function GM:ReceivedCommission(crate, buyer, points) gamemode.Call("FloatingScore", crate, "floatingscore_com", points) end function GM:HealedOtherPlayer(other, health) gamemode.Call("FloatingScore", other, "floatingscore_heal", health, nil, true) end function GM:RepairedObject(other, health) gamemode.Call("FloatingScore", other, "floatingscore_rep", health, nil, true) end local cvarNoFloatingScore = CreateClientConVar("zs_nofloatingscore", 0, true, false) function GM:FloatingScore(victim, effectname, frags, flags, override_allow) if cvarNoFloatingScore:GetBool() then return end local isvec = type(victim) == "Vector" if not isvec and (not victim:IsValid() or victim:IsPlayer() and victim:Team() == MySelf:Team() and not override_allow) then return end effectname = effectname or "floatingscore" local pos = isvec and victim or victim:NearestPoint(EyePos()) local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin(pos) effectdata:SetScale(flags or 0) if effectname == "floatingscore_und" then effectdata:SetMagnitude(math.Round(frags or GAMEMODE.ZombieClasses[victim:GetZombieClass()].Points or 1, 2)) else effectdata:SetMagnitude(math.Round(frags or 1, 2)) end util.Effect(effectname, effectdata, true, true) end