local PANEL = {} local colHealth = Color(0, 0, 0, 240) local function ContentsPaint(self) local lp = LocalPlayer() if lp:IsValid() then local health = math.max(lp:Health(), 0) local healthperc = math.Clamp(health / lp:GetMaxHealthEx(), 0, 1) colHealth.r = (1 - healthperc) * 180 colHealth.g = healthperc * 180 draw.SimpleTextBlurry(health, "ZSHUDFont", 8, self:GetTall() - 8, colHealth, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) end end function PANEL:Init() self:DockMargin(0, 0, 0, 0) self:DockPadding(0, 0, 0, 0) self.HealthModel = vgui.Create("ZSHealthModelPanel", self) self.HealthModel:Dock(LEFT) local contents = vgui.Create("Panel", self) contents:Dock(FILL) contents.Paint = ContentsPaint local poisonstatus = vgui.Create("ZSHealthStatus", contents) poisonstatus:SetTall(20) poisonstatus:SetAlpha(200) poisonstatus:SetColor(Color(180, 180, 0)) poisonstatus:SetMemberName("POISON!") poisonstatus.GetMemberValue = function(me) local lp = LocalPlayer() if lp:IsValid() then return lp:GetPoisonDamage() end return 0 end poisonstatus.MemberMaxValue = 50 poisonstatus:Dock(TOP) local bleedstatus = vgui.Create("ZSHealthStatus", contents) bleedstatus:SetTall(20) bleedstatus:SetAlpha(200) bleedstatus:SetColor(Color(220, 0, 0)) bleedstatus:SetMemberName("BLEED!") bleedstatus.GetMemberValue = function(me) local lp = LocalPlayer() if lp:IsValid() then return lp:GetBleedDamage() end return 0 end bleedstatus.MemberMaxValue = 20 bleedstatus:Dock(TOP) local ghoultouchstatus = vgui.Create("ZSHealthStatus", contents) ghoultouchstatus:SetTall(20) ghoultouchstatus:SetAlpha(200) ghoultouchstatus:SetColor(Color(255, 0, 0)) ghoultouchstatus:SetMemberName("GHOUL TOUCH!") ghoultouchstatus.GetMemberValue = function(me) local lp = LocalPlayer() if lp:IsValid() then local status = lp:GetStatus("ghoultouch") if status and status:IsValid() then return math.max(status.DieTime - CurTime(), 0) end end return 0 end ghoultouchstatus.MemberMaxValue = 10 ghoultouchstatus:Dock(TOP) self:ParentToHUD() self:InvalidateLayout() end function PANEL:PerformLayout() local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() self:SetSize(screenscale * 350, screenscale * 128) self.HealthModel:SetWide(self:GetTall()) self:AlignLeft(screenscale * 24) self:AlignBottom(screenscale * 24) end function PANEL:Paint() end vgui.Register("ZSHealthArea", PANEL, "Panel") local PANEL = {} PANEL.ModelLow = 0 PANEL.ModelHigh = 72 PANEL.Health = 100 PANEL.BarricadeGhosting = 0 function PANEL:Init() self:SetAnimSpeed(0) self:SetFOV(55) end local function LowestAndHighest(ent) local lowest local highest local basepos = ent:GetPos() for i=0, ent:GetBoneCount() - 1 do local bonepos, boneang = ent:GetBonePosition(i) if bonepos and bonepos ~= basepos then if lowest == nil then lowest = bonepos.z highest = bonepos.z else lowest = math.min(lowest, bonepos.z) highest = math.max(highest, bonepos.z) end end end highest = (highest or 1) + ent:GetModelScale() * 8 return lowest or 0, highest end function PANEL:Think() local lp = LocalPlayer() if lp:IsValid() then self.Health = math.Clamp(lp:Health() / lp:GetMaxHealthEx(), 0, 1) self.BarricadeGhosting = math.Approach(self.BarricadeGhosting, lp:IsBarricadeGhosting() and 1 or 0, FrameTime() * 5) local model = lp:GetModel() local modelscale = lp:GetModelScale() local ent = self.Entity if not ent or not ent:IsValid() or model ~= ent:GetModel() or modelscale ~= ent:GetModelScale() then if IsValid(self.OverrideEntity) then self.OverrideEntity:Remove() self.OverrideEntity = nil end self:SetModel(model) if IsValid(self.Entity) then local mins, maxs = lp:GetRenderBounds() self:SetCamPos(mins:Distance(maxs) * Vector(0, -0.9, 0.4)) self:SetLookAt((mins + maxs) / 2) self.Entity:SetModelScale(modelscale, 0) end end local overridemodel = lp.status_overridemodel if overridemodel and overridemodel:IsValid() then if IsValid(self.Entity) and not IsValid(self.OverrideEntity) then self.OverrideEntity = ClientsideModel(overridemodel:GetModel(), RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE_ENTITY) if IsValid(self.OverrideEntity) then self.OverrideEntity:SetPos(self.Entity:GetPos()) self.OverrideEntity:SetParent(self.Entity) self.OverrideEntity:AddEffects(bit.bor(EF_BONEMERGE, EF_BONEMERGE_FASTCULL)) self.OverrideEntity:SetNoDraw(true) end end elseif self.OverrideEntity and self.OverrideEntity:IsValid() then self.OverrideEntity:Remove() self.OverrideEntity = nil end ent = self.Entity if ent and ent:IsValid() then ent:SetSequence(lp:GetSequence()) ent:SetPoseParameter("move_x", lp:GetPoseParameter("move_x") * 2 - 1) ent:SetPoseParameter("move_y", lp:GetPoseParameter("move_y") * 2 - 1) ent:SetCycle(lp:GetCycle()) local modellow, modelhigh = LowestAndHighest(ent) self.ModelLow = math.Approach(self.ModelLow, modellow, FrameTime() * 256) self.ModelHigh = math.Approach(self.ModelHigh, modelhigh, FrameTime() * 256) self.ModelHigh = math.max(self.ModelLow + 1, self.ModelHigh) end end end function PANEL:OnRemove() if IsValid(self.Entity) then self.Entity:Remove() end if IsValid(self.OverrideEntity) then self.OverrideEntity:Remove() end end local matWhite = Material("models/debug/debugwhite") local matGlow = Material("sprites/glow04_noz") local matShadow = CreateMaterial("zshealthhudshadow", "UnlitGeneric", {["$basetexture"] = "decals/simpleshadow", ["$vertexalpha"] = "1", ["$vertexcolor"] = "1"}) local colShadow = Color(20, 20, 20, 230) function PANEL:Paint() local ent = self.OverrideEntity or self.Entity if not ent or not ent:IsValid() then return end local lp = LocalPlayer() if not lp:IsValid() then return end local x, y = self:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local ang = self.aLookAngle local w, h = self:GetSize() local health = self.Health local entpos = ent:GetPos() self:LayoutEntity(ent) if not ang then ang = (self.vLookatPos - self.vCamPos):Angle() end render.ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) cam.IgnoreZ(true) cam.Start3D(self.vCamPos - ang:Forward() * 16, ang, self.fFOV * 0.75, x, y, w, h, 5, 4096) render.OverrideDepthEnable(true, false) render.SetColorModulation(0, 0, self.BarricadeGhosting) ent:DrawModel() render.OverrideDepthEnable(false) cam.End3D() cam.Start3D(self.vCamPos, ang, self.fFOV, x, y, w, h, 5, 4096) render.SetMaterial(matShadow) render.DrawQuadEasy(entpos, Vector(0, 0, 1), 45, 90, colShadow) render.SetLightingOrigin(entpos) render.ResetModelLighting(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) render.SetModelLighting(BOX_FRONT, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8) render.SetModelLighting(BOX_TOP, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8) if health == 1 then render.SetColorModulation(0, 0.6, 0) ent:DrawModel() elseif health == 0 then render.SetColorModulation(0, 0, 0) ent:DrawModel() else local normal = Vector(0, 0, 1) local pos = entpos + Vector(0, 0, self.ModelLow * (1 - health) + self.ModelHigh * health) render.EnableClipping(true) render.PushCustomClipPlane(normal, normal:Dot(pos)) render.SetColorModulation(health > 0.5 and 0.6 or (0.7 + math.sin(CurTime() * math.pi * 2) * 0.2), 0, 0) ent:DrawModel() render.PopCustomClipPlane() normal = normal * -1 render.PushCustomClipPlane(normal, normal:Dot(pos)) render.SetColorModulation(0, 0.6, 0) ent:DrawModel() render.PopCustomClipPlane() render.EnableClipping(false) end cam.End3D() render.ModelMaterialOverride() render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) cam.IgnoreZ(false) end function PANEL:LayoutEntity(ent) self:RunAnimation() end vgui.Register("ZSHealthModelPanel", PANEL, "DModelPanel") local PANEL = {} PANEL.MemberValue = 0 PANEL.LerpMemberValue = 0 PANEL.MemberMaxValue = 100 PANEL.MemberName = "Unnamed" function PANEL:SetColor(col) self.m_Color = col end function PANEL:GetColor() return self.m_Color end function PANEL:SetMemberName(n) self.MemberName = n end function PANEL:GetMemberName() return self.MemberName end function PANEL:Init() self:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255)) end function PANEL:Think() if self.GetMemberValue then self.MemberValue = self:GetMemberValue() or self.MemberValue end if self.GetMemberMaxValue then self.MemberMaxValue = self:GetMemberMaxValue() or self.MemberMaxValue end if self.MemberValue > self.LerpMemberValue then self.LerpMemberValue = self.MemberValue elseif self.MemberValue < self.LerpMemberValue then self.LerpMemberValue = math.Approach(self.LerpMemberValue, self.MemberValue, FrameTime() * 10) end end function PANEL:Paint() local value = self.LerpMemberValue if value <= 0 then return end local col = self:GetColor() local max = self.MemberMaxValue local w, h = self:GetSize() surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 255) surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h) surface.SetDrawColor(col) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h) surface.DrawRect(3, 3, (w - 6) * math.Clamp(value / max, 0, 1), h - 6) local t1 = math.ceil(value) draw.SimpleText(t1, "ZSHUDFontTinyNS", w - 3, h / 2 + 1, color_black, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText(t1, "ZSHUDFontTinyNS", w - 4, h / 2, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText(self.MemberName, "ZSHUDFontTinyNS", 5, h / 2 + 1, color_black, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText(self.MemberName, "ZSHUDFontTinyNS", 4, h / 2, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end vgui.Register("ZSHealthStatus", PANEL, "Panel")