CLASS.Name = "Eradicator" CLASS.TranslationName = "class_eradicator" CLASS.Description = "description_eradicator" CLASS.Help = "controls_eradicator" CLASS.Wave = 6 / 6 CLASS.Health = 410 CLASS.Speed = 150 CLASS.CanTaunt = true CLASS.Points = CLASS.Health/GM.HumanoidZombiePointRatio CLASS.SWEP = "weapon_zs_eradicator" CLASS.Model = Model("models/player/zombie_classic_hbfix.mdl") CLASS.OverrideModel = Model("models/Zombie/Poison.mdl") CLASS.VoicePitch = 0.6 local CurTime = CurTime local math_random = math.random local math_ceil = math.ceil local math_Clamp = math.Clamp local math_min = math.min local math_max = math.max local ACT_HL2MP_ZOMBIE_SLUMP_RISE = ACT_HL2MP_ZOMBIE_SLUMP_RISE local ACT_HL2MP_SWIM_PISTOL = ACT_HL2MP_SWIM_PISTOL local ACT_HL2MP_RUN_ZOMBIE = ACT_HL2MP_RUN_ZOMBIE local ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_CROUCH_ZOMBIE = ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_CROUCH_ZOMBIE local ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_ZOMBIE = ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_ZOMBIE local ACT_HL2MP_WALK_CROUCH_ZOMBIE_01 = ACT_HL2MP_WALK_CROUCH_ZOMBIE_01 local ACT_HL2MP_WALK_ZOMBIE_01 = ACT_HL2MP_WALK_ZOMBIE_01 local GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD = GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD local PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY = PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY local ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_RANGE_ZOMBIE = ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_RANGE_ZOMBIE local ACT_INVALID = ACT_INVALID local PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD = PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD local ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_TAUNT_ZOMBIE = ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_TAUNT_ZOMBIE local STEPSOUNDTIME_NORMAL = STEPSOUNDTIME_NORMAL local STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT = STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT local STEPSOUNDTIME_ON_LADDER = STEPSOUNDTIME_ON_LADDER local STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_KNEE = STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT local HITGROUP_HEAD = HITGROUP_HEAD local HITGROUP_LEFTLEG = HITGROUP_LEFTLEG local HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG = HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG local DMG_ALWAYSGIB = DMG_ALWAYSGIB local DMG_BURN = DMG_BURN local DMG_CRUSH = DMG_CRUSH local bit_band = function CLASS:KnockedDown(pl, status, exists) pl:AnimResetGestureSlot(GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD) end local StepLeftSounds = { "npc/zombie/foot1.wav", "npc/zombie/foot2.wav" } local StepRightSounds = { "npc/zombie/foot2.wav", "npc/zombie/foot3.wav" } function CLASS:PlayerFootstep(pl, vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter) if iFoot == 0 then pl:EmitSound(StepLeftSounds[math_random(#StepLeftSounds)], 70) else pl:EmitSound(StepRightSounds[math_random(#StepRightSounds)], 70) end return true end function CLASS:PlayPainSound(pl) pl:EmitSound("npc/combine_soldier/pain"..math_random(3)..".wav", 75, math.Rand(60, 65)) pl.NextPainSound = CurTime() + 0.5 return true end function CLASS:PlayDeathSound(pl) pl:EmitSound("npc/combine_gunship/gunship_pain.wav", 75, math.Rand(70, 75)) return true end function CLASS:PlayerStepSoundTime(pl, iType, bWalking) if iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_NORMAL or iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_FOOT then return 625 - pl:GetVelocity():Length() elseif iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_ON_LADDER then return 600 elseif iType == STEPSOUNDTIME_WATER_KNEE then return 750 end return 450 end function CLASS:CalcMainActivity(pl, velocity) local revive = pl.Revive if revive and revive:IsValid() then return ACT_HL2MP_ZOMBIE_SLUMP_RISE, -1 end local feign = pl.FeignDeath if feign and feign:IsValid() then if feign:GetDirection() == DIR_BACK then return 1, pl:LookupSequence("zombie_slump_rise_02_fast") end return ACT_HL2MP_ZOMBIE_SLUMP_RISE, -1 end if pl:WaterLevel() >= 3 then return ACT_HL2MP_SWIM_PISTOL, -1 end local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.IsMoaning and wep:IsMoaning() then return ACT_HL2MP_RUN_ZOMBIE, -1 end if velocity:Length2DSqr() <= 1 then if pl:Crouching() and pl:OnGround() then return ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_CROUCH_ZOMBIE, -1 end return ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_ZOMBIE, -1 end if pl:Crouching() and pl:OnGround() then return ACT_HL2MP_WALK_CROUCH_ZOMBIE_01 - 1 + math_ceil((CurTime() / 4 + pl:EntIndex()) % 3), -1 end return ACT_HL2MP_WALK_ZOMBIE_01 - 1 + math_ceil((CurTime() / 3 + pl:EntIndex()) % 3), -1 end function CLASS:UpdateAnimation(pl, velocity, maxseqgroundspeed) local revive = pl.Revive if revive and revive:IsValid() then pl:SetCycle(0.4 + (1 - math_Clamp((revive:GetReviveTime() - CurTime()) / revive:GetReviveAnim(), 0, 1)) * 0.6) pl:SetPlaybackRate(0) return true end local feign = pl.FeignDeath if feign and feign:IsValid() then if feign:GetState() == 1 then pl:SetCycle(1 - math_max(feign:GetStateEndTime() - CurTime(), 0) * 0.666) else pl:SetCycle(math_max(feign:GetStateEndTime() - CurTime(), 0) * 0.666) end pl:SetPlaybackRate(0) return true end local len2d = velocity:Length() if len2d > 1 then local wep = pl:GetActiveWeapon() if wep:IsValid() and wep.IsMoaning and wep:IsMoaning() then pl:SetPlaybackRate(math_min(len2d / maxseqgroundspeed, 3)) else pl:SetPlaybackRate(math_min(len2d / maxseqgroundspeed * 0.5, 3)) end else pl:SetPlaybackRate(1) end return true end function CLASS:DoAnimationEvent(pl, event, data) if event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY then pl:DoZombieAttackAnim(data) return ACT_INVALID elseif event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD then pl:AnimRestartGesture(GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK_AND_RELOAD, ACT_GMOD_GESTURE_TAUNT_ZOMBIE, true) return ACT_INVALID end end if SERVER then function CLASS:ProcessDamage(pl, dmginfo) if pl.EradiVived then return end local damage = dmginfo:GetDamage() if damage >= 80 or damage < pl:Health() then return end local attacker, inflictor = dmginfo:GetAttacker(), dmginfo:GetInflictor() if attacker == pl or not attacker:IsPlayer() or inflictor.IsMelee or inflictor.NoReviveFromKills then return end if pl:WasHitInHead() or pl:GetStatus("shockdebuff") then return end local dmgtype = dmginfo:GetDamageType() if bit_band(dmgtype, DMG_ALWAYSGIB) ~= 0 or bit_band(dmgtype, DMG_BURN) ~= 0 or bit_band(dmgtype, DMG_CRUSH) ~= 0 then return end if CurTime() < (pl.NextZombieRevive or 0) then return end pl.NextZombieRevive = CurTime() + 4.25 dmginfo:SetDamage(0) pl:SetHealth(10) local status = pl:GiveStatus("revive_slump") if status then status:SetReviveTime(CurTime() + 3) status:SetReviveAnim(3.15) status:SetReviveHeal(130) pl.EradiVived = true end return true end function CLASS:OnSpawned(pl) pl:CreateAmbience("eradicatorambience") pl.EradiVived = false end end if not CLIENT then return end CLASS.Icon = "zombiesurvival/killicons/poisonzombie" CLASS.IconColor = Color(66, 0, 0) local matSkin = Material("Models/charple/charple4_sheet.vtf") function CLASS:PrePlayerDrawOverrideModel(pl) render.ModelMaterialOverride(matSkin) end function CLASS:PostPlayerDrawOverrideModel(pl) render.ModelMaterialOverride(nil) end