INC_SERVER() SWEP.NextMessage = 0 function SWEP:SendMessage(msg, friendly) if CurTime() >= self.NextMessage then self.NextMessage = CurTime() + 2 self:GetOwner():CenterNotify(friendly and COLOR_GREEN or COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(self:GetOwner(), msg)) end end function SWEP:BuildingThink() local owner = self:GetOwner() local allzombies = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD) local pos = owner:WorldSpaceCenter() local ang = owner:EyeAngles() ang.pitch = 0 ang.roll = 0 local forward = ang:Forward() local right = ang:Right() local endpos = pos + forward * 32 local tr = util.TraceLine({start = pos, endpos = endpos, filter = allzombies, mask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID}) local trent = tr.Entity if trent and trent:IsValid() and trent.ZombieConstruction then self:BuildNest(trent) return end if owner.NextNestSpawn and CurTime() < owner.NextNestSpawn then if CurTime() >= self.NextMessage then self.NextMessage = CurTime() + 2 owner:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientFormat(owner, "wait_x_seconds_before_making_a_new_nest", math.ceil(owner.NextNestSpawn - CurTime()))) end return end local uid = owner:UniqueID() local count = 0 local personal_count = 0 for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_creepernest")) do if ent.OwnerUID == uid then personal_count = personal_count + 1 end count = count + 1 end if count >= 12 then if CurTime() >= self.NextMessage then self.NextMessage = CurTime() + 2 owner:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(owner, "there_are_too_many_nests")) end return end if personal_count >= 3 then if CurTime() >= self.NextMessage then self.NextMessage = CurTime() + 2 owner:CenterNotify(COLOR_RED, translate.ClientGet(owner, "you_have_made_too_many_nests")) end return end tr = util.TraceLine({start = endpos, endpos = endpos + Vector(0, 0, -48), filter = allzombies, mask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID}) local hitnormal = tr.HitNormal local z = hitnormal.z if not tr.HitWorld or tr.HitSky or z < 0.75 then self:SendMessage("not_enough_room_for_a_nest") return end local hitpos = tr.HitPos for x = -20, 20, 20 do for y = -20, 20, 20 do local start = endpos + x * right + y * forward tr = util.TraceLine({start = start, endpos = start + Vector(0, 0, -48), filter = allzombies, mask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID}) if not tr.HitWorld or tr.HitSky or math.abs(tr.HitNormal.z - z) >= 0.2 then self:SendMessage("not_enough_room_for_a_nest") return end end end local spawnpositions = { Vector(17, 17, 0), Vector(-17, -17, 0), Vector(17, 17, 64), Vector(-17, -17, 64) } for _, spos in pairs(spawnpositions) do if + spos), CONTENTS_SOLID) == CONTENTS_SOLID then self:SendMessage("not_enough_room_for_a_nest") return end end for _, ent in pairs(team.GetValidSpawnPoint(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do if ent.Disabled then continue end if util.SkewedDistance(ent:GetPos(), hitpos, 1.5) < GAMEMODE.CreeperNestDistBuildZSpawn then self:SendMessage("too_close_to_a_spawn") return end end -- See if there's a nest nearby. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_creepernest")) do if util.SkewedDistance(ent:GetPos(), hitpos, 1.5) <= GAMEMODE.CreeperNestDistBuildNest then self:SendMessage("too_close_to_another_nest") return end end for _, sigil in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_obj_sigil")) do if sigil:GetSigilCorrupted() then continue end if util.SkewedDistance(sigil:GetPos(), hitpos, 1.5) <= GAMEMODE.CreeperNestDistBuildNest then self:SendMessage("too_close_to_uncorrupt") return end end for _, human in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN)) do if util.SkewedDistance(human:GetPos(), hitpos, 1.5) <= GAMEMODE.CreeperNestDistBuild then self:SendMessage("too_close_to_a_human") return end end -- I didn't make this check where trigger_hurt entities are. Rather I made it check the time since the last time you were hit with a trigger_hurt. -- I'm not sure if it's possible to check if a trigger_hurt is enabled or disabled through the Lua bindings. if owner.LastHitWithTriggerHurt and CurTime() < owner.LastHitWithTriggerHurt + 2 then return end local ent = ents.Create("prop_creepernest") if ent:IsValid() then nestang = hitnormal:Angle() nestang:RotateAroundAxis(nestang:Right(), 270) ent:SetPos(hitpos) ent:SetAngles(nestang) ent:Spawn() ent.OwnerUID = uid ent:SetNestHealth(1) ent:SetNestBuilt(false) self:SendMessage("nest_created") ent:SetNestOwner(owner) owner.NextNestSpawn = CurTime() + 10 end end function SWEP:BuildNest(ent) ent:BuildUp() ent.LastBuild = CurTime() ent.LastBuilder = self:GetOwner() if not ent:GetNestBuilt() and ent:GetNestHealth() == ent:GetNestMaxHealth() then ent:SetNestBuilt(true) ent:EmitSound("physics/flesh/flesh_bloody_break.wav") local name = self:GetOwner():Name() for _, pl in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do pl:CenterNotify(COLOR_GREEN, translate.ClientFormat(pl, "nest_built_by_x", name)) end net.Start("zs_nestbuilt") net.Broadcast() end end