AddCSLuaFile() SWEP.Base = "weapon_zs_zombie" SWEP.MeleeDamage = 25 function SWEP:Reload() self.BaseClass.SecondaryAttack(self) end function SWEP:StartMoaning() end function SWEP:StopMoaning() end function SWEP:IsMoaning() return false end SWEP.NextClimbSound = 0 function SWEP:Think() local owner = self:GetOwner() if self:GetClimbing() then if self:GetClimbSurface() and owner:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) then if SERVER and CurTime() >= self.NextClimbSound then local speed = owner:GetVelocity():LengthSqr() if speed >= 256 then if speed >= 2500 then self.NextClimbSound = CurTime() + 0.75 else self.NextClimbSound = CurTime() + 1 end owner:EmitSound("player/footsteps/metalgrate"..math.random(4)..".wav") end end else self:StopClimbing() end end return self.BaseClass.Think(self) end local climblerp = 0 function SWEP:GetViewModelPosition(pos, ang) climblerp = math.Approach(climblerp, self:IsClimbing() and 1 or 0, FrameTime() * ((climblerp + 1) ^ 3)) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), 64 * climblerp) if climblerp > 0 then pos = pos + -8 * climblerp * ang:Up() + -12 * climblerp * ang:Forward() end return self.BaseClass.GetViewModelPosition(self, pos, ang) end function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() if self:IsClimbing() then return end self.BaseClass.PrimaryAttack(self) end local climbtrace = {mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, mins = Vector(-5, -5, -5), maxs = Vector(5, 5, 5)} function SWEP:GetClimbSurface() local owner = self:GetOwner() local fwd = owner:SyncAngles():Forward() local up = owner:GetUp() local pos = owner:GetPos() local height = owner:OBBMaxs().z local tr local ha for i=5, height, 5 do if not tr or not tr.Hit then climbtrace.start = pos + up * i climbtrace.endpos = climbtrace.start + fwd * 36 tr = util.TraceHull(climbtrace) ha = i if tr.Hit and not tr.HitSky then break end end end if tr.Hit and not tr.HitSky then climbtrace.start = pos + up * ha --tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal climbtrace.endpos = climbtrace.start + owner:SyncAngles():Up() * (height - ha) local tr2 = util.TraceHull(climbtrace) if tr2.Hit and not tr2.HitSky then return tr2 end return tr end end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() if self:IsClimbing() then return end if not self:GetOwner():IsOnGround() and self:GetOwner():GetVelocity():LengthSqr() < 40000 and self:GetClimbSurface() then self:StartClimbing() else self.BaseClass.SecondaryAttack(self) end end function SWEP:StartClimbing() if self:GetClimbing() then return end self:SetClimbing(true) self:SetNextPrimaryFire(math.huge) end function SWEP:StopClimbing() if not self:GetClimbing() then return end self:SetClimbing(false) self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + 0.5) end function SWEP:Move(mv) if self:GetClimbing() then mv:SetMaxSpeed(0) mv:SetMaxClientSpeed(0) local owner = self:GetOwner() local tr = self:GetClimbSurface() local angs = self:GetOwner():SyncAngles() local dir = tr and tr.Hit and (tr.HitNormal.z <= -0.5 and (angs:Forward() * -1) or math.abs(tr.HitNormal.z) < 0.75 and tr.HitNormal:Angle():Up()) or Vector(0, 0, 1) local vel = Vector(0, 0, 4) if owner:KeyDown(IN_FORWARD) then owner:SetGroundEntity(nil) vel = vel + dir * 60 end if owner:KeyDown(IN_BACK) then vel = vel + dir * -60 end if vel.z == 4 then if owner:KeyDown(IN_MOVERIGHT) then vel = vel + angs:Right() * 35 end if owner:KeyDown(IN_MOVELEFT) then vel = vel + angs:Right() * -35 end end mv:SetVelocity(vel) return true end end function SWEP:SetClimbing(climbing) self:SetDTBool(1, climbing) end function SWEP:GetClimbing() return self:GetDTBool(1) end SWEP.IsClimbing = SWEP.GetClimbing