GM.Name = "Zombie Survival" GM.Author = "William \"JetBoom\" Moodhe" GM.Email = "" GM.Website = "" -- No, adding a gun doesn't make your name worth being here. GM.Credits = { {"William \"JetBoom\" Moodhe", " (", "Creator / Programmer"}, {"11k", "", "Zombie view models"}, {"Eisiger", "", "Zombie kill icons"}, {"Austin \"Little Nemo\" Killey", "", "Ambient music"}, {"Zombie Panic: Source", "", "Melee weapon sounds"}, {"Samuel", "", "Board Kit models"}, {"Typhon", "", "Fear-o-meter textures"}, {"Benjy, The Darker One, Raox, Scott", "", "Code contributions"}, {"Mr. Darkness", "", "Russian translation"}, {"honsal", "", "Korean translation"}, {"rui_troia", "", "Portuguese translation"}, {"Shinyshark", "", "Dutch translation"}, {"Kradar", "", "Italian translation"}, {"Raptor", "", "German translation"}, {"The Special Duckling", "", "Danish translation"}, {"ptown, Dr. Broly", "", "Spanish translation"}, {"Anyone else on GitHub or who I've forgotten", "", "Various contributions"}, } if file.Exists(GM.FolderName.."/gamemode/maps/"".lua", "LUA") then include("maps/"".lua") end function GM:GetNumberOfWaves() local default = GetGlobalBool("classicmode") and 10 or self.NumberOfWaves local num = GetGlobalInt("numwaves", default) -- This is controlled by logic_waves. return num == -2 and default or num end function GM:GetWaveOneLength() return GetGlobalBool("classicmode") and self.WaveOneLengthClassic or self.WaveOneLength end include("obj_vector_extend.lua") include("obj_entity_extend.lua") include("obj_player_extend.lua") include("obj_weapon_extend.lua") include("sh_translate.lua") include("sh_colors.lua") include("sh_serialization.lua") include("sh_util.lua") include("skillweb/sh_skillweb.lua") include("sh_options.lua") include("sh_zombieclasses.lua") include("sh_animations.lua") include("sh_sigils.lua") include("sh_channel.lua") include("sh_weaponquality.lua") include("noxapi/noxapi.lua") include("vault/shared.lua") include("workshopfix.lua") include_library("perf") include_library("player_movement") include_library("inventory") include_library("ammoexpand") ---------------------- GM.EndRound = false GM.StartingWorth = 100 GM.ZombieVolunteers = {} team.SetUp(TEAM_ZOMBIE, "The Undead", Color(0, 255, 0, 255)) team.SetUp(TEAM_SURVIVORS, "Survivors", Color(0, 160, 255, 255)) local validmodels = player_manager.AllValidModels() validmodels["tf01"] = nil validmodels["tf02"] = nil vector_tiny = Vector(0.001, 0.001, 0.001) -- ogg/mp3 still doesn't work with SoundDuration() function GM.SoundDuration = { ["zombiesurvival/music_win.ogg"] = 33.149, ["zombiesurvival/music_lose.ogg"] = 45.714, ["zombiesurvival/lasthuman.ogg"] = 120.503, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/1.ogg"] = 7.111, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/2.ogg"] = 7.111, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/3.ogg"] = 7.111, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/4.ogg"] = 7.111, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/5.ogg"] = 7.111, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/6.ogg"] = 14.222, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/7.ogg"] = 14.222, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/8.ogg"] = 7.111, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaulthuman/9.ogg"] = 14.222, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/1.ogg"] = 8, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/2.ogg"] = 8, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/3.ogg"] = 8, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/4.ogg"] = 8, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/5.ogg"] = 8, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/6.ogg"] = 6.038, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/7.ogg"] = 6.038, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/8.ogg"] = 6.038, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/9.ogg"] = 6.038, ["zombiesurvival/beats/defaultzombiev2/10.ogg"] = 6.038 } local SERVER = SERVER local CLIENT = CLIENT local HITGROUP_HEAD = HITGROUP_HEAD local HITGROUP_LEFTARM = HITGROUP_LEFTARM local HITGROUP_RIGHTARM = HITGROUP_RIGHTARM local HITGROUP_GEAR = HITGROUP_GEAR local HITGROUP_STOMACH = HITGROUP_STOMACH local HITGROUP_LEFTLEG = HITGROUP_LEFTLEG local HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG = HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG local PTeam = FindMetaTable("Player").Team function GM:AddCustomAmmo() game.AddAmmoType({name = "dummy"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "pulse"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "impactmine"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "chemical"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "scrap"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "stone"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "flashbomb"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "betty"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "molotov"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "corgasgrenade"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "crygasgrenade"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "bloodshot"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "spotlamp"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "manhack"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "manhack_saw"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "drone"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "pulse_cutter"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "drone_hauler"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "rollermine"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "sigilfragment"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "corruptedfragment"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "mediccloudbomb"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "nanitecloudbomb"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "repairfield"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "zapper"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "zapper_arc"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "remantler"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "turret_buckshot"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "turret_assault"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "turret_rocket"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "camera"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "tv"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "foodwatermelon"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "foodorange"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "foodbanana"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "foodsoda"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "foodmilk"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "foodtakeout"}) game.AddAmmoType({name = "foodwater"}) end GM.Food = {} function GM:RegisterFood() self.Food = {} for k, v in pairs(weapons.GetList()) do if v.Base == "weapon_zs_basefood" then table.insert(self.Food, v.ClassName) end end end function GM:RefreshMapIsObjective() local mapname = string.lower(game.GetMap()) if string.find(mapname, "_obj_", 1, true) or string.find(mapname, "objective", 1, true) then self.ObjectiveMap = true else self.ObjectiveMap = false end end function GM:AssignItemProperties() for _, tab in ipairs(self.Items) do if tab.SWEP then local sweptab = self.ZSInventoryItemData[tab.SWEP] or weapons.Get(tab.SWEP) if sweptab then if not tab.Description then tab.Description = sweptab.Description end if not tab.Tier then tab.Tier = sweptab.Tier end if not tab.MaxStock then tab.MaxStock = sweptab.MaxStock end if tab.Name == "?" then tab.Name = sweptab.PrintName or tab.Name end end end end end -- Utility function to setup a weapon's DefaultClip. function GM:SetupDefaultClip(tab) tab.DefaultClip = math.ceil(tab.ClipSize * self.SurvivalClips * (tab.ClipMultiplier or 1)) end -- Some weapons are derived from weapon_base and try to make use of .Owner function GM:FixWeaponBase() local base = weapons.GetStored("weapon_base") base.TranslateActivity = function(me) if me.ActivityTranslate[act] ~= nil then return me.ActivityTranslate[act] end return -1 end base.TakePrimaryAmmo = function(me, num) if me.Weapon:Clip1() <= 0 then if me:Ammo1() <= 0 then return end me:GetOwner():RemoveAmmo(num, me.Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType()) return end me.Weapon:SetClip1(me.Weapon:Clip1() - num) end base.Ammo1 = function(me) return me:GetOwner():GetAmmoCount(me.Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType()) end end function GM:GetRedeemBrains() return GetGlobalInt("redeembrains", self.DefaultRedeem) end function GM:PlayerIsAdmin(pl) return pl:IsAdmin() end function GM:GetFallDamage(pl, fallspeed) return 0 -- Handled in OnPlayerHitGround end function GM:ValidMenuLockOnTarget(pl, ent) if ent and ent:IsValidLivingHuman() then local startpos = pl:EyePos() local endpos = ent:NearestPoint(startpos) if startpos:DistToSqr(endpos) <= 2304 and TrueVisible(startpos, endpos) then -- 48^2 return true end end return false end function GM:GetHandsModel(pl) return player_manager.TranslatePlayerHands(player_manager.TranslateToPlayerModelName(pl:GetModel())) end function GM:GetBestAvailableZombieClass(baseclass_id) if self:ShouldUseBetterVersionSystem() then local baseclass while true do baseclass = self.ZombieClasses[baseclass_id] if baseclass and baseclass.BetterVersion and self:IsClassUnlocked(baseclass.BetterVersion) then baseclass_id = baseclass.BetterVersion else break end end end return self.ZombieClasses[baseclass_id].Index end function GM:ShouldUseBetterVersionSystem() return not self.ObjectiveMap end local playerheight = Vector(0, 0, 72) local playermins = Vector(-17, -17, 0) local playermaxs = Vector(17, 17, 4) local SkewedDistance = util.SkewedDistance GM.DynamicSpawnDistVisOld = 2048 GM.DynamicSpawnDistOld = 640 function GM:DynamicSpawnIsValidOld(zombie, humans, allplayers) -- I didn't make this check where trigger_hurt entities are. Rather I made it check the time since the last time you were hit with a trigger_hurt. -- I'm not sure if it's possible to check if a trigger_hurt is enabled or disabled through the Lua bindings. if SERVER and zombie.LastHitWithTriggerHurt and CurTime() < zombie.LastHitWithTriggerHurt + 2 then return false end local hpos, nearest, dist -- Optional caching for these. if not humans then humans = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) end if not allplayers then allplayers = player.GetAll() end local pos = zombie:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 1) if zombie:Alive() and zombie:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_WALK and zombie:OnGround() and not util.TraceHull({start = pos, endpos = pos + playerheight, mins = playermins, maxs = playermaxs, mask = MASK_SOLID, filter = allplayers}).Hit then local vtr = util.TraceHull({start = pos, endpos = pos - playerheight, mins = playermins, maxs = playermaxs, mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY}) if not vtr.HitSky and not vtr.HitNoDraw then local valid = true for _, human in pairs(humans) do hpos = human:GetPos() nearest = zombie:NearestPoint(hpos) dist = SkewedDistance(hpos, nearest, 2.75) -- We make it so that the Z distance between a human and a zombie is skewed if the zombie is below the human. if dist <= self.DynamicSpawnDistOld or dist <= self.DynamicSpawnDistVisOld and WorldVisible(hpos, nearest) then -- Zombies can't be in radius of any humans. Zombies can't be clearly visible by any humans. valid = false break end end return valid end end return false end function GM:GetBestDynamicSpawnOld(pl, pos) local spawns = self:GetDynamicSpawnsOld(pl) if #spawns == 0 then return end return self:GetClosestSpawnPoint(spawns, pos or self:GetTeamEpicentre(TEAM_HUMAN)) or table.Random(spawns) end function GM:GetDynamicSpawnsOld(pl) local tab = {} local allplayers = player.GetAll() local humans = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) for _, zombie in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do if zombie ~= pl and self:DynamicSpawnIsValidOld(zombie, humans, allplayers) then table.insert(tab, zombie) end end return tab end GM.DynamicSpawnDist = 512 GM.DynamicSpawnDistVis = 2048 GM.CreeperNestDist = 150 GM.CreeperNestDistBuild = 420 GM.CreeperNestDistBuildNest = 192 GM.CreeperNestDistBuildZSpawn = 256 local trace_dynspawn = {mins = playermins, maxs = playermaxs, mask = MASK_SOLID} local trace_dynspawn_skybox = {mins = playermins, maxs = playermaxs, mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY} function GM:DynamicSpawnIsValid(ent, humans, allplayers) if self:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() then return self:DynamicSpawnIsValidOld(ent, humans, allplayers) end -- Optional caching for these. if not humans then humans = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) end if not allplayers then allplayers = player.GetAll() end local pos = ent:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 1) local is_nest = ent:GetClass() == "prop_creepernest" local required_distance = is_nest and self.CreeperNestDist or self.DynamicSpawnDist -- Nests have a shorter distance and no visibility requirement. --if ent.GetNestBuilt and ent:GetNestBuilt() and not util.TraceHull({start = pos, endpos = pos + playerheight, mins = playermins, maxs = playermaxs, mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY}).Hit then if is_nest and not ent:GetNestBuilt() then return false end -- Check if not enough room. trace_dynspawn.start = pos trace_dynspawn.endpos = pos + playerheight trace_dynspawn.filter = allplayers table.insert(trace_dynspawn.filter, ent) local tr = util.TraceHull(trace_dynspawn) if tr.Hit then return false end -- No need to check this. You shouldn't be able to build a nest on top of nodraw/skybox -- -- Check if on top of a nodraw / skybox. -- trace_dynspawn_skybox.start = pos -- trace_dynspawn_skybox.endpos = pos - playerheight -- local vtr = util.TraceHull(trace_dynspawn_skybox) -- if vtr.HitSky or vtr.HitNoDraw then -- return false -- end -- vtr = util.TraceLine(trace_dynspawn_skybox) -- if vtr.HitSky or vtr.HitNoDraw then -- return false -- end -- Check if too close to a human. local nearest, dist for _, human in pairs(humans) do nearest = human:NearestPoint(pos) dist = SkewedDistance(nearest, pos, 2.75) if dist <= required_distance then -- We make it so that the Z distance between a human and an ent is skewed if the ent is below the human. return false end -- Check if visible by any human. if not is_nest and dist <= self.DynamicSpawnDistVis and WorldVisible(nearest, pos) then return false end end return true end function GM:GetBestDynamicSpawn(pl, pos) if self:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() then return self:GetBestDynamicSpawnOld(pl, pos) end local spawns = self:GetDynamicSpawns(pl) if #spawns == 0 then return end return self:GetClosestSpawnPoint(spawns, pos or self:GetTeamEpicentre(TEAM_HUMAN)) or table.Random(spawns) end function GM:GetDynamicSpawns(pl) if self:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() then return self:GetDynamicSpawnsOld(pl) end local tab = {} local humans = team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN) for _, nest in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_creepernest")) do if self:DynamicSpawnIsValid(nest, humans) then table.insert(tab, nest) end end return tab end function GM:GetDesiredStartingZombies() local numplayers = #player.GetAllActive() return math.Clamp(math.ceil(numplayers * self.WaveOneZombies), 1, numplayers - 1) end function GM:GetEndRound() return self.RoundEnded end function GM:PrecacheResources() util.PrecacheSound("physics/body/body_medium_break2.wav") util.PrecacheSound("physics/body/body_medium_break3.wav") util.PrecacheSound("physics/body/body_medium_break4.wav") for name, mdl in pairs(player_manager.AllValidModels()) do util.PrecacheModel(mdl) end game.AddParticles("particles/vman_explosion.pcf") PrecacheParticleSystem("dusty_explosion_rockets") end function GM:ShouldCollide(enta, entb) local snca = enta.ShouldNotCollide if snca and snca(enta, entb) then return false end local sncb = entb.ShouldNotCollide if sncb and sncb(entb, enta) then return false end --[[if enta.ShouldNotCollide and enta:ShouldNotCollide(entb) or entb.ShouldNotCollide and entb:ShouldNotCollide(enta) then return false end]] return true end function GM:DoChangeDeploySpeed(wep) if wep:IsValid() and wep.SetDeploySpeed and not wep.NoDeploySpeedChange then local owner = wep:GetOwner() wep:SetDeploySpeed(self.BaseDeploySpeed * (owner:IsValid() and owner.DeploySpeedMultiplier or 1) * (owner:IsValid() and owner:GetStatus("frost") and 0.7 or 1)) end end function GM:OnPlayerHitGround(pl, inwater, hitfloater, speed) if inwater then return true end if speed > 64 then pl.LandSlow = true end local isundead = PTeam(pl) == TEAM_UNDEAD if isundead and pl:GetZombieClassTable().NoFallDamage then return true end local threshold_mul local slowdown_mul local recovery_mul local damage_mul if isundead then speed = math.max(0, speed - 200) threshold_mul = 1 slowdown_mul = 1 recovery_mul = 1 damage_mul = 1 else threshold_mul = pl.FallDamageThresholdMul or 1 slowdown_mul = pl.FallDamageSlowDownMul or 1 recovery_mul = pl.FallDamageRecoveryMul or 1 damage_mul = pl.FallDamageDamageMul or 1 end local damage = (0.1 * (speed - 525 * threshold_mul)) ^ 1.45 if hitfloater then damage = damage / 2 end if SERVER then local groundent = pl:GetGroundEntity() if groundent:IsValid() and groundent:IsPlayer() and PTeam(groundent) == TEAM_UNDEAD and pl:HasTrinket("curbstompers") then if groundent:IsHeadcrab() then groundent:TakeSpecialDamage(groundent:Health() + 70, DMG_DIRECT, pl, pl, pl:GetPos()) elseif groundent:IsTorso() then groundent:TakeSpecialDamage(50, DMG_CLUB, pl, pl, pl:GetPos()) end if math.floor(damage) > 0 then groundent:TakeSpecialDamage(damage * 5, DMG_CLUB, pl, pl, pl:GetPos()) return true end end end if math.floor(damage) > 0 then if SERVER then local h = pl:Health() pl:TakeSpecialDamage(damage * damage_mul, DMG_FALL, game.GetWorld(), game.GetWorld(), pl:GetPos()) damage = h - pl:Health() if not self.ZombieEscape and damage >= 5 and pl:Health() > 0 then if damage >= 30 then pl:KnockDown(damage * 0.05 * recovery_mul) end if not isundead or not pl:GetZombieClassTable().NoFallSlowdown then pl:RawCapLegDamage(CurTime() + math.min(2, damage * 0.038 * slowdown_mul)) end end pl:EmitSound("player/pl_fallpain"..(math.random(2) == 1 and 3 or 1)..".wav") elseif not self.ZombieEscape and damage >= 5 and (not isundead or not pl:GetZombieClassTable().NoFallSlowdown) then pl:RawCapLegDamage(CurTime() + math.min(2, damage * 0.038 * slowdown_mul)) end end return true end function GM:PlayerCanBeHealed(pl) local maxhp = pl:IsSkillActive(SKILL_D_FRAIL) and math.floor(pl:GetMaxHealth() * 0.25) or pl:GetMaxHealth() return pl:Health() < maxhp or pl:GetPoisonDamage() > 0 or pl:GetBleedDamage() > 0 end function GM:PlayerCanPurchase(pl) if CLIENT and self.CanPurchaseCacheTime and self.CanPurchaseCacheTime >= CurTime() then return self.CanPurchaseCache end local canpurchase = PTeam(pl) == TEAM_HUMAN and self:GetWave() > 0 and pl:Alive() and pl:NearArsenalCrate() if CLIENT then self.CanPurchaseCache = canpurchase self.CanPurchaseCacheTime = CurTime() + 0.5 end return canpurchase end -- This is actually only called by the engine on the server but it's here in case the client wants to know. local TEAM_SPECTATOR = TEAM_SPECTATOR function GM:PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice(listener, talker) return PTeam(listener) == PTeam(talker) or PTeam(listener) == TEAM_SPECTATOR, false end GM.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoiceDefault = GM.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice function GM:PlayerCanHearPlayersVoiceAllTalk(listener, talker) return true, false end cvars.AddChangeCallback("sv_alltalk", function(cvar, old, new) GAMEMODE.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice = new ~= "1" and GAMEMODE.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoiceDefault or GAMEMODE.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoiceAllTalk end) GM.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice = GetConVar("sv_alltalk"):GetBool() and GM.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoiceAllTalk or GM.PlayerCanHearPlayersVoiceDefault function GM:PlayerTraceAttack(pl, dmginfo, dir, trace) end function GM:GetDamageResistance(fearpower) if self.MaxSigils > 0 and self:GetUseSigils() then return fearpower * 0.1 + self:NumSigilsCorrupted() / self.MaxSigils * 0.2 end return fearpower * 0.15 end function GM:FindUseEntity(pl, ent) if not ent:IsValid() then local e = pl:TraceLine(90, MASK_SOLID, pl:GetDynamicTraceFilter()).Entity if e:IsValid() then return e end end return ent end function GM:ShouldUseAlternateDynamicSpawn() return self.ZombieEscape or self:IsClassicMode() or self.PantsMode or self:IsBabyMode() end function GM:GetZombieDamageScale(pos, ignore) if LASTHUMAN then return self.ZombieDamageMultiplier end return self.ZombieDamageMultiplier * (1 - self:GetDamageResistance(self:GetFearMeterPower(pos, TEAM_UNDEAD, ignore))) end local temppos local function SortByDistance(a, b) return a:GetPos():DistToSqr(temppos) < b:GetPos():DistToSqr(temppos) end local function GetSortedSpawnPoints(teamid, pos) temppos = pos local spawnpoints if type(teamid) == "table" then spawnpoints = teamid else spawnpoints = team.GetValidSpawnPoint(teamid) end table.sort(spawnpoints, SortByDistance) return spawnpoints end function GM:GetClosestSpawnPoint(teamid, pos) return GetSortedSpawnPoints(teamid, pos)[1] end function GM:GetFurthestSpawnPoint(teamid, pos) local spawnpoints = GetSortedSpawnPoints(teamid, pos) return spawnpoints[#spawnpoints] end local FEAR_RANGE = 768^2 local FEAR_PERINSTANCE = 0.075 local RALLYPOINT_THRESHOLD = 0.3 local function GetEpicenter(tab) local vec = Vector(0, 0, 0) if #tab == 0 then return vec end for k, v in pairs(tab) do vec = vec + v:GetPos() end return vec / #tab end function GM:GetTeamRallyGroups(teamid) local groups = {} local ingroup = {} local plys = team.GetPlayers(teamid) local plpos, group for _, pl in pairs(plys) do if not ingroup[pl] and pl:Alive() then plpos = pl:GetPos() group = {pl} for __, otherpl in pairs(plys) do if otherpl ~= pl and not ingroup[otherpl] and otherpl:Alive() and otherpl:GetPos():DistToSqr(plpos) <= FEAR_RANGE then group[#group + 1] = otherpl end end if #group * FEAR_PERINSTANCE >= RALLYPOINT_THRESHOLD then for k, v in pairs(group) do ingroup[v] = true end groups[#groups + 1] = group end end end return groups end function GM:GetTeamRallyPoints(teamid) local points = {} for _, group in pairs(self:GetTeamRallyGroups(teamid)) do points[#points + 1] = {GetEpicenter(group), math.min(1, (#group * FEAR_PERINSTANCE - RALLYPOINT_THRESHOLD) / (1 - RALLYPOINT_THRESHOLD))} end return points end local CachedEpicentreTimes = {} local CachedEpicentres = {} function GM:GetTeamEpicentre(teamid, nocache) if not nocache and CachedEpicentres[teamid] and CurTime() < CachedEpicentreTimes[teamid] then return CachedEpicentres[teamid] end local plys = team.GetPlayers(teamid) local vVec = Vector(0, 0, 0) local considered = 0 for _, pl in pairs(plys) do if pl:Alive() and pl:GetAuraRange() == 2048 then vVec = vVec + pl:GetPos() considered = considered + 1 end end local epicentre = vVec / considered if not nocache then CachedEpicentreTimes[teamid] = CurTime() + 0.5 CachedEpicentres[teamid] = epicentre end return epicentre end GM.GetTeamEpicenter = GM.GetTeamEpicentre function GM:GetCurrentEquipmentCount(id) local count = 0 local item = self.Items[id] if item then if item.Countables then if type(item.Countables) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(item.Countables) do count = count + #ents.FindByClass(v) end else count = count + #ents.FindByClass(item.Countables) end end if item.SWEP then count = count + #ents.FindByClass(item.SWEP) end end return count end function GM:GetFearMeterPower(pos, teamid, ignore) if LASTHUMAN then return 1 end local dist local power = 0 for _, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if pl ~= ignore and PTeam(pl) == teamid and not pl:CallZombieFunction0("DoesntGiveFear") and pl:Alive() then dist = pl:GetPos():DistToSqr(pos) if dist <= FEAR_RANGE then power = power + (1 - dist / FEAR_RANGE) * (pl:GetZombieClassTable().FearPerInstance or FEAR_PERINSTANCE) end end end return math.min(1, power) end function GM:GetRagdollEyes(pl) local Ragdoll = pl:GetRagdollEntity() if not Ragdoll then return end local att = Ragdoll:GetAttachment(Ragdoll:LookupAttachment("eyes")) if att then att.Pos = att.Pos + att.Ang:Forward() * -2 att.Ang = att.Ang return att.Pos, att.Ang end end function GM:PlayerNoClip(pl, on) if pl:IsAdmin() then if SERVER then PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, translate.Format(on and "x_turned_on_noclip" or "x_turned_off_noclip", pl:Name())) end if SERVER then pl:MarkAsBadProfile() end return true end return false end function GM:IsSpecialPerson(pl, image) local img, tooltip if pl:SteamID() == "STEAM_0:1:3307510" then img = "VGUI/steam/games/icon_sourcesdk" tooltip = "JetBoom\nCreator of Zombie Survival!" elseif pl:IsAdmin() then img = "VGUI/servers/icon_robotron" tooltip = "Admin" elseif pl:IsNoxSupporter() then img = "noxiousnet/noxicon.png" tooltip = "Nox Supporter" end if img then if CLIENT then image:SetImage(img) image:SetTooltip(tooltip) end return true end return false end function GM:GetWaveEnd() return GetGlobalFloat("waveend", 0) end function GM:SetWaveEnd(time) SetGlobalFloat("waveend", time) end function GM:GetWaveStart() return GetGlobalFloat("wavestart", self.WaveZeroLength) end function GM:SetWaveStart(time) SetGlobalFloat("wavestart", time) end function GM:GetWave() return GetGlobalInt("wave", 0) end if GM:GetWave() == 0 then GM:SetWaveStart(GM.WaveZeroLength) GM:SetWaveEnd(GM.WaveZeroLength + GM:GetWaveOneLength()) end function GM:GetWaveActive() return GetGlobalBool("waveactive", false) end function GM:SetWaveActive(active) if self.RoundEnded then return end if self:GetWaveActive() ~= active then SetGlobalBool("waveactive", active) if SERVER then gamemode.Call("WaveStateChanged", active) end end end if not FixedSoundDuration then FixedSoundDuration = true local OldSoundDuration = SoundDuration function SoundDuration(snd) if snd then local ft = string.sub(snd, -4) if ft == ".mp3" then return OldSoundDuration(snd) * 2.25 end if ft == ".ogg" then return OldSoundDuration(snd) * 3 end end return OldSoundDuration(snd) end end function GM:VehicleMove() end