CLASS.Base = "zombie_torso" CLASS.Name = "Skeletal Crawler" CLASS.TranslationName = "class_skeletal_lurker" CLASS.Description = "description_skeletal_lurker" CLASS.Help = "controls_skeletal_lurker" CLASS.Model = Model("models/zombie/classic_torso.mdl") CLASS.OverrideModel = Model("models/player/skeleton.mdl") CLASS.Hull = {Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 22)} CLASS.HullDuck = {Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 22)} CLASS.SWEP = "weapon_zs_skeletallurker" CLASS.Wave = 2 / 6 CLASS.Unlocked = false CLASS.Hidden = false CLASS.Health = 75 CLASS.Speed = 155 CLASS.JumpPower = 160 CLASS.Points = CLASS.Health/GM.SkeletonPointRatio CLASS.VoicePitch = 0.8 CLASS.IsTorso = true CLASS.Skeletal = true CLASS.SkeletalRes = true local math_random = math.random local ACT_IDLE = ACT_IDLE local ACT_WALK = ACT_WALK local bit_band = local DMG_BULLET = DMG_BULLET local DMG_CLUB = DMG_CLUB local DMG_SLASH = DMG_SLASH local string_format = string.format function CLASS:CalcMainActivity(pl, velocity) if velocity:Length2DSqr() <= 1 then return ACT_IDLE, -1 end return ACT_WALK, -1 end function CLASS:PlayPainSound(pl) pl:EmitSound(string_format("npc/metropolice/pain%d.wav", math_random(4)), 65, math_random(80, 85)) return true end function CLASS:PlayDeathSound(pl) pl:EmitSound(string_format("npc/zombie/zombie_die%d.wav", math_random(3)), 75, math_random(132, 138)) return true end local StepSounds = { Sound("npc/barnacle/neck_snap1.wav"), Sound("npc/barnacle/neck_snap2.wav") } function CLASS:PlayerFootstep(pl, vFootPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter) pl:EmitSound(StepSounds[math_random(#StepSounds)], 50, math_random(210, 220), 0.5) return true end function CLASS:PlayerStepSoundTime(pl, iType, bWalking) return GAMEMODE.BaseClass.PlayerStepSoundTime(GAMEMODE, pl, iType, bWalking) --* 2 end function CLASS:UpdateAnimation(pl, velocity, maxseqgroundspeed) end function CLASS:ManipulateOverrideModel(pl, overridemodel) overridemodel:ManipulateBoneScale(0, vector_origin) overridemodel:ManipulateBoneScale(2, vector_origin) overridemodel:ManipulateBoneScale(4, vector_origin) for i=18, 25 do overridemodel:ManipulateBoneScale(i, vector_origin) end end if SERVER then function CLASS:ProcessDamage(pl, dmginfo) if bit_band(dmginfo:GetDamageType(), DMG_BULLET) ~= 0 then dmginfo:SetDamage(dmginfo:GetDamage() * 0.36) elseif bit_band(dmginfo:GetDamageType(), DMG_SLASH) == 0 and bit_band(dmginfo:GetDamageType(), DMG_CLUB) == 0 then dmginfo:SetDamage(dmginfo:GetDamage() * 0.45) end end function CLASS:OnKilled(pl, attacker, inflictor, suicide, headshot, dmginfo, assister) local fakedeath = pl:FakeDeath(462, 1, 1, 1) if fakedeath and fakedeath:IsValid() then fakedeath:SetModel(self.OverrideModel) fakedeath:SetPos(fakedeath:GetPos() - fakedeath:GetDeathAngles():Up() * 46) self:ManipulateOverrideModel(pl, fakedeath) end return true end end if not CLIENT then return end CLASS.Icon = "zombiesurvival/killicons/skeletal_lurker"