-- Sometimes persistent ones don't get created. local dummy = CreateClientConVar("_zs_dummyconvar", 1, false, false) local oldCreateClientConVar = CreateClientConVar function CreateClientConVar(...) return oldCreateClientConVar(...) or dummy end include("sh_globals.lua") include("obj_entity_extend_cl.lua") include("obj_player_extend_cl.lua") include("obj_weapon_extend_cl.lua") include("loader.lua") include("shared.lua") include("cl_draw.lua") include("cl_util.lua") include("cl_options.lua") include("cl_scoreboard.lua") include("cl_targetid.lua") include("cl_postprocess.lua") include("cl_voicesets.lua") include("cl_net.lua") include("skillweb/cl_skillweb.lua") include("vgui/dteamcounter.lua") include("vgui/dmodelpanelex.lua") include("vgui/dammocounter.lua") include("vgui/dteamheading.lua") include("vgui/dmodelkillicon.lua") include("vgui/dexroundedpanel.lua") include("vgui/dexroundedframe.lua") include("vgui/dexrotatedimage.lua") include("vgui/dexnotificationslist.lua") include("vgui/dexchanginglabel.lua") include("vgui/mainmenu.lua") include("vgui/pmainmenu.lua") include("vgui/poptions.lua") include("vgui/phelp.lua") include("vgui/pclassselect.lua") include("vgui/pweapons.lua") include("vgui/pendboard.lua") include("vgui/pworth.lua") include("vgui/parsenal.lua") include("vgui/premantle.lua") include("vgui/dpingmeter.lua") include("vgui/dsidemenu.lua") include("vgui/dspawnmenu.lua") include("vgui/zsgamestate.lua") include("vgui/zshealtharea.lua") include("vgui/zsstatusarea.lua") include("cl_dermaskin.lua") include("cl_deathnotice.lua") include("cl_floatingscore.lua") include("cl_hint.lua") include("cl_thirdperson.lua") include("itemstocks/cl_stock.lua") include("cl_zombieescape.lua") w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() MySelf = MySelf or NULL hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "GetLocal", function() MySelf = LocalPlayer() GAMEMODE.HookGetLocal = GAMEMODE.HookGetLocal or function(g) end gamemode.Call("HookGetLocal", MySelf) RunConsoleCommand("initpostentity") MySelf:ApplySkills() end) -- Remove when model decal crash is fixed. --[[function util.Decal() end]] -- Save on global lookup time. local collectgarbage = collectgarbage local render = render local surface = surface local draw = draw local cam = cam local player = player local ents = ents local util = util local math = math local string = string local bit = bit local gamemode = gamemode local hook = hook local Vector = Vector local VectorRand = VectorRand local Angle = Angle local AngleRand = AngleRand local Entity = Entity local Color = Color local FrameTime = FrameTime local RealTime = RealTime local CurTime = CurTime local SysTime = SysTime local EyePos = EyePos local EyeAngles = EyeAngles local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local tostring = tostring local tonumber = tonumber local type = type local ScrW = ScrW local ScrH = ScrH local Lerp = Lerp local EF_DIMLIGHT = EF_DIMLIGHT local TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER local TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT = TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT local TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT = TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT local TEXT_ALIGN_TOP = TEXT_ALIGN_TOP local TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM local TEXT_ALIGN_TOP_REAL = TEXT_ALIGN_TOP_REAL local TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM_REAL = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM_REAL local TEAM_HUMAN = TEAM_HUMAN local TEAM_UNDEAD = TEAM_UNDEAD local translate = translate local COLOR_PURPLE = COLOR_PURPLE local COLOR_GRAY = COLOR_GRAY local COLOR_RED = COLOR_RED local COLOR_DARKRED = COLOR_DARKRED local COLOR_DARKGREEN = COLOR_DARKGREEN local COLOR_GREEN = COLOR_GREEN local COLOR_WHITE = COLOR_WHITE local vector_up = Vector(0, 0, 1) local vector_down = Vector(0, 0, 1) --local surface_SetFont = surface.SetFont --local surface_SetTexture = surface.SetTexture local surface_SetMaterial = surface.SetMaterial local surface_SetDrawColor = surface.SetDrawColor --local surface_DrawLine = surface.DrawLine local surface_DrawRect = surface.DrawRect local surface_DrawOutlinedRect = surface.DrawOutlinedRect local surface_DrawTexturedRect = surface.DrawTexturedRect local surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated = surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated local surface_DrawTexturedRectUV = surface.DrawTexturedRectUV local surface_PlaySound = surface.PlaySound local render_SetBlend = render.SetBlend local render_ModelMaterialOverride = render.ModelMaterialOverride local render_SetColorModulation = render.SetColorModulation local render_SuppressEngineLighting = render.SuppressEngineLighting local cam_IgnoreZ = cam.IgnoreZ local render_SetMaterial = render.SetMaterial local render_DrawQuadEasy = render.DrawQuadEasy local cam_Start3D = cam.Start3D local cam_End3D = cam.End3D local cam_Start3D2D = cam.Start3D2D local cam_End3D2D = cam.End3D2D local render_FogMode = render.FogMode local render_FogStart = render.FogStart local render_FogEnd = render.FogEnd local render_FogColor = render.FogColor local render_FogMaxDensity = render.FogMaxDensity local render_GetFogDistances = render.GetFogDistances local render_GetFogColor = render.GetFogColor local render_GetFogMode = render.GetFogMode local draw_SimpleText = draw.SimpleText local draw_SimpleTextBlurry = draw.SimpleTextBlurry local draw_SimpleTextBlur = draw.SimpleTextBlur local draw_GetFontHeight = draw.GetFontHeight local MedicalAuraDistance = 800 ^ 2 local M_Player = FindMetaTable("Player") local P_Team = M_Player.Team GM.LifeStatsBrainsEaten = 0 GM.LifeStatsHumanDamage = 0 GM.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage = 0 GM.InputMouseX = 0 GM.InputMouseY = 0 GM.LastTimeDead = 0 GM.LastTimeAlive = 0 GM.HeartBeatTime = 0 GM.FOVLerp = 1 GM.HurtEffect = 0 GM.PrevHealth = 0 GM.SuppressArsenalTime = 0 GM.ZombieThirdPerson = false GM.Beats = {} GM.CurrentRound = 1 GM.DeathFog = 0 GM.FogStart = 0 GM.FogEnd = 8000 GM.FogRed = 30 GM.FogGreen = 30 GM.FogBlue = 30 function GM:ClickedPlayerButton(pl, button) end function GM:ClickedEndBoardPlayerButton(pl, button) end function GM:CenterNotify(...) if self.CenterNotificationHUD and self.CenterNotificationHUD:IsValid() then return self.CenterNotificationHUD:AddNotification(...) end end function GM:TopNotify(...) if self.TopNotificationHUD and self.TopNotificationHUD:IsValid() then return self.TopNotificationHUD:AddNotification(...) end end function GM:_InputMouseApply(cmd, x, y, ang) if MySelf:KeyDown(IN_WALK) and MySelf:IsHolding() then self.InputMouseX = math.NormalizeAngle(self.InputMouseX - x * 0.02 * GAMEMODE.PropRotationSensitivity) self.InputMouseY = math.NormalizeAngle(self.InputMouseY - y * 0.02 * GAMEMODE.PropRotationSensitivity) local snap = GAMEMODE.PropRotationSnap local snapanglex, snapangley = self.InputMouseX, self.InputMouseY if snap > 0 then snapanglex = Angle(self.InputMouseX, 0, 0):SnapTo("p", snap).p snapangley = Angle(self.InputMouseY, 0, 0):SnapTo("p", snap).p end RunConsoleCommand("_zs_rotateang", snapanglex, snapangley) return true end if self:UseOverTheShoulder() and P_Team(MySelf) == TEAM_HUMAN then self:InputMouseApplyOTS(cmd, x, y, ang) end end function GM:_GUIMousePressed(mc) end function GM:TryHumanPickup(pl, entity) end function GM:AddExtraOptions(list, window) end function GM:SpawnMenuEnabled() return false end function GM:SpawnMenuOpen() return false end function GM:ContextMenuOpen() return false end function GM:_HUDWeaponPickedUp(wep) if P_Team(MySelf) == TEAM_HUMAN and not wep.NoPickupNotification then self:Rewarded(wep:GetClass()) end end function GM:HUDItemPickedUp(itemname) end function GM:HUDAmmoPickedUp(itemname, amount) end function GM:InitPostEntity() self:CreateLateVGUI() self:AssignItemProperties() self:FixWeaponBase() self:LocalPlayerFound() gamemode.Call("EvaluateFilmMode") timer.Simple(2, function() GAMEMODE:GetFogData() end) RunConsoleCommand("pp_bloom", "0") end local fogstart = 0 local fogend = 0 local fogr = 0 local fogg = 0 local fogb = 0 function GM:SetupFog() local power = self.DeathFog local rpower = 1 - self.DeathFog fogstart = self.FogStart * rpower fogend = self.FogEnd * rpower + 150 * power fogr = self.FogRed * rpower fogg = self.FogGreen * rpower + 40 * power fogb = self.FogBlue * rpower local dimvision = MySelf.DimVision if dimvision and dimvision:IsValid() then power = dimvision:GetDim() fogstart = Lerp(power, fogstart, 1) fogend = Lerp(power, fogend, math.min(148 / math.max(0.01, MySelf.DimVisionEffMul), fogend)) fogr = Lerp(power, fogr, 0) fogg = Lerp(power, fogg, 0) fogb = Lerp(power, fogb, 0) end end function GM:_SetupWorldFog() if self.DeathFog == 0 and not MySelf.DimVision then return end self:SetupFog() render_FogMode(1) render_FogStart(fogstart) render_FogEnd(fogend) render_FogColor(fogr, fogg, fogb) render_FogMaxDensity(1) return true end function GM:_SetupSkyboxFog(skyboxscale) if self.DeathFog == 0 and not MySelf.DimVision then return end self:SetupFog() render_FogMode(1) render_FogStart(fogstart * skyboxscale) render_FogEnd(fogend * skyboxscale) render_FogColor(fogr, fogg, fogb) render_FogMaxDensity(1) return true end function GM:PreDrawSkyBox() self.DrawingInSky = true end local matSky = CreateMaterial("SkyOverride", "UnlitGeneric", {["$basetexture"] = "color/white", ["$vertexcolor"] = 1, ["$vertexalpha"] = 1, ["$model"] = 1}) local colSky = Color(0, 30, 0) function GM:PostDrawSkyBox() self.DrawingInSky = false local dimvision = MySelf.DimVision dimvision = dimvision and dimvision:IsValid() and dimvision:GetDim() if self.DeathFog > 0 or dimvision then colSky.a = math.max(self.DeathFog, dimvision or 0) * 230 colSky.g = self.DeathFog * 30 cam_Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) render_SuppressEngineLighting(true) render_SetMaterial(matSky) render_DrawQuadEasy(Vector(0, 0, 10240), Vector(0, 0, -1), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render_DrawQuadEasy(Vector(0, 10240, 0), Vector(0, -1, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render_DrawQuadEasy(Vector(0, -10240, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render_DrawQuadEasy(Vector(10240, 0, 0), Vector(-1, 0, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render_DrawQuadEasy(Vector(-10240, 0, 0), Vector(1, 0, 0), 20480, 20480, colSky, 0) render_SuppressEngineLighting(false) cam_End3D() end end function GM:GetFogData() local _fogstart, _fogend = render_GetFogDistances() local _fogr, _fogg, _fogb = render_GetFogColor() self.FogStart = _fogstart self.FogEnd = _fogend self.FogRed = _fogr self.FogGreen = _fogg self.FogBlue = _fogb end function GM:ShouldDraw3DWeaponHUD() return GAMEMODE.WeaponHUDMode ~= 1 end function GM:ShouldDraw2DWeaponHUD() return GAMEMODE.WeaponHUDMode >= 1 or self:UseOverTheShoulder() end local matAura = Material("models/debug/debugwhite") local skip = false function GM.PostPlayerDrawMedical(pl) if not skip and P_Team(pl) == TEAM_HUMAN and pl ~= MySelf then local eyepos = EyePos() local dist = pl:NearestPoint(eyepos):DistToSqr(eyepos) if dist < MedicalAuraDistance then local green = pl:Health() / pl:GetMaxHealth() pl.SkipDrawHooks = true skip = true render_SuppressEngineLighting(true) render_ModelMaterialOverride(matAura) render_SetBlend((1 - dist / MedicalAuraDistance) * 0.1 * (1 + math.abs(math.sin((CurTime() + pl:EntIndex()) * 4)) * 0.05)) render_SetColorModulation(1 - green, green, pl:GetDTBool(DT_PLAYER_BOOL_FRAIL) and 1 or 0) pl:DrawModel() render_SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) render_SetBlend(1) render_ModelMaterialOverride() render_SuppressEngineLighting(false) skip = false pl.SkipDrawHooks = false end end end function GM:OnReloaded() self.BaseClass.OnReloaded(self) self:LocalPlayerFound() end -- The whole point of this is so we don't need to check if the local player is valid 1000 times a second. -- Empty functions get filled when the local player is found. function GM:Think() end GM.HUDWeaponPickedUp = GM.Think GM.Think = GM._Think GM.HUDShouldDraw = GM.Think GM.CachedFearPower = GM.Think GM.CalcView = GM.Think GM.ShouldDrawLocalPlayer = GM.Think GM.PostDrawOpaqueRenderables = GM.Think GM.PostDrawTranslucentRenderables = GM.Think GM.HUDPaint = GM.Think GM.HUDPaintBackground = GM.Think GM.CreateMove = GM.Think GM.PrePlayerDraw = GM.Think GM.PostPlayerDraw = GM.Think GM.InputMouseApply = GM.Think GM.GUIMousePressed = GM.Think GM.HUDWeaponPickedUp = GM.Think function GM:LocalPlayerFound() self.Think = self._Think self.HUDShouldDraw = self._HUDShouldDraw self.CachedFearPower = self._CachedFearPower self.CalcView = self._CalcView self.ShouldDrawLocalPlayer = self._ShouldDrawLocalPlayer self.PostDrawTranslucentRenderables = self._PostDrawTranslucentRenderables self.HUDPaint = self._HUDPaint self.HUDPaintBackground = self._HUDPaintBackground self.CreateMove = self._CreateMove self.PrePlayerDraw = self._PrePlayerDraw self.PostPlayerDraw = self._PostPlayerDraw self.InputMouseApply = self._InputMouseApply self.GUIMousePressed = self._GUIMousePressed self.HUDWeaponPickedUp = self._HUDWeaponPickedUp self.RenderScene = self._RenderScene self.SetupSkyboxFog = self._SetupSkyboxFog self.SetupWorldFog = self._SetupWorldFog LocalPlayer().LegDamage = 0 LocalPlayer().ArmDamage = 0 if render.GetDXLevel() >= 80 then self.RenderScreenspaceEffects = self._RenderScreenspaceEffects end end local LastSigilCorrupted = -math.huge local LastSigilUncorrupted = -math.huge local function DrawEyeFlash(x, y, size, islast) local curtime = CurTime() local bsize = size * (1 + curtime * 2 % 1) surface_SetDrawColor(220, 0, 0, 240) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(x, y, bsize, bsize, 0) if islast then local dt = (curtime - LastSigilCorrupted) / 3 if dt < 1 then local idt = 1 - dt surface_SetDrawColor(idt ^ 0.5 * 255, 0, 0, 255) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(x, y, size * dt * 150, size, dt * 10) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(x, y, size, size * dt * 150, dt * 10) else dt = (curtime - LastSigilUncorrupted) / 3 if dt < 1 then local idt = 1 - dt surface_SetDrawColor(0, dt ^ 0.5 * 255, 0, 255) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(x, y, size * idt * 150, size, idt * 10) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(x, y, size, size * idt * 150, idt * 10) end end end end local currentpower = 0 local spawngreen = 0 local matFearMeter = Material("zombiesurvival/fearometer") local matNeedle = Material("zombiesurvival/fearometerneedle") local matEyeGlow = Material("Sprites/light_glow02_add_noz") local matSigil = Material("zombiesurvival/sigil.png") local matArsenal = Material("zombiesurvival/arsenalcrate.png") local matResupply = Material("zombiesurvival/resupply.png") local matRemantler = Material("zombiesurvival/remantler.png") local matCrossout = Material("zombiesurvival/crossout.png") local matNest = Material("zombiesurvival/nest.png") --local matGradientRight = Material("vgui/gradient-r") --local matGradientLeft = CreateMaterial("gradient-l", "UnlitGeneric", {["$basetexture"] = "vgui/gradient-l", ["$vertexalpha"] = "1", ["$vertexcolor"] = "1", ["$ignorez"] = "1", ["$nomip"] = "1"}) function GM:DrawFearMeter(power, screenscale) if currentpower < power then currentpower = math.min(power, currentpower + FrameTime() * (math.tan(currentpower) * 2 + 0.05)) elseif power < currentpower then currentpower = math.max(power, currentpower - FrameTime() * (math.tan(currentpower) * 2 + 0.05)) end local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local size = 192 * screenscale local half_size = size / 2 local mx, my = w / 2 - half_size, h - size surface_SetMaterial(matFearMeter) surface_SetDrawColor(140, 140, 140, 240) surface_DrawTexturedRect(mx, my, size, size) if currentpower >= 0.75 then local pulse = CurTime() % 3 - 1 if pulse > 0 then pulse = pulse ^ 2 local pulsesize = pulse * screenscale * 28 surface_SetDrawColor(140, 140, 140, 120 - pulse * 120) surface_DrawTexturedRect(mx - pulsesize, my - pulsesize, size + pulsesize * 2, size + pulsesize * 2) end end surface_SetMaterial(matNeedle) surface_SetDrawColor(160, 160, 160, 225) local rot = math.Clamp((0.5 - currentpower) + math.sin(RealTime() * 10) * 0.01, -0.5, 0.5) * 300 surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(w * 0.5 - math.max(0, rot * size * -0.0001), h - half_size - math.abs(rot) * size * 0.00015, size, size, rot) if P_Team(MySelf) == TEAM_UNDEAD then if self:GetDynamicSpawning() and self:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() then local obs = MySelf:GetObserverTarget() spawngreen = math.Approach(spawngreen, self:DynamicSpawnIsValid(obs and obs:IsValid() and obs:IsPlayer() and obs:Team() == TEAM_UNDEAD and obs or MySelf) and 1 or 0, FrameTime() * 4) local sy = my + size * 0.6953 local gsize = size * 0.085 surface_SetMaterial(matEyeGlow) surface_SetDrawColor(220 * (1 - spawngreen), 220 * spawngreen, 0, 240) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(mx + size * 0.459, sy, gsize, gsize, 0) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(mx + size * 0.525, sy, gsize, gsize, 0) end if currentpower > 0 and not self.ZombieEscape then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Format("resist_x", math.ceil(self:GetDamageResistance(currentpower) * 100)), "ZSDamageResistance", w * 0.5, my + size * 0.75, Color(currentpower * 200, 200 - currentpower * 200, 0, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end if self:GetUseSigils() and self.MaxSigils > 0 then local sigwid, sighei = screenscale * 18, screenscale * 36 local extrude = size * 0.25 + sighei / 2 local angle_current = -180 local angle_step = 180 / (self.MaxSigils - 1) local rad, sigil, health, maxhealth, corrupt, damageflash, sigx, sigy, healthfrac local sigils = GAMEMODE.CachedSigils local corruptsigils = 0 for i=1, self.MaxSigils do sigil = sigils[i] health = 0 maxhealth = 0 corrupt = false if sigil and sigil:IsValid() then health = sigil:GetSigilHealth() maxhealth = sigil:GetSigilMaxHealth() corrupt = sigil:GetSigilCorrupted() corruptsigils = corruptsigils + (corrupt and 1 or 0) end if health >= 0 then rad = math.rad(angle_current) sigx = mx + half_size + math.cos(rad) * extrude sigy = my + half_size + math.sin(rad) * extrude if sigil and sigil:IsValid() then damageflash = math.min((CurTime() - sigil:GetSigilLastDamaged()) * 2, 1) * 255 else damageflash = 255 end healthfrac = health / maxhealth if corrupt then surface_SetDrawColor((255 - damageflash) * healthfrac, damageflash * healthfrac, 0, 220) else surface_SetDrawColor((255 - damageflash) * healthfrac, damageflash * healthfrac, 220, 220) end surface_SetMaterial(matSigil) surface_DrawTexturedRectRotated(sigx, sigy, sigwid, sighei, angle_current + 90) if corrupt then surface_SetMaterial(matCrossout) surface_SetDrawColor(220, 0, 0, 220) surface_DrawTexturedRect(sigx - sigwid / 2, sigy - sighei / 2, sigwid, sighei) end angle_current = angle_current + angle_step end end local des = corruptsigils / self.MaxSigils --self:GetSigilsDestroyed() / self.MaxSigils if des >= 0.3333 then surface_SetMaterial(matEyeGlow) local eye_size = size * 0.125 local sy = my + size * 0.6953 if des >= 0.6666 then DrawEyeFlash(mx + size * 0.459, sy, eye_size) DrawEyeFlash(mx + size * 0.525, sy, eye_size, true) else DrawEyeFlash(mx + size * 0.459, sy, eye_size, true) end end end end function GM:GetDynamicSpawning() return not GetGlobalBool("DynamicSpawningDisabled", false) end function GM:TrackLastDeath() if MySelf:Alive() then self.LastTimeAlive = CurTime() else self.LastTimeDead = CurTime() end end function GM:IsClassicMode() return GetGlobalBool("classicmode", false) end function GM:IsBabyMode() return GetGlobalBool("babymode", false) end function GM:PostRender() end local lastwarntim = -1 --local NextGas = 0 function GM:_Think() local time = CurTime() if self:GetEscapeStage() == ESCAPESTAGE_DEATH then self.DeathFog = math.min(self.DeathFog + FrameTime() / 5, 1) --[[if time >= NextGas then NextGas = time + 0.01 local randdir, emitpos, particle local eyepos = EyePos() local emitter = ParticleEmitter(eyepos) for i=1, 3 do randdir = VectorRand() randdir.z = math.abs(randdir.z) randdir:Normalize() emitpos = eyepos + randdir * math.Rand(0, 1200) particle = emitter:Add("particles/smokey", emitpos) particle:SetVelocity(randdir * math.Rand(8, 256)) particle:SetAirResistance(16) particle:SetDieTime(math.Rand(2.2, 3.5)) particle:SetStartAlpha(math.Rand(70, 90)) particle:SetEndAlpha(0) particle:SetStartSize(1) particle:SetEndSize(math.Rand(150, 325)) particle:SetRoll(math.Rand(0, 360)) particle:SetRollDelta(math.Rand(-1, 1)) particle:SetColor(0, math.Rand(20, 45), 0) end emitter:Finish() emitter = nil collectgarbage("step", 64) end]] elseif self.DeathFog > 0 then self.DeathFog = math.max(self.DeathFog - FrameTime() / 5, 0) end local health = MySelf:Health() if self.PrevHealth and health < self.PrevHealth then self.HurtEffect = math.min(self.HurtEffect + (self.PrevHealth - health) * 0.02, 1.5) elseif self.HurtEffect > 0 then self.HurtEffect = math.max(0, self.HurtEffect - FrameTime() * 0.65) end self.PrevHealth = health self:TrackLastDeath() local endtime = self:GetWaveActive() and self:GetWaveEnd() or self:GetWaveStart() if endtime ~= -1 then local timleft = math.max(0, endtime - time) if timleft <= 10 and lastwarntim ~= math.ceil(timleft) then lastwarntim = math.ceil(timleft) if 0 < lastwarntim then LocalPlayer():EmitSound("buttons/lightswitch2.wav", 100, 110 - lastwarntim * 2) end end end local myteam = P_Team(MySelf) self:PlayBeats(myteam, self:CachedFearPower()) local thirdperson if myteam == TEAM_HUMAN then local wep = MySelf:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.GetIronsights and wep:GetIronsights() then self.FOVLerp = math.Approach(self.FOVLerp, wep.IsScoped and not self.DisableScopes and wep.IronsightsMultiplier or not wep.IsScoped and wep.IronsightsMultiplier or 0.6, FrameTime() * 4) elseif self.FOVLerp ~= 1 then self.FOVLerp = math.Approach(self.FOVLerp, 1, FrameTime() * 5) end if MySelf:GetBarricadeGhosting() then MySelf:BarricadeGhostingThink() end thirdperson = self.OverTheShoulder else self.HeartBeatTime = self.HeartBeatTime + (6 + self:CachedFearPower() * 5) * FrameTime() thirdperson = self.ZombieThirdPerson --[[if not MySelf:Alive() then self:ToggleZombieVision(false) end]] end self.TransparencyRadius = thirdperson and self.TransparencyRadius3p or self.TransparencyRadius1p local tab for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if P_Team(pl) == TEAM_UNDEAD then tab = pl:GetZombieClassTable() if tab.BuildBonePositions then if not pl.WasBuildingBonePositions then pl.BuildingBones = pl:GetBoneCount() - 1 pl.WasBuildingBonePositions = true end pl:ResetBones() tab.BuildBonePositions(tab, pl) elseif pl.WasBuildingBonePositions then pl.WasBuildingBonePositions = nil pl:ResetBones() end elseif pl.WasBuildingBonePositions then pl.WasBuildingBonePositions = nil pl:ResetBones() end end end function GM:ShouldPlayBeats(teamid, fear) return not self.RoundEnded and not self.ZombieEscape and not GetGlobalBool("beatsdisabled", false) end local cv_ShouldPlayMusic = CreateClientConVar("zs_playmusic", 1, true, false) local NextBeat = 0 local LastBeatLevel = 0 function GM:PlayBeats(teamid, fear) if RealTime() <= NextBeat or not gamemode.Call("ShouldPlayBeats", teamid, fear) then return end --if (LASTHUMAN or self:GetAllSigilsDestroyed()) and cv_ShouldPlayMusic:GetBool() then if LASTHUMAN and cv_ShouldPlayMusic:GetBool() then MySelf:EmitSound(self.LastHumanSound, 0, 100, self.BeatsVolume) NextBeat = RealTime() + SoundDuration(self.LastHumanSound) - 0.025 return end if fear <= 0 or not self.BeatsEnabled then return end local beats = self.Beats[teamid == TEAM_HUMAN and self.BeatSetHuman or self.BeatSetZombie] if not beats then return end LastBeatLevel = math.Approach(LastBeatLevel, math.ceil(fear * 10), 3) local snd = beats[LastBeatLevel] if snd then MySelf:EmitSound(snd, 0, 100, self.BeatsVolume) NextBeat = RealTime() + (self.SoundDuration[snd] or SoundDuration(snd)) - 0.025 end end local colPackUp = Color(20, 255, 20, 220) local colPackUpNotOwner = Color(255, 240, 10, 220) function GM:DrawPackUpBar(x, y, fraction, notowner, screenscale) local col = notowner and colPackUpNotOwner or colPackUp local maxbarwidth = 270 * screenscale local barheight = 11 * screenscale local barwidth = maxbarwidth * math.Clamp(fraction, 0, 1) local startx = x - maxbarwidth * 0.5 surface_SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 220) surface_DrawRect(startx, y, maxbarwidth, barheight) surface_SetDrawColor(col) surface_DrawRect(startx + 3, y + 3, barwidth - 6, barheight - 6) surface_DrawOutlinedRect(startx, y, maxbarwidth, barheight) draw_SimpleText(notowner and CurTime() % 2 < 1 and translate.Format("requires_x_people", 4) or notowner and translate.Get("packing_others_object") or translate.Get("packing"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y - draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") - 2, col, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local colSigilTeleport = Color(125, 215, 255, 220) function GM:DrawSigilTeleportBar(x, y, fraction, target, screenscale) local maxbarwidth = 270 * screenscale local barheight = 11 * screenscale local barwidth = maxbarwidth * math.Clamp(fraction, 0, 1) local startx = x - maxbarwidth * 0.5 local letter = "?" for i, sigil in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_obj_sigil")) do if target == sigil then letter = string.char(64 + i) break end end surface_SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 220) surface_DrawRect(startx, y, maxbarwidth, barheight) surface_SetDrawColor(colSigilTeleport) surface_DrawRect(startx + 3, y + 3, barwidth - 6, barheight - 6) surface_DrawOutlinedRect(startx, y, maxbarwidth, barheight) draw_SimpleText(translate.Format("teleporting_to_sigil", letter), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y - draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") - 2, colSigilTeleport, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleText(translate.Get("press_shift_to_cancel"), "ZSHUDFontSmaller", x, y + draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmaller") - 16, colSigilTeleport, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleText(translate.Get("point_at_a_sigil_to_choose_destination"), "ZSHUDFontSmaller", x, y + draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmaller") * 2 - 16, colSigilTeleport, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end function GM:HumanHUD(screenscale) local curtime = CurTime() local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local packup = MySelf.PackUp local sigiltp = MySelf.SigilTeleport if packup and packup:IsValid() then self:DrawPackUpBar(w * 0.5, h * 0.55, 1 - packup:GetTimeRemaining() / packup:GetMaxTime(), packup:GetNotOwner(), screenscale) elseif sigiltp and sigiltp:IsValid() then self:DrawSigilTeleportBar(w * 0.5, h * 0.55, 1 - sigiltp:GetTimeRemaining() / sigiltp:GetMaxTime(), sigiltp:GetTargetSigil(), screenscale) end if not self.RoundEnded then if self:GetWave() == 0 and not self:GetWaveActive() then local txth = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") local desiredzombies = self:GetDesiredStartingZombies() draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("waiting_for_players").." "..util.ToMinutesSecondsCD(math.max(0, self:GetWaveStart() - curtime)), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.25, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) if desiredzombies > 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get(self:HasSigils() and "humans_furthest_from_sigils_are_zombies" or "humans_closest_to_spawns_are_zombies"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.25 + txth, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Format("number_of_initial_zombies_this_game", self.WaveOneZombies * 100, desiredzombies), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.7, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) for i, pl in ipairs(self.ZombieVolunteers) do if pl:IsValid() then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("zombie_volunteers"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.7 + txth, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) break end end local y = h * 0.7 + txth * 1.9 txth = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontTiny") for i, pl in ipairs(self.ZombieVolunteers) do if pl:IsValid() then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(pl:Name(), "ZSHUDFontTiny", w * 0.5, y, pl == MySelf and COLOR_SOFTRED or COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) y = y + txth * 0.8 end end end end local drown = MySelf.status_drown if drown and drown:IsValid() then surface_SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 60) surface_DrawRect(w * 0.4, h * 0.35, w * 0.2, 12) surface_SetDrawColor(30, 30, 230, 180) surface_DrawOutlinedRect(w * 0.4, h * 0.35, w * 0.2, 12) surface_DrawRect(w * 0.4, h * 0.35, w * 0.2 * (1 - drown:GetDrown()), 12) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("breath").." ", "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.4, h * 0.35 + 6, COLOR_LBLUE, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end local lockon = self.HumanMenuLockOn if lockon and self:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(MySelf, lockon) then local txth = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Format("giving_items_to", lockon:Name()), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.55 + txth, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end if gamemode.Call("PlayerCanPurchase", MySelf) then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_f2_for_the_points_shop"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, screenscale * 135, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end function GM:_HUDPaint() if self.FilmMode then return end local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() local myteam = P_Team(MySelf) self:HUDDrawTargetID(myteam, screenscale) if self:GetWave() > 0 then self:DrawFearMeter(self:CachedFearPower(), screenscale) end if myteam == TEAM_UNDEAD then self:ZombieHUD() elseif myteam == TEAM_HUMAN then self:HumanHUD(screenscale) end if GetGlobalBool("classicmode") then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("classic_mode"), "ZSHUDFontSmaller", 4, ScrH() - 4, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM_REAL) end end function GM:ZombieObserverHUD(obsmode) local w, h = ScrW(), ScrH() local texh = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") if obsmode == OBS_MODE_CHASE then local target = MySelf:GetObserverTarget() if target and target:IsValid() then if target:IsPlayer() and P_Team(target) == TEAM_UNDEAD then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("observing_x", target:Name(), math.max(0, target:Health())), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 - texh - 32, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end if target.IsCreeperNest or target.MinionSpawn then local txt = target.IsCreeperNest and "Nest" or "Gore Child" draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("observing_x_simple", txt), "ZSHUDFontSmall", w * 0.5, h * 0.75 - texh - 32, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end dyn = self:GetDynamicSpawning() and self:DynamicSpawnIsValid(target) end end local space = texh + 2 local x, y = w / 2, h * 0.68 if self:GetWaveActive() then draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_lmb_to_spawn"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_rmb_to_spawn_close"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y + space, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_reload_to_spawn_far"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y + space * 2, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_alt_nest_menu"), "ZSHUDFontSmaller", x, y + space * 4, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end draw_SimpleTextBlurry(translate.Get("press_jump_to_free_roam"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y + space * 3, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local colLifeStats = Color(255, 50, 50, 255) function GM:ZombieHUD() if self.LifeStatsEndTime and CurTime() < self.LifeStatsEndTime and (self.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage > 0 or self.LifeStatsHumanDamage > 0 or self.LifeStatsBrainsEaten > 0) then colLifeStats.a = math.Clamp((self.LifeStatsEndTime - CurTime()) / (self.LifeStatsLifeTime * 0.33), 0, 1) * 255 local th = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") local x = ScrW() * 0.75 local y = ScrH() * 0.75 draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("that_life"), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th if self.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage > 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("x_damage_to_barricades", self.LifeStatsBarricadeDamage), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th end if self.LifeStatsHumanDamage > 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("x_damage_to_humans", self.LifeStatsHumanDamage), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th end if self.LifeStatsBrainsEaten > 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("x_brains_eaten", self.LifeStatsBrainsEaten), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, colLifeStats, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + th end end local obsmode = MySelf:GetObserverMode() if obsmode ~= OBS_MODE_NONE then self:ZombieObserverHUD(obsmode) elseif not MySelf:Alive() then local x = ScrW() * 0.5 local y = ScrH() * 0.3 if not self:GetWaveActive() then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("waiting_for_next_wave"), "ZSHUDFont", x, y, COLOR_DARKRED, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end if not self:GetWaveActive() and self:GetWave() ~= 0 then local pl = GAMEMODE.NextBossZombie if pl and pl:IsValid() then local x, y = ScrW() / 2, ScrH() * 0.3 + draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFont") if pl == MySelf then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("you_will_be_x_soon", GAMEMODE.NextBossZombieClass), "ZSHUDFont", x, y, Color(255, 50, 50), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) else draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("x_will_be_y_soon", pl:Name(), GAMEMODE.NextBossZombieClass), "ZSHUDFont", x, y, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end end function GM:RequestedDefaultCart() local defaultcart = GetConVar("zs_defaultcart"):GetString() if #defaultcart > 0 then defaultcart = string.lower(defaultcart) for i, carttab in ipairs(self.SavedCarts) do if carttab[1] and string.lower(carttab[1]) == defaultcart then gamemode.Call("SuppressArsenalUpgrades", 1) RunConsoleCommand("worthcheckout", unpack(carttab[2])) return end end RunConsoleCommand("worthrandom") end end function GM:_PostDrawTranslucentRenderables() if not self.DrawingInSky then self:DrawPointWorldHints() self:DrawWorldHints() self:DrawSigilIndicators() self:DrawCrateIndicators() self:DrawResupplyIndicators() self:DrawRemantlerIndicators() self:DrawHumanIndicators() self:DrawNestIndicators() end end function GM:DrawCrateIndicators() if P_Team(MySelf) ~= TEAM_HUMAN or not MySelf:IsSkillActive(SKILL_INSIGHT) then return end local pos, distance, ang, deployable, alpha local eyepos = EyePos() surface_SetMaterial(matArsenal) for i, arsenal in pairs(GAMEMODE.CachedArsenalEntities) do if not arsenal:IsValid() then continue end deployable = arsenal.GetObjectOwner pos = arsenal:GetPos() pos.z = pos.z + (arsenal:IsPlayer() and 32 or (deployable and 12 or -8)) distance = eyepos:DistToSqr(pos) if (distance >= 6400 and distance <= 1048576) and (not deployable or not WorldVisible(eyepos, pos)) then -- Limited to Scavenger's Eyes distance. ang = (eyepos - pos):Angle() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), 270) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), 90) alpha = math.min(220, math.sqrt(distance / 4)) cam_IgnoreZ(true) cam_Start3D2D(pos, ang, math.max(250, math.sqrt(distance)) / 5000) surface_SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, alpha) surface_DrawTexturedRect(-123, -113, 248, 228) draw_SimpleTextBlurry("Arsenal Crate", "ZS3D2DFont2Big", 0, 128, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) cam_End3D2D() cam_IgnoreZ(false) end end end function GM:DrawResupplyIndicators() if P_Team(MySelf) ~= TEAM_HUMAN or not MySelf:IsSkillActive(SKILL_ACUITY) then return end local pos, distance, ang, deployable, alpha local eyepos = EyePos() surface_SetMaterial(matResupply) for i, resupply in pairs(GAMEMODE.CachedResupplyEntities) do if not resupply:IsValid() then continue end deployable = resupply.GetObjectOwner pos = resupply:GetPos() pos.z = pos.z + (resupply:IsPlayer() and 32 or (deployable and 12 or -8)) distance = eyepos:DistToSqr(pos) if (distance >= 6400 and distance <= 1048576) and (not deployable or not WorldVisible(eyepos, pos)) then -- Limited to Scavenger's Eyes distance. ang = (eyepos - pos):Angle() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), 270) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), 90) alpha = math.min(220, math.sqrt(distance / 4)) cam_IgnoreZ(true) cam_Start3D2D(pos, ang, math.max(250, math.sqrt(distance)) / 5000) surface_SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, alpha) surface_DrawTexturedRect(-128, -128, 256, 256) local timeremain = math.ceil(math.max(0, (MySelf.NextUse or 0) - CurTime())) local txt = not MySelf.NextUse and translate.Get("ready") or timeremain > 0 and timeremain or translate.Get("ready") draw_SimpleTextBlurry(txt, "ZS3D2DFont2Big", 0, 128, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) cam_End3D2D() cam_IgnoreZ(false) end end end function GM:DrawRemantlerIndicators() if P_Team(MySelf) ~= TEAM_HUMAN or not MySelf:IsSkillActive(SKILL_VISION) then return end local pos, distance, ang, deployable, alpha local eyepos = EyePos() surface_SetMaterial(matRemantler) for i, remantler in pairs(GAMEMODE.CachedRemantlerEntities) do if not remantler:IsValid() then continue end deployable = remantler.GetObjectOwner pos = remantler:GetPos() pos.z = pos.z + (remantler:IsPlayer() and 32 or (deployable and 12 or -8)) distance = eyepos:DistToSqr(pos) if (distance >= 6400 and distance <= 1048576) and (not deployable or not WorldVisible(eyepos, pos)) then -- Limited to Scavenger's Eyes distance. ang = (eyepos - pos):Angle() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), 270) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), 90) alpha = math.min(220, math.sqrt(distance / 4)) cam_IgnoreZ(true) cam_Start3D2D(pos, ang, math.max(250, math.sqrt(distance)) / 5000) surface_SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, alpha) surface_DrawTexturedRect(-128, -128, 256, 256) draw_SimpleTextBlurry("Weapon Remantler", "ZS3D2DFont2Big", 0, 128, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) cam_End3D2D() cam_IgnoreZ(false) end end end function GM:DrawNestIndicators() if P_Team(MySelf) ~= TEAM_ZOMBIE then return end local pos, distance, ang, alpha local eyepos = EyePos() surface_SetMaterial(matNest) for i, nest in pairs(GAMEMODE.CachedNests) do if not nest:IsValid() then continue end pos = nest:GetPos() pos.z = pos.z + 32 distance = eyepos:DistToSqr(pos) ang = (eyepos - pos):Angle() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), 270) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), 90) alpha = math.min(220, math.sqrt(distance / 4)) cam_IgnoreZ(true) cam_Start3D2D(pos, ang, math.max(250, math.sqrt(distance)) / 5000) surface_SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, alpha) surface_DrawTexturedRect(-128, -128, 256, 256) draw_SimpleTextBlurry("Nest", "ZS3D2DFont2Big", 0, 128, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) if distance < 80000 then local nown = nest:GetNestOwner() local ownname = nown:IsValidZombie() and nown:ClippedName() or "" draw_SimpleTextBlurry(ownname, "ZS3D2DFont2", 0, 256, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end cam_End3D2D() cam_IgnoreZ(false) end end function GM:DrawSigilIndicators() if not self:GetUseSigils() then return end local health, pos, distance, maxhealth, corrupted, damageflash, missinghealthfrac, ang, alpha local eyepos = EyePos() surface_SetMaterial(matSigil) for i, sigil in pairs(GAMEMODE.CachedSigils) do if not sigil:IsValid() then continue end health = sigil:GetSigilHealth() if health > 0 then pos = sigil:GetPos() pos.z = pos.z + 48 distance = eyepos:DistToSqr(pos) maxhealth = sigil:GetSigilMaxHealth() corrupted = sigil:GetSigilCorrupted() damageflash = math.min((CurTime() - sigil:GetSigilLastDamaged()) * 2, 1) * 255 missinghealthfrac = 1 - health / maxhealth alpha = math.min(220, math.sqrt(distance / 4)) ang = (eyepos - pos):Angle() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), 270) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), 90) cam_IgnoreZ(true) cam_Start3D2D(pos, ang, math.max(250, math.sqrt(distance)) / 5000) local oldfogmode = render_GetFogMode() render_FogMode(0) if corrupted then surface_SetDrawColor(255 - damageflash, damageflash, 0, alpha) else surface_SetDrawColor(damageflash, 255, damageflash, alpha) end surface_DrawTexturedRect(-64, -128, 128, 256) if missinghealthfrac > 0 then surface_SetDrawColor(40, 40, 40, 255) surface_DrawTexturedRectUV(-64, -128, 128, 256 * missinghealthfrac, 0, 0, 1, missinghealthfrac) end draw_SimpleTextBlurry(string.char(64 + i), "ZS3D2DFont2Big", 0, 128, COLOR_GRAY, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) render_FogMode(oldfogmode) cam_End3D2D() cam_IgnoreZ(false) end end end function GM:RestartRound() self.TheLastHuman = nil self.RoundEnded = nil LASTHUMAN = nil if pEndBoard and pEndBoard:IsValid() then pEndBoard:Remove() pEndBoard = nil end self:ClearItemStocks() self:InitPostEntity() self:RevertZombieClasses() end function GM:_HUDShouldDraw(name) if self.FilmMode and name ~= "CHudWeaponSelection" then return false end return name ~= "CHudHealth" and name ~= "CHudBattery" and name ~= "CHudAmmo" and name ~= "CHudSecondaryAmmo" and name ~= "CHudDamageIndicator" end local Current = 0 local NextCalculate = 0 function GM:_CachedFearPower() if CurTime() >= NextCalculate then NextCalculate = CurTime() + 0.15 Current = self:GetFearMeterPower(EyePos(), TEAM_UNDEAD, MySelf) end return Current end function surface.CreateLegacyFont(font, size, weight, antialias, additive, name, shadow, outline, blursize) surface.CreateFont(name, {font = font, size = size, weight = weight, antialias = antialias, additive = additive, shadow = shadow, outline = outline, blursize = blursize}) end local fontfamily = "Ghoulish Fright AOE" local fontfamilysm = "Remington Noiseless" local fontfamily3d = "hidden" local fontsizeadd = 8 local fontweight = 0 function GM:Create3DFonts() local fontsizeadd3D = 0 local fontweight3D = 0 surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 28 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontSmaller", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 48 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontSmall", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 72 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 128 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontBig", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 28 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontSmallerBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 48 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontSmallBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 72 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily3d, 128 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFontBigBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 40 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Smaller", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 48 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Small", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 72 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 128 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Big", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 40 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2SmallerBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 48 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2SmallBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 72 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2Blur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, 128 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DFont2BigBlur", false, false, 16) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamilysm, 14 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DUnstyleTiny", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamilysm, 24 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DUnstyleSmallest", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamilysm, 36 + fontsizeadd3D, fontweight3D, false, false, "ZS3D2DUnstyleSmaller", false, true) end function GM:CreateNonScaleFonts() surface.CreateLegacyFont("tahoma", 96, 1000, true, false, "zshintfont", false, true) -- Default, DefaultBold, DefaultSmall, etc. were changed when gmod13 hit. These are renamed fonts that have the old values. surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontVerySmall", {font = "tahoma", size = 10, weight = 0, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontSmall", {font = "tahoma", size = 11, weight = 0, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontSmallDropShadow", {font = "tahoma", size = 11, weight = 0, shadow = true, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFont", {font = "tahoma", size = 13, weight = 500, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontAA", {font = "tahoma", size = 13, weight = 500, antialias = true}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontBold", {font = "tahoma", size = 13, weight = 1000, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontLarge", {font = "tahoma", size = 16, weight = 0, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontLargeAA", {font = "tahoma", size = 16, weight = 0, antialias = true}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontLargest", {font = "tahoma", size = 22, weight = 0, antialias = false}) surface.CreateFont("DefaultFontLargestAA", {font = "tahoma", size = 22, weight = 0, antialias = true}) end function GM:CreateScalingFonts() local fontaa = true local fontshadow = false local fontoutline = true local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() surface.CreateLegacyFont("csd", screenscale * 42, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnoticecs", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont("HL2MP", screenscale * 42, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnotice", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont("csd", screenscale * 96, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnoticecsws", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont("HL2MP", screenscale * 96, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnoticews", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont("csd", screenscale * 72, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnoticecspa", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont("HL2MP", screenscale * 72, 100, true, false, "zsdeathnoticepa", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (16 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontTiny", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (20 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallest", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (22 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmaller", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (28 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmall", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (42 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFont", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (72 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBig", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (16 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontTinyBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (22 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallerBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (28 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (42 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (72 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBigBlur", false, false, 8) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (20 + fontsizeadd/2), 0, fontaa, false, "ZSAmmoName", false, false) local liscreenscale = math.max(0.95, BetterScreenScale()) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, liscreenscale * (32 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardTitle", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, liscreenscale * (22 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardSubTitle", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, liscreenscale * (16 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardPlayer", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, liscreenscale * (24 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardHeading", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont("arial", 18 * liscreenscale, 0, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardPlayerSmall", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont("arial", 15 * liscreenscale, 0, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardPlayerSmaller", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont("tahoma", 11 * liscreenscale, 0, true, false, "ZSScoreBoardPing") surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (16 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontTinyNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (20 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallestNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (22 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallerNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (28 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontSmallNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (42 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (72 + fontsizeadd), fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSHUDFontBigNS", false, false) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamilysm, screenscale * 13, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSBodyTextFontSmall", fontshadow) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamilysm, screenscale * 15, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSBodyTextFont", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamilysm, screenscale * 20, fontweight, fontaa, false, "ZSBodyTextFontBig", fontshadow, fontoutline) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (20 + fontsizeadd), 0, true, false, "ZSDamageResistance", false, true) surface.CreateLegacyFont(fontfamily, screenscale * (20 + fontsizeadd), 0, true, false, "ZSDamageResistanceBlur", false, true) surface.CreateFont("ZSXPBar", {font = "tahoma", size = screenscale * 14, weight = 500, antialias = false, shadow = true}) end function GM:CreateFonts() self:Create3DFonts() self:CreateNonScaleFonts() self:CreateScalingFonts() end function GM:EvaluateFilmMode() local visible = not self.FilmMode if self.GameStatePanel and self.GameStatePanel:IsValid() then self.GameStatePanel:SetVisible(visible) end if self.TopNotificationHUD and self.TopNotificationHUD:IsValid() then self.TopNotificationHUD:SetVisible(visible) end if self.CenterNotificationHUD and self.CenterNotificationHUD:IsValid() then self.CenterNotificationHUD:SetVisible(visible) end if self.XPHUD and self.XPHUD:IsValid() then self.XPHUD:SetVisible(visible and self.DisplayXPHUD) end if self.HealthHUD and self.HealthHUD:IsValid() then self.HealthHUD:SetVisible(visible) end if self.StatusHUD and self.StatusHUD:IsValid() then self.StatusHUD:SetVisible(visible) end end function GM:CreateVGUI() local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() self.GameStatePanel = vgui.Create("ZSGameState") self.GameStatePanel:SetTextFont("ZSHUDFontSmaller") self.GameStatePanel:SetAlpha(220) self.GameStatePanel:SetSize(screenscale * 420, screenscale * 80) self.GameStatePanel:ParentToHUD() self.TopNotificationHUD = vgui.Create("DEXNotificationsList") self.TopNotificationHUD:SetAlign(RIGHT) self.TopNotificationHUD.PerformLayout = function(pan) pan:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.4, ScrH() * 0.6) pan:AlignTop(16 * BetterScreenScale()) pan:AlignRight() end self.TopNotificationHUD:InvalidateLayout() self.TopNotificationHUD:ParentToHUD() self.CenterNotificationHUD = vgui.Create("DEXNotificationsList") self.CenterNotificationHUD:SetAlign(CENTER) self.CenterNotificationHUD:SetMessageHeight(36) self.CenterNotificationHUD.PerformLayout = function(pan) pan:SetSize(ScrW() / 2, ScrH() * 0.35) pan:CenterHorizontal() pan:AlignBottom(16 * BetterScreenScale()) end self.CenterNotificationHUD:InvalidateLayout() self.CenterNotificationHUD:ParentToHUD() end function GM:CreateLateVGUI() if not self.HealthHUD then self.HealthHUD = vgui.Create("ZSHealthArea") end if not self.StatusHUD then self.StatusHUD = vgui.Create("ZSStatusArea") end if not self.XPHUD then self.XPHUD = vgui.Create("ZSExperienceHUD") self.XPHUD:ParentToHUD() self.XPHUD:InvalidateLayout() end end function GM:Initialize() self:FixSkillConnections() self:CreateFonts() self:PrecacheResources() self:CreateVGUI() self:InitializeBeats() self:AddCustomAmmo() self:RegisterFood() self:CreateWeaponQualities() self:CreateSpriteMaterials() -- Not sure if this still crashes, but whatever. RunConsoleCommand("r_drawmodeldecals", "0") -- Flashlight dynamic lights of other players. RunConsoleCommand("r_dynamic", "0") self:RefreshMapIsObjective() end -- These can be accessed without pointing to the IMaterial by using ! before the material string. function GM:CreateSpriteMaterials() local params = {["$translucent"] = "1", ["$vertexcolor"] = "1", ["$vertexalpha"] = "1"} for i=1, 8 do params["$basetexture"] = "Decals/blood"..i CreateMaterial("sprite_bloodspray"..i, "UnlitGeneric", params) end end function GM:ShutDown() RunConsoleCommand("r_drawmodeldecals", "1") RunConsoleCommand("r_dynamic", "1") end local function FirstOfGoodType(a) local ext for _, v in pairs(a) do ext = string.sub(v, -4) if ext == ".ogg" or ext == ".wav" or ext == ".mp3" then return v end end end function GM:InitializeBeats() local _, dirs = file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/*", "GAME") for _, dirname in pairs(dirs) do if dirname == "none" or dirname == "default" then continue end self.Beats[dirname] = {} local highestexist for i=1, 10 do local a, __ = file.Find("sound/zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/"..i..".*", "GAME") local a1 = FirstOfGoodType(a) if a1 then local filename = "zombiesurvival/beats/"..dirname.."/"..a1 if file.Exists("sound/"..filename, "GAME") then self.Beats[dirname][i] = Sound(filename) highestexist = filename continue end end if highestexist then self.Beats[dirname][i] = highestexist end end end end function GM:PlayerDeath(pl, attacker) end function GM:ScalePlayerDamage(pl, hitgroup, dmginfo) end function GM:LastHuman(pl) if not IsValid(pl) then pl = nil end self.TheLastHuman = pl if not LASTHUMAN then LASTHUMAN = true timer.Simple(0.5, function() GAMEMODE:LastHumanMessage() end) end end function GM:LastHumanMessage() if self.RoundEnded or not MySelf:IsValid() then return end local icon = self.PantsMode and "weapon_zs_legs" or "default" if P_Team(MySelf) == TEAM_UNDEAD or not MySelf:Alive() then self:CenterNotify({killicon = icon}, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Get(self.PantsMode and "kick_the_last_human" or "kill_the_last_human"), {killicon = icon}) else self:CenterNotify({font = "ZSHUDFont"}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Get("you_are_the_last_human")) self:CenterNotify({killicon = icon}, " ", COLOR_RED, translate.Format(self.PantsMode and "x_pants_out_to_get_you" or "x_zombies_out_to_get_you", team.NumPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)), {killicon = icon}) end end function GM:PlayerShouldTakeDamage(pl, attacker) return pl == attacker or not attacker:IsPlayer() or P_Team(pl) ~= P_Team(attacker) or pl.AllowTeamDamage or attacker.AllowTeamDamage end function GM:SetWave(wave) SetGlobalInt("wave", wave) end local matRing = Material("effects/select_ring") function GM:DrawCircle(x, y, radius, color) surface.SetMaterial(matRing) surface.SetDrawColor(color) surface.DrawTexturedRect(x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2) end local matFilmGrain = Material("zombiesurvival/filmgrain/filmgrain") function GM:_HUDPaintBackground() if self.FilmGrainEnabled and P_Team(MySelf) ~= TEAM_UNDEAD then surface_SetMaterial(matFilmGrain) surface_SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, (0.25 + 0.75 * self:CachedFearPower()) * self.FilmGrainOpacity) surface_DrawTexturedRectUV(0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH(), 2, 2, 0, 0) end local wep = MySelf:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.DrawHUDBackground then wep:DrawHUDBackground() end end local function GiveWeapon() if GAMEMODE.HumanMenuLockOn then RunConsoleCommand("zsgiveweapon", GAMEMODE.HumanMenuLockOn:EntIndex(), GAMEMODE.InventoryMenu.SelInv) end end local function GiveWeaponClip() if GAMEMODE.HumanMenuLockOn then RunConsoleCommand("zsgiveweaponclip", GAMEMODE.HumanMenuLockOn:EntIndex(), GAMEMODE.InventoryMenu.SelInv) end end local function DropWeapon() RunConsoleCommand("zsdropweapon", GAMEMODE.InventoryMenu.SelInv) end local function EmptyClip() RunConsoleCommand("zsemptyclip") end local function DismantleWeapon() RunConsoleCommand("zs_dismantle", GAMEMODE.InventoryMenu.SelInv) end local function AltSelItemUpd() local activeweapon = MySelf:GetActiveWeapon() if not activeweapon or not activeweapon:IsValid() then return end local actwclass = activeweapon:GetClass() GAMEMODE.HumanMenuPanel.SelectedItemLabel:SetText(weapons.Get(actwclass).PrintName) end function GM:DoAltSelectedItemUpdate() if self.InventoryMenu.SelInv then self.HumanMenuPanel.SelectedItemLabel:SetText(self.ZSInventoryItemData[self.InventoryMenu.SelInv].PrintName) else timer.Simple(0.25, AltSelItemUpd) end end function GM:HumanMenu() if self.ZombieEscape then return end local ent = MySelf:MeleeTrace(48, 2, nil, nil, true).Entity if self:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(MySelf, ent) then self.HumanMenuLockOn = ent else self.HumanMenuLockOn = nil end self:OpenInventory() if self.HumanMenuPanel and self.HumanMenuPanel:IsValid() then self.HumanMenuPanel:SetVisible(true) self.HumanMenuPanel:OpenMenu() self:DoAltSelectedItemUpdate() return end local panel = vgui.Create("DSideMenu") self.HumanMenuPanel = panel local screenscale = BetterScreenScale() for k, v in pairs(self.AmmoNames) do local b = vgui.Create("DAmmoCounter", panel) b:SetAmmoType(k) b:SetTall(math.max(32, screenscale * 36)) panel:AddItem(b) end local hei = draw_GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontSmall") local selecteditemtitle = EasyLabel(panel, "Selected Item", "ZSHUDFontSmall", color_white) selecteditemtitle:SetContentAlignment(5) panel:AddItem(selecteditemtitle) local selecteditemlabel = EasyLabel(panel, "Fists", "ZSHUDFontSmaller", color_white) selecteditemlabel:SetContentAlignment(5) panel:AddItem(selecteditemlabel) panel.SelectedItemLabel = selecteditemlabel local gwbtn = vgui.Create("DButton") gwbtn:SetFont("ZSHUDFontSmaller") gwbtn:SetText("Give Item") gwbtn:SetSize(panel:GetWide() - 8 * screenscale, hei - 4 * screenscale) gwbtn:CenterHorizontal() gwbtn.DoClick = GiveWeapon panel:AddItem(gwbtn) gwbtn = vgui.Create("DButton") gwbtn:SetFont("ZSHUDFontSmaller") gwbtn:SetText("Give Item and 5 clips") gwbtn:SetSize(panel:GetWide() - 8 * screenscale, hei - 4 * screenscale) gwbtn:CenterHorizontal() gwbtn.DoClick = GiveWeaponClip panel:AddItem(gwbtn) gwbtn = vgui.Create("DButton") gwbtn:SetFont("ZSHUDFontSmaller") gwbtn:SetText("Drop Item") gwbtn:SetSize(panel:GetWide() - 8 * screenscale, hei - 4 * screenscale) gwbtn:CenterHorizontal() gwbtn.DoClick = DropWeapon panel:AddItem(gwbtn) gwbtn = vgui.Create("DButton") gwbtn:SetFont("ZSHUDFontSmaller") gwbtn:SetText("Empty Weapon Clip") gwbtn:SetSize(panel:GetWide() - 8 * screenscale, hei - 4 * screenscale) gwbtn:CenterHorizontal() gwbtn.DoClick = EmptyClip panel:AddItem(gwbtn) gwbtn = vgui.Create("DButton") gwbtn:SetFont("ZSHUDFontSmaller") gwbtn:SetText("Dismantle Item") gwbtn:SetSize(panel:GetWide() - 8 * screenscale, hei - 4 * screenscale) gwbtn:CenterHorizontal() gwbtn.DoClick = DismantleWeapon panel:AddItem(gwbtn) panel:AddItem(EasyLabel(panel, "Resupply Ammo Selection", "DefaultFont", color_white)) local dropdown = vgui.Create("DComboBox", panel) dropdown:SetMouseInputEnabled(true) dropdown:AddChoice("Resupply Held Weapon") for k,v in pairs(self.AmmoResupply) do dropdown:AddChoice(self.AmmoNames[k]) end dropdown.OnSelect = function(me, index, value, data) if value == "Resupply Held Weapon" then MySelf.ResupplyChoice = nil RunConsoleCommand("zs_resupplyammotype", "default") return end for k,v in pairs(self.AmmoNames) do if value == v then MySelf.ResupplyChoice = k RunConsoleCommand("zs_resupplyammotype", k) break end end end dropdown:SetText("Resupply Held Weapon") dropdown:SetTextColor(color_black) panel:AddItem(dropdown) self.HumanMenuSupplyChoice = dropdown panel:OpenMenu() end function GM:ZombieSpawnMenu() if self.ZombieEscape then return end if self.ZSpawnMenu and self.ZSpawnMenu:IsValid() then self.ZSpawnMenu:SetVisible(true) self.ZSpawnMenu:OpenMenu() self.ZSpawnMenu:RefreshContents() return end local panel = vgui.Create("DZombieSpawnMenu") self.ZSpawnMenu = panel panel:OpenMenu() end function GM:PlayerBindPress(pl, bind, wasin) if bind == "gmod_undo" or bind == "undo" then RunConsoleCommand("+zoom") timer.Create("ReleaseZoom", 1, 1, function() RunConsoleCommand("-zoom") end) elseif bind == "+menu_context" then if P_Team(pl) == TEAM_UNDEAD then self.ZombieThirdPerson = not self.ZombieThirdPerson elseif P_Team(pl) == TEAM_HUMAN then self:ToggleOTSCamera() end elseif bind == "impulse 100" then if P_Team(pl) == TEAM_UNDEAD and pl:Alive() then self:ToggleZombieVision() end end end function GM:_ShouldDrawLocalPlayer(pl) return FROM_CAMERA or P_Team(pl) == TEAM_UNDEAD and (self.ZombieThirdPerson or pl:CallZombieFunction0("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer")) or P_Team(pl) == TEAM_HUMAN and self:UseOverTheShoulder() or pl:IsPlayingTaunt() or pl.Revive and pl.Revive:IsValid() or pl.KnockedDown and pl.KnockedDown:IsValid() end local roll = 0 function GM:_CalcView(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) if pl.Confusion and pl.Confusion:IsValid() then pl.Confusion:CalcView(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) end if pl.Revive and pl.Revive:IsValid() and pl.Revive.GetRagdollEyes then if self.ThirdPersonKnockdown or self.ZombieThirdPerson then origin = pl:GetThirdPersonCameraPos(origin, angles) else local rpos, rang = pl.Revive:GetRagdollEyes(pl) if rpos then origin = rpos angles = rang end end elseif pl.KnockedDown and pl.KnockedDown:IsValid() then if self.ThirdPersonKnockdown or self:UseOverTheShoulder() then origin = pl:GetThirdPersonCameraPos(origin, angles) else local rpos, rang = self:GetRagdollEyes(pl) if rpos then origin = rpos angles = rang end end elseif pl:ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() and pl:OldAlive() and not pl:HasWon() then if P_Team(pl) == TEAM_UNDEAD then origin = pl:GetThirdPersonCameraPos(origin, angles) elseif self:UseOverTheShoulder() then self:CalcViewOTS(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) end end local targetroll = 0 if self.MovementViewRoll then local dir = pl:GetVelocity() local speed = dir:Length() dir:Normalize() targetroll = targetroll + dir:Dot(angles:Right()) * math.min(30, speed / 100) end if pl:WaterLevel() >= 3 then targetroll = targetroll + math.sin(CurTime()) * 7 end roll = math.Approach(roll, targetroll, math.max(0.25, math.sqrt(math.abs(roll))) * 30 * FrameTime()) angles.roll = angles.roll + roll if pl:IsPlayingTaunt() then self:CalcViewTaunt(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) end local target = pl:GetObserverTarget() if target and target:IsValid() then local lasttarget = self.LastObserverTarget if lasttarget and lasttarget:IsValid() and target ~= lasttarget then if self.LastObserverTargetLerp then if CurTime() >= self.LastObserverTargetLerp then self.LastObserverTarget = nil self.LastObserverTargetLerp = nil else local delta = math.Clamp((self.LastObserverTargetLerp - CurTime()) / 0.3333, 0, 1) ^ 0.5 origin:Set(self.LastObserverTargetPos * delta + origin * (1 - delta)) end else self.LastObserverTargetLerp = CurTime() + 0.3333 end else self.LastObserverTarget = target self.LastObserverTargetPos = origin end end if pl:GetObserverMode() ~= OBS_MODE_NONE then angles.roll = 0 --Fixes babies tilting the screen end pl:CallZombieFunction2("CalcView", origin, angles) return self.BaseClass.CalcView(self, pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) end function GM:CalcViewTaunt(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) local tr = util.TraceHull({start = origin, endpos = origin - angles:Forward() * 72, mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2), maxs = Vector(2, 2, 2), mask = MASK_OPAQUE, filter = pl}) origin:Set(tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 2) end function GM:CreateMoveTaunt(cmd) cmd:ClearButtons(0) cmd:ClearMovement() end function GM:PostProcessPermitted(str) return false end function GM:HUDPaintEndRound() end function GM:PreDrawViewModel(vm, pl, wep) if pl and pl:IsValid() and (pl:IsHolding() or GAMEMODE.HideViewModels) then return true end if wep and wep:IsValid() and wep.PreDrawViewModel then return wep:PreDrawViewModel(vm) end end function GM:PostDrawViewModel(vm, pl, wep) if wep and wep:IsValid() then if wep.UseHands or not wep:IsScripted() then local hands = pl:GetHands() if hands and hands:IsValid() then hands:DrawModel() end end if wep.PostDrawViewModel then wep:PostDrawViewModel(vm) end end end local undo = false local matWhite = Material("models/debug/debugwhite") local lowhealthcolor = GM.AuraColorEmpty local fullhealthcolor = GM.AuraColorFull function GM:_PrePlayerDraw(pl) local shadowman = false if pl ~= MySelf and pl:IsEffectActive(EF_DIMLIGHT) then pl:RemoveEffects(EF_DIMLIGHT) end local myteam = P_Team(MySelf) local theirteam = P_Team(pl) local radius = self.TransparencyRadius if radius > 0 and myteam == theirteam and pl ~= MySelf and not (GAMEMODE.AlwaysDrawFriend and pl:IsFriend()) and not self.MedicalAura then local dist = pl:GetPos():DistToSqr(EyePos()) if dist < radius then local blend = (dist / radius) ^ 1.4 if blend <= 0.1 then pl.ShadowMan = true return true end render_SetBlend(blend) if myteam == TEAM_HUMAN and blend < 0.5 then render_ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) render_SetColorModulation(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) shadowman = true end undo = true end end pl.ShadowMan = shadowman if pl:CallZombieFunction0("PrePlayerDraw") then return true end if pl.SpawnProtection and (not (pl.status_overridemodel and pl.status_overridemodel:IsValid()) or pl:GetZombieClassTable().NoHideMainModel) then undo = true render_ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) render_SetBlend(0.02 + (CurTime() + pl:EntIndex() * 0.2) % 0.05) render_SetColorModulation(0, 0.3, 0) render_SuppressEngineLighting(true) end if self.m_ZombieVision and myteam == TEAM_UNDEAD and theirteam == TEAM_HUMAN then local dist = pl:GetPos():DistToSqr(EyePos()) if dist <= pl:GetAuraRangeSqr() and (not pl:GetDTBool(DT_PLAYER_BOOL_NECRO) or dist >= 27500) then undo = true local healthfrac = pl:Health() / pl:GetMaxHealth() render_SetBlend(1) render_ModelMaterialOverride(matWhite) render_SetColorModulation( Lerp(healthfrac, lowhealthcolor.r, fullhealthcolor.r) / 255, Lerp(healthfrac, lowhealthcolor.g, fullhealthcolor.g) / 255, Lerp(healthfrac, lowhealthcolor.b, fullhealthcolor.b) / 255 ) render_SuppressEngineLighting(true) cam_IgnoreZ(true) end end end local colFriend = Color(10, 255, 10, 60) local matFriendRing = Material("SGM/playercircle") local matTargetTri = Material("gui/point.png") function GM:_PostPlayerDraw(pl) pl:CallZombieFunction0("PostPlayerDraw") if undo then render_SetBlend(1) render_ModelMaterialOverride() render_SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) render_SuppressEngineLighting(false) cam_IgnoreZ(false) undo = false end local eyepos, ang, tpos, distance, hpf if MySelf.TargetLocus and self.TraceTargetTeam == pl and pl:IsValidLivingZombie() and not pl:GetZombieClassTable().IgnoreTargetAssist then tpos = pl:GetPos() tpos.z = tpos.z + 80 eyepos = MySelf:EyePos() distance = eyepos:DistToSqr(tpos) ang = (eyepos - tpos):Angle() ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), 270) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), 90) cam_IgnoreZ(true) cam_Start3D2D(tpos, ang, math.max(750, math.sqrt(distance)) / 6500) surface_SetMaterial(matTargetTri) hpf = pl:Health() / pl:GetMaxZombieHealth() surface_SetDrawColor(255 - (255 * hpf), 255 * hpf, 0, 230) surface_DrawTexturedRect(-96, -96, 96, 96) cam_End3D2D() cam_IgnoreZ(false) end if pl ~= MySelf and P_Team(MySelf) == P_Team(pl) and pl:IsFriend() then local pos = pl:GetPos() pos.z = pos.z + 2 render_SetMaterial(matFriendRing) render_DrawQuadEasy(pos, vector_up, 32, 32, colFriend) render_DrawQuadEasy(pos, vector_down, 32, 32, colFriend) end end function GM:HUDPaintBackgroundEndRound() local x, y = ScrW() / 2, ScrH() * 0.8 local timleft = math.max(0, self.EndTime + self.EndGameTime - CurTime()) if timleft <= 0 then draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Get("loading"), "ZSHUDFont", x, y, COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) else draw_SimpleTextBlur(translate.Format("next_round_in_x", util.ToMinutesSecondsCD(timleft)), "ZSHUDFontSmall", x, y, COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end local function EndRoundCalcView(pl, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) if GAMEMODE.EndTime and CurTime() < GAMEMODE.EndTime + 5 then local endposition = GAMEMODE.LastHumanPosition local override = GetGlobalVector("endcamerapos", vector_origin) if override ~= vector_origin then endposition = override end if endposition then local delta = math.Clamp((CurTime() - GAMEMODE.EndTime) * 2, 0, 1) local start = endposition * delta + origin * (1 - delta) local tr = util.TraceHull({start = start, endpos = start + delta * 64 * Angle(0, CurTime() * 30, 0):Forward(), mins = Vector(-2, -2, -2), maxs = Vector(2, 2, 2), filter = player.GetAll(), mask = MASK_SOLID}) return {origin = tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal, angles = (start - tr.HitPos):Angle()} end return end hook.Remove("CalcView", "EndRoundCalcView") end local function EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer(pl) if GAMEMODE.EndTime and CurTime() < GAMEMODE.EndTime + 5 then return true end hook.Remove("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer") end function GM:EndRound(winner, nextmap) if self.RoundEnded then return end self.RoundEnded = true ROUNDWINNER = winner self.EndTime = CurTime() RunConsoleCommand("stopsound") self.HUDPaint = self.HUDPaintEndRound self.HUDPaintBackground = self.HUDPaintBackgroundEndRound if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD and GetGlobalBool("endcamera", true) then hook.Add("CalcView", "EndRoundCalcView", EndRoundCalcView) hook.Add("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer", EndRoundShouldDrawLocalPlayer) end local dvar = winner == TEAM_UNDEAD and self.AllLoseSound or self.HumanWinSound local snd = GetGlobalString(winner == TEAM_UNDEAD and "losemusic" or "winmusic", dvar) if snd == "default" then snd = dvar elseif snd == "none" then snd = nil end if snd then timer.Simple(0.5, function() surface_PlaySound(snd) end) end timer.Simple(5, function() if not (pEndBoard and pEndBoard:IsValid()) then MakepEndBoard(winner) end end) end function GM:WeaponDeployed(pl, wep) self:DoChangeDeploySpeed(wep) end function GM:LocalPlayerDied(attackername) LASTDEATH = RealTime() surface_PlaySound(self.DeathSound) if attackername then self:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, translate.Get("you_have_died")) self:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.Format(self.PantsMode and "you_were_kicked_by_x" or "you_were_killed_by_x", tostring(attackername))) else self:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, {font = "ZSHUDFont"}, translate.Get("you_have_died")) end end function GM:KeyPress(pl, key) if key == self.MenuKey then local team = P_Team(pl) if team == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() and not pl:IsHolding() then gamemode.Call("HumanMenu") elseif team == TEAM_ZOMBIE and not pl:Alive() then gamemode.Call("ZombieSpawnMenu") end elseif key == IN_SPEED then if pl:Alive() then if P_Team(pl) == TEAM_HUMAN then pl:DispatchAltUse() elseif P_Team(pl) == TEAM_UNDEAD then pl:CallZombieFunction0("AltUse") end end end end function GM:KeyRelease(pl, key) if key == self.MenuKey then if self.HumanMenuPanel and self.HumanMenuPanel:IsValid() then if self.InventoryMenu and self.InventoryMenu:IsValid() then self.InventoryMenu:SetVisible(false) if self.m_InvViewer and self.m_InvViewer:IsValid() then self.m_InvViewer:SetVisible(false) end end if self.HumanMenuSupplyChoice then self.HumanMenuSupplyChoice:CloseMenu() end if self.InventoryMenu.SelInv then self.InventoryMenu.SelInv = nil self:DoAltSelectedItemUpdate() local grid = self.InventoryMenu.Grid for k, v in pairs(grid:GetChildren()) do v.On = false end end end end end function GM:PlayerStepSoundTime(pl, iType, bWalking) local time = pl:CallZombieFunction2("PlayerStepSoundTime", iType, bWalking) if time then return time end if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_NORMAL or iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT then return 520 - pl:GetVelocity():Length() end if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_ON_LADDER then return 500 end if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_KNEE then return 650 end return 350 end function GM:PlayerFootstep(pl, vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume) return pl:CallZombieFunction4("PlayerFootstep", vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume) end function GM:PlayerCanCheckout(pl) return pl:IsValid() and P_Team(pl) == TEAM_HUMAN and pl:Alive() and self:GetWave() <= 0 end function GM:OpenWorth() if gamemode.Call("PlayerCanCheckout", MySelf) then MakepWorth() end end function GM:CloseWorth() if pWorth and pWorth:IsValid() then pWorth:Remove() pWorth = nil end end function GM:SuppressArsenalUpgrades(suppresstime) self.SuppressArsenalTime = math.max(CurTime() + suppresstime, self.SuppressArsenalTime) end function GM:Rewarded(class, amount) if CurTime() < self.SuppressArsenalTime then return end class = class or "0" local toptext = translate.Get("arsenal_upgraded") local wep = weapons.Get(class) if wep and wep.PrintName and #wep.PrintName > 0 then if killicon.Get(class) == killicon.Get("default") then self:CenterNotify(COLOR_PURPLE, toptext..": ", color_white, wep.PrintName) else self:CenterNotify({killicon = class}, " ", COLOR_PURPLE, toptext..": ", color_white, wep.PrintName) end elseif amount then self:CenterNotify(COLOR_PURPLE, toptext..": ", color_white, amount.." "..class) else self:CenterNotify(COLOR_PURPLE, toptext) end end function PlayMenuOpenSound() MySelf:EmitSound("buttons/lightswitch2.wav", 100, 30) end function PlayMenuCloseSound() MySelf:EmitSound("buttons/lightswitch2.wav", 100, 20) end