle:SetStartSize(1) particle:SetEndSize(math.Rand(150, 325)) particle:SetRoll(math.Rand(0, 360)) particle:SetRollDelta(math.Rand(-1, 1)) particle:SetColor(0, math.Rand(20, 45), 0) end emitter:Finish() end elseif self.DeathFog > 0 then self.DeathFog = math.max(self.DeathFog - FrameTime() / 5, 0) end local health = MySelf:Health() if self.PrevHealth and health < self.PrevHealth then self.HurtEffect = math.min(self.HurtEffect + (self.PrevHealth - health) * 0.02, 1.5) elseif self.HurtEffect > 0 then self.HurtEffect = math.max(0, self.HurtEffect - FrameTime() * 0.65) end self.PrevHealth = health self:TrackLastDeath() local endtime = self:GetWaveActive() and self:GetWaveEnd() or self:GetWaveStart() if endtime ~= -1 then local timleft = math.max(0, endtime - CurTime()) if timleft <= 10 and lastwarntim ~= math.ceil(timleft) then lastwarntim = math.ceil(timleft) if 0 < lastwarntim then surface_PlaySound("buttons/lightswitch2.wav") end end end local myteam = MySelf:Team() self:PlayBeats(myteam, self:CachedFearPower()) if myteam == TEAM_HUMAN then local wep = MySelf:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.GetIronsights and wep:GetIronsights() then self.FOVLerp = math.Approach(self.FOVLerp, wep.IronsightsMultiplier or 0.6, FrameTime() * 4) elseif self.FOVLerp ~= 1 then self.FOVLerp = math.Approach(self.FOVLerp, 1, FrameTime() * 5) end if MySelf:GetBarricadeGhosting() then MySelf:BarricadeGhostingThink() end else self.HeartBeatTime = self.HeartBeatTime + (6 + self:CachedFearPower() * 5) * FrameTime() if not MySelf:Alive() then self:ToggleZombieVision(false) end end for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then local tab = pl:GetZombieClassTable() if tab.BuildBonePositions then pl.WasBuildingBonePositions = true pl:ResetBones() tab.BuildBonePositions(tab, pl) elseif pl.WasBuildingBonePositions then pl.WasBuildingBonePositions = nil pl:ResetBones() end elseif pl.WasBuildingBonePositions then pl.WasBuildingBonePositions = nil pl:ResetBones() end end end function GM:ShouldPlayBeats(teamid, fear) return not self.RoundEnded and not self.ZombieEscape and not GetGlobalBool("beatsdisabled", false) end local cv_ShouldPlayMusic = CreateClientConVar("zs_playmusic", 1, true, false) local NextBeat = 0 local LastBeatLevel = 0 function GM:PlayBeats(teamid, fear) if RealTime() <= NextBeat or not gamemode.Call("ShouldPlayBeats", teamid, fear) then return end if LASTHUMAN and cv_ShouldPlayMusic:GetBool() then MySelf:EmitSound(self.LastHumanSound, 0, 100, self.BeatsVolume) NextBeat = RealTime() + (self.SoundDuration[snd] or SoundDuration(self.LastHumanSound)) - 0.025 return end if fear <= 0 or not self.BeatsEnabled then return end local beats = self.Beats[teamid == TEAM_HUMAN and self.BeatSetHuman or self.BeatSetZombie] if not beats then return end LastBeatLevel = math.Approach(LastBeatLevel, math.ceil(fear * 10), 3) local snd = beats[LastBeatLevel] if snd then MySelf:EmitSound(snd, 0, 100, self.BeatsVolume) NextBeat = RealTime() + (self.SoundDuration[snd] or SoundDuration(snd)) - 0.025 end end local colPackUp = Color(20, 255, 20, 220) local colPackUpNotOwner = Color(255, 240, 10, 220) function GM:DrawPackUpBar(x, y, fraction, notowner, screenscale) local col = notowner and colPackUpNotOwner or colPackUp local maxbarwidth = 270 * screenscale local barheight = 11 * screenscale local barwidth = maxbarwidth * math.Clamp(fraction, 0, 1) local startx = x - maxbarwidth * 0.5 surface_SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 220) surface_DrawRect(startx, y, maxbarwidth, barheight) surface_SetDrawColor(col) surface_DrawRect(startx + 3, y + 3, barwidth - 6, barheight - 6) surface_DrawOutlinedRect(startx, y, maxbarwidth, barheight) draw_SimpleText(notowner and CurTime() % 2 < 1 and translate.Format("requires_x_people", 4) or notowner and translate.Get("packing_others_object") or translate.Get("packing"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y - draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") - 2, col, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end function GM:HumanHUD(screenscale) local curtime = CurTime() local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local packup = MySelf.PackUp if packup and packup:IsValid() then self:DrawPackUpBar(w * 0.5, h * 0.55, 1 - packup:GetTimeRemaining() / packup:GetMaxTime(), packup:GetNotOwner(), screenscale) end if not self.RoundEnded then if self:GetWave() == 0 and not self:GetWaveActive() then local txth = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("waiting_for_players").." "..util.ToMinutesSeconds(math.max(0, self:GetWaveStart() - curtime)), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.25, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("humans_closest_to_spawns_are_zombies"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.25 + txth, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local desiredzombies = self:GetDesiredStartingZombies() draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Format("number_of_initial_zombies_this_game", self.WaveOneZombies * 100, desiredzombies), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("zombie_volunteers"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 + txth, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local y = h * 0.75 + txth * 2 txth = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontTiny") for i, pl in ipairs(self.ZombieVolunteers) do if pl:IsValid() then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(pl:Name(), "ZSHUDFontTiny", w * 0.5, y, pl == MySelf and COLOR_RED or COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) y = y + txth end end end local drown = MySelf.status_drown if drown and drown:IsValid() then surface_SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 60) surface_DrawRect(w * 0.4, h * 0.35, w * 0.2, 12) surface_SetDrawColor(30, 30, 230, 180) surface_DrawOutlinedRect(w * 0.4, h * 0.35, w * 0.2, 12) surface_DrawRect(w * 0.4, h * 0.35, w * 0.2 * (1 - drown:GetDrown()), 12) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("breath").." ", "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.4, h * 0.35 + 6, COLOR_BLUE, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end if gamemode.Call("PlayerCanPurchase", MySelf) then if self:GetWaveActive() then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_f2_for_the_points_shop"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, 8, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) else local th = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_f2_for_the_points_shop"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, 8, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Format("x_discount_for_buying_between_waves", self.ArsenalCrateDiscountPercentage), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, 9 + th, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end function GM:HUDPaint() end function GM:_HUDPaint() if self.FilmMode then return end local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() local myteam = MySelf:Team() self:HUDDrawTargetID(myteam, screenscale) if self:GetWave() > 0 then self:DrawFearMeter(self:CachedFearPower(), screenscale) end if myteam == TEAM_UNDEAD then self:ZombieHUD() else self:HumanHUD(screenscale) end if GetGlobalBool("classicmode") then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("classic_mode"), "ZSHUDFontSmaller", 4, ScrH() - 4, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) end end function GM:ZombieObserverHUD(obsmode) local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local texh = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") local dyn if obsmode == OBS_MODE_CHASE then local target = MySelf:GetObserverTarget() if target and target:IsValid() then if target:IsPlayer() and target:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("observing_x", target:Name(), math.max(0, target:Health())), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 - texh - 32, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end dyn = self:GetDynamicSpawning() and self:DynamicSpawnIsValid(target) end end if self:GetWaveActive() then draw_SimpleTextBlur(dyn and translate.Get("press_lmb_to_spawn_on_them") or translate.Get("press_lmb_to_spawn"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75, dyn and COLOR_DARKGREEN or COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local space = texh + 8 draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("press_rmb_to_cycle_targets"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 + space, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("press_reload_to_spawn_at_normal_point"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 + space * 2, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("press_jump_to_free_roam"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 + space * 3, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_thrownbaby")) do if ent:GetSettled() then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("press_walk_to_spawn_as_x", self.ZombieClasses["Gore Child"].Name), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 + space * 3, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) break end end end local matHumanHeadID = Material("zombiesurvival/humanhead") local matZombieHeadID = Material("zombiesurvival/zombiehead") local colLifeStats = Color(255, 0, 0, 255) function GM:ZombieHUD() if self.LifeStatsEndTime and CurTime() < self.LifeStatsEndTime and (self.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage > 0 or self.LifeStatsHumanDamage > 0 or self.LifeStatsBrainsEaten > 0) then colLifeStats.a = math.Clamp((self.LifeStatsEndTime - CurTime()) / (self.LifeStatsLifeTime * 0.33), 0, 1) * 255 local th = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") local x = ScrW() * 0.75 local y = ScrH() * 0.75 draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("that_life"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th if self.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage > 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("x_damage_to_barricades", self.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th end if self.LifeStatsHumanDamage > 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("x_damage_to_humans", self.LifeStatsHumanDamage), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th end if self.LifeStatsBrainsEaten > 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("x_brains_eaten", self.LifeStatsBrainsEaten), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th end end local obsmode = MySelf:GetObserverMode() if obsmode ~= OBS_MODE_NONE then self:ZombieObserverHUD(obsmode) elseif not self:GetWaveActive() and not MySelf:Alive() then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("waiting_for_next_wave"), "ZSHUDFont", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.3, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) if MySelf:GetZombieClassTable().NeverAlive then for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_thrownbaby")) do if ent:GetSettled() then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("press_walk_to_spawn_as_x", self.ZombieClasses["Gore Child"].Name), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) break end end end end end function GM:RequestedDefaultCart() local defaultcart = GetConVarString("zs_defaultcart") if #defaultcart > 0 then defaultcart = string.lower(defaultcart) for i, carttab in ipairs(self.SavedCarts) do if carttab[1] and string.lower(carttab[1]) == defaultcart then gamemode.Call("SuppressArsenalUpgrades", 1) RunConsoleCommand("worthcheckout", unpack(carttab[2])) return end end RunConsoleCommand("worthrandom") end end function GM:_PostDrawTranslucentRenderables() if not self.DrawingInSky then self:DrawPointWorldHints() self:DrawWorldHints() end end function GM:RestartRound() self.TheLastHuman = nil self.RoundEnded = nil LASTHUMAN = nil if pEndBoard and pEndBoard:Valid() then pEndBoard:Remove() pEndBoard = nil end self:InitPostEntity() self:RevertZombieClasses() end function GM:_HUDShouldDraw(name) if self.FilmMode and name ~= "CHudWeaponSelection" then return false end return name ~= "CHudHealth" and name ~= "CHudBattery" and name ~= "CHudAmmo" and name ~= "CHudSecondaryAmmo" and name ~= "CHudDamageIndicator" end local Current = 0 local NextCalculate = 0 function GM:_CachedFearPower() if CurTime() >= NextCalculate then NextCalculate = CurTime() + 0.15 Current = self:GetFearMeterPower(EyePos(), TEAM_UNDEAD, MySelf) end return Current end function surface.CreateLegacyFont(font, size, weight, antialias, additive, name, shadow, outline, blursize) surface.CreateFont(name, {font = font, size = size, weight = weight, antialias = antialias, additive = additive, shadow = shadow, outline = outline, blursize = blursize}) end function GM:CreateFonts() local fontfamily = "Typenoksidi" local fontfamily3d = "hidden" local fontweight = 0 local fontweight3D = 0 local fontaa = true local fontshadow = false local fontoutline = true surface.CreateLegacyFont("csd", 42, 500, true, false, "healthsign", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont("tahoma", 96, 1000, true, false, "zshintfont", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 48, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontSmall", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 72, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 128, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontBig", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 48, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontSmallBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 72, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 128, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontBigBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 40, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Smaller", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 48, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Small", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 72, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 128, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Big", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 40, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2SmallerBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 48, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2SmallBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 72, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Blur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 128, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2BigBlur", false, false, 16) local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() surface.CreateLegacyFont("csd", screenscale * 36, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnoticecs", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont("HL2MP", screenscale * 36, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnotice", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 16, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontTiny", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 20, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallest", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 22, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmaller", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 28, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmall", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 42, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFont", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 72, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBig", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 16, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontTinyBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 22, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallerBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 28, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 42, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 72, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBigBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 16, 0, fontaa, false, "ZSAmmoName", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 16, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontTinyNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 20, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallestNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 22, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallerNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 28, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 42, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 72, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBigNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 16, 0, true, false, "ZSDamageResistance", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * 16, 0, true, false, "ZSDamageResistanceBlur", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 32, fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardTitle", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 22, fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardSubTitle", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 16, fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardPlayer", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 24, fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardHeading", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont("arial", 20, 0, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardPlayerSmall", false, true) -- Default, DefaultBold, DefaultSmall, etc. were changed when gmod13 hit. These are renamed fonts that have the old values. surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontVerySmall", {font = "tahoma", size = 10, weight = 0, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontSmall", {font = "tahoma", size = 11, weight = 0, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontSmallDropShadow", {font = "tahoma", size = 11, weight = 0, shadow = true, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFont", {font = "tahoma", size = 13, weight = 500, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontBold", {font = "tahoma", size = 13, weight = 1000, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontLarge", {font = "tahoma", size = 16, weight = 0, antialias = false}) end function GM:EvaluateFilmMode() local visible = not self.FilmMode if self.GameStatePanel and self.GameStatePanel:Valid() then self.GameStatePanel:SetVisible(visible) end if self.TopNotificationHUD and self.TopNotificationHUD:Valid() then self.TopNotificationHUD:SetVisible(visible) end if self.CenterNotificationHUD and self.CenterNotificationHUD:Valid() then self.CenterNotificationHUD:SetVisible(visible) end if self.HealthHUD and self.HealthHUD:Valid() then self.HealthHUD:SetVisible(visible) end end function GM:CreateVGUI() local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() self.GameStatePanel = vgui.Create("DGameState") self.GameStatePanel:SetTextFont("ZSHUDFontSmaller") self.GameStatePanel:SetAlpha(220) self.GameStatePanel:SetSize(screenscale * 420, screenscale * 80) self.GameStatePanel:ParentToHUD() self.TopNotificationHUD = vgui.Create("DEXNotificationsList") self.TopNotificationHUD:SetAlign(RIGHT) self.TopNotificationHUD.PerformLayout = function(pan) local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() pan:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.4, ScrH() * 0.6) pan:AlignTop(16 * screenscale) pan:AlignRight() end self.TopNotificationHUD:InvalidateLayout() self.TopNotificationHUD:ParentToHUD() self.CenterNotificationHUD = vgui.Create("DEXNotificationsList") self.CenterNotificationHUD:SetAlign(CENTER) self.CenterNotificationHUD:SetMessageHeight(36) self.CenterNotificationHUD.PerformLayout = function(pan) local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() pan:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.35) pan:CenterHorizontal() pan:AlignBottom(16 * screenscale) end self.CenterNotificationHUD:InvalidateLayout() self.CenterNotificationHUD:ParentToHUD() end function GM:Initialize() self:CreateFonts() self:PrecacheResources() self:CreateVGUI() self:InitializeBeats() self:AddCustomAmmo() end local function FirstOfGoodType(a) for _, v in pairs(a) do local ext = string.sub(v, -4) if ext == ".ogg" or ext == ".wav" or ext == ".mp3" then return v end end end function GM:InitializeBeats() local _, dirs = file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/*", "GAME") for _, dirname in pairs(dirs) do if dirname == "none" or dirname == "default" then continue end self.Beats[dirname] = {} local highestexist for i=1, 10 do local a, __ = file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/"..i..".*", "GAME") local a1 = FirstOfGoodType(a) if a1 then local filename = "zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/"..a1 if file.Exists("sound/"..filename, "GAME") then self.Beats[dirname][i] = Sound(filename) highestexist = filename continue end end if highestexist then self.Beats[dirname][i] = highestexist end end end end function GM:PlayerDeath(pl, attacker) end function GM:OnPlayerHitGround(pl, inwater, hitfloater, speed) if inwater then return true end if pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then if pl:GetZombieClassTable().NoFallDamage then return true end speed = math.max(0, speed - 200) end if pl:Team() ~= TEAM_UNDEAD or not pl:GetZombieClassTable().NoFallSlowdown then pl:RawCapLegDamage(CurTime() + math.min(2, speed * 0.0035)) end return true end function GM:LastHuman(pl) if not IsValid(pl) then pl = nil end self.TheLastHuman = pl if not LASTHUMAN then LASTHUMAN = true timer.Simple(0.5, function() GAMEMODE:LastHumanMessage() end) end end function GM:LastHumanMessage() if self.RoundEnded or not MySelf:IsValid() then return end local icon = self.PantsMode and "weapon_zs_legs" or "default" if MySelf:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD or not MySelf:Alive() then self:CenterNotify({killicon = icon}, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Get(self.PantsMode and "kick_the_last_human" or "kill_the_last_human"), {killicon = icon}) else self:CenterNotify({font = "ZSHUDFont"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Get("you_are_the_last_human")) self:CenterNotify({killicon = icon}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Format(self.PantsMode and "x_pants_out_to_get_you" or "x_zombies_out_to_get_you", team.NumPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)), {killicon = icon}) end end function GM:PlayerShouldTakeDamage(pl, attacker) return pl == attacker or not attacker:IsPlayer() or pl:Team() ~= attacker:Team() or pl.AllowTeamDamage or attacker.AllowTeamDamage end function GM:SetWave(wave) SetGlobalInt("wave", wave) end --[[local texGradientUp = surface.GetTextureID("vgui/gradient_up") local texGradientDown = surface.GetTextureID("vgui/gradient_down") local texGradientRight = surface.GetTextureID("vgui/gradient-r")]] local matFilmGrain = Material("zombiesurvival/filmgrain/filmgrain") --local color_black = color_black function GM:_HUDPaintBackground() --[[local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local bordersize = BetterScreenScale() * 32 surface_SetDrawColor(color_black) surface_SetTexture(texGradientDown) surface_DrawTexturedRect(0, 0, w, bordersize) surface_SetTexture(texGradientUp) surface_DrawTexturedRect(0, h - bordersize, w, bordersize) surface_SetTexture(texGradientRight) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(bordersize / 2, h / 2, bordersize, h, 180) surface_DrawTexturedRect(w - bordersize, 0, bordersize, h)]] if self.FilmGrainEnabled and MySelf:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then surface_SetMaterial(matFilmGrain) surface_SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, (0.25 + 0.75 * self:CachedFearPower()) * self.FilmGrainOpacity) surface_DrawTexturedRectUV(0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH(), 2, 2, 0, 0) end local wep = MySelf:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.DrawHUDBackground then wep:DrawHUDBackground() end end local function GiveWeapon() RunConsoleCommand("zsgiveweapon") end local function GiveWeaponClip() RunConsoleCommand("zsgiveweaponclip") end local function DropWeapon() RunConsoleCommand("zsdropweapon") end local function EmptyClip() RunConsoleCommand("zsemptyclip") end function GM:HumanMenu() if self.ZombieEscape then return end local ent = MySelf:MeleeTrace(48, 2).Entity if self:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(MySelf, ent) then self.HumanMenuLockOn = ent else self.HumanMenuLockOn = nil end if self.HumanMenuPanel and self.HumanMenuPanel:Valid() then self.HumanMenuPanel:SetVisible(true) self.HumanMenuPanel:OpenMenu() return end local panel = vgui.Create("DSideMenu") self.HumanMenuPanel = panel local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() for k, v in pairs(self.AmmoNames) do local b = vgui.Create("DAmmoCounter", panel) b:SetAmmoType(k) b:SetTall(screenscale * 36) panel:AddItem(b) end local b = EasyButton(panel, "Give Weapon", 8, 4) b.DoClick = GiveWeapon panel:AddItem(b) b = EasyButton(panel, "Give Weapon and 5 clips", 8, 4) b.DoClick = GiveWeaponClip panel:AddItem(b) b = EasyButton(panel, "Drop weapon", 8, 4) b.DoClick = DropWeapon panel:AddItem(b) b = EasyButton(panel, "Empty clip", 8, 4) b.DoClick = EmptyClip panel:AddItem(b) panel:OpenMenu() end function GM:PlayerBindPress(pl, bind, wasin) if bind == "gmod_undo" or bind == "undo" then RunConsoleCommand("+zoom") timer.CreateEx("ReleaseZoom", 1, 1, RunConsoleCommand, "-zoom") elseif bind == "+menu_context" then self.ZombieThirdPerson = not self.ZombieThirdPerson end end function GM:_ShouldDrawLocalPlayer(pl) return pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and (self.ZombieThirdPerson or pl:CallZombieFunction("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer")) or pl:IsPlayingTaunt() end local roll = 0 function GM:_CalcView(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) if pl.Confusion and pl.Confusion:IsValid() then pl.Confusion:CalcView(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) end if pl.Revive and pl.Revive:IsValid() and pl.Revive.GetRagdollEyes then local rpos, rang = pl.Revive:GetRagdollEyes(pl) if rpos then origin = rpos angles = rang end elseif pl.KnockedDown and pl.KnockedDown:IsValid() then local rpos, rang = self:GetRagdollEyes(pl) if rpos then origin = rpos angles = rang end elseif pl:ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() and pl:OldAlive() then origin = pl:GetThirdPersonCameraPos(origin, angles) end local targetroll = 0 if self.MovementViewRoll then local dir = pl:GetVelocity() local speed = dir:Length() dir:Normalize() targetroll = targetroll + dir:Dot(angles:Right()) * math.min(30, speed / 100) end if pl:WaterLevel() >= 3 then targetroll = targetroll + math.sin(CurTime()) * 7 end roll = math.Approach(roll, targetroll, math.max(0.25, math.sqrt(math.abs(roll))) * 30 * FrameTime()) angles.roll = angles.roll + roll if pl:IsPlayingTaunt() then self:CalcViewTaunt(pl, origin, angles, fov, zclose, zfar) end local target = pl:GetObserverTarget() if target and target:IsValid() then local lasttarget = self.LastObserverTarget if lasttarget and lasttarget:IsValid() and target ~= lasttarget then if self.LastObserverTargetLerp then if CurTime() >= self.LastObserverTargetLerp then self.LastObserverTarget = nil self.LastObserverTargetLerp = nil else local delta = math.Clamp((self.LastObserverTargetLerp - CurTime()) / 0.3333, 0, 1) ^ 0.5 origin:Set(self.LastObserverTargetPos * delta + origin * (1 - delta)) end else self.LastObserverTargetLerp = CurTime() + 0.3333 end else self.LastObserverTarget = target self.LastObserverTargetPos = origin end end pl:CallZombieFunction("CalcView", origin, angles) return self.BaseClass.CalcView(self, pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) end function GM:CalcViewTaunt(pl, origin, angles, fov, zclose, zfar) local tr = util.TraceHull({start = origin, endpos = origin - angles:Forward() * 72, mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2), maxs = Vector(2, 2, 2), mask = MASK_OPAQUE, filter = pl}) origin:Set(tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 2) end local staggerdir = VectorRand():GetNormalized() function GM:_CreateMove(cmd) if MySelf:IsPlayingTaunt() and MySelf:Alive() then self:CreateMoveTaunt(cmd) return end if MySelf:GetLegDamage() >= 0.5 then local buttons = cmd:GetButtons() if bit.band(buttons, IN_JUMP) ~= 0 then cmd:SetButtons(buttons - IN_JUMP) end end if MySelf:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then if MySelf:Alive() then local lockon = self.HumanMenuLockOn if lockon then if self:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(MySelf, lockon) and self.HumanMenuPanel and self.HumanMenuPanel:Valid() and self.HumanMenuPanel:IsVisible() and MySelf:KeyDown(self.MenuKey) then local oldang = cmd:GetViewAngles() local newang = (lockon:EyePos() - EyePos()):Angle() --oldang.pitch = math.ApproachAngle(oldang.pitch, newang.pitch, FrameTime() * math.max(45, math.abs(math.AngleDifference(oldang.pitch, newang.pitch)) ^ 1.3)) oldang.yaw = math.ApproachAngle(oldang.yaw, newang.yaw, FrameTime() * math.max(45, math.abs(math.AngleDifference(oldang.yaw, newang.yaw)) ^ 1.3)) cmd:SetViewAngles(oldang) else self.HumanMenuLockOn = nil end else local maxhealth = MySelf:GetMaxHealth() local threshold = MySelf:GetPalsy() and maxhealth - 1 or maxhealth * 0.25 local health = MySelf:Health() if health <= threshold then local ft = FrameTime() staggerdir = (staggerdir + ft * 8 * VectorRand()):GetNormalized() local ang = cmd:GetViewAngles() local rate = ft * ((threshold - health) / threshold) * 7 ang.pitch = math.NormalizeAngle(ang.pitch + staggerdir.z * rate) ang.yaw = math.NormalizeAngle(ang.yaw + staggerdir.x * rate) cmd:SetViewAngles(ang) end end end else local buttons = cmd:GetButtons() if bit.band(buttons, IN_ZOOM) ~= 0 then cmd:SetButtons(buttons - IN_ZOOM) end MySelf:CallZombieFunction("CreateMove", cmd) end end function GM:CreateMoveTaunt(cmd) cmd:ClearButtons(0) cmd:ClearMovement() end function GM:PostProcessPermitted(str) return false end function GM:HUDPaintEndRound() end function GM:PreDrawViewModel(vm, pl, wep) if pl and pl:IsValid() and pl:IsHolding() then return true end if wep and wep:IsValid() and wep.PreDrawViewModel then return wep:PreDrawViewModel(vm) end end function GM:PostDrawViewModel(vm, pl, wep) if wep and wep:IsValid() then if wep.UseHands or not wep:IsScripted() then local hands = pl:GetHands() if hands and hands:IsValid() then hands:DrawModel() end end if wep.PostDrawViewModel then wep:PostDrawViewModel(vm) end end end local undomodelblend = false local undozombievision = false local matWhite = Material("models/debug/debugwhite") function GM:_PrePlayerDraw(pl) if pl:CallZombieFunction("PrePlayerDraw") then return true end local shadowman = false if pl.status_overridemodel and pl.status_overridemodel:IsValid() and self:ShouldDrawLocalPlayer(MySelf) then -- We need to do this otherwise the player's real model shows up for some reason. undomodelblend = true render.SetBlend(0) elseif MySelf:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl ~= MySelf and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then local radius = self.TransparencyRadius if radius > 0 then local eyepos = EyePos() local dist = pl:NearestPoint(eyepos):Distance(eyepos) if dist < radius then local blend = math.max((dist / radius) ^ 1.4, 0.04) render.SetBlend(blend) if blend < 0.4 then render.ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) render.SetColorModulation(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) shadowman = true end undomodelblend = true end end end pl.ShadowMan = shadowman if self.m_ZombieVision and MySelf:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:GetPos():Distance(EyePos()) <= pl:GetAuraRange() then undozombievision = true local green = math.Clamp(pl:Health() / pl:GetMaxHealth(), 0, 1) render.ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) render.SetColorModulation(1 - green, green, 0) render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) cam.IgnoreZ(true) end end local colFriend = Color(10, 255, 10, 60) local matFriendRing = Material("SGM/playercircle") function GM:_PostPlayerDraw(pl) pl:CallZombieFunction("PostPlayerDraw") if undomodelblend then render.SetBlend(1) render.ModelMaterialOverride() render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) undomodelblend = false end if undozombievision then render.ModelMaterialOverride() render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) cam.IgnoreZ(false) undozombievision = false end if pl ~= MySelf and MySelf:Team() == pl:Team() and pl:IsFriend() then local pos = pl:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 2) render.SetMaterial(matFriendRing) render.DrawQuadEasy(pos, Vector(0, 0, 1), 32, 32, colFriend) render.DrawQuadEasy(pos, Vector(0, 0, -1), 32, 32, colFriend) end end function GM:DrawCraftingEntity() local craftingentity = self.CraftingEntity if craftingentity and craftingentity:IsValid() then if self.HumanMenuPanel and self.HumanMenuPanel:Valid() and self.HumanMenuPanel:IsVisible() and MySelf:KeyDown(self.MenuKey) then local scale = craftingentity:GetModelScale() if not scale then return end render.ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) render.SetBlend(0.025) local extrascale = 1.05 + math.abs(math.sin(RealTime() * 7)) * 0.1 craftingentity:SetModelScale(scale * extrascale, 0) local oldpos = craftingentity:GetPos() craftingentity:SetPos(oldpos - craftingentity:LocalToWorld(oldpos)) craftingentity:DrawModel() craftingentity:SetPos(oldpos) craftingentity:SetModelScale(scale, 0) render.SetBlend(1) render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) render.ModelMaterialOverride(0) else self.CraftingEntity = nil end end end function GM:HUDPaintBackgroundEndRound() local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local timleft = math.max(0, self.EndTime + self.EndGameTime - CurTime()) if timleft <= 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("loading"), "ZSHUDFont", w * 0.5, h * 0.8, COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) else draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("next_round_in_x", util.ToMinutesSeconds(timleft)), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.8, COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end local function EndRoundCalcView(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) if GAMEMODE.EndTime and CurTime() < GAMEMODE.EndTime + 5 then local endposition = GAMEMODE.LastHumanPosition local override = GetGlobalVector("endcamerapos", 1) if type(override) ~= "number" then endposition = override end if endposition then local delta = math.Clamp((CurTime() - GAMEMODE.EndTime) * 2, 0, 1) local start = endposition * delta + origin * (1 - delta) local tr = util.TraceHull({start = start, endpos = start + delta * 64 * Angle(0, CurTime() * 30, 0):Forward(), mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2), maxs = Vector(2, 2, 2), filter = player.GetAll(), mask = MASK_SOLID}) return {origin = tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal, angles = (start - tr.HitPos):Angle()} end return end hook.Remove("CalcView", "EndRoundCalcView") end local function EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer(pl) if GAMEMODE.EndTime and CurTime() < GAMEMODE.EndTime + 5 then return true end hook.Remove("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer") end local function EndRoundGetMeleeFilter(self) return {self} end function GM:EndRound(winner, nextmap) if self.RoundEnded then return end self.RoundEnded = true ROUNDWINNER = winner self.EndTime = CurTime() RunConsoleCommand("stopsound") FindMetaTable("Player").GetMeleeFilter = EndRoundGetMeleeFilter self.HUDPaint = self.HUDPaintEndRound self.HUDPaintBackground = self.HUDPaintBackgroundEndRound if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD and GetGlobalBool("endcamera", true) then hook.Add("CalcView", "EndRoundCalcView", EndRoundCalcView) hook.Add("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer", EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer) end local dvar = winner == TEAM_UNDEAD and self.AllLoseSound or self.HumanWinSound local snd = GetGlobalString(winner == TEAM_UNDEAD and "losemusic" or "winmusic", dvar) if snd == "default" then snd = dvar elseif snd == "none" then snd = nil end if snd then timer.Simple(0.5, function() surface_PlaySound(snd) end) end timer.Simple(5, function() if not (pEndBoard and pEndBoard:IsValid()) then MakepEndBoard(winner) end end) end function GM:WeaponDeployed(pl, wep) end function GM:LocalPlayerDied(attackername) LASTDEATH = RealTime() surface_PlaySound(self.DeathSound) if attackername then self:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, translate.Get("you_have_died")) self:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.Format(self.PantsMode and "you_were_kicked_by_x" or "you_were_killed_by_x", tostring(attackername))) else self:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, translate.Get("you_have_died")) end end function GM:KeyPress(pl, key) if key == self.MenuKey then if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() and not pl:IsHolding() then gamemode.Call("HumanMenu") end elseif key == IN_SPEED then if pl:Alive() then if pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then pl:DispatchAltUse() elseif pl:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:CallZombieFunction("AltUse") end end end end function GM:PlayerStepSoundTime(pl, iType, bWalking) local time = pl:CallZombieFunction("PlayerStepSoundTime", iType, bWalking) if time then return time end if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_NORMAL or iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT then return 520 - pl:GetVelocity():Length() end if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_ON_LADDER then return 500 end if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_KNEE then return 650 end return 350 end function GM:PlayerFootstep(pl, vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume) return pl:CallZombieFunction("PlayerFootstep", vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume) end function GM:PlayerCanCheckout(pl) return pl:IsValid() and pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() and self:GetWave() <= 0 end function GM:OpenWorth() if gamemode.Call("PlayerCanCheckout", MySelf) then MakepWorth() end end function GM:CloseWorth() if pWorth and pWorth:Valid() then pWorth:Remove() pWorth = nil end end function GM:SuppressArsenalUpgrades(suppresstime) self.SuppressArsenalTime = math.max(CurTime() + suppresstime, self.SuppressArsenalTime) end function GM:Rewarded(class, amount) if CurTime() < self.SuppressArsenalTime then return end class = class or "0" local toptext = translate.Get("arsenal_upgraded") local wep = weapons.GetStored(class) if wep and wep.PrintName then if killicon.Get(class) == killicon.Get("default") then self:CenterNotify(COLOR_PURPLE, toptext..": ", color_white, wep.PrintName) else self:CenterNotify({killicon = class}, " ", COLOR_PURPLE, toptext..": ", color_white, wep.PrintName) end elseif amount then self:CenterNotify(COLOR_PURPLE, toptext..": ", color_white, amount.." "..class) else self:CenterNotify(COLOR_PURPLE, toptext) end end function PlayMenuOpenSound() LocalPlayer():EmitSound("buttons/lightswitch2.wav", 100, 30) end function PlayMenuCloseSound() LocalPlayer():EmitSound("buttons/lightswitch2.wav", 100, 20) end local DamageFloaters = CreateClientConVar("zs_damagefloaters", "1", true, false):GetBool() cvars.AddChangeCallback("zs_damagefloaters", function(cvar, oldvalue, newvalue) DamageFloaters = newvalue ~= "0" end) net.Receive("zs_legdamage", function(length) LocalPlayer().LegDamage = net.ReadFloat() end) net.Receive("zs_zvols", function(length) local volunteers = {} local count = net.ReadUInt(8) for i=1, count do volunteers[i] = net.ReadEntity() end GAMEMODE.ZombieVolunteers = volunteers end) net.Receive("zs_dmg", function(length) local damage = net.ReadUInt(16) local pos = net.ReadVector() if DamageFloaters then local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(pos) effectdata:SetMagnitude(damage) effectdata:SetScale(0) util.Effect("damagenumber", effectdata) end end) net.Receive("zs_dmg_prop", function(length) local damage = net.ReadUInt(16) local pos = net.ReadVector() if DamageFloaters then local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(pos) effectdata:SetMagnitude(damage) effectdata:SetScale(1) util.Effect("damagenumber", effectdata) end end) net.Receive("zs_lifestats", function(length) local barricadedamage = net.ReadUInt(24) local humandamage = net.ReadUInt(24) local brainseaten = net.ReadUInt(16) GAMEMODE.LifeStatsEndTime = CurTime() + GAMEMODE.LifeStatsLifeTime GAMEMODE.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage = barricadedamage GAMEMODE.LifeStatsHumanDamage = humandamage GAMEMODE.LifeStatsBrainsEaten = brainseaten end) net.Receive("zs_lifestatsbd", function(length) local barricadedamage = net.ReadUInt(24) GAMEMODE.LifeStatsEndTime = CurTime() + GAMEMODE.LifeStatsLifeTime GAMEMODE.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage = barricadedamage end) net.Receive("zs_lifestatshd", function(length) local humandamage = net.ReadUInt(24) GAMEMODE.LifeStatsEndTime = CurTime() + GAMEMODE.LifeStatsLifeTime GAMEMODE.LifeStatsHumanDamage = humandamage end) net.Receive("zs_lifestatsbe", function(length) local brainseaten = net.ReadUInt(16) GAMEMODE.LifeStatsEndTime = CurTime() + GAMEMODE.LifeStatsLifeTime GAMEMODE.LifeStatsBrainsEaten = brainseaten end) net.Receive("zs_honmention", function(length) local pl = net.ReadEntity() local mentionid = net.ReadUInt(8) local etc = net.ReadInt(32) if pl:IsValid() then gamemode.Call("AddHonorableMention", pl, mentionid, etc) end end) net.Receive("zs_wavestart", function(length) local wave = net.ReadInt(16) local time = net.ReadFloat() gamemode.Call("SetWave", wave) gamemode.Call("SetWaveEnd", time) if GAMEMODE.ZombieEscape then GAMEMODE:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, translate.Get("escape_from_the_zombies")) elseif wave == GAMEMODE:GetNumberOfWaves() then GAMEMODE:CenterNotify({killicon = "default"}, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Get("final_wave"), {killicon = "default"}) GAMEMODE:CenterNotify(translate.Get("final_wave_sub")) else GAMEMODE:CenterNotify({killicon = "default"}, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Format("wave_x_has_begun", wave), {killicon = "default"}) end surface_PlaySound("ambient/creatures/town_zombie_call1.wav") end) net.Receive("zs_classunlock", function(length) GAMEMODE:CenterNotify(COLOR_GREEN, net.ReadString()) end) net.Receive("zs_waveend", function(length) local wave = net.ReadInt(16) local time = net.ReadFloat() gamemode.Call("SetWaveStart", time) if wave < GAMEMODE:GetNumberOfWaves() and wave > 0 then GAMEMODE:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, translate.Format("wave_x_is_over", wave)) GAMEMODE:CenterNotify(translate.Format("wave_x_is_over_sub", GAMEMODE.ArsenalCrateDiscountPercentage)) surface_PlaySound("ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit"..math.random(6)..".wav") end end) net.Receive("zs_gamestate", function(length) local wave = net.ReadInt(16) local wavestart = net.ReadFloat() local waveend = net.ReadFloat() gamemode.Call("SetWave", wave) gamemode.Call("SetWaveStart", wavestart) gamemode.Call("SetWaveEnd", waveend) end) local matSkull = Material("zombiesurvival/horderally") local bossspawnedend local function BossSpawnedPaint() if CurTime() > bossspawnedend then hook.Remove("HUDPaint", "BossSpawnedPaint") return end local delta = math.Clamp(bossspawnedend - CurTime(), 0, 1) local size = (1 - delta) * math.max(ScrW(), ScrH()) surface_SetMaterial(matSkull) surface_SetDrawColor(160, 0, 0, math.min(delta * 400, 180)) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2, size, size, delta * 25) end net.Receive("zs_boss_spawned", function(length) local ent = net.ReadEntity() local classindex = net.ReadUInt(8) if ent == MySelf and ent:IsValid() then GAMEMODE:CenterNotify({killicon = "default"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Format("you_are_x", translate.Get(GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[classindex].TranslationName)), {killicon = "default"}) elseif ent:IsValid() then GAMEMODE:CenterNotify({killicon = "default"}, " ", COLOR_RED, (translate.Format("x_has_risen_as_y", ent:Name(), translate.Get(GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[classindex].TranslationName))), {killicon = "default"}) else GAMEMODE:CenterNotify({killicon = "default"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Format("x_has_risen", translate.Get(GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[classindex].TranslationName)), {killicon = "default"}) end if MySelf:IsValid() then MySelf:EmitSound("npc/zombie_poison/pz_alert1.wav", 0) end bossspawnedend = CurTime() + 1 hook.Add("HUDPaint", "BossSpawnedPaint", BossSpawnedPaint) end) net.Receive("zs_centernotify", function(length) local tab = net.ReadTable() GAMEMODE:CenterNotify(unpack(tab)) end) net.Receive("zs_topnotify", function(length) local tab = net.ReadTable() GAMEMODE:TopNotify(unpack(tab)) end) net.Receive("zs_lasthuman", function(length) local pl = net.ReadEntity() gamemode.Call("LastHuman", pl) end) net.Receive("zs_gamemodecall", function(length) gamemode.Call(net.ReadString()) end) net.Receive("zs_lasthumanpos", function(length) GAMEMODE.LastHumanPosition = net.ReadVector() end) net.Receive("zs_endround", function(length) local winner = net.ReadUInt(8) local nextmap = net.ReadString() gamemode.Call("EndRound", winner, nextmap) end) -- Temporary fix function render.DrawQuadEasy(pos, dir, xsize, ysize, color, rotation) xsize = xsize / 2 ysize = ysize / 2 local ang = dir:Angle() if rotation then ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), rotation) end local upoffset = ang:Up() * ysize local rightoffset = ang:Right() * xsize render.DrawQuad(pos - upoffset - rightoffset, pos - upoffset + rightoffset, pos + upoffset + rightoffset, pos + upoffset - rightoffset, color) end