60 lines
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60 lines
2 KiB
function EFFECT:Init( data )
self.Position = data:GetStart()
self.WeaponEnt = data:GetEntity()
self.Attachment = data:GetAttachment()
self.StartPos = self:GetTracerShootPos( self.Position, self.WeaponEnt, self.Attachment )
self.EndPos = data:GetOrigin()
self.Life = 0
self:SetRenderBoundsWS( self.StartPos, self.EndPos )
function EFFECT:Think( )
self.Life = self.Life + FrameTime() * 6 -- Effect should dissipate before the next one.
self.StartPos = self:GetTracerShootPos( self.Position, self.WeaponEnt, self.Attachment )
return self.Life < 1
local beammat = Material("trails/physbeam")
local glowmat = Material("sprites/light_glow02_add")
function EFFECT:Render()
local texcoord = math.Rand( 0, 1 )
local norm = (self.StartPos - self.EndPos) * self.Life
local dir = (self.StartPos - self.EndPos):Angle()
local dfwd = dir:Forward()
local dup = dir:Up()
local drgt = dir:Right()
local nlen = norm:Length()
local prevspinpos = self.StartPos
local alpha = 1 - self.Life
for i = 0, nlen, 32 do
if i > 704 then break end -- Limit the range on the spin beam effect...otherwise might be expensive.
local set = i - CurTime() * 15
local basebeampos = self.StartPos - dfwd * i
local spinbeampos = basebeampos + dup * math.sin(set) * 6 + drgt * math.cos(set) * 6
if i == 704 then spinbeampos = basebeampos end -- Tie the spin back into the main beam at the end of the spin beams
render.DrawBeam(prevspinpos, spinbeampos, 10, texcoord + i, texcoord + nlen / 128 + i, Color(96, 150, 255, 255 * alpha))
prevspinpos = spinbeampos
for i = 0, 4 do
render.DrawBeam(self.StartPos, self.EndPos, 6, texcoord, texcoord + nlen / 128, Color(120, 120, 255, 255 * alpha))
render.DrawBeam(self.StartPos, self.EndPos, 18, texcoord, texcoord + nlen / 128, Color(150, 255, 255, 170 * alpha))
render.DrawSprite(self.StartPos, 50, 50, Color(90, 192, 255, 148 * alpha))
render.DrawSprite(self.EndPos, 50, 50, Color(90, 192, 255, 148 * alpha))